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War with Iraq? I Ching predictions

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Following up on the 'To war or not to war' discussion, here are the results of all the I Ching readings on the probability of war with Iraq. I've added a few extra columns that might show some patterns.

A quick explanation:

  • ph=primary hexagram
  • rh=relating hexagram
  • 'Diviner's prediction' is of the likelihood of war: linked to extra comments when offered.
  • nh=nuclear hexagram
  • The 'change patterns' reflect which lines were changing: there's a brief explanation in the practical I Ching section.

PhLinesRhDiviner's predictionNh of phNh of rhChange patterns (inner/outer)
139/1, 6/2, 9/3, 9/647Unsure443745/25
646/138Likely, not inevitable636344/24
11--Very unlikely54-1/2
326/650See comments434343/23
229/3, 6/4, 6/5, 9/617Unsure405319/33
609/1, 9/28See comments272333/19
419/1, 9/2, 6/3, 6/456(Anita's)242820/34
28--See comments1-1/2
Earlier readings
A different question: 'What to do about the situation with Iraq?'

Diviners' comments:

18, unchanging
"This is pretty ominous. The time is one of corruption and decay. Something rotten is going on. The junzi stirs up the people and strengthens their spirit. Yes, this sounds right. Only the junzi is not Bush or Saddam -- it's you and I helping people to face the situation. Wind below the Mountain: the gentle try to influence the immoveable. Who wants this war except our leaders? A good idea to cross the river. Make plans and act on them - you know what is going to happen. Three days before seedburst, three days after seedburst. In some ways this is the most ominous statement of all. Things are about to begin. A little time left to prepare beforehand, a little time afterward to fix things as best you can. After that, who knows?"

13 changing to 47
"How likely is war? Don't know.
I'm startled by how apt the reading seems to be -- it talks about an alliance of some sort and factionalism therein (NATO!), somebody hiding weapons (!), and oppression/adversity replete with something "not being believed." I just don't know what it's saying will happen. NATO will fall apart and the US will plunge into war alone, with nobody believing us? NATO will overcome its deep divisions and pull together? The allies will avert war with fellowship, despite rancor? Combine to make war on Saddam? Don't know. Have almost no personal experience with 13 to guide me."

6 changing to 44
"I believe that the Yi is telling me that conflict is inevitable and there is nonsense afoot. If I were a diviner for an ancient king/general I would advise means other than war in this situation. I also believe that the relating Hex is telling me that there is a consensus amongst our 'leadership' that the perceived 'enemy' is to be lightly taken, a pushover, so to speak, and that is not the case. I think the Yi is saying that by proceeding with this nonsense we run the risk of opening Pandora's Box and that 'they' (we) will 'Reap the Whirlwind'. *shudder*"

8 changing to 2
"I imagine the king to be Bush: not only does he appear to be in the driving seat, but there is that reading of Hitchhiker's where we all assumed that Bush was the hunter. If Bush is willing to leave his quarry a way out, such as resignation from power, perhaps he will take it. Then the people of the city would not be punished. If war begins, hopefully this would mean it could be ended before great 'collateral damage' occurred. I notice that the line doesn't say which way the quarry runs in the end, though."

26 changing to 18
"There is danger, harvest: to stop. No answer if there will be a war, but an advice how to avoid it. And a warning, I am afraid if there will be one, it will bring a lot of disaster.
I asked the double question, but the above one is for the table. The other question also pointed very much to war (IMO):
Will there be no war?
44, 1 and 6, changing to 43. Only with great restraint and effort to stop it will it be possible to avoid a war. The spirit (line 6) is harsh.. A hexagram change from the power of woman to the power of man. I am afraid there will be war."

11, unchanging
"My question was "Is this war likely to happen?"
I was going to throw twice as Heylise suggested, but I got Hexagram 11 with no changing lines the first time and didn't want to tamper with that.
I really don't think the war is going to happen, especially after the NATO split re: Turkey's 'defenses.' The voices opposing war are increasing in number and getting stronger."

