...life can be translucent

I Ching Landscape

I Ching Articles by Danny Van den Berghe. In the latest pdf file downloadable from here, I Ching Landscape, Danny not only describes the contours of the King Wen sequence in terms of the trigrams, but also maps this onto a Chinese landscape: specific rivers, lakes, and the Taishan mountain range. (Download its predecessor, too, on the King Wen sequence, to get a fuller understanding of Danny’s thinking.)

It’s wonderful stuff, especially if (like me) you’ve got as far as noticing patterns in the way trigrams are arranged in the Sequence, but never moved up to the bigger picture. Original, comprehensible views of the Sequence are few and far between. Just one question – why locate Mount Tai at hexagram 20, when hexagram 11 is actually called Tai?

6 responses to I Ching Landscape

  1. Is this where in Hexagram 18 Ku there is the circular diagram of King Wen and then on the next page is the Earlier Sequence, or Later Sequence? Amd in reference to most of the older texts where it says to ‘Find friends in the South and West, and to forego friends in the North and East’? etc. I know there is an encylopedia worth of study there to do, but I get swamped sometimes. Like TA KUO and in the end, I just have to cling to my faith and know the answers I receive are the correct ones and to how they got there in the way they are and the history etc, I will have to get back into studying as we go into Winter. For the time being, I am swamped with Music Desk top work, the very near arrival of Gurudev, Narayana Maharaja to Murwillumbah and all the preparation that will take, as well as getting ready to move. To where, I don’t know and when, but the letter arrived yesterday to say that yes, officially, I am on the Priority one list for a shift in a similar area. I will however save this most interesting document and get back to it at a later date. Its a bit like that book I’m only half way through, ‘THE COMPLETE IDIOTS I CHING’ with all the little bits and pieces it has here and there and its still sitting on the shelf only half read. I simply haven’t had the time to scratch myself and by the time I get down to emails, I just pop Syamarani Hotfiles into one GAUDIYA MATH folder, to be read and studied at a ‘later date’ and as for that I Ching Guru in OXFORD, I have to do the same sometimes. Just pop all the read outs and extensions and folders into a folder to be read and studied at a later date when hopefully things get a bit quieter. But for the moment, everyone seems to want a slice of my cake all at once. Oh, and I forgot the detective from the Neighbourhood Watch who has followed up two of my leads in this area and that has lead to major arrests all over the place to do with car thefts, drugs dealings, burglaries and some other quite serious things that most of the old people in the NHW wouldn’t have even noticed. Not so with me, I notice cars that sit there and am very good at jotting down regos, emailing them back to the police, without the occupants even knowing and then two days later, they have the full Dog Squad go through their property and a dozen others and BINGO!!! , they’ve cleaned up this area considerably. There are however some still on the loose and Jim and I are working together to help the cops nail them.

    While fishing around on the net some time back, I found this I Ching GURU in Oxford who has a very interesting site, who has the name of Clarity. A couple of other one’s there were also interesting. Then there is one from a guy called George Rabe who has a very melodramatic rendition of his own with an abreviated type of version of the Richard Wilhelm translation which I find great to look at if I am in a hurry. He has all kinds of ‘weirder than weird’ suggestions like, was the I Ching a blue print from UFOs, or a previous human civilization. I thought he may have been an old acid head, but he turned out to be an ex-narc from New York and had worked for the FBI. He is also into studying hypnotherapy, and mass hypnosis. He’s got some quite weird stuff on his web sites and some amazing graphics. One of the white house where you click the mouse above the building and the sky rockets fly up and explode where you clicked the mouse and as many times as you click it is as many fireworks get fired up. That is pretty far out to see late at night.

    Have to go, I’m dog tired. I only briefly glanced at this sequence and thought, oh, I need some sleep before I can even focus on the page. In between having to help comfort my friends’ family in Victoria where their father has just left this world.

    I promise to write more on this sequence when I get a chance to give it a more indepth study. But this is just to let you know I have perused it.

  2. Danny, Just for your info, I-Ching Hexagrams were developed 311,000 years
    ago. They have just found a grave of Fu Shi who developed the whole thing.
    The grave is located 120 km north of Golmud in Qinghai province where China
    is building a railroad to Tibet. The grave is 70m in diameter & 20m height.
    China had prehistoric civilization. This is the reason why I have been able to
    to develope: The Origin of Homo-sapeins. It took me 25 years to do it! How
    exciting! Andrew Jean (Hong Kong)
    100% Chinese

  3. Andrew, could you give us a link to any online reports about this dig? All I’ve found so far is this:

    “At the beginning of the year, when the civil engineers started work on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the archaeologists got on track too. Following the route of what will be world’s highest and longest railroad, they carried out a three month survey on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. They found microlithic artifacts between 10,000 and 30,000 years old and a group of 1,000 year old graves. The discoveries are expected to provide a significant missing link in the understanding of that ancient crescent of emerging cultural development that once ran all the way from Hailar in Inner Mongolia to Nyalam in Tibet.

    from http://www.china.org.cn/english/2003/Jul/68576.htm

    There’s a longer article about the tombs at Qinghai at

  4. Hilary, Fyi, I lost the original site also, but the news was published by
    Xinhua News Agency June 2002. But we also have historical record to match the grave’s date. One selffish scholar named Yang Tze said: It has been 300,000 years since the time of Fu Shi. Therefore China had prehistoric advanced civilization already then. A book written by Shao Yung
    (1011-1077) of Sung Dynasty mentioned on the first page of his book: 1/4 of
    all cells are reserved as Stem cell! This was written 1000 years ago and his
    book reads like a Biology book. Based on his book the exact molecular
    configurations can be worked out which I did but my work was rejected by
    Cell magazine in 1996 or 97. I went to Cambridge and no Prof. wants to see
    me. Well never mind very soon I will have it published, may be 400 pages.
    The total time I spent is about 25 years already and the old man is now 78.
    You can see the guy’s determination!!!!! Andrew Jean (Hong Kong)

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