...life can be translucent

New start


May 27, 2021
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I asked why I go against myself 38.5>10
I'm making myself suffer due to past mistake and can't move on. Like I don't want to.
I don't have inspiration to let it go and start again. The i ching seems to be mirroring my inner state 38 opposition, I dig deep inside me to find the answer but can't find why, if that would help me to move on.
What do I need to move on? 46.2.3>2
How to make myself realise that this state I'm in is draining?33.5>56.


Apr 26, 2021
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What are you moving on from? 38.5 sounds like something or someone that comes back, it pops again and you either take the bait or you already took the bait and you have regrets about it. It’s not straightforward to me though because sometimes this thing coming back can positive; it can bring clarity or a development. Maybe you needed to have that experience? Or maybe it’s not actually totally done yet and you’re pushing yourself to move on faster than you actually want to or can? You might need more support than you currently have in order to do that, are you trying to do it all on your own?

46.2.3 > 2 seems to be a simple answer of saying to let go but also not rush or push yourself too far too fast. A simple gesture or just being are all that’s asked for.

33.5 > 56 suggests peace and really coming back to yourself. The type of stillness that isn’t easy to have but would be rewarding. Fully committing to regrouping and gathering yourself. Not asking much more of yourself than taking good care.

I’m wondering from looking at these readings if this situation you’re trying to move on from is actually fully over or if there are more options than that but I’m not sure if you want to share more information. Either way, it seems like you have the green light to move on if you want to and that you are perhaps being very hard on yourself when this is simply the situation you’re in, there’s nothing actually criticize yourself for.


May 27, 2021
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What are you moving on from? 38.5 sounds like something or someone that comes back, it pops again and you either take the bait or you already took the bait and you have regrets about it. It’s not straightforward to me though because sometimes this thing coming back can positive; it can bring clarity or a development. Maybe you needed to have that experience? Or maybe it’s not actually totally done yet and you’re pushing yourself to move on faster than you actually want to or can? You might need more support than you currently have in order to do that, are you trying to do it all on your own?

46.2.3 > 2 seems to be a simple answer of saying to let go but also not rush or push yourself too far too fast. A simple gesture or just being are all that’s asked for.

33.5 > 56 suggests peace and really coming back to yourself. The type of stillness that isn’t easy to have but would be rewarding. Fully committing to regrouping and gathering yourself. Not asking much more of yourself than taking good care.

I’m wondering from looking at these readings if this situation you’re trying to move on from is actually fully over or if there are more options than that but I’m not sure if you want to share more information. Either way, it seems like you have the green light to move on if you want to and that you are perhaps being very hard on yourself when this is simply the situation you’re in, there’s nothing actually criticize yourself for.
Thank you so much for your reply. I always find your interpretation helpful.
My fears hold me in indecisive state, I made a few steps, but I fall in negative thinking again and again it seems like I can't move on from that state.
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Mar 4, 2017
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First of all, to stop your incessant thoughts over which you have no control, I recommend you in Bach Flowers : White Chesnut (against ruminations and to move on), 2 drops in a little water 4 times a day, for 3 weeks. The first few days you can take it 6-8 times a day. You'll see, it's awesome!

38.5 – 10 : You say you are going against yourself. Did you experience a separation or something that prevented you from uniting with someone, or something because there was too much difference, opposition between you?

46.2.3 – 2: do not regret anything because the city was empty (line 3), impossible to build anything. Line 2 is separation, and that's a good thing. Hexagram 2 supports your resistance and patience.

33.5 – 56: This exhausting state 56 is not yours. This is just a passage that you have to leave to return to your real life. Line 5 talks about a separation that makes perfect sense and is good for you. Choose to do yourself good, and think about Bach flowers ;), seeing your friends, doing positive things... it will help you a lot


Jul 28, 2018
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I read 38.5 as you don't move on because you need to go deeper in the matter to understand & process it. It's not a mistake.

46.2.3 indicates a little offering. You have to put some effort (time? money? energy?...) to move forward, then it would be easy to move on. Hexagram 2 is receptive & in 46 one moves rather slowly.

33.5>56 says you don't need to do anything. Retreat a bit. 56 is temporary. My take is, you need to pass through this phase.


