...life can be translucent


The Passengers of MH370


Jun 14, 2007
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I was hoping that more people were asking some questions about the missing plane because it is imperative that somebody KNOW where that plane is especially if it has landed safely. Because I believe there are two countries that could have the plane and I do believe that Pakistan has it. Typed in, "what are in Pakistan is the plane sitting in/on? and got Hex 23 both Hexagram, no moving lines. "Mountain rests on the earth: Stripping Away.
The heights are generous, and there are tranquil homes below.’
So it seems to suggest at least to me what I had thought all along that the plane is resting on a humongous mountain top and as is suggested that the plane is being stripped of whatever the plane is made of maybe to disguise it with the Pakistani logo and paint job or to drain the plane of all the high tech electronic devices to put in another plane. Sad, seriousness if you ask me everybody. Please respond.


Dec 28, 2012
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another question

Hi all
Today I asked further question:

Please tell me about the physical condition of the passengers on the hijacked plane?
A. 42.5 - 27

Q. What is the mental condition of these passengers?
A. 18.3,6 - 7

Q. What relationship is there between the hijacker and these passengers?
A. 52 U.C.

Q. What is the condition of the hijacked plane?
A. 28.1,2,3,4 - 3

I am not good at interpretation but it makes me wonder if the passenger have either been brain-washed
or promised sweets i.e. their freedom if they help to alter or strip the plane. I also feel that the plane is on a mountain perhaps near a stream or river. I wonder too if the plane was loaded with food and stuff in advance of the hijack.

Any ideas any-one?


Dec 28, 2012
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I wonder also if the plane ran out of fuel and had to land before it got to where it wanted to be. In which case could the site of landing be calculated?


I asked the Yi if any of the passengers would survive, and the answer was 48.2.
is that they're sleeping with the fishes. The vessel/jug/pitcher/bucket/plane broke in the water and the fishes got in.

Hi Val,

As soon as I read your post that was my impression as well. If you take Wilhelm's translation, as the jug is broken not even the fish can be kept in (so there is no life there, unfortunately).

I usually don't cast the Yi for current affairs, but after seeing your post I asked "what happened to this flight?" and got 13.3.6 > 17 so something went really wrong with the "fellowship" - the people on the plane, crew and passengers. Opposition, ambush, secret plans, and there is no real fellowship, as some act as a group that excludes others.

It will be interesting to see how those readings apply to the events, when the investigation comes to any sort of conclusion based on evidence.


Jun 14, 2007
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Hi Meigga. You asked a lot of good questions, asked them in a good way that I didn't quite think of. I looked up all of these and it does seem like somebody promised the passengers a better life somewhere else providing the passengers did what they were told and probably coerced by gun point or knives for obeisance. Yes all the major news reports here in the US have stated that the plane was loaded with food for a long period of time, can't remember the amount but it was pretty encouraging that the people would be nourished for a certain time. I didn't understand what 18.36-7 means as far as the mental condition of the passengers, am going to have to go back and read it again. Thanks for you input and any of this input helps in some fruitful way whether it is just to satisfy our frightened minds or we could actually help in some way, but whop would listen to us?


Jun 14, 2007
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Hello Mirian,

Getting 13.3.6> 17 upon asking "What happened to this flight?" sounds so appropriate for just what mush have happened on that ill fated flight because in the past if a plane was hi-jacked almost always someone of another nationality or someone with terrorist viewpoints would ambush the pilots and subdue the passengers with force. This could refer to" as some act as a group that excludes others.
It's very clear to me and I hope to everyone here that this plane was hi-jacked either by the pilot himself (remember that the flight path was recalculated via computer when it should have been left alone) or one or more of the passengers who revolted.
Yes it will be extremely interesting to see if these readings play out to the events, (as you said). I think it is of the utmost importance that it found before further horrors can be committed by this group.:)


Dear tange4,

Thanks for your comments, but just want to make clear that I am not making assumptions that this plane was hijacked or anything else. I am neither an aviation expert nor a political analyst, so I will not speculate about things that I don't know. I am here, modestly, just considering a possible interpretation for these readings. As a topic of discussion, I find it interesting to see how the Yi responds to questions involving current affairs, how hexagrams and lines apply. It is an opportunity to learn.:bows:


Jun 14, 2007
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:) Okay fair enough :) At any rate I hope that this mystery keeps getting people aroused enough to ask
until more comes to light.

