...life can be translucent > 36 What and who are the dragons?


Oct 21, 2014
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I'm a regular lurker here. Thanks for an interesting forum.

My question: "What I am in Y's mind" 1.2,4,5,6 > 36

I'm often confounded by 1. It's like the raw power of the universe that by line 6, it's as though there's an ego claim on it. Due to the potency of creative power and the powerful ego's wish to own it, it becomes like dragons fighting.

But there is so much happening. All this potentual, energy, suppression, darkness, brightness. It's the most potent reading I've received.

And 36. What's the light? What's the oppressor? Etc ie: do I hurt or oppress her? Does she suppress or oppress me? Who are the dragons? What is all this energy?

I love this reading pairing but cant exactly be sure it's meaning so am posting with hope for your thoughts! Thanks

Ps: sorry, attempts at deleting old post failing miserably. Do please reply here!


Feb 7, 1970
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Hexagram 1 is the bright spot, the peak in the morning sunlight. Hexagram 36 is the dark pit, a place of hiding.

do I hurt or oppress her?

Yes, you sometimes do. Try to stay in the light. Make sure she knows your intentions before you act.


Oct 21, 2014
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Of course I don't want to hurt her. I'm just not sure, based on this hexagram, how I do this.

Most readings are a lot more straight forward to navigate but 1 feels so volatile - is it 'the potency of chaos'?

36 I understand ... It's always faithful. But I suppose I'm having a hard time with being seen as oppressor.

Not that it wouldn't be impossible. Interpretation of intention and action is often different than what was intended.


Feb 7, 1970
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You don't talk enough. If you did, your intentions wouldn't be in the dark. 36 is hiding what you really feel. It's costing you.


Oct 21, 2014
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I agree, thank you...

But I do communicate and find receiving reciprocal communication difficult. Then is it she with communication hidden? And why? Who is the oppressor?

This reading is loaded up with creativity, like the creativity itself is volatile and suppressed.

This is why I wonder who or what the dragons are.

Could the tyrant be like the ego then? That keeps the light/openness imprisoned? And in keeping the light imprisoned, the creative/ dragons swirl in intense energy, meeting suppression at the top with the ego tyrant of 36?

If so, what to do? It isn't so simple to unsuppress the light if you're not sure what's suppressing it! And if you do unsuppress, what are all these dragons going to do??

I don't ordinarily post my readings but this one seems unusual (for what I usually throw)
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I, personally, think your first post says it very well. The only thing I might add is that 36 isn't always wounding the light, though sometimes it can be. To me it's more about guarding the light, which is a good counterbalance for 1.6, which has a tendency to use energy in excess outwardly, sometimes a mere display. 36 is the opposite of displaying this energy or light. You could say that 36 grounds this uncontrolled electricity, power or light.


Oct 21, 2014
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I, personally, think your first post says it very well. The only thing I might add is that 36 isn't always wounding the light, though sometimes it can be. To me it's more about guarding the light, which is a good counterbalance for 1.6, which has a tendency to use energy in excess outwardly, sometimes a mere display. 36 is the opposite of displaying this energy or light. You could say that 36 grounds this uncontrolled electricity, power or light.

Hi sooo,

Thanks, this is accurate. But more in context to my own experience with this person and the aftermath.

I tended to have a very chaotic, creative and dragon like display I'd approach the world with - some of it was competitive though primarily, a defense - a way to, if you will, blind with light so no one would notice 'me' as I'm naturally a shy person. Probably I was very insecure and always worked very hard to be very good at things to hide the insecurities - using creative avenues in the arts and media - that sort of has felt like the 1.6 in my own life and in the impact I had on others.

I regretted having been like this with her as it didn't allow for any real world life together. During the time we were together, it was the first time I realized how harmful it is. Since, I have worked, every day to 'guard the light', channeling the electricity/power/light instead of using it as a defense shield.

