...life can be translucent

Twice the wanderer...what to do with $ 56.3 to 35 and to 45


May 13, 2018
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Like many people I have both health and money on my mind these days. I want to take advantage of still actually kinda having a job right now (unlike many of my colleagues) even tho I am technically self-employed also (most people I am friendly with are self-employed or gig economy). I just started saving for retirement 6 months ago after paying off all my debts other than student loans. Getting myself financially literate. Was thinking to try to buy a house but I'm putting that on hold for now. Do have nervousness about how it all plays out, especially as my boyfriend quit his job and has been unemployed for 2 weeks now. He's been looking for a year+ for a similar position with no luck, couldn't take it anymore. He owns a house that I potentially may move into at least for a time when my lease is up (don't prefer that location longterm, but maybe now is not the time to be choosy)

I asked Yi "Should I take my extra money and invest it in the stock market over the next 3 months?" and got 56.3 to 35.
Um, so this kinda sounds like a no? Or maybe it's like throwing money into the fire, but there will be a good resolution? I can't tell if it means more the situation is volatile but I'll be rewarded, or more that I'll lose the $, but in some other way prosper.

I then asked Yi "Should I take my extra money and keep it in safe investments like bank bonuses* over the next 3 to 6 months?" and got to 45.
*I do these bank account sign ups for the bonuses, a good site is Doctor of Credit. FDIC insured and such, v low risk
So I'm a little freaked I got 56 again. 3 again sounds like a volatile situation, 5 I'm not sure- adapting to new place like my bf's house? adapting to whatever the new norms are after all this passes?, 6 sounds ominous. But 45 doesn't sound SO bad? I'm not sure if it's financially lucrative tho, lol.

A side note is I definitely identify with the wanderer- I've traveled to 60 countries in the past 15 years, including a year of straight backpacking/hosteling, another year working on a cruise ship, have done some long walks (thru hikes), have lived in 30 places I can think of that were "homes" in the last 20 (not including all that backpacking and thru hiking and cruising). Not sure if it's relevant or not but it seemed important.


Aug 30, 2019
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I have had many wanderer/traveller readings and whilst not all of them have been related to travelling as such they almost always have a link with staying/going investing/not investing joining a group/not joining. To me it is like the traveller looking at a map - deciding where he is at that moment and looking at the options. You could leave things as they are (stay put, put down some roots temporarily) go down a rather risky looking road or take a leap into the unknown or travel along a safe route. An aside, especially when I have had these same moving lines, is that the path leads to the same point eventually.

Given your readings, my feeling is that you need to wait for the moment until things are more stable - and perhaps invest safely until you are feeling more centred, which could be staying with your boyfriend. You can then invest in more risky alternatives once you have more of an idea of where you are heading. 45 is telling you this I think.# The importance of your lifestyle is that you enjoy variety, adventure and risk almost. This is part of who you are. If you seek financial gains on the stock market there is a risk that you will not be able to do the things you like doing if things do go bottom up. Choice is a good thing when you are travelling.

Something resonates with this reading....perhaps look at another option with your money - a different perspective on your situation.


Poeticwalking, you are generally asking about planning for your future, and in particular, financial planning.

Along the lines of what Erik88 is saying, I think 56 is about how we can best act in unfamiliar and new situations, and what opportunites and problems we might find here, which is similar to how a wander Wanderer might want or need to act.

We are generally being advised to be clear and prudent, and to act with some restraint. You don't for example, want to burn down your camp because either you weren't careful, or you thought it would be a good idea to draw attention to yourself, or you got drunk and wanted to make Shmores! And, similarly, it could be that you don't want to rely on financial advice from a website when you don't know how reputable or reliable it is - or whose interested they are representing!

Setting aside the Yi's advice for a moment -you are asking some very complicated questions, and there are a lot of unknows and variables (e.g your age, how much you have saved, your income, you future plans, do you want to have a family, go into business for yourself, etc, etc, etc.).

So, even though the Yi might offer some very good general advice about what attitude you should have, I really suggest that you sit down and discuss all this with a financial planner (or more than one!), and make sure they are someone who doesn't have a vested interest in making money off of your money!

And giving you my finance-for-dummies advice, buying a home is usually a good idea, if you can afford it and get a good loan rate. And there are many other options for where to put your money, including the stock market, or a retirement account (IRA), CDs, and money market accounts, or a savings or checking plan, or likely some combination of these.

And for myself, I would not rely on 'Doctor of Credit' for my financial advice, and 'bonus' bank accounts might not be your best option for all of your savings: they are offering 'free' money for a reason, and it's not usually just out of the goodness of their hearts.

Best, D
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May 13, 2018
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I've been doing the bonuses for 5 years fwiw, this site just posts the deals, of many, and is very reliable. Active community there that reports on their experiences. I make a couple $k a year. I know exactly what I'm getting into and keep diligent records so I don't mess up and have to pay fees, which is where they gain money.

But anyway! Yeah. To be honest I've really been wanting maybe not so much to settle down, but a home base. I haven't wanted to move all these times in a certain way, it was crazy things kept happening (they decided to stop renting, mold, house getting broken into, changed pet policy, moved to a new city, my cat was killed, etc). I do love to travel but I really think I want a home base at 38 years old.

But yeah, this whole time is a volatile time, wait and see a lil, don't rush.


Aug 30, 2019
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I think Freeda has some excellent points here.
Think about your comment "Ive really been wanting maybe not so much to settle down, but a home base."
What do you exactly mean by this? It feels as if the settling down is somewhat disconnected from the house buying. I buy houses but I do not settle down.....so I really connect with what you are saying.
Sometimes we need to re phrase the question .......If you dont want to settle down why have a home base? Is the settling down to do with relationships perhaps.

Just trying to be helpful here. I do know some folk who purchased a really cheap house in a remote area. They spend most of their time travelling and seeing the world with a home base to return to. I think this is what you are meaning. But have a real think about what it is you do not what to settle with.


May 13, 2018
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I followed up with two questions: "What should I know about X and my relationship at this time?"
I got 38.2.3 to 30. Lollllllz. Yeah, we just have two really different mindsets- he's the suburb guy and I grew up more rural but have been in cities basically all of my adult life. It's interesting as we really haven't had any arguements or major things in the year and 1/3 we've been dating, except maybe this (but it's not a big deal really yet, we're not rushing and just talking). So I get from this to keep working on it and accept that this issue might not seem super rosy right now, but things will change- maybe it's my mindset about the whole moving to his place thing. Who knows. Don't sacrifice my real self tho. Well, with virus shutdowns we certainly are taking advantage to spend more time there (I still have a little work in the city, tho drastically reduced) and see how I/we feel. Anyway this seems very positive for an outcome we are both happy with if frustrating in the short term.

"Why have I been moving around so much as an adult" and got 34.2.5 to 49, which is like, huh. Too much energy? Or movement makes me full of energy, and leads to transformation which is a necessary process for me (as a side note on the astrological side this describes me SOOOO much and change is something that really feels inevitable for me, whether I like it or not, so I have come to embrace it a bit or at least be friendly with it). Well, at any rate, I really don't feel that it's like, I've been on the move since I've been running away from something, it's been more about the opportunities offered, or needing to change for the better. A lot about the inner work too.

I'll think more on these, thanks all.

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