...life can be translucent

Wanting positive closure/truth on a long term unclosed situation, 59/2,5,6 to 2!!!!


Jun 21, 2021
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There has been a situation between me and another person of a long time, a heart issue, one where truths were suppressed. I know that sometimes we gotta take unresolved situations to the trash, but it was bothering me still, so I cast the coins, and got a powerful combo....Hexagram 59 (Dispersion) with lines changing 2,5,6 to get to 2 (Receptive) via the Wilhelm Baynes book.

I have questions:

1.What does this mean to cross the great water you often see in the interpretations?

2.In Hexagram 2, it said it's good to get help from the west and south and stay away from the north and east. Now, I just accepted a new job (has nothing to do with this situation) where it's west of where I live and its main office for my area is south of me. I'm leaving a job on 02 july where it's north of where I live and the owner lives east of me. It kinda makes me wonder if the resolution I seek may be aided somehow by this new job?

Thanks for any insights!


Jun 2, 2021
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If only we could order a catharsis on Amazon Prime™ and have it delivered same day.

We are not entitled to closure. Like an artist's aesthetic vision of beauty, it lays somewhere inside the stone marble. An idea that cannot be expressed until the rock has been slowly (and gently) chipped away over an unfathomably long time.

Unlike the artist however, we need no tools or dedicated time to work on this creative project. We just maintain ceaseless activity and receptivity to experience - all while a gentle breeze corrodes away at this mountain.


Closure is an internal conclusion. You're right to want one - making sense of our past helps us with our future. It doesn't have to come from an outer source though, especially not from a dishonest person. You can reach your own conclusions on this matter, without the input of that person. I shouldn't have said in your other thread that this needs to go in the rubbish bin (I said that, but, I already had my own conclusions and closures before the rubbish bin stage), so I'm correcting:
you need to make sense of what happened, so that you can move forward.
On to your questions though!

What does this mean to cross the great water you often see in the interpretations?
It means a great venture. One for which many factors and dangers need to be taken into account. One for which we have to think ahead, plan, gather courage and support.

It kinda makes me wonder if the resolution I seek may be aided somehow by this new job?
It sounds like yes.

Wanting positive closure/truth on a long term unclosed situation, > 2
The overall image is that there's a deluge, a flood, and then it empties out.
Line 59.2 describes 'a supportive tablet'. Find support for this issue.
59.5 shows someone sweating bullets and talking sh1te and telling stupid excuses.
59.6 is very painful, but on the plus side, it shows staying away from extreme danger.
All this finally ends (2), which is a good thing - nobody wants to remain in extreme flooding danger.

In conclusion, your closure and truth will come via
  • (online?) support (e.g. a remote friend or group). Please note, via a supportive group or friend, not via a foe, i.e. not via the dishonest person in question
  • realising that person is dishonest
  • realising that you truly need to fully escape, truly need to end this dangerous unclosed situation (59.6 staying away from blood)


Jun 21, 2021
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Closure is an internal conclusion. You're right to want one - making sense of our past helps us with our future. It doesn't have to come from an outer source though, especially not from a dishonest person. You can reach your own conclusions on this matter, without the input of that person. I shouldn't have said in your other thread that this needs to go in the rubbish bin (I said that, but, I already had my own conclusions and closures before the rubbish bin stage), so I'm correcting:
you need to make sense of what happened, so that you can move forward.
On to your questions though!

What does this mean to cross the great water you often see in the interpretations?
It means a great venture. One for which many factors and dangers need to be taken into account. One for which we have to think ahead, plan, gather courage and support.

It kinda makes me wonder if the resolution I seek may be aided somehow by this new job?
It sounds like yes.

Wanting positive closure/truth on a long term unclosed situation, > 2
The overall image is that there's a deluge, a flood, and then it empties out.
Line 59.2 describes 'a supportive tablet'. Find support for this issue.
59.5 shows someone sweating bullets and talking sh1te and telling stupid excuses.
59.6 is very painful, but on the plus side, it shows staying away from extreme danger.
All this finally ends (2), which is a good thing - nobody wants to remain in extreme flooding danger.

