...life can be translucent


druid space

  1. R

    Completion of Forest Woodhenge - 128 posts

    Here are some youtube clips about the completion ceremony of Forest Woodhenge. It was finished in the third year. with the last 64 trees being cut and put in position. The chanting ritual, includes chanting the I Ching in the places of the henge appropriate for that hexagram chant. Forest...
  2. R

    Drumming the I Ching at Forest Woodhenge

    Here are some youtube clips about drumming the I Ching at Forest Woodhenge. Drumming at Forest Woodhenge, Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/user/astrorobinarmstrong?feature=mhee#p/u/8/Mwv0UpLDYto Drumming at Forest Woodhenge, Part 2...
  3. R

    Forest Woodhenge built on I Ching design

    Here are some youtube clips links about Forest Woodhenge. It was designed and built as an application of the I Ching. Forest Woodhenge Introduction Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/user/astrorobinarmstrong?feature=mhee#p/u/19/awjljELvctE Forest Woodhenge Introduction Part 2...

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