...life can be translucent

Help with a trip: 59 moving


Jan 3, 2012
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Greetings. First, I'm new to the forum, nice to meet you all. I'm recently learning I-Ching, and I found it quite interesting.

This is my problem. I'm planning a trip for the next week. I have been offered a position as a Judge in a tournament. Moreover there are chances I'll see a girl who I have a strong non-romantic-and-more-of-something-else attraction with (same with her towards me). I told my parents and they're ok with the trip. But today my mother said she feels there's something not going well. She's asking me to not do the trip, although she doesn't have a solid reason for that (she's a very intuitive person), even though the final decision is mine.

So, I decided to ask the oracle why my mom is having such feelings. I got the following hexagram:

- -

Present: hexagram 59
After the change: hexagram 44

I'm trying to understand how both relate to each other in order to fully understand what the oracle is trying to say. But for some reason I can't bring myself to understand how dissipation leads to meeting. Can you lend me a hand? Thank you beforehand.


Dec 17, 2011
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You have asked 'Why your mum is having such feelings' I will try to interpret this for you but I am new to IC too.
I will suggest that you ask a different question though. It is always better to ask about yourself rather than somebody else as the answer is usually inside you and the IC helps you to unearth that answer. I would suggest asking 'What do I need to know about this trip?' and then interpreting that result.

As for your current reading, 59 from LiSe (bearing in mind we're talking about your mum's feelings here, not the trip itself)

A flood destroys all the old structures, paving the way for a new, fresh and as yet clean life, open for new possibilities.
For a life with an open gateway to the cosmos, man’s mind needs deluges. Dissolving all the rigid structures, like opinions, prejudices, ties, obligations. They all give a feeling of security, but they restrict, narrow down, reduce, and take away the essential deep security of universal openness.
Having to save one’s life puts many other things back in the place where they belong, often even completely out of sight

There is a suggestion here of the loss of structures, this could refer to routines and boundaries. Your mind will be opened to new possibilities yet you may loose your feelings of securities. Maybe your mum is concerned about too much freedom? This response to your question leads me to believe you are young and still live under the supervision of your mum. Forgive me if I am wrong, it is just a thought that has popped in my mind.

Line 3
Disperse oneself, no regret.
Do not get hooked to what you represent, that is the wrong way of believing in yourself, because it is believing through other’s eyes. Let your self-image go. Only then can you follow your heart and live your true life, because you are free.

Your mum may be worrying that you will forget who and what you are/ represent at home and not give regard to your existing self image. She may be concerned that you will become a free spirit.

Line 4
Disperse one's group, great auspiciousness. Dispersion finds accumulation. Common people would never think of this.
When a group has no strict rules or borders, no dogma’s, it is open for many people. Trust others to take responsibility themselves, and reckon with their way of thinking, then existing contacts will improve, and many new contacts are made possible

To disperse ones group is similar to leaving ones family. Your mum may be thinking that a lack of discipline may make you stray into bad company. She may also be thinking she should trust you to make responsible decisions.

Hexagram 44 is the relating hexagram and often describes the cause of the situation.

LiSe says
Temptation is an interesting thing. It could bring ruin, or it might bring something life giving.
Everyone needs challenges, to awaken the senses, in order to feel fully alive. And who knows what may manifest from it? What 44 represents is that which is powerfully attractive to the ego. It can be a person, an event or something you have unwittingly put into train, which takes off out of control and far beyond your plan.
When we build a structure around us to protect us from 'wrong' and 'bad', we can build a solid life. But what we lose then, is our vulnerability to be freely influenced. That means we also lose our creativity and our receptivity to life's impulses.
Gou is dangerous and seductive, but it brings the birth of the heir.

To repeat this line, Temptation is an interesting thing. It could bring ruin, or it might bring something life giving. This could be the reason behind you mum's concerns.

I would say this hexagram is talking about the effect your trip will have on you... It will increase your ego. After all, being selected as a judge at some event is certainly ego boosting in any circumstances. I feel from hexagram 44 that you never intended to get as far in your field as a judge and this has surpassed your original plans of involvement.

I hope this helps you and your mum but I accept no responsibility for it as I am still learning the IC.

Best wishes.


Jan 3, 2012
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That sounds slightly comforting.

Let me clarify some things. I'm an adult, but the reason I still live with my parents is because I cannot upkeep myself (I go to an university). She has told me she usually would support me in this kind of things, but now there's something she doesn't like from the trip. I'm concerned since whenever she gets bad feelings, bad things do happen (has happened before, I don't think this will be any different).

Your interpretation sounds way better, how do I come to that kind of conclusions? I can't bring myself to do such a thing for some reason.

I'll try casting the coins again and see what I get. Thank you.

EDIT: I cast the coins and got another hexagram. Is it ok if I post it here? Also, I have done trips alone before.
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Feb 7, 1970
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What about the trip is giving mom bad feelings?
59.3.4 > 44

Hexagram 59 (Wind over Water) suggests weather to me. Bradford translates the title of this hexagram as 'Scattering'. In imagination your mother has gone over the trip you will take and imagines bad weather and a hard landing (hexagram 44) in accord with whatever means you use to travel. If this tournament could lead to professional advancement for you and you agree to take special precautions, maybe you could allay her worries. If your family is religious, a ritual or symbol may help.


Jan 3, 2012
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Around here it's summer. Where I'm going weather is indeed bad (as in, just too hot). But I've been there with those temperatures and survived.

The tournament will not lead me to professional advancement, since it's just for a hobby. The tournament is nation-wide though, so it's the best chance for me to be a judge of such an event.

What about my other hexagram? Do I post it here or should I make a new thread?


Jan 3, 2012
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Haha, congratulations on your 2000th post!!

What should I know about my trip?

Okay, I got 20.1>42 and understood basically nothing. I'm supposed to wait, then see how things unfold positively?


Feb 7, 1970
Reaction score
What should I know about my trip?

Okay, I got 20.1>42 and understood basically nothing. I'm supposed to wait, then see how things unfold positively?

20 implies perspective or seeing, and line 1 imo is the line of preparation. Think the trip through carefully, and you may expect an advantageous increase. And I hope you can satisfy your mom's concern. Good luck.


Jan 3, 2012
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I can't find the button to give you thanks!

So, let me put everything together. My mom is concerned because chances are there will be problems while I'm going to my destiny. I should think carefully my trip, and if I do I should expect increase, right?

...Now I don't know what I'm supposed to see and I don't really have much time to take a decision. I'll digest that. Thank you!!


Feb 7, 1970
Reaction score
I can't find the button to give you thanks!

So, let me put everything together. My mom is concerned because chances are there will be problems while I'm going to my destiny. I should think carefully my trip, and if I do I should expect increase, right?

...Now I don't know what I'm supposed to see and I don't really have much time to take a decision. I'll digest that. Thank you!!

The Thanks Button doesn't show up until you have made about 11 posts. Does mom know about your hope to meet the girl? That might change her heart. She might be intuiting that you aren't telling her everything :) But think about the trip as a whole -- making connections, what you need to take, what you mustn't forget, accidents and delays and how you will handle them.

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