...life can be translucent

Hex 32 unchanging



I'm in the process of making plans to move interstate and as it's so far from where I am, I definitely need to have accommodation lined up instead of just winging it like I've done in the past.
I made contact with a guy that said he could help me out with shared accommodation until I settle in and see what pans out.
Then all of a sudden he's stopped communicating with me although I can see that he's read my messages.
I've tried asking him what the rent will be and an exact date that it will be available so I can let potential employers know when I could expect to start.

Why am I getting no response from him - Hex 32 unchanging

Only thing I can see is he doesn't want to change his routine to accommodate me. - Liss


Feb 7, 1970
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Duration: long term tenancy. Did he know what you were asking for when you first asked to move in with him? Perhaps he was thinking in terms of a few days or weeks until you could find another place, not months or years.


There's no set time limit on it. It's more he has a room I can rent and if we get along as house mates then that's fine, if not once I get 'my feet' then I will look for alternative accommodation.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Well normally with 32uc I'd expect things to go on as they have been. No changes of plan, upheavals and so on.

So what is it that is constant here ? Again my first thought is that he hasn't changed his mind, all is going ahead as planned and not to worry. However given what you have said it doesn't sound good, it sounds like he is having second thoughts. But this isn't what 32uc says to me :confused:

If Yi were totally leapfrogging your question it might be taken as advice to continue on as you are, not change course. What course that is I can't say.

I've tried asking him what the rent will be and an exact date that it will be available so I can let potential employers know when I could expect to start

I suppose it might be he hasn't firmed up details and doesn't know what to say. Perhaps you could send an email just to ask please can he communicate.....even if he is worried about letting you down or something could he please communicate. Or call rather than email ?


Aug 29, 2014
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I'm new to this but I definitely understand and can totally relate to your desire to have things in order prior to moving. I think you'll be successful with your move even if you don't end up rooming with this particular guy. Set backs are challenges and quite often seem frustrating but to me the reading says you'll get there come hell or high water and be content. So keep on keeping on. Somehow I feel that if you're a little flexible in terms (length of stay, etc.), things will pan out with this current opportunity.
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Thanks bellaball. Yes I've read this non-communicating setback as ah well just get on with your plans anyway and accommodation will fall into place when it's time but I still kinda worry about it, - Liss


Aug 29, 2014
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Thanks bellaball. Yes I've read this non-communicating setback as ah well just get on with your plans anyway and accommodation will fall into place when it's time but I still kinda worry about it, - Liss
I'm learning that when we do make a conscious effort to prepare, as we should, and things still go awry so to speak, that there's a greater, bigger picture being painted that we just can't see yet..

All the best to you!!


Totally agree - only thing is it keeps happening but I don't really feel any closer to my goal although I know there have been changes within. - Liss


Aug 29, 2014
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Totally agree - only thing is it keeps happening but I don't really feel any closer to my goal although I know there have been changes within. - Liss

I know how you feel. I am going through the same thing... Ughhh, but honestly "change within" is most important. It just may be the ultimate goal!


I know how you feel. I am going through the same thing... Ughhh, but honestly "change within" is most important. It just may be the ultimate goal!

Yes change within is most important but surely part of my life can be making money, socialising, in a relationship and a permanent home - gosh we're not just one dimensional beings!! Eh - sorry you're going through the same things but glad at least someone understands the frustration :hug: - Liss


Trojina, I'm so sorry somehow I did not see your response til right now! Well the only thing I can say is that's nothings changed in as much as he still hasn't responded!
I don't wish to send another email aksing him to respond as I feel I've made it clear that I really would like to know.
He does have a habit of doing this sort of thing, meaning - communicating effectively and then just not at all.
So I guess having said that - nothings changed in the way he communicates.

As it turns out I've a job interview tomorrow so I'll see how that goes before I start making any further plans to move interstate. - Liss


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Good Luck ! You surely must be due some. If you get this job does it mean you won't be moving interstate ? If you get the job and don't move then 32uc may have been a prediction to carry on as you are where you are ...maybe ?


Thanks! It's a job for the school holidays working at a resort in a kids club. It's a huge resort so it will depend on whether they offer me further work to what, where or how I make my next move. Stay or go!


Thank you anemos - I went today but haven't had any offer yet but they did say it was a fun interview as I had them in stitches - oh sh... that means they were laughing with me when I answered their questions. - Liss


Nov 3, 2012
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The Thirty Second Hexagram is composed of the Inner Wind and the Outer Thunder Trigram. They are considered to be the Eldest Daughter and the Eldest Son, respectively, between their parents, the Heaven and the Earth. Either of the eldest son or daughter has been ready to form a new family.

The Eldest Son, for instance, tends not to stop for a second thought as if he had already been in proper relationship going on for a marriage. The Outer Trigram Thunder moves like a lightning and makes his decision on his own right away. He does not wait for the next step from the respondent party, the Inner Trigram Wind, to turn around to discuss further as to whether she would move in or not. He might have had his own ongoing opportunity in regards to his home sharing plan. He might have had been wanting of something on the other hand and he thought he found a resolution to the lack out of sailing set with the favorable Wind, she was about to bring over, who in turn had been getting in touch with him for a short while. But he resumed his older plan than the way she had taken some time. She would have joined otherwise, say, if she had taken action right then, or she had satisfied his conditions as he wanted.

We may consider this hexagram as a relationship between a man and a woman both grown enough to maintain constant couple. Experience has shown proof, however, to claim the sudden or unexpected breakage or no response at all. I am not surprised to see such cautious and sometimes overestimating as Duke of Zhou comments unfortunate for it. The Hexagram would not allow for longer consideration than a ready-to-go situation, or hesitation.
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I didn't get offered the job nor did they even contact me to say I'd been unsuccessful which I have to admit I still find rude.
As the time went by and no word from them I got to think more about the job. They weren't so honest in their advertisement and at the interview explained other things that was expected were they to employ me which in the bigger picture were irrelevant to the job.
So hallelujah I didn't get it and it's been a blessing as my life has taken a nice turn, well at least I think so, early stages yet. - Liss

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