...life can be translucent

Is it worthwhile 40>16



Further to this thread.... https://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/friends/index.php?threads/what-is-the-situation-60-8.31679/

The owner/boss has been a bit flakey (or something).
I cold canvassed this job (via email) a couple of months ago and she said there's no work try again closer to Easter but a couple of weeks ago I asked again. She emailed me suggesting we meet but then she said she couldn't meet at the times I suggested but why don't I just go into the (childcare) centre and see if I like it and if I like it, let her know and we'll set up a meeting from there the following week.
I did all she asked of me but she didn't respond within a week (before that she'd been a very effective communicator) so I emailed her again thanking her for her time but I'm assuming she's not interested.
48 hours later she emailed me apologising for her 'tardiness' made her excuses and suggested we meet at a certain time which she ended up changing and again I fitted in around her.
She never promised me more than casual work although I was hoping for more, particularly as I'm used to employers jumping at the chance for me to work for them based on my experience.
The meeting was a bit unusual and she told me how to do my job and after half an hour offered me a trial shift in a weeks time.

So all in all since emailing her for the second time (re cold canvass) it's going to be a month from woe to go just for a trial shift with no definite of a job offer. I felt I already did my trial (unpaid) shift when I went in a checked it out, and I was happy to do that but it's all just a bit much really. I will get paid for this next trial shift but hmmmm

Anyway I asked How worthwhile is it for me to pursue a job with this company

Hexagram 40.2>16

I wonder if it's just my Enthusiasm that's making me think she's got a hidden agenda and I'm just getting a bit carried away.
The reading looks like I should just go in and do the shift and see if my misgivings are true.
When I did go in a couple of weeks ago the other staff and I really took to each other as did the other Owner of the company but he's not the hire/fire person so to be honest I don't really understand what's going on.

Willem D

Hi Becalm,

The way I see it is that a change of attitude in this situation and toward the people involved might benefit you.
40.2 Legge translation: The second line, dynamic, shows its subject catch, in hunting, three foxes, and obtain the yellow (golden) arrows. With firm correctness there will be good fortune.
The fox in China as a symbol is not a positive one. In the commentary of the Legge translation it is said that the foxes represent inferior elements.
So to Liberate (hex. 40) the situation (or yourself in this situation) you need to remove 'inferior' elements (negative thoughts/judgments ??). This gives you a clear focus (yellow arrow) which results in Enthusiasm (hex.16). When you are enthusiastic about something you are open minded.

Is this worthwhile? Well, that is up to you.

Hope this will help?


How worthwhile is it for me to pursue a job with this company 40.2 > 16
It's not worthwhile, they're dishonest, they're only interested in making money via fraud.

Willem D

Maybe this will help you.
- Apart from the situation and how everything went with that lady, do you want the job? Do you think the job itself is a nice one?
- In your question you use 'worthwhile' which of course is a relative term that in de end only you can decide.
- how do you feel when the anser is 'yes' and how when the answer is 'no'?

What about asking the effect for you if you do pursue this job and if you don't pursue this job.

Good luck in finding clarity!
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Hahaha 😂😂 Well my intuition is telling me something’s not quite right!!!
Problem for me is I wonder sometimes if my PTSD and so many past toxic experiences makes me paranoid hence why I ask so many questions trying to get clarity.


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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40.2 In the field, taking three foxes.
Gaining a golden arrow.
Constancy, good fortune.

Might "In the field" refer to you actually going to the site and doing the trial shift which would allow you to "take the three foxes" which symbolize vanquishing the doubts you've had due to the trouble there has been in getting this going?

"Gaining the golden arrow" and "Constancy, good fortune" suggest to me that it's definitely worth your time to check it out. The Golden Arrow could be a job offer or if not it might simply mean then you will know for certain the job was not right for you. Either way constancy, keeping the appointment, seems to be good fortune.

