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The importance of the question

I’ve mentioned this before, and no doubt will again… the question you ask the Yi matters. It’s important to understand that this isn’t about choosing the right wording for your question. The words really don’t matter. ‘Argh – help!’ can be a perfectly-formed question for the Oracle, leading to a… Read more »The importance of the question

great tree

Yi’s kindness

It’s easy to become preoccupied with how beautiful, subtle and complex the Yijing is – there are endless layers and dimensions to discover – but more than anything, I keep coming back to its kindness. For example, the readings I cast when a close friend had just been diagnosed with… Read more »Yi’s kindness

Questions of choice

I spend a lot of time thinking about what we ask the Yi and helping other people find their questions. This is a bit odd, because finding the question really isn’t complicated at all. It’s not a matter of devising a question nor even really of deciding on one, but… Read more »Questions of choice