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Happy 24th birthday

Happy birthday sign with balloons

…to Clarity, that is, and all its members. I registered the domain name ‘’ on 26th April 2000, so I reckon this is our birthday.

So for our 24th, I commissioned an upgrade to the Hexagram Search feature of the I Ching Community, and that’s just gone live today. As you will see (provided you’re logged in – you need to be a member to access this), the results now display threads with the exact reading you searched for first: for instance, if you search for 30.2.5 to 1 you’ll see readings with only lines 2 and 5 changing at the top of the page. Then if you keep scrolling down, you’ll find the broader sweep of answers, with lines 2 or 5 included among others.

Also, details about the thread have been added to the results, so you can see before you click through how many replies there are and who posted.

Enjoy, and many happy returns!

By the way, did you see the video I made a few years ago for our 21st? A cinematic masterpiece, I maintain…

I Ching Community discussion

3 thoughts on “Happy 24th birthday”

  1. Caroline J A Lloyd

    Perfect upgrade to the search feature thank you Happy Birthday & what a fabulous gift this website is to us!

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