32 changing to 50
I've only done my own personal readings before, usually let the image fill my mind and allow awareness to grow inside on how this will relate to my life. So it's difficult for me to interpret for something 'outside' of me, but here goes. Initial thoughts:

Image: "Thunder and wind: the image of Duration. Thus the superior man stands firm, and does not change his direction."
An appropriate image. Well, Bush, Saddam, pro and anti-war groups, all would probably think of themselves as superior and intend to stand firm and not change their direction. But which of them actually will?

Judgement: "Duration. Success. No blame. Perseverance furthers. It furthers one to have somewhere to go."
It furthers one to have somewhere to go. So those that have a route through this and out the other side will be successful, those that end up in a corner wont. Nowhere inside of me does success equate with beating the other 'side' , but more like maintaining true to your beliefs and living and possibly dying with your own truth in your heart.

Six at the top means: "Restlessness as an enduring condition brings misfortune."
Restlessness, or fidgeting from one logic/belief to another, inconsistency in view and action will not lead to success (again success and military victory are different things). Hold true to what is true.

Image: "Fire over wood: The image of the Cauldron. Thus the superior man consolidates his fate by making his position correct."
Once it's over, collect the pieces that remain and rebuild around the true beliefs of what is correct

Judgement: "The Cauldron. Supreme good fortune. Success." speaks for itself I think. 'Just' getting through the whole thing (all the stages above) and never letting go of your truth will be a success.

General thoughts:
The superior person will stand firm in his/her beliefs and personal truth. But are we all assuming that there will be one superior side in this conflict? If we think of the term superior as related to a wise person / sage etc. Then it could be true that there are superior people on all sides of this issue, and whichever side you are on, and whichever side 'wins' will not determine personal success, as personal success comes from inside, NOT from the actions of those around you.

Conclusion: The reading applies to all individuals, not to any group, country, religion, organisation, etc

60 changing to 8
Note: my "image in mind" turned out to be a group of people desparately pulling the world toward a cliff/abyss, with another group of people frantically tryng to cut the threads, so the first group hurtles off the edge without taking the world/everyone else with them. Also in the image was the torn-ness of each person as to which "side" they were on. (Influenced by just reading yesterday that during the rise of Solidarity in Poland, there was a church that put up a banner, "I am Cain AND Abel.")

Prior to making the reading, I intended to make a second one as to my own role - this was encouraged by getting the resulting 8. Did not change question following first reading - kept it in the form I had first intended.
2nd Question: What is my role at this time?
2nd Response: 39, 9/1, 9/3, 2

52 changing to 46
Answer to question posed on or about 3rd February, 'Is war in Iraq likely?'
Who is the subordinate trying to persuade his superior in line2? Someone talking to Pres. Bush? - the peace movement? - or someone within Iraq? And who is doing the 'noble-hearted keeping still' in line 6? Pushing Upward (same resultant hexagram as I got in the experiment yesterday) suggests to me a rising of someone previously subordinate within Iraq - there's a line in the commentary about opening up the borders of the country (Huang version).

28, unchanging
Consultation on Sunday, February 16, 2003 at 10:27 AM.

Question: what is the likelihood of the US going to war w/ Iraq?
Present: 28 Excessive Pressure

Something is out of balance. Some pressure is causing an imbalance and needs correcting. But, if the dam is about to burst, moving out of the way is the first key to success.

When a person in a sagging mine shaft feels the earth begin to tremble, it is a time for quick, instinctive action and nimble footwork. At a time like this, only extraordinary measures can bring success. When the roof is collapsing, run first, choose your destination later.

Extraordinary times bring out the best and worst in people. Natural disasters bring with them stories of great heroism - but also looting and rioting. When great weight is on the world, powerful moments present opportunities to make great gains. Everything is in a state of flux. One can either move in the direction of positive change and improvement or towards stagnation.

This may be the moment you have been waiting for. Although the current challenge may seem to be more than you can handle, remember that a flood reaches its highwater mark for only a few brief moments, and then begins to subside. Action must be taken now to ensure opportunities for success later on. You will never discover the true extent of your own abilities unless you, at least once in your life, dive into a crisis with complete abandon, dedicating every ounce of your energy, every fiber of your being, to the cause at hand.

Dare to win.

The condition of things in the present is fairly stable. There are no specific changes indicated right now.

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