So thank you very much for your insight. I can't be sure of the experience in her head - maybe the reading is more a reflection of what I found to be true and was ashamed of - more because it was an ego boast from energy that can be channeled in much healthier and gentler ways for myself and with others - so worked to change. I don't know. I've learned more in this experience with her than anything before and what you've described is an important part of this Ie: learning to guard the light.

I did ask one other question about moving on from this experience, letting it go, as I'm not sure it's healthy for me to ask questions like the original post reading.

In answer, I received another puzzling read: > 28

Is it that the pressure - the weight of the experience can change to peace if it's let go? Sort of like lesson learned? Or it that the peace found through this experience might be strained by letting it go? 11's lines are all very beautiful... generally about sharing with companions. Are these new companions or her?

Thank you sooo :bows: and also, thank you pocossin :bows:


Oct 21, 2014
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With a little help from LiSe, there's no question of meaning. I post here what I found, for those future seekers looking for > 28 Break free :) is the answer. May I recommend 'I Want to Break Free' by Queen as a celebration song!

For one, I see 28 as the situational/feeling hexagram more than anything that will happen. Hexagram 28:

"Wind below lake.
The marsh submerges the trees: Great excess. The noble one stands alone without fear, retreats from the world without melancholy." Bows with gratitude, and leaves the pressure.

11: Harmony shows the inferior departed and the great arrived. There will be good fortune with progress and success. Harmony depicts the waning of egotistical illusions and the waxing of true potential.

I very much see this story and situation as my own egotistical illusions. The real world story ended awhile ago and the lessons about a week ago (there seems to be a difference and letting the lessons settle in is really important!) In letting what remains, merely some sort of old familiarity that really gives nothing real but to serve some element of ego need, there comes the waxing of true potential, whatever this is.

and lines:

1. Uproot Mao-grass. Entangled roots, due to it’s kind. To make order is auspicious.
Blessings usually come in pairs, clusters, or even in big packs. It is because they come not on their own accord, but because they are attracted. One soul attracts them, another one does not. Act and live in a way that is blessing-prone. Listen to universe: it tells you how.

This seems to be about being with people share similar visions bigger than self interest. If she, shares the same vision of the world, something generous, then, great, but this is the concord.

4. Fluttering, fluttering, not rich in one’s neighbor. Not on guard because of inspired confidence.
Don't rely on others, but trust yourself! It might bring about disaster. But it also brings about that one can live without limits, without adapting to rules, completely according to one's own heart's desires. It is the strongest way to accomplish what you want. God helps who helps himself. Or Confucius/Legge: Both she and her neighbors are out of their real place where they are. This is what they have desired in the core of their hearts. Wilhelm/ Baynes: All of them have lost what is real. He desires it in the depths of his heart. Blofeld: His running to and fro and his lack of riches are due to his idealism. He preserves his faith in others because in his heart of hearts he WANTS to trust them.

In this relationship, I beyond belief, wanted to believe in the core of my being, that we loved each other but there was a lot I wasn't sure about. There seemed to be a lot of secrecy. I attempted to be open, communicative and genuine and as I say above, recognized that the 'dragon' presentation was too much. I have preserved faith and trust in her but possibly for my own idealism, more than anything. This sort of speaks to me of having illusory notions of another person and as above, that it's all linked in with really wanting to believe in it. I should put trust in myself.

5. Emperor Yi marries off his younger sister. Thereby is blessing. Great auspiciousness.
The spirit finds and makes harmony if he gives everything its right place and if necessary takes action to accomplish this. He connects the elements of life with each other and lays the foundations for prosperity and happiness. And this from James DeKorne's site "The marriage is between lines two and five, and when they both change the hexagram created is number 63, After Completion, the "perfect" or reference hexagram determining all correct relationships. Lines two and five are the only lines in the figure that are "out of place," and each takes its meaning from the other, which implies that they exchange places to create a perfect configuration. Implicit in all this is the idea of yin (emotion) being correct when it is alchemically conjoined with yang (reason). Emotion and intellect must blend into intuition. The ego can't "make" this happen, but it can help create the conditions which make it possible."

