...life can be translucent

Job and 37


Oct 9, 2012
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Hello everyone,

I'd like to appeal once more to your lights, this time concerning Hex 37 as it relates to my professional situation.

I'm planning to quit my job in a few months and start something else. The decision is taken but my bosses don't know about it yet. I'm still waiting for the opportune moment to tell them.

Today I asked the I Ching if I should start working on my leaving, meaning putting my affairs in order and work out exactly how the transition will take place, including taking steps every day while at the job.

The answer I got was 37, unchanging.

As far as I understand, when applied to the social level, 37 has to do with keeping one's place and doing one's duty, which is rather the opposite of what I am planning to do.

Could this mean that I should not start anything yet as far as my leaving is concerned and that I must simply continue to do my job as if nothing was the matter? Or could it be an encouragement to effectively put my things in order before leaving so that when the time comes "everything is in place"?

Both interpretations could be seen as a way of discharging one's duties but as they are rather opposite I'd like to have someone else's opinion. (Or maybe I am missing the meaning altogether?)



Dec 2, 2008
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Here is what R.L.Wing has to say about hexagram 37 unchanging:

"In its static form FAMILY implies that you are the possessor of great clarity about your role. You are, in fact, dependent upon this role for your sense of power and effectiveness in the world. As long as your behavior is consonant with this, you will have no difficulties in regard to the object of your inquiry."

Does that bring any clarity to your question?


Mar 20, 2012
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The wind's origin comes from the fire's origin. The wind in this situation would probably be getting away from this job. The fire would probably be, putting things in order, and in a cooperative way, where you currently are. This has not been done yet, so you can't join the wind. This hexagram is about the inside situation. So yes, there is something to attend to before leaving this job. There's also the implication of injury on the outside, at this point.

The way to set things in order with your job is by using words, correct and intelligent speech. Then you may move forward with perseverance.

37 seems to indicate that there is still much to be done with your job, unless of course, you feel like the first step is easy (making things right within the household, i.e. current job), then there's nothing to fear.


Oct 9, 2012
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Here is what R.L.Wing has to say about hexagram 37 unchanging:

"In its static form FAMILY implies that you are the possessor of great clarity about your role. You are, in fact, dependent upon this role for your sense of power and effectiveness in the world. As long as your behavior is consonant with this, you will have no difficulties in regard to the object of your inquiry."

Does that bring any clarity to your question?

Thank you for your reply, Ginnie and yes, it does bring clarity. What I am going to do after I leave this job will be much closer to my personal goals, my "role in the world." Keeping this in view while I still have to act out my old role will provide me with the energy I need to make the transition.

Just reading the quote by R.L.Wing strangely fills me with serenity. By the way, who is he? Is he the author of a translation of the I Ching? Where can I find it?

The wind's origin comes from the fire's origin. The wind in this situation would probably be getting away from this job. The fire would probably be, putting things in order, and in a cooperative way, where you currently are. This has not been done yet, so you can't join the wind. This hexagram is about the inside situation. So yes, there is something to attend to before leaving this job. There's also the implication of injury on the outside, at this point.

The way to set things in order with your job is by using words, correct and intelligent speech. Then you may move forward with perseverance.

37 seems to indicate that there is still much to be done with your job, unless of course, you feel like the first step is easy (making things right within the household, i.e. current job), then there's nothing to fear.

Hi Mryou1 and thanks for your answer, which pretty accurately describes the situation. What I get out of it is that working on setting my present job in order while keeping my future goal in view, so everything is ready when the time of the change comes, is the way to go.

The part I don't get is the "correct and intelligent speech" and "use of words." Are you referring to a specific translation of the Yi, as I didn't find this in the ones I have. Words, in my situation, bring to mind the fact of telling my boss, which is not something I am going to do now as the time is not right. Could it mean something else?



Mar 20, 2012
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It comes from the Image. The Wilhelm translation is something like:

Thus the superior man has substance in his words and duration in his way of life.

Unfortunately, it looks like something was lost from the first part "Wind comes forth from fire", in that imo it should read "Wind comes forth from fire coming forth", implying that the fire is not in place yet. The fire, in this case would probably be the "substance in words". So the implication is that you can't fully move forward with your "way of life" until you tell your boss you're leaving. As painful as that is.


Dec 2, 2008
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Just reading the quote by R.L.Wing strangely fills me with serenity. By the way, who is he? Is he the author of a translation of the I Ching? Where can I find it?

The I Ching Workbook by R.L.Wing is published by Broadway Books, a division of Random House, Inc., 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036. It is easily obtainable through Amazon.com. This I Ching has been continuously in print since 1979, and a lot of people have found it very useful over the years. One good feature of this book is that there is a section for the unchanging form of every hexagram.


Oct 9, 2012
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It comes from the Image. The Wilhelm translation is something like:
Unfortunately, it looks like something was lost from the first part "Wind comes forth from fire", in that imo it should read "Wind comes forth from fire coming forth", implying that the fire is not in place yet. The fire, in this case would probably be the "substance in words". So the implication is that you can't fully move forward with your "way of life" until you tell your boss you're leaving. As painful as that is.

Oh, the image, right. I had forgotten that part. I was very enlightened when I re-read it. Thanks for pointing it out. As to your next-to-last line, yes that's true, I'm very aware of it. But the Wilhelm image does offer a way to go about it! That was a lot of help!

The I Ching Workbook by R.L.Wing is published by Broadway Books, a division of Random House, Inc., 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036. It is easily obtainable through Amazon.com. This I Ching has been continuously in print since 1979, and a lot of people have found it very useful over the years. One good feature of this book is that there is a section for the unchanging form of every hexagram.

I take note, thanks ginnie.

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