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1. The Creative
2. The Receptive
3. Difficulty at the Beginning
4. Youthful Folly
5. Waiting (Nourishment)
6. Conflict
7. The Army
8. Holding Together (Union)
9. The Taming Power of the Small
10. Treading (Conduct)
11. Peace
12. Standstill (Stagnation)
13. Fellowship with Men
14. Possession in Great Measure
15. Modesty
16. Enthusiasm
17. Following
18. Work on what has been spoiled (Decay)
19. Approach
20. Contemplation (View)
21. Biting Through
22. Grace
23. Splitting Apart
24. Return (The Turning Point)
25. Innocence (The Unexpected)
26. The Taming Power of the Great
27. Corners of the mouth (Providing Nourishment)
28. Preponderance of the Great
29. The Abysmal (Water)
30. The Clinging, Fire
31. Influence (Wooing)
32. Duration
33. Retreat
34. The Power of the Great
35. Progress
36. Darkening of the light
37. The Family (The Clan)
38. Opposition
39. Obstruction
40. Deliverance
41. Decrease
42. Increase
43. Break-through (Resoluteness)
44. Coming to Meet
45. Gathering Together (Massing)
46. Pushing Upward
47. Oppression (Exhaustion)
48. The Well
49. Revolution (Molting)
50. The Caldron
51. The Arousing (Shock, Thunder)
52. Keeping Still, Mountain
53. Development (Gradual Progress)
54. The Marrying Maiden
55. Abundance (Fullness)
56. The Wanderer
57. The Gentle (The Penetrating, Wind)
58. The Joyous, Lake
59. Dispersion (Dissolution)
60. Limitation
61. Inner Truth
62. Preponderance of the Small
63. After Completion
64. Before Completion