I asked today, "When and will the truth be made known to the world soon about what happened and got Hex 8 no changes not even sure how that applies unless it means that governments everywhere are seeking union to figure out the mystery once and for all in order to give a complete truthful answer?


Jul 7, 1972
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Reasons for the flight 370 mystery hex 48 line 2

Something on board leaking. Something designed for holding liquid had leaked from something in the cabin or in the hold, or the fuel tank .Fumes escaping from some source within the aircraft.

Someone who could be described as line 2 of 48 perhaps a terrorist or someone similar who holds views which explain the moving line neglecting there development as a human being.

Or our ability to get to the bottom of this mystery, the bucket is leaking ,and we can not get the answer to this mystery.


Dec 28, 2012
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Dear Tange4

The answer to 'the mental state of the passengers' 18 .3,6 (corruption) could this not mean that the minds of the passengers have been corrupted by the hijacker? Also some of the passengers could be planning ways and means to overthrow the hijacker. There must be some passengers with enough courage and intelligence to plan something. To Mirian:- It is my belief that Yy is giving answers from our subconcious (whether current affairs or anything else) and that our subconcious is in contact with all other subconcious. Also as the pilot was said to be a very experienced pilot, and after all his preparation for the hijack, he would not be stupid enough to fall out of the sky. Perhaps there was a leak of fuel so he couldn't arrive where he wanted to be.

Incidentally - I am a great believer in mind over matter so why don't we all decide on a thought/affiirmation/prayer/God/the angels - to request and visualise, protection for the passengers??

Even if they are all dead, which I don't feel they are, A visualisation or prayer will not be wasted.

Any suggestions? meigga:bows:


Jun 14, 2007
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Me Again Meigga :bows: Thanks for clarifying 18,3,6 for me. Your answer makes a lot of sense to me. And I have to agree with you that the pilots were highly educated with this plane/expertise of flying and preparation that they wouldn't be stupid enough let a plane fall out of the sky(paraphrasing your words). But I do not believe that there was a fire on board as some people have said, just because the plane had numerous fire safety measures installed. And why then if a fire why turn off the tracking devices?

Yes a collective prayer/visualization is a great idea, Not sure how to go forward with that here though.


Jun 14, 2007
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Just wanted to ask the same question but in a different way. I asked "Bottom line,w hat really occurred on the Malaysian 370 flight?" and got Hex 33, 2,3 > 55 no changing lines. Retreat and Abundance
Well Retreat seems to be just what the pilot did when he made that sharp turnaround but where did he retreat to is the operative question. But 55 speaks of abundance and seems to infer that the people are doing well, I guess. anybody?


Jun 14, 2007
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Something leaking seems unlikely from a safety perspective because the plane had numerous fire safety programs . If one failed another would alert or put out the fire. However if fumes then that truly would be devastating. Wouldn't the safety mask have come down and people used them? What a mystery!


Apr 13, 2009
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Tange, it may be that RETREAT>ABUNDANCE with lines 2 & 3, is I Ching saying you are getting too obsessed with this questioning, and just leave it for a while? 'Abundance' may mean that you are over-doing it; it is not always a positive understanding...
Given that earlier readings came up with 48 The Well & that seems to indicate that the plane is under the ocean...I think this latest theory is probably no likely.


Jun 14, 2007
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Good Evening Wisewoman. I am obsessed with this mystery because it is such a mystery and so many lives depended on what happened and maybe what could ensue from consequences-----so yes these could be referring to my state of mind and yes I am going to take a rest at least for awhile. :) However before I answered this to you, I asked this, "Bottom line, is the missing jet in Pakistan?" and got Hex 56, 4,5 >53 UN

Not sure what to think of the interpretation of 56. But going back to Hex 48 other readings having come up with that, yes it's true they did but there were other Hexes that seemed to suggest that the plane is sitting on a mountain top. There are a few that got the mountain top one. So who knows?:bows:


yes it's true they did but there were other Hexes that seemed to suggest that the plane is sitting on a mountain top. There are a few that got the mountain top one. So who knows?:bows:

I've been quietly following this thread. At one point I thought, oh what the heck, and asked "where is the plane" and received 52. My first thought was it either crashed or landed safely on a mountain, but there's also the advice not to let your thoughts exceed your present, so took the answer as being personal advice rather than answering my direct question, but I may have been right the first time.


