...life can be translucent

35.4,6 as a conditional progress


Jan 27, 2011
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Hello, I asked what will the second part of this year bring for me - had in mind something material, rather then emotional gains, as things are pretty bad.
Hex 35.4,6 changing into 2.
I understood this to be a conditional reply as an advice, there will be progress and gain if you do/don`t do as line 4 and line 6.
I would get line 6 before, so I feel it is important for me to get the message, as it did not sit with me - what it is talking about.

Come to read more about it, acting like a rodent, in terms of being scattered in my efforts, makes sense. Rodents only look like that, I think, they are very fast and effective in gathering food but here it may apply to my unwillingness to see things through. I used to loose interest quickly, for example, I have a wardrobe full of unfinished garments because as soon as I could perceive how it would look when done, it was not important to actually finish it - it was finished in my head, the most important place for me.
So perhaps here I am being advised to follow through with one enterprise and not to stray away with too many things?
Advancing like an long-tailed rodent,
Constancy: danger.

Advancing with one's horns means to attack a city. Danger, auspicious. Without fault. Determination distress
Making progress with the horns is permissible
Only for the purpose of punishing one's own city.
To be conscious of danger brings good fortune.
No blame.
Perseverance brings humiliation.
I am not sure about this one.
I try to imagine it. Advancing with horns...who does that and when? Animals, when fighting - provoked, attacking...there is a strong determination, not looking (thinking), just pushing with the forehead, really. It gives me the idea of stubbornness - one can be stubborn about personal goals and ideas, not willing to settle easily...but when it comes to dealing with other people and their ideas, projects, plans, etc. one should learn to adopt. Or, one should know when to abandon certain idea or hope?
I don`t know if I am on the right track, not even sure what the progress or the opportunity will be (hoped it would be about a job, but..)

Could you help with the cast and the last line.
Thanks, d.:bows:


Feb 7, 1970
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What will the second part of this year bring for me?
35.4.6 > 2

Does your home have a cellar? Line 4 suggests you should check it out. (trigrams: earth + hollow = the place for the storage of wealth. You have treasures you don't recognize.) Line 6 suggests you should assert your rights in dealing with others, and 35 > 2 suggests an increase in wealth through inheritance.


Apr 8, 1970
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I agree that this looks conditional - if you do x, expect y.

35 zhi 2 looks like advancing through work, through responding willingly (like the mare!) to whatever opportunities present themselves. (And with 35, I would be pretty sure that opportunities will present themselves.)

I think the rodent's line indicates being able to do enough to get by, but not looking beyond that. Not necessarily a bad thing - the rodents seem to do pretty well out of it - just dangerous as a long-term mentality.

Line 6 would be you aiming further ahead, with greater determination - not just asking 'how can I pay this month's bills?' but 'how can I finally get this whole thing sorted out?' It changes to 16, with its feelings of enthusiasm and energy and big-picture imaginings.

Imagine being the ram lowering his head and charging. Not exactly subtle or nuanced, but putting your whole bodyweight into one determined run at and through the problem. So stubbornness, yes, and not looking at your surroundings much, but also a momentum that gets you through obstacles when a gentler approach wouldn't do the job.

'Permissible only for the purpose of' is Wilhelm's extrapolation, I believe. Brad has 'limit the practice to discipline of the home town' and I didn't think of translating 'wei' as 'limiting' and just said, 'holding fast, use this to subjugate the city.' Anyway, I think the idea of the city is to focus your efforts (horns focus energy to a point for maximum impact) and use this energy/ momentum/ opportunity/ inspiration to sort out one specific thing. Maybe something of your own, maybe something to do with how you run things.

'Danger, good fortune, not a mistake' - it's risky, but it works, it's certainly not a bad idea ('conscious of' is more extrapolation). 'Constancy: shame'/ 'perseverance brings humiliation' - use this horns-first attitude just for the one specific thing, and not as a general approach.

I'm going to move this thread over to 'shared readings' now, since it's a reading that you've shared :) .


Jan 27, 2011
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Tom, honestly, no inheritance in the picture, only one person I know could leave me something and troubles with it - hope not soon. But I like your thinking, just don`t know how you see it here?:eek:
I see now how you got the cellar idea, there is a small, joint one, nothing much in it (but a certain capitel used as spolia I cannot move and no idea where it comes from, not in a good shape either -
I tell you this just in case we are living on a archaeological site and so you could give me "told you so" some day:D) but I do have some art I would really need to sell and decided to put on the net here but not very encouraged - people don`t understand the art of the multiple.

