...life can be translucent

Hello, I need help with a reading.


Jul 23, 2018
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Hello everyone. My name is Miguel and I am from Venezuela. Nice to meet you all. It is the first time for me posting a reading. I would appreciate help with its interpretation. My question was this: Should I strive to continue working for Phil?. So, to make things clear, Phil is a friend of mine who has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I worked with him in the past but the whole situation leaded not only to a very bad situation but also to a dangerous conflict between him and me. I worked with him in the capitol of Venezuela, Caracas, but had to return to my house at Aragua state, which is roughly a hour of distance from Caracas. In Venezuela the minimum salary wage is about 5 USD or less, and this friend of mine offered me a job of 150 USD per month, which is the best I can get, and I am doing it from home. But something makes me feel I don't if anxious or unsure would be words to describe it or more a feeling that there is something under the carpet. I am getting paid better from what I could get paid, but I am getting paid less if I compare the price of the job being done with prices outside Venezuela. He asked me to develop spanish classes for english-speaking public. The reading I got was hexagram 19.1.5 changing to 29.


Hi Miguel and merry Christmas.
Should I strive to continue working for Phil? 19.1.5 > 29
In a way it will be great for you to continue working with him (19.1). And yet, you'll need to be on guard and super intelligent at all times, perhaps keep records of all your communications (19.5). But, no matter what you do, the situation will result in the exact same danger as before - a dangerous conflict as you said, it will happen again (29). Hidden line is 7.5, which is a war, in which one wins and one loses big time. So overall, as an answer to should you... perhaps not, unless you absolutely have no other choice and then be prepared for war.


Jul 23, 2018
Reaction score
Hi Miguel and merry Christmas.
Should I strive to continue working for Phil? 19.1.5 > 29
In a way it will be great for you to continue working with him (19.1). And yet, you'll need to be on guard and super intelligent at all times, perhaps keep records of all your communications (19.5). But, no matter what you do, the situation will result in the exact same danger as before - a dangerous conflict as you said, it will happen again (29). Hidden line is 7.5, which is a war, in which one wins and one loses big time. So overall, as an answer to should you... perhaps not, unless you absolutely have no other choice and then be prepared for war.

Thank you very much Diamanda. Today's I saw something that here in Venezuela we state as "taking out the claws" or "to show one's ows claws", it is a saying and a warning. He started to ask how was I doing for him the designs I am doing -my job is to develop Spanish classes to be casted online- and, he is really an easy person to read. The most likely outcome is that he would try to do it himself, or try to copy-paste my job in other ways or try to ask someone else to do the same job paying less. Regarding myself I would stop this right now. I have asked Yi for job options but I always get the hexagram 48 with multiple lines chaning. My last reading casted with clarity's site oracle was hexagram to 45. What should I do with all this situation?. I also asked what were the consequences of stoping the job being done and had hexagram 36 without changing lines -that for me is a very beatiful hexagram, to which I always relate to "madness" and "mental disorders" and "how to deal with them-.

I have had received the well line 2 multiple times. I feel that I am well aware of my capabilites, nevertheless I am not quite sure "where to put them into practice", I think that ismy hanging knot. Thank you very much for your anwser, Diamanda.
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