May 27, 2021
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First of all, to stop your incessant thoughts over which you have no control, I recommend you in Bach Flowers : White Chesnut (against ruminations and to move on), 2 drops in a little water 4 times a day, for 3 weeks. The first few days you can take it 6-8 times a day. You'll see, it's awesome!

38.5 – 10 : You say you are going against yourself. Did you experience a separation or something that prevented you from uniting with someone, or something because there was too much difference, opposition between you?

46.2.3 – 2: do not regret anything because the city was empty (line 3), impossible to build anything. Line 2 is separation, and that's a good thing. Hexagram 2 supports your resistance and patience.

33.5 – 56: This exhausting state 56 is not yours. This is just a passage that you have to leave to return to your real life. Line 5 talks about a separation that makes perfect sense and is good for you. Choose to do yourself good, and think about Bach flowers ;), seeing your friends, doing positive things... it will help you a lot
Yes, there was this guy, who was not good choice, I'm over him now. I was obsessed and it made impact on all other areas of my life.
I'll definitely try the White Chestnut, thank you so much for the recommendation. I'm so deep into my thinking that even a simple remedy or positive thinking makes me feel helpless like I've ran out of solution.

I read 38.5 as you don't move on because you need to go deeper in the matter to understand & process it. It's not a mistake.

46.2.3 indicates a little offering. You have to put some effort (time? money? energy?...) to move forward, then it would be easy to move on. Hexagram 2 is receptive & in 46 one moves rather slowly.

33.5>56 says you don't need to do anything. Retreat a bit. 56 is temporary. My take is, you need to pass through this phase.
Thank you marybluesky. It took me a long time, but I'm starting to feel better.


Mar 4, 2017
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Yes, there was this guy, who was not good choice, I'm over him now. I was obsessed and it made impact on all other areas of my life.
I'll definitely try the White Chestnut, thank you so much for the recommendation. I'm so deep into my thinking that even a simple remedy or positive thinking makes me feel helpless like I've ran out of solution.

Thank you marybluesky. It took me a long time, but I'm starting to feel better.
"New start" : you have the solution ;)


Clarity Supporter
Feb 14, 2019
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Hi Anatio,

38 is an opposition - struggling with estrangement. In line 38.5, regrets go away already. You can find support, there is an authority around you you can trust, the other person has no bad intentions.

46.2.3|02 is an answer for a question about how to move on. To proceed step by step, this is the image of moving on. Just a bit is required in 46.2 - a summer offer, which is naturally little, there is not much of a harvest to offer. If your intention is good, this will be good enough. Be truthful an confident, and you will easily proceed, step by step.

Maybe also, as "earth" is the 2nd related hexagram ... which is not the initial reading, but an image of a growing tree in earth. The earth hexagram takes guidance, is patient, is generous and carries all beings.

The question which led to the answer 33.5 is a bit tricky, how do I make myself realize ... ? The answer is simple - retreat from what is not so good. If you retreat, you can calm down and see through.

All the best


May 27, 2021
Reaction score
Hi Anatio,

38 is an opposition - struggling with estrangement. In line 38.5, regrets go away already. You can find support, there is an authority around you you can trust, the other person has no bad intentions.

46.2.3|02 is an answer for a question about how to move on. To proceed step by step, this is the image of moving on. Just a bit is required in 46.2 - a summer offer, which is naturally little, there is not much of a harvest to offer. If your intention is good, this will be good enough. Be truthful an confident, and you will easily proceed, step by step.

Maybe also, as "earth" is the 2nd related hexagram ... which is not the initial reading, but an image of a growing tree in earth. The earth hexagram takes guidance, is patient, is generous and carries all beings.

The question which led to the answer 33.5 is a bit tricky, how do I make myself realize ... ? The answer is simple - retreat from what is not so good. If you retreat, you can calm down and see through.

All the best
I have all the support, wonder who that authority figure might be, my father maybe? I overheard him doubting behind my back and it hurt me.
I already feel the regrets vanishing, trying my best to take the advice. Thank you!
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Mar 4, 2017
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Above all, have no regrets, it was not your fault. It was an experience, the "city was empty" -46.3- between you. You have nothing to do with it. You were different. When you will meet someone who is closer to your nature, things will be simpler...

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