Thank you Hilary, what you wrote certainly resonates, but I can`t tell what will come up, opportunity/progress wise...perhaps I am too passive but I have lost the optimism entirely and I really need some sort of a validation and recognition now with everything that was going on for the last year or two...always thought this would come through a career as I planned to work as a teacher but do my art also.
It looks so very implausible now, anything I try ends up a failure..

So you say, the year will continue with me trying to do what I can to get by but I need to assert in handling perhaps the burning question right now, no matter how my family likes it. I was suggested to take certain steps by an official that I am not comfortable with as it would only enhance the responsibilities and promise troubles (through asking for inheritance, come to connect this more!:eek:). I am in need of allies, to be honest. But I think that this cast speaks of none. And I have decided to be more selfish, as I am already thought of such by my immediate family.
Another reason why the help from this forum is so appreciated.:hugs:

I was interested in learning more about 35.6 - there was not much within Memorizing Thread discussion, so I posted in ED.
So, Tom thinks it is about
"asserting your rights in dealing with others"
"the idea of the city is to focus your efforts (horns focus energy to a point for maximum impact) and use this energy/ momentum/ opportunity/ inspiration to sort out one specific thing. Maybe something of your own, maybe something to do with how you run things....for the one specific thing, and not as a general approach."

seems so easy NOW, ty, and addition is welcomed, of course :bows:


Feb 7, 1970
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Tom, honestly, no inheritance in the picture, only one person I know could leave me something and troubles with it - hope not soon. But I like your thinking, just don`t know how you see it here?:eek:

Let me consult my 'book'. Ah, here it is. King Wen saw hexagram 35 as a baby (I will publish just as soon as I can persuade Hilary of this :) ) The idea of 'horns' in the top line (Bradford has 'antlers') isn't just a consequence of the top line or the Li upper trigram but comes from the fact that in imperial China the hair of a baby boy was dressed in a single ponytail worn at the top, called the "horn" (Michael Nylan, p.330). A royal son inherits. Plus, 35 changes to 2. Earth is the source of wealth in both eastern and western mythology (Pluto). In a traditional Chinese home, wealth was stored in the Kun direction, the southwest. You have three Kun trigrams in your casting, auspicious for wealth.

How did this capital get into your cellar? Are you living on the site of a temple or an ancient Roman villa? Selling art on the internet is hard to do. I know two persons who have been unsuccessful at it. I think it would be better to offer your art alone with your craftwork, perhaps in conjunction with inexpensive I Ching divinations to draw traffic.


Well, dragon I was gonna try and help here with an interpretatin as you are always so generous on mine but when you already have two of the best on your case, well then....- Liss


Jan 27, 2011
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Let me consult my 'book'. Ah, here it is. King Wen saw hexagram 35 as a baby (I will publish just as soon as I can persuade Hilary of this :) ) :D
The idea of 'horns' in the top line (Bradford has 'antlers') isn't just a consequence of the top line or the Li upper trigram but comes from the fact that in imperial China the hair of a baby boy was dressed in a single ponytail worn at the top, called the "horn" (Michael Nylan, p.330). A royal son inherits. Plus, 35 changes to 2. Earth is the source of wealth in both eastern and western mythology (Pluto). In a traditional Chinese home, wealth was stored in the Kun direction, the southwest. You have three Kun trigrams in your casting, auspicious for wealth.
See? Intricate mind you got there, Tom :bows:

How did this capital get into your cellar? Are you living on the site of a temple or an ancient Roman villa? Selling art on the internet is hard to do. I know two persons who have been unsuccessful at it. I think it would be better to offer your art alone with your craftwork, perhaps in conjunction with inexpensive I Ching divinations to draw traffic.
No idea how it got there - just was there when we moved in. The town itself was inhabited by Romans (due to the strategic position) but this house is outside of the limes or the parameter of the city...I don live anywhere nearly exotic like that:eek:
It is not my art alone just an group project that was well done and worth having and there is a site I haven`t entered in before.
Lyss, please enter with the comment, I am here to learn:bows:

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