I think 16. Enthusiasm describes all the little darlings running wild!

fwiw, you mention that you initiated this contact so perhaps that is why the responses you've gotten so far have been so sketchy. If they weren't looking to take on new staff they probably weren't in the mind space to recognize you. Just keep quietly showing up and eventually they'll be saying, "How did we ever get along without her?!"
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Mar 4, 2017
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Hello 🧘‍♀️
I absolutely agree with Rosada and Willllem, 40.2 "Perseverance is a source of good fortune", you have to go hunting and chase your doubts, face the situation...and you will discover the yellow arrow ⚡


Hello 🧘‍♀️
I absolutely agree with Rosada and Willllem, 40.2 "Perseverance is a source of good fortune", you have to go hunting and chase your doubts, face the situation...and you will discover the yellow arrow ⚡
I know you're right.
After I read Rosada's post a few hours ago I had to accept it's me with the issue of distrust and realised it's just because things are being done differently this time around.
I've had so much Uncertainty over these last couple of years that I need things to have a Certainty about them but this situation (at this point) doesn't and I'm struggling to overcome that before I go to the work 'trial'.


From what you've described so far, they are unreliable and inconsistent. So your distrust is fully founded on facts.
Agreed on that, definitely. It's an unusual situation and they run the centre completely different to most places.
I think the problem I'm having is the first trial I went to the staff were welcoming and warm, not just politely welcoming and the other owner was there and he was just as great and interested. All of them were hoping I'd like to work there and I felt I'd love to for a number of reasons.
Things seemed to go a bit pear shaped after the event and with the other owner of the place who seems to be the administrative and hire/fire person.
I'd just love to be able to go in there for this next trial and not be worrying about it but because of past experiences and as mentioned her behaviour I just can’t and don’t want to deal with Uncertainty.
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I'm still feeling unsettled about this situation so I posed another question.

How will it help my employment status to this 'trial' shift


I think that's clear - Retreat and something better will come along, it's a Turning Point.

I had another similar situation come up yesterday where I felt the person wasn't being clear in their intentions so in the end I just thought - Step back and see what happens.
When you are unsure of a person intentions it can make you feel Uncertain and I promised myself I wouldn't put myself in those types of situations again, so....

Willem D

Hi Becalm,

I think that's clear - Retreat and something better will come along, it's a Turning Point.
Hmm, from your position (feeling unsetteled) I can understand your explanation, but when I see the hexagram you received as an answer, there are a few things that makes me wonder if the Yi is telling you something else.

With 5 out 6 moving lines hex 33 is very unbalanced. The only not moving line is line 2 and in a way this line holds the hexagram together.
33.2 Legge translation: The second line, magnetic, shows its subject holding her purpose as if by
a thong made from the hide of a yellow ox, which cannot be broken
The lower trigram represents you and the upper trigram represents your question. A rather unbalanced relation. Both you and the questions about this job are exhausted, the moving lines show too much yin and too much yang.

This unbalanced hexgram 33 is balanced by Hex. 24 Return.
Return to what? Return to the initial reason * you wanted this job in the first place and leave all experience you have had with the company and how you interpret it, behind.
* In hex. 24 the first line is yang and the rest are yin. The image of a sunrise, while the sun is still under the horizon.

To me this relates to 40.2 in your earlier question. Hunt your inner demons and you will obtain a golden arrow.
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Thanks Willem D I appreciate your take on this.

A number of times in the past I've made decisions based on my interest in the job and an underlying fear I need to take it because I was so insecure financially and just at the Base Chakra level, period.
The jobs looked great but there were also Red Flags that I chose to ignore at my peril and that's what I felt here. There was a Red Flag but I just couldn't work out what it was so instead of just ignoring it I had to work through it and stick to all the promises I'd made myself re putting myself in harms way even though I really wanted this job.
I think this is a reflection of -
33.2 Legge translation: The second line, magnetic, shows its subject holding her purpose as if by
a thong made from the hide of a yellow ox, which cannot be broken and

To me this relates to 40.2 in your earlier question. Hunt your inner demons and you will obtain a golden arrow.

I sent her an email yesterday saying I object to doing another trial shift when I'd already done that and her staff backed up my ability to do the job at the high level she obviously sets. Obviously I wasn't quite that blunt but that's the crux of the message......so I held to my purpose and her response, very much to my surprise, I think we've got our wires crossed Would you be available to do a Shift at this time on this day and I'll send you the relevant paperwork needed. To me that's hunting my inner demons and getting the golden arrow.

Hex 33>24 - Retreating from her original offer of the trial shift and going back to the Starting Point.