In conclusion, your closure and truth will come via
  • (online?) support (e.g. a remote friend or group). Please note, via a supportive group or friend, not via a foe, i.e. not via the dishonest person in question
  • realising that person is dishonest
  • realising that you truly need to fully escape, truly need to end this dangerous unclosed situation (59.6 staying away from blood)
Thank you for your insights. I enjoy reading them. God bless you.


Jun 21, 2021
Reaction score
If only we could order a catharsis on Amazon Prime™ and have it delivered same day.

We are not entitled to closure. Like an artist's aesthetic vision of beauty, it lays somewhere inside the stone marble. An idea that cannot be expressed until the rock has been slowly (and gently) chipped away over an unfathomably long time.

Unlike the artist however, we need no tools or dedicated time to work on this creative project. We just maintain ceaseless activity and receptivity to experience - all while a gentle breeze corrodes away at this mountain.
Thank you for your insights!


Apr 26, 2021
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I think hex 2 resulting can be disappointing in some cases because it is often something being laid to rest - but in this case that seems like a great thing. Maybe a ritual to actually take this into the earth and leave it there? Do it as many times as you need to since these things aren't linear but do keep coming back to the truth that it's time to let this have its final peace. Reopening it with the person (or adjacent parties, or a location, etc) will probably just prolong that process (that's what your lines are telling you, to go toward safety not danger).


Feb 6, 2021
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I have questions: 1. What does this mean to cross the great water ...? And ... 2. Hex. 2 (says) it's good to get help from the west and south and stay away from the north and east ....

Do you only want input about these two things? But otherwise, you have gotten what you need from this reading? Or, do you want input about the whole situation and Yi's response?
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Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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Dispersing - Earth.
Sounds like ashes being scattered as in a memorial service so I like redoleander's suggestion that an actual ritual could help with finding closer.
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Jun 21, 2021
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Do you only want input about these two things? But otherwise, you have gotten what you need from this reading? Or, do you want input about the whole situation and Yi's response?
Please give me your insights for the whole thing if you wish. I like reading others' takes on the oracle hexagrams.


Clarity Supporter
Feb 14, 2019
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Hi journey 88,

the relating hexagram 2 talks about taking guidance, being led. This is a background ... the 59 hexgram is dissolving what separates all from each other. It speaks about making offering to the highest to establish the temples, or, for the noble one, to "assume his temple" - whatever that means!

The 59.5 in the middle also speaks about "dissolving sweat, his great proclamation". There is a generousity in this line. Dispersing the king's residence! Nothing is that stable in this line, but I think that you share some values. The line 2 - flee to your support - and line 6 - leave, far away, get out ...

The focus seems to be: there will be support if you join like-minded people. Concentrate on what really matters to you, your values ...

All the best


Feb 6, 2021
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Wanting positive closure - and you got: Hex, 59 with lines changing 2,5,6 to get to 2, via the Wilhelm Baynes book.
Hello Journey:

I feel Wilhelm's name/title for Hex. 59 is fitting. Here you have trigram (three line figure) Water below, and trigram Wind above: Water can be about emotions, and here they are picked up by the Wind and are 'Dispersed, or are Dis-solved: to break apart our tightly-held emotions like sadness and grief so that we can deal with, or solve or resolve them.

I think Water might be your sadness and grief about this unresolved and still-hurting situation. Perhaps you're may even feel a bit depressed or down about it?

You have tried to deal with - or disperse - your feelings, but how you're approaching this is not quite working, and your feelings are still very solid and still feel unresolved.

How then might you find closure?

Line 59.2 suggests that this 'dissolving' or dispersion - e.g. getting positive closure - involves seeking and having support, e.g. you "hurry to that which supports" and this helps "remorse disappear". (See below for what I said about favorable and unfavorable directions, which may be related to this.)

Line 59.5 is about letting yourself more fully grieve and feel the loss of this relationship. Here, your "loud cries" bring about "Dissolution!" And this will help you "abide without blame" - which, for me, is a lot of what 'postive closure' is about.

Line 59.6 talks about'keeping ... distance' - that you need to give yourself some space - some distance - from this person or the overall situation, at least until it feels more resolved and less hurtful for you.

Hex. 2 is often associated with acceptance, but people often interpret this is in a very passive way: sort of like the old joke about a Jewish grandma changing a lightbulb, but who instead says she'll just "sit here in the dark".