Just heard the news this morning. Don't hope it's true: remains located in the isolated oceanarea west of Australia. (48/2 Fish....).

Here's a thread that maybe can be leading to a concrete answer concerning the readings/conclusions out of the Judgement & Image of hex. 48

Interesting but also a little scarying


Dec 28, 2012
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Good morning Tange4

Thankyou for your kind words. Re-visualisation - we could arrange a time to congregate mentally, pray, imagine, the passengers meeting their relatives, hugging, kissing, crying and smiling. Even if the latest is true (I hope it isn't) prayers and good wishes never go astray.

With love to all meigga xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Jun 14, 2007
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Hi Meigga and ALL

Yes prayer is most definitely needed in this case and we could arrange for this. You know I have a confession to make to you and everyone. I don't know if my prayers would be heard. You see I am a born again Christian (have accepted Christ as my savior) and it is forbidden for us to use divination practices of all kinds. So I am not going to be coming here any more. I can't because I love the Lord and want to do what He asks of me in any way I can. I knew that I did wrong by using I Ching, had this same problem a few years back. The only reason I came here is that I was scared, scared of what happened to those people, scared of what could be a threat to world safety or that of aviation in general. I know that if we confess our sins to one another and to the Lord He will forgive but He asks us to turn from our sins completely.
Having said all of this, I am not condemning anyone here who doesn't have the same beliefs as I, some may and some may not. It's just a judgment call for myself. If I put my trust in God alone I am far better off spiritually speaking. However seeing as I am human, fear often gets the better of me thus going to some place to discern events that I can't control. Hope everyone here understands where I'm coming from. I wish you all the best in all of your lives. :) here is my email address if anyone would like to reply. topolx@yahoo.com


Tange, it may be that RETREAT>ABUNDANCE with lines 2 & 3, is I Ching saying you are getting too obsessed with this questioning, and just leave it for a while? 'Abundance' may mean that you are over-doing it; it is not always a positive understanding...
Given that earlier readings came up with 48 The Well & that seems to indicate that the plane is under the ocean...I think this latest theory is probably no likely.

I agree on that. That is the thing about dozens of questions, one after the other, without reflecting or understanding. In the end it is just a mix of the original subject and emotional issues involving the person/people asking. When that happens, I think the best is to go back to the first readings, when the focus was still there.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Hi Meigga and ALL

Yes prayer is most definitely needed in this case and we could arrange for this.

All along I have wondered why this incident in particular deserves prayer so much more than all the other ills and suffering in the world ? All over the world, right now, people are in pain, are being abused, tortured, imprisoned...children are dying through lack of vaccines, clean water, proper food...there are wars and bloodshed and injustice all happening right now.....so please can you tell me why in particular this missing plane is the thing we are meant to pray about ? Media coverage ? Mystery factor ? I agree prayer is always needed but I don't get why my attention here is being channelled to the plane ? I don't understand why you are frightened either ?

The only reason I came here is that I was scared, scared of what happened to those people, scared of what could be a threat to world safety or that of aviation in general

Hmm that is not quite true as you have asked many questions here over the years in particular about your health. I don't know who you think forbids you to use divination but it certainly isn't Christ. Afterall the 3 wise men in the nativity story were diviners, astrologers you know, and divination is found all through the bible.

I am wondering why you have made this statement here rather than just quietly leave the thread though ? There's another mystery.

ETA I can't see any point in asking questions about the plane either as it goes....I mean how does that help anything ? It doesn't does it it's just for curiosity. Nothing wrong with that I suppose though I don't personally relate to it at all. You have spoken as if you were helping those on the plane but these questions and answers don't help people on the plane do they ?