It seems like almost a progression of what happens when I set my mind and heart free from the pressure of an untenable situation.The universe of tao opens!

Blessings and if anyone has anything to add, please, I very much welcome your views. I have read this site with such pleasure, and for each of you who appear here often, I have a character in my mind of you. It's wonderful. So, thank you again!! :bows:


"What am I in Y's mind?" 1>36

My own take on it is not that you hurt or oppress her. A lot of times we will not receive an answer to this type of question. Its like spying on someone else's mind. So I'm thinking the answer says something like "your creativity feels weakened". Or "you are feeling too weak to be creative"...

With your new answer>28, from the looks of it, it seems as though you really want to connect with her, but you are having trouble communicating. Like you're having a lot of anxiety over it all. Mind seems to be going around in circles.

If it helps... With these readings more than half the time, regardless of the questions, we are given more insight into ourselves. Insight into where we stand in any situation. When it comes to relationships or dealing with others it can become a little complicated, creating more worry and doubt. It may help to remember the Iching is like poetry, metaphorical. Bring it down a notch to help fit it with your situation. It also helps to read the memorizing threads here by Rosada. Not all translations will fit or be accurate. With the memorizing threads you can navigate your way around and make a connection.

Best wishes on your journey


For one, I see 28 as the situational/feeling hexagram more than anything that will happen. Hexagram 28:

"Wind below lake.
The marsh submerges the trees: Great excess. The noble one stands alone without fear, retreats from the world without melancholy." Bows with gratitude, and leaves the pressure.

Just a minor detail, which you're probably already aware of, but Sun/Xùn also represents wood. This gives the feeling of a flood, the lake rises over the trees. In addition, the image of a bending ridgepole. Both ideas give the impression of impending doom, too much to withstand. The tree is rooted into the earth, the ridge pole holds up the entire roof. It tests ones mettle.

I also like to think of 11 in terms of fruitfulness. Peace can degenerate into stagnation, but participating in a plant/tree's fruit growing or a garden's flourishing is rewarding. Only heaven and earth can make a tree, but it requires the seed, and a little help from a friend doesn't hurt.


Oct 21, 2014
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blue_angel, I'd not thought of my creativity being weakened because I've focused exclusively on the benefits of the experience, so learning to 'guard my light' as sooo indicated above. But you're right, this is a nice observation you make. Simultaneous to this is that I've felt a physical sensation of wounding each time I work creatively. Partly because she was the first and main person I really talked about my work with. This is a hurdle that I find difficult to overcome.

The anxiety and looping comes from wanting to communicate openly and laugh about the absurdity of our own micro-drama in the same way that we found other miscommunications between other people amusing. It seems strange to me that people get caught and entangled on a set of miscommunications that can so quickly be righted if both sat down open hearted with a coffee or glass of wine. It seems life is too valuable for such grudges. And yet I expend vast amounts of time trying to right them.

The>28 speaks to me as the peace found in releasing the attempts. Besides there's only so much I can do - and I do think I've tried in gentle ongoing ways but with no success - I'm blocked from her for reasons I don't know and whatever I ask the Yijing, I'm still in my own head - however much I believe I'm not only in my own head and there's absolutely something bigger that I experience but don't understand :hugs:.

Alongside learning to listen and channel 'the light' a little better, the experience has also given me a subject to explore, her, in depth, with the Yijing - Doing this, I've learned how to ask different nuanced questions, and have become aware how any relationship between two people isn't really about two people. One person is made up of experiences, feelings, thoughts, expectations and these are not always aligned so, resulting in mixed messages in how they respond to the world. If that makes sense. I've also read every one of Rosada's memorizing threads. It's been so interesting.

