...life can be translucent

Living Change I Ching podcast 5

One more episode – this one about staying connected to a flow of energy.

Any comments?

Any suggestions for future questions?

10 responses to Living Change I Ching podcast 5

  1. I knew there was something familiar here…i was sure you’d done a pod cast for 8>42 with a similar kind of question…anyway as Bamboo calls me ‘detail police’ i checked it out and yes you got 8>42 asking about the role of Elianas music in divination back in January, just a blog post The same answer back to front ? There has to be some significance in that doesn’t there ?

  2. Yes, definitely… not sure what, though, as there’s no very obvious connection between the questions. Will have to mull that one for a while.

  3. Another take.

    “Stay energetic” is not the same than “stay in a state of flow with the energy”. Because even the energy (whatever “energy” may be) has cicles of increase and decrease. That is the main theme of the pair 41 and 42.

    Even more, the Yijing said: “Increase is the root of decadency”. Not knowing and accepting the cicles of increase and decrease, one is lead to misfortune. Knowing and accepting those cicles, one is able to harvest the time of increase, while it long.

    The Yijing includes the sign “Increase” as one of the main hexagrams about self cultivation. This is reinforced by the Image. It is not a coincidence that both Confucionism and Taoism linked self cultivation with being in flow with the Qi.

    If you want to be “full of energy all the time” (stay energetic), you may be starting the rooth to decadency. If you want to be able to stay in flow with the energy, you need to discern the times of increase and decrease; and act in accordance with those times. In order to achieve that, you need to increase your self cultivation not for yourself but for the one in need.

    Great answer, indeed.

    P.S. Lovely voice, BTW

  4. That’s a really good point, thank you – and one that will be familiar to anyone who’s ever tried to manage their own working hours (and days and weeks). In this context, I’d see Decrease and Increase as the natural ebb and flow of energy; what happens if you try to stay energetic and ‘productive’ non-stop is something else altogether.

  5. An interesting coincidence. The first question was prompted from a sense that I was “full of myself”, not allowing life to flow because I was too much in control.

    25th Feb
    Qn: What is it I need to surrender, give up?
    Ans: 42.1.6 (Increasing) > 8 (Union)

    26th Feb
    Qn: What should I be doing today?
    Ans: (Decreasing) > 2 (Responsive)

    Yesterday, topal pointed out this podcast. You have expressed it all much more insightfully than I could. You know when something is really answering a question, you are riveted, waiting on every word? That was my experience listening to this. Thank you very much.

  6. Clicking on a link I come to some unfortunate advertising saying “How you can unveil your divine purpose and know once and for all why you are here” Pardon ? There is a ‘once and for all’ and these people know it ?

    Wondering who this kind of advertising is aimed at…

  7. oh sorry that comment was meant go under the divine purpose thing and i can’t delete it or edit it…never mind

  8. You can probably edit, but moving it to this post would be tricky.

    No, they don’t know it. Their point is that you know it, and they can help with the ‘unveiling’. I tried to get that across in my review: there’s the bare minimum of theories/ assertions in the course and a whole lot of exercises where you provide the content.

    Not sure about ‘once and for all’ – I feel about 40 years too young to be sure of that. (On the basis that both my parents died in their 70s, you understand.) If I were writing the headline, it’d probably talk about ‘getting clearer’ rather than ‘knowing once and for all’. But I’m truly lousy at writing headlines.

  9. Trojan
    I’m one of the life purpose facilitators and also lousy headline writer.. I appreciate your thoughts! CK and I are new to the ‘selling on the internet’ piece, and we are trying all kinds of things. What I do know though, is that we are getting great feedback on the course, and the connection others are feeling with their soul and purpose after working with this material.

    I think you are right. You don’t know ‘once and for all’ anything about anything. However I think we can feel more connection with our own intuition and ‘knowingness’ that all answers are inside us.

    Maybe next time you can help with the writing!
    Thanks for your feedback.
    Thanks again!

    Michelle Vandepas’s last blog post..Do You Have The Tools To Unveil Your Life Purpose?

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