...life can be translucent


62.2.6 to 50 and 23.3 to 41 regarding music career


Feb 13, 2015
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Hello nice ichinglings,

I haven't found my true path yet. I've been job hopping for a few years and I tend to (luckily) be well liked and succeed at everything I do. I have a natural musical talent that I never worked hard to develop because from the beginning I never felt confident to pursue it.

I resisted it and never gave it much importance, although sometimes I daydreamed about becoming successful. Musicians and producers I worked with, as well as public, think I am great and ought to use this talent, but a while ago I left my band because I felt completely wrong. I had enormous inner conflict about being on stage and the relationship with my band. I even got sick and lost my voice (my instrument) for a while.

I just felt like I didn't fit in and I should be doing something else, like I wasn't good enough and never would be. At other times I felt completely blessed, able to forget about everything and everyone (especially in studio work). I am so afraid of sounding arrogant when I say this, but I know I have a gift. I am always urging others to use theirs, but something has been telling me I shouldn't use mine.

My astral chart shows a tendency to underachieve, and a karmic mission connected to helping others and being far from the spotlight. But part of me wants the spotlight... I am at a crossroads, having to chose a career path. I asked the Yi if I should pursue a music career, and the response seems quite inauspicious. I asked twice, in slightly different ways. Do you interpret these as to completely forget about it?

Should pursue a music career?

62.2.6 changing to 50


Perseverance furthers.
Small things may be done; great things should not be done.
The flying bird brings the message:
It is not well to strive upward,
It is well to remain below.

Great good fortune.


Thunder on the mountain:
Thus in his conduct the superior man gives preponderance to reverence.
In bereavement he gives preponderance to grief.
In his expenditures he gives preponderance to thrift.

Line 2 also seems to mean that this is just a flight of fancy.

She passes by her ancestor
And meets her ancestress.
He does not reach his prince
And meets the official.
No blame.

Line 6, as I see it, means to lower my expectation and warn me against pushing towards this kind of career, and perhaps warns me that I had my chance and let it go, or that I don't have what it takes to fulfill this idea...

He passes him by, not meeting him.
The flying bird leaves him.
This means bad luck and injury.

The resulting hexagram, 50, seems to be in tune with the idea that this is not my life's work and I should be focused on something else.

Should I pursue a music career in the future? (Meaning, not lose hope and maybe think about it later)

23.3 changing to 41

Judgement pretty much speaks for itself...

SPLITTING APART. IT does not further one
To go anywhere.

The Image I see as urging me to give up and not pursue this. Perhaps it tells me that I will find fulfillment in working in something related to helping others?

The mountain rests on the earth:
Thus those above can ensure their position
Only by giving generously to those below.

Line 3 is about splitting with whom or what? Part of the reason why I left my band was because there was drinking and partying every day, and I couldn't keep up and work like that. I soon realized that this happens a lot more in the industry than I cared to see, and it will be hard for me to ever fit in in such circumstances, because I like to live a healthy and tranquil lifestyle.

Six in the third place means:
He splits with them. No blame.

Hexagram 41 may be saying that I already tried this and in my heart it didn't feel right, so maybe I should continue leading a simple life... Any more ideas?

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
23.3 can be saying to split from the band, go solo.
and 62 advises to go small, so being a solo artist kinda fits the idea.

But 62.2 points to something unusual, it doesn't show a superstar level of achievement, maybe just voice-overs for animation films, radio, voice-coach (helping others), teacher at school (music club?).
Maybe pursue music more in a way of a hobby than career.

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