I’ve just added another ebook to the little ‘library’ page of free downloads for all Clarity members. It’s a handy compilation of the articles I wrote this year about periods of time in the Yijing: ‘seven days’, ‘three days’, ‘ten years’ and ‘all day’.
Happy holidays!

Hola, les deseo todo lo mejor…comparto podcast de i Ching en español, desde Oaxaca_Mexico,
por favor
Hilary, I just had an idea I’d love to suggest! consider using this as a blog post on one day, it would be fascinating to compare and contrast the relationship of Lines 1 and 6 and various hexagrams, and how they relate to the hexagram as a whole. For instance the hoarfrost of hexagram 2, small hints of that which is coalescing into form, and the dragons of line 6 where I’ve heard that one can’t leave all options open forever, a choice must be made. All in reference to the open field/canvas of hexagram 2.
Also hexagram 45, where one is encouraged to reach out in line 1 with the laughter and so on, whereas in line 6 we know there’s crying and not quite as solid of a connection being made. And what does that mean standingbback looking at the hexagram as a whole.
Just an idea I had, I’d love to see what you might do with it one day if you’re ever brainstorming blog ideas! 🙂 ❤️
I’m always brainstorming blog ideas, thank you!