Thanks :bows: and best wishes on your journey blue_angel


Oct 21, 2014
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Just a minor detail, which you're probably already aware of, but Sun/Xùn also represents wood. This gives the feeling of a flood, the lake rises over the trees. In addition, the image of a bending ridgepole. Both ideas give the impression of impending doom, too much to withstand. The tree is rooted into the earth, the ridge pole holds up the entire roof. It tests ones mettle.

I also like to think of 11 in terms of fruitfulness. Peace can degenerate into stagnation, but participating in a plant/tree's fruit growing or a garden's flourishing is rewarding. Only heaven and earth can make a tree, but it requires the seed, and a little help from a friend doesn't hurt.

sooo, the feeling has very much been of testing my mettle. Being flooded with emotion, sagging to breaking point. The hexagrams almost seem diametrically opposite one another, if 28 is the tree being overwhelmed and 11 the tree or garden is growing and flourishing...

Perhaps, then the idea is almost two ways to view the same question. I can see it as 'breaking free' - a potentially destructive path OR see it as 11, allow the seeds that exist and what's already growing to flourish, to cultivate and nourish and be pleased with all that join in the growing of a community garden, whether this is she, whether this is people I've never met. In fewer words, keep an open heart and be at peace, trust myself.

Could this be an accurate read or is there something I'm missing? Your further elaboration, sooo, is very welcome!

Thank you sooo :bows:


Oct 21, 2014
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Actually, one thing that has occurred to me is the description my friends have had of my attitude to this. They describe it as excessively generous and peaceful.

Could it be that an excess of peaceful response is actually an intense and overwhelming pressure?


Actually, one thing that has occurred to me is the description my friends have had of my attitude to this. They describe it as excessively generous and peaceful.

Could it be that an excess of peaceful response is actually an intense and overwhelming pressure?

And vice verse. I can understand better your description of release. Typically release is depicted in h40, a form of letting go of something, but what you describe is a sort of inner process of paradox, agony/ecstasy, loss/gain, fullness through emptiness; the way the guru fills the soul through emptying the mind. Overwhelming brings clarity, which sounds like 51. But you describe the inner process through 28-11. That's interesting. Your friends may be astute in their observation, as the commonality of excess and 1.6. The Golden Dragon.


Btw, and for what it's worth, both 40 and 51 have dragons too, in the form of the son of heaven - thunder.


Its all so interesting to me. I had reflected back to having received 1>36 myself. How I seen it at the time was this huge amount of potential energy. The actual situation was as Pocossin described though. I did feel hurt over a lack of communication. I also felt hurt over some things that were said. I remember reflecting, wondering"am I seeing this correctly? How can I see this without feeling so defensive?"

But at times it seems even when we communicate
with some people, we seem to be speaking in another language. Even if we are both speaking English. One miscommunication leading to another. Two people looking at the same picture seeing the same thing, yet expressing it differently than each other. As you say its as if we are blocked for reasons unknown. And yet with these same people it seems as though... Although our verbal language is a barrier, our physical energy makes a cconnection even without actually touching. So I found it interesting to reflect this and then to read your reply on miscommunication.

I don't know if it's meant to be shared here, but what comes to mind is this... Topal over on open space shared a story of a Fisherman and a business man. I loved the story so much, I decided to share it at work. What I got from the story is to enjoy your life, your family, and friends. Work just enough to take care of your actual needs. When I shared it, one of my co-workers view astonished me. What he got was... Work really hard now while you are young, you can enjoy your life later. I wasn't going to argue his view. That's what he seen. I had to take into account that he likes to (color neatly in the lines, doing everything according to what is "right" for him) and I want to color outside the lines a bit, I crave some sense of freedom. Where we connect is we both have great care for people, however we often see the same exact picture completely differently. I am learning slowly to appreciate the difference.

I see now how 1>36 could be seen as too much energy and emotion leading to one wanting to hide their light. Or even as a flood of emotions and verbal communication sort of grounding a person.