Willem D

Wow Becalm, well done! I take my virtual hat of and make a little bow :D
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Wow Becalm, well done! I take my virtual head of and make a little bow :D
Hahahaha thank you - I didn't really think I had anything to lose although I was disappointed that I had to make a stand when she could have just offered me the shift in the first place.
My adult children have always spoken up about what they want to employers because they know their worth (and experience) speaks for itself!! Thought I might try it.....


Mar 4, 2017
Reaction score
Bonjour ! - 24 : here is a very active and very fast retreat ! 24 your golden arrow has returned to this job that you like... Great⚡


How worthwhile is it for me to pursue a job with this company 40.2 > 16
It's not worthwhile, they're dishonest, they're only interested in making money via fraud.

From what you've described so far, they are unreliable and inconsistent. So your distrust is fully founded on facts.
And here we are less than 3 months later! Even though I don't know about the fraud/money thing they've certainly proved to be unscrupulous and corrupt. :(


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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One of the annoying things I find with the I Ching is how it answers the question asked but it doesn't always tell what you really needed to know. Like here 40.2 - 16 seems to be saying, "How worthwhile is it for you to pursue this job? Well if you keep pursuing it you will get it." BUT it doesn't go on to say whether that's a good thing!:hissy:

Congrats Diamant!
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One of the annoying things I find with the I Ching is how the answers the question asked but doesn't always tell what you really needed to know. Like here 40.2 - 16 seems to be saying, "How worthwhile is it for you to pursue this job? Well if you keep pursuing it you will get it." BUT it doesn't go on to say whether that's a good thing!:hissy:

Congrats Diamant!
Very good point rosada - I'll be more mindful of how I ask my questions now. Yes diamant got it right so good lesson learned re the Yi!!


Oct 7, 2019
Reaction score
Oh no!!! Two completely different answers....

Hahaha 😂😂 Well my intuition is telling me something’s not quite right!!!
Problem for me is I wonder sometimes if my PTSD and so many past toxic experiences makes me paranoid hence why I ask so many questions trying to get clarity.

Very good point rosada - I'll be more mindful of how I ask my questions now. Yes diamant got it right so good lesson learned re the Yi!!

Becalm, thank you SO much for posting the update and following up on how things evolved.
This is so precious to me right now. I've had the very same cast (Hexagram 40.2>16) about a similar situation, in which I'm trying to understand EXACTLY what you say: are the 3 foxes my doubts and fears that I'm projecting over this person due to my past toxic experiences OR are the foxes the tricks that this man has been playing, and him running the field with many women at once? The same doubts apply to Hex 16: will the release of tension and doubts bring Enthusiasm OR am I just deluding myself?

This is why your follow up is so precious.
I really think 40.2 screams SCAM.

It's just so hard to believe our intuition sometimes, as we would love to trust. Trust is much nicer than distrust. But. If we were in a completely innocent situation I guess we wouldn't have this sort of doubts.
Doubts are there for a reason.

Thank you again, and thank you Diamant for your very clear vision.

God bless, I own you one.


That's great GreenHazel!! 2 months or more on and I'm so, so glad I no longer work there. It was my last ditched attempt to see if I could be in the workforce having PTSD and the answer is a clear NO! Not that they're not to blame for being such awful people.
The biggest problem I faced was it caused me such exhaustion like CFS because of the triggers, so working is just sooo unhealthy for me.


Oct 7, 2019
Reaction score
Thank you for this feedback Becalm, I hear you.

The situation my 40.2 cast was about brought me the worse physical issues I've had in my whole life. Something serious that will take long time to heal completely. And, I did follow the I Ching advice (also thanks to you and Diamant.) I don't want to think what would have happened if I didn't.

I've learned that Intuition talks through our body and dreams when our mind is misleading us. When we are not listening, this is.
This has been such HUGE lesson for me, something that I'll never forget.
If I'll find the energy, I'll post a whole thread about it, in case it can be useful to others.

If this can help. All I'm thinking right now is to emerge from all this, physical pain included, in a much better emotional - physical - spiritual and mental shape than I've ever been.
Having this goal is helping me greatly ( I've never been so disciplined in following a detox diet and in working out, I'm better and better every day!)

Rooting for you, bowing to our intuition and deep body intelligence.

Thank you again.

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