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Knowing your hexagram as you cast

Does this happen to you? As it seems to happen to me more and more often. When I am reading for myself, asking a question from my core, then I will often know after the first few lines which hexagram I’ll receive. In mid-casting, the idea pops into my head that this will be such-and-such a hexagram. Of course, if this happens after the first three lines are already cast, I have a one-in-eight chance of guessing the hexagram to come anyway. And of course, there must be some selection effect here – that is, I’m more likely to forget the occasions when this doesn’t happen, now it’s something I’m aware of.

But… last night, asking Yi for help in getting back on track after some very disconcerting experiences while I was away, I cast Hexagram 24, Return, with the first line changing – and as soon as I saw that first moving yang line, the words ‘Not from far away, returning…’ came to mind. Watching the remaining 5 yin lines open out after this was a very strange experience. Not sure what to make of this, not sure at all…

4 thoughts on “Knowing your hexagram as you cast”

  1. That happened to me so often it became instrumental in my not consulting the oracle very much any more, since there didn’t seem much point if I already knew what it was going to be. It is a strangely tiresome feeling to know it all, not as exciting as I thought prescience would be. But there you go, that’s progress, that’s what changing like a tiger means. Handy though, these special powers. Sometimes. You’ll be able to control the Matrix before you know it…

  2. The main idea of using yarrow stalks is to calm the mind, I was taught. If the whole process is done as a ritual the diviner would be entering a meditative state, uniting with Dao. If you are thinking about what could be the outcome of the throw, even if you say it just comes to your mind, that to me means you are not having a calm mind and in contrary to the calm mind, you have, as the chinese say, a monkey mind along with a wild horse.

    Monkey mind is when the thoughts are coming and going and the wild horse is when the same thought is making rounds in your mind. hence they both are not stable calm states of one’s mind.

    I would personally try to avoid such situations as the thoughts do come in mind, it is a sign for me that I have not reached the Dao mind, yet still swimming within the limits of the human mind

  3. The sages suggest that the one casting the yarrow stalks is the same One that is providing guidance through the outcome.

  4. I’ve always considered the aim of consulting the oracle using coins or the yarrow stalk as a method through which I am learning and internalising the hexagrams. Ideally, I’d then be able to bring the appropiate hexagram to mind at the appropiate situation. For example I have had dreams that use them. When I have achieved an understanding of all of the hexagrams the act of using a random method would only be useful in times of uncertainty. I mean.. if you already know the answer.. why are you asking the question? Perhaps because you don’t like the answer? Careful..

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