The creative way you describe the hexagrams of 11>28 and what they mean to you, fascinates me and makes sense.
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Oct 21, 2014
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sooo, thank you for your comment. It hasn't been a release so much as a process. A way of finding balance - you might say, using a state of harmony to very gently allow the process of what's happened in excess to fill out the excess of what existed in me. So, yes, you're right, a paradox, or even a puzzle, allowing the time it takes for all the little pieces to settle or clear out. This has felt like agony/ecstasy, loss gain, fullness through emptiness (because as I emptied of things that seemed to connect to nothing or appreciated the time others took to connect and settle, I felt wealthier of being, somehow).

When you reference the commonality of excess, 1.6 and the Golden Dragon, what do you mean?

I really enjoy 51 as a hexagram. Very beautiful idea.

sooo :bows:


Oct 21, 2014
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How I seen it at the time was this huge amount of potential energy. The actual situation was as Pocossin described though. I did feel hurt over a lack of communication. I also felt hurt over some things that were said. I remember reflecting, wondering"am I seeing this correctly? How can I see this without feeling so defensive?"

This is true of this situation as well but I decided, as soon as I became ashamed, that I could only learn from the experience. So all things hurtful could be forgotten by virtue of life being bigger than the small, hurtful things that we say to one another. I prefer to see those we experience life with as those we learn from - but I also feel we should always be able to rise above the personal - the petty squabbles that, yes, hurt, but somehow can be valued as learning lessons, together, should you both agree.

I'm not sure why this happens - the miscommunications as, as you say, we're both looking at the same picture. Or, I suppose, it happens because our frames of reference and triggers and meanings are different, quite simply by how we were raised. And this causes all manner of issue. Hence, why it would be nice if we could view our communications as simply error-prone playtime within the pot of bigger, shared intention for, say, appreciation of life.

I know the fisherman and the business story. But he too has a point. It's sort of about filling time. It depends how you value enjoyment and whether certain forms of enjoyment have negative or positive connotations depending on how you've been taught. The man you work with couldn't enjoy living like the fisherman because he'd spend all his time feeling guilty that he weren't working hard like the businessman. What allowed the fisherman joy was the lack of context to judge his own life by, and so, in a sense, he is 'free'.

"I see now how 1>36 could be seen as too much energy and emotion leading to one wanting to hide their light. Or even as a flood of emotions and verbal communication sort of grounding a person." (sorry, not sure how to quote properly here without losing the text!)

Interesting! The same could be said of 28 and 11. They both deal with an excess although in a sense, each appears an opposite of the other

1 to 36 - an excess of creative dragon force is subdued. To allow that dragon energy to exist but to peacefully channel it as "Veils his light but still shines" is a way to be what you are without having to draw attention to it so, even under tyrannical conditions, you still survive and when the time, allows, teaches the discipline to channel it rightfully. This scenario could exist within one person or between two people, where each provides a counter balance to the other and in time, they learn the skills and powers of one another, in interplay. As you said earlier, you don't need to be verbally communicating to be seeing the same picture - and sometimes it's that you aren't verbally communicating that allows you to learn the most.


11 to 28 Where excess 28 dams itself while it has access to the elysian fields of 11. How do you take something so tense and ready to break and like, with 1 and 36, cycle it through so it moves through 11? Perhaps in some senses, this is the question :) Again, this can probably exist within one person or between two people. The flood is where the water had nowhere to flow, the communication didn't flow but somehow it doesn't need to be like this, because that same ground is nourished by water in the right amount. Maybe it's about this balance between people - where water is like communication?

Thanks blue_angel :bows:


"How do you take something so tense and ready to break in like, with 1 and 36, cycle it through so it moves through 11?"



Oct 21, 2014
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I agree blue_angel. Asking a question of whether to let something go is an extreme :)

11, though it's lovely and ideal, could be an extreme like 28.