However Hex. 2 is much more active than this: one image associated with trigram Earth - and Hex. 2 - is a potter's wheel: here Earth is given a raw lump of clay and then makes something 'real' - down to Earth - from it.

For you, it's about taking your 'lump' of (raw) grief, hurt, and unresolved feelings, and turning them into 'a postive closure' - which is infinitely more joyful, useful, and 'down-to-Earth'.

As to your question about" 'it furthers one to cross the great water" (Hex 59):

In ancient China crossing the large rivers was no trivial undertaking. It was often done to attack a neighboring state, and so to do this, and to want it to be successful, were major subjects that people (kings, rulers ...) asked the Oracle about.

I believe it can have many different meanings and associations, but I often think it means that I'm being told that whatever it is I'm asking about or what I want to do is no trivial task - but it is achievable. In your case, it certainly is no small matter: e.g. you are crossing a great river - not a small puddle or stream, to find closure with this situation!

About, "favorable to find friends in the west and south, to forego friends in the east and north" (from Hex. 2).

I think this can have multiple meaning. It might be quite literal: go west or south, or, etc. However, there are other meanings about what these 'directions' meant for the Zhou people - and perhaps for you:

* to go west was to return to the Zhou homeland (located to the west of the Shang); West is also associated with (the direction of) trigram Lake - the fall season and joyful harvest. And to go south is associated with 'the sunny - or south side - of the mountain (perhaps the original - and more correct? - meaning of 'yin'): e.g. to seek a place that is warm, safe, and where there is enough light to see things (your situation) clearly.

* to not go east is to not travel further away from what you know - away from one's western homeland, where you are among friends, family, community, and it is safe. And (or) it might be a suggestion to rely on what one already knows and feels (and to not introduce any new ideas or directions into the mix). To not go north is to not travel into cold, dark regions (e.g the Great Wall was built along the norther borders). North was/is a place of more darkness, fear and an abyss.

I hope some or all of what I shared is some use to you.

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Mar 22, 1971
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Wanting positive closure/truth on a long term unclosed situation !! 59:2,5,6 <> 2

Closure is very much an internal / personal thing and only you can decide what closure in this situation means or looks like for you. This is an important thing to establish. Long term disputes can become difficult to accept closure for especially if the wounds we hold are still open. Foregiveness of self and others can form a big part of accepting long term unclosed situations.

Hex 59 meaning 'The Bright Presence breaks through'
Hex 2 meaning ' being supple'

You will find the truths and closure you are looking for through being less rigid.

The truth you are looking for will come through you preparing yourself to eliminate misunderstandings so that clarity can shine through. In this situation the best guidance you are given is to offer something that you have been hanging on tightly inside and to then follow this up with outward actions.

'Dispersing' calls for eliminating resistance through allowing your internal obstacle to be washed away by the flow of life. Stepping into the Great Stream - if you'd like to see it like that. You are being drawn forward by the strong forces of the nuclear 38 that ask you to find balance through discrimination. Not necessarily compromise but more developing a knowing of how opposites can co-exist in your world.

59.2 - You hold an inner perspective that needs to be changed. When you can achieve this the cause of your sorrows will disappear. Be clear on what is really happening for you inside.

59.5 - There is much work that you will be needed to correct this situation. This matter can be seen as akin to a blood feud but your difficult toil will be worth it as it brings with it the peace you are looking for. Look at what actions you need to take just for you to feel better in this situation.

59.6 - Do not dwell on the situation once it has become less painful. Leave it all behind and rather than looking backward, look forward and focus on enjoying the rest of your life.

...or it might be nothing like this at all for you.

Good Luck


Jun 21, 2021
Reaction score
Hi journey 88,

the relating hexagram 2 talks about taking guidance, being led. This is a background ... the 59 hexgram is dissolving what separates all from each other. It speaks about making offering to the highest to establish the temples, or, for the noble one, to "assume his temple" - whatever that means!

The 59.5 in the middle also speaks about "dissolving sweat, his great proclamation". There is a generousity in this line. Dispersing the king's residence! Nothing is that stable in this line, but I think that you share some values. The line 2 - flee to your support - and line 6 - leave, far away, get out ...

The focus seems to be: there will be support if you join like-minded people. Concentrate on what really matters to you, your values ...

All the best
Thank you for your insights. God bless you.

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