Jan 14, 2013
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Good question, trojan

All along I have wondered why this incident in particular deserves prayer so much more than all the other ills and suffering in the world ?

As I see it, all of us get on planes and fly off to vacations, business meetings, family gatherings, and have picked up loved ones back from their own adventures. So we can readily identify and sympathize with the passengers on MH370 and their terrified relatives -- more readily than with the starving children in Ethiopia. May be shallow, but it's true. We don't actually know any starving children personally, but airline passengers R Us. MH370 took off in Kuala Lumpur, but it might have taken off from our local airport.

During the three years I flew all over the world, I always scanned my fellow passengers before boarding to be sure I wanted to get on the plane with them…on two occasions, I felt extremely queasy about them, and both times, the flight was cancelled before taking off. So we develop a sense about these things. Perhaps the details of this apparent disaster expand our knowledge and our intuitions in useful ways.

At this point, I doubt that we'll ever find out what happened to MH370. And that would be a disaster of it's own kind, turning us into nervous nellies, afraid to board a plane again.

We'd be better off knowing the truth, and if the truth isn't revealed, we need a story. We're sort of making up that story here, and on a thousand other message boards. I think. What does that have to do with Yi? I think it's legitimate to ask for help.


Jan 14, 2013
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Why did the plane disappear? "Answer: "When one horse will not go, a hundred are thrown into trouble".

That's very clear. Horsepower. Engine problems.

I don't know whether it's accurate, but it's crystal clear. Perhaps one day we'll know.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Well I think it's down to one's own POV. I just can't see the point of making up stories about it, it's pure guesswork. For others it feels necessary so they ask. I don't have a problem with anyone asking.

Tange's speech about prayer and so on tipped me into expressing what I had thought for some time when reading this thread. I'm not keen on being urged to pray for this and so I question why we would pray for this more than any other suffering that is happening right now.

That said I don't intend to disrupt the thread if others wish to continue the readings. It's the call to prayer I was questioning here more than anything.

And then Tange4 declares consulting Yi is against God's will.....why I have no idea . this thread has gone a peculiar direction....


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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As I see it, all of us get on planes and fly off to vacations, business meetings, family gatherings, and have picked up loved ones back from their own adventures. So we can readily identify and sympathize with the passengers on MH370 and their terrified relatives

When you say 'most of us' do you mean most Americans ? I don't get planes so don't particularly identify with the passengers anymore than I would anyone else in trouble.

Anyway all that aside...the thing is this thread is not about helping people on the plane but quelling paranoia isn't it ?

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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You see I am a born again Christian (have accepted Christ as my savior) and it is forbidden for us to use divination practices of all kinds. So I am not going to be coming here any more.

The ancient jewish priests used a divination breastplate called a hoshen.


Many people of differing opinions and motivations wrote the books over a long period of time that we now know as the torah and bible.

Heaven gave you Reason to utilize for yourself.

Use it.


Jan 14, 2013
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I don't get planes so don't particularly identify with the passengers anymore than I would anyone else in trouble.

Sorry, I hadn't considered that.

Most Americans I've ever known travel by plane. When my kids were teens, we were busy traveling in umpteen directions, we even had airport parties; friends would come to see someone off or welcome them home, bringing refreshments, the occasional bottle of champagne. It was always a celebration, a delightful part of our lives. Of course that was prior to the security measures put in place after 9/11.

As for stories, they are rather like modern myths…the story of MH370 will always carry a warning…if we can just figure out what we're warned against. PanAm 103 that went down over Lockerbie changed airport security practices, as terrorist bomb was planted in an innocent woman's luggage. I believe the "flying public" is now automatically aware if someone leaves a suitcase unattended -- I know I am.


Mar 20, 2014
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Many moons ago I was an evangelical charismatic Christian. Like any sectarian faith its main strength is its defensiveness. Keep the thinking narrow, and people are easy to control and no complicated questions for the pastors. :brickwall:


Jan 14, 2013
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Revelation at last?

And then Tange4 declares consulting Yi is against God's will.....why I have no idea . this thread has gone a peculiar direction....

Well, I'm certainly happy to finally know what God's will is. :rolleyes:

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