It's been a good experience learning from you three, thank you.


Oct 21, 2014
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PS blue_angel please do share your experience of 1>36 if this is well for you. Especially, as it's always interesting to hear what occurred after the question.

Only if you're comfortable doing so!!


The extreme energy darkened the light causing a wound... Or you could say the exteme energy and emotion caused one to become weak and less creative... Or you could say the extreme energy and emotion eventually caused one to hide, so as not to be further injured. Acceptance... in a way of not allowing the little spark left to burn completely out...
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sooo, thank you for your comment. It hasn't been a release so much as a process. A way of finding balance - you might say, using a state of harmony to very gently allow the process of what's happened in excess to fill out the excess of what existed in me. So, yes, you're right, a paradox, or even a puzzle, allowing the time it takes for all the little pieces to settle or clear out. This has felt like agony/ecstasy, loss gain, fullness through emptiness (because as I emptied of things that seemed to connect to nothing or appreciated the time others took to connect and settle, I felt wealthier of being, somehow).

When you reference the commonality of excess, 1.6 and the Golden Dragon, what do you mean?

I really enjoy 51 as a hexagram. Very beautiful idea.

sooo :bows:
I picked up on the idea of release from: "I can see it as 'breaking free' .."

Golden Dragon is a bit of poetic license, a play off your handle, and from the more positive side of 1.6 - another image that is nearly always seen from only a negative perspective. Also based upon your friends' observations. There are quite a few of these that are consistently cast as Yi-devils, but to me, everything positive or negative depends upon context, desired results and self-sculpturing character.

precision grace

Nov 5, 2008
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I thought 1 > 36 was a very interesting answer and it seems like you got a good handle on it. Perhaps she sees you for the complex person that you are. I notice you actually didn't ask about getting together with this lady, only how to get over her, so perhaps the reading reflects this - you may very well just be looking for help in letting go.
With that, hex 11 is flow, I think 'peace' is completely misleading label for it. I hope it doesn't come to the flood seeping everything away, the pressure of 28 having reached the breaking point; although it may be that you are already in the process of this as we speak.

I wish you good luck. It really impressed me how you saw that the fisherman had no context for his life. Context, as I am fond of saying, is everything.


Oct 21, 2014
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The extreme energy darkened the light causing a wound... Or you could say the exteme energy and emotion caused one to become weak and less creative... Or you could say the extreme energy and emotion eventually caused one to hide, so as not to be further injured. Acceptance... in a way of not allowing the little spark left to burn completely out...

If I may add, sometimes, in my case anyway, that wound was sort of necessary because it was like it was a wound in a shell that allowed me to see my own problematic behaviors from a new position, to go inside the wound.

That light that doesn't go out is where I want to come from, as in, from the deepest inside out I can find. And that's it, so it seems to me like you've had a special journey. Like Darkening of the Light is a very powerful place to find oneself in a sense of finding your inner light, as you describe! :bows:


Oct 21, 2014
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I picked up on the idea of release from: "I can see it as 'breaking free' .."

Golden Dragon is a bit of poetic license, a play off your handle, and from the more positive side of 1.6 - another image that is nearly always seen from only a negative perspective. Also based upon your friends' observations. There are quite a few of these that are consistently cast as Yi-devils, but to me, everything positive or negative depends upon context, desired results and self-sculpturing character.

Sooo, this is interesting and I've not gone deep into 1.6. I created the handle GoldenN based on a concept taken before the experience I describe in this post. Golden now, for me, is the golden mean or golden ratio, something about weighing for balance while moving over terrain.

I will soon, then, conduct greater study into 1.6 and see what's deeper. In the work that I do, interestingly, based in understanding conflict and resolution, conflict resolution, in itself, feels a huge amount like 1.6. It's incredibly difficult to find solutions/resolution because the very act of seeking this becomes dragon force against dragon force - it's active energy against active energy. Perhaps a deeper study of 1.6 and you're pointing it out is fortuitous!

In reference to conflict resolution and 1.6, do you have thoughts? How do you resolve a 1.6 before leaving the line? :bows:


Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
I thought 1 > 36 was a very interesting answer and it seems like you got a good handle on it. Perhaps she sees you for the complex person that you are. I notice you actually didn't ask about getting together with this lady, only how to get over her, so perhaps the reading reflects this - you may very well just be looking for help in letting go.
With that, hex 11 is flow, I think 'peace' is completely misleading label for it. I hope it doesn't come to the flood seeping everything away, the pressure of 28 having reached the breaking point; although it may be that you are already in the process of this as we speak.

I wish you good luck. It really impressed me how you saw that the fisherman had no context for his life. Context, as I am fond of saying, is everything.

I've come to recognize all the power I have is only to express and listen. I can't enforce my will. And attempting to get together would be a weird act of enforcement. Besides that, I've learned so much and there's still some work I feel that I should complete before I can really be actively present in any relationship.

As was mentioned above by blue_angel, acceptance is the way out of extremes. Acceptance isn't a passive state but more, getting on with the lines of hexagram 11.

Using 'flow' for 11 makes a lot more sense and in which case, I suppose then, it's about not becoming a deluge and not damming up... so flowing and expressing. It would be easy then, to describe my experience here on Online Clarity as taking what was 28 and expressing and sharing and receiving 11 right here.

I wish you too, good luck, precision grace. Thank you.



Sooo, this is interesting and I've not gone deep into 1.6. I created the handle GoldenN based on a concept taken before the experience I describe in this post. Golden now, for me, is the golden mean or golden ratio, something about weighing for balance while moving over terrain.

I will soon, then, conduct greater study into 1.6 and see what's deeper. In the work that I do, interestingly, based in understanding conflict and resolution, conflict resolution, in itself, feels a huge amount like 1.6. It's incredibly difficult to find solutions/resolution because the very act of seeking this becomes dragon force against dragon force - it's active energy against active energy. Perhaps a deeper study of 1.6 and you're pointing it out is fortuitous!

In reference to conflict resolution and 1.6, do you have thoughts? How do you resolve a 1.6 before leaving the line? :bows:

The golden mean is a beautiful thing, effective conflict resolution for sure.

Usually 1.6 (imo) isn't advisable, and rarely succeeds in resolving conflict permanently. But like all uses of excess which typically give cause for regret, sometimes iconic power establishes borders when nothing else will, and it sometimes has a cathartic effect. There are harmless ways to express 1.6, creative in boisterous ways: yelling at clouds, cranking up my guitar amp to scream out to reach the mountain rims, where the gods live. Where I live now I can do this without disturbing anyone but the gods, and they just shake their heads and say, there he goes again, that restless little dragon. Regrets? Only if a blow up my amp or ear drums. So far only the occasional vacuum tube gives up the ghost, or an under-powered speaker. It's not for no reason that 1.6 changes to 43; what LiSe calls The Speaking Staff: an apropos metaphor for an electric guitar. Otherwise, I think the best way to dis-empower 1.6 is to chill, turn down the inner potentiometer. For someone familiar with basic electronics, it's equivalent to draining a capacitor - to use a different metaphor for staff - and even that can be a somewhat creative outlet.

The real energy waster (glad you've mentioned it) is 2.6. I've yet to experience it in a satisfying way, since I'm not a masochist. It's much ado about nothing. Fortunately it changes to 23, providing a quick solution to concerns that don't concern me. Takes a bit of practice though to decapitate that dragon cleanly and decisively, but for a knight or a junzi, that's what he's born to do. Though it's not part of the Chinese mythology, 2.6 reminds me more of the medieval dragon - that chains the beautiful maiden and guards the hidden treasure in a cave, but has not the slightest use for either. Now there's mindless vanity.

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