...life can be translucent


All Change: Headless Dragons and Perseveringly Upright.


Mar 22, 1971
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In the I Ching Hex 1 and 2 are the only hexagrams that have assigned meanings for when all 6 lines are changing. Most commentators that I have read include a mention of this in their work. The one that stands out for me as being different from the rest is Stephen Karcher. In the works I have seen of his there is no reference at all to all 6 lines changing.

A few questions:

What light can anyone able to shine on why this might be?
Is there a work by Karcher that makes comment on all changing lines for Hex 1 and Hex 2?

and on a slightly different note:

Why might only Hex 1 and Hex 2 be singled out for these comments?
Are there any references elsewhere to the meaning of all 6 changing lines for any of the other hexagrams?


Mar 22, 1971
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Nothing about Karcher in this old thread on 'Beheaded Dragon'. However, it contains insightful contributions from some wise old owls.



Why might only Hex 1 and Hex 2 be singled out for these comments?
The Taoist approach to the I Ching is all about balance. In this approach, a moving line is not seen as a one-way street (i.e. from moving yang to yin), but as an interaction. A moving yang line is seen as too much of yang, being balanced by yin. So there is a constant interaction between the two polarities. (The same can be seen with the trigrams. Suppose trigram Fire has a moving yin line, then from the Taoist approach, balance is found by trigram Heaven.)
H1 and H2 are the primary forces, the ultimate yang and yin, each other's opposite. As archetypes, they are the Father and the Mother.
It is the interaction between these two primal forces that gives birth to "the 10,000 things." It is also the essence of change, through the interaction of yin and yang, change is possible.
You might compare H1 and H2 to an electric motor, where the voltage between the coils (H1 and H2) activates the rotor (H64 - H63) and keeps it in a rotating motion (H64 → H1 → H63 → H2 →).
H1 and H2 thus are the driving force behind the motion.

So the moving of all 6 lines in H1 and H2, shows the fundamental force that keeps everything in motion, it reflects the eternal alternation of yin and yang.

Jack M. Balkin comments at All Lines Moving (H1):
When all lines are changing, the hexagram is transformed into Hexagram 2, Kun, The Receptive. This symbolizes a perfect balance between yin and yang, the receptive and the dynamic, and connotes exceptional good fortune. Strength coupled with mildness, power and ability coupled with open-mindedness and adaptability, ensure a favorable result, for the universe itself reflects the alternation of yin and yang. And if one is in accord with the way of the universe, how can one go wrong?
Only H1 and H2 have this dynamic, hence only in these 2 hexagrams do all lines changing have a (favorable) meaning.

02-07-2023: I have replaced the image in this post due to the incorrect representation and indication of the dynamic force
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Mar 22, 1971
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Hi HansK
The idea of rotating motion (H64 → H1 → H63 → H2 →) makes good sense. The cycle reminds me of perpetual motion and the mechanism for the creation of the myriad beings: an arena that contains no beginning and no end. H1 (Qian) has to, when at it's fullest, utilise the qualities of H2 (Kun) and equally H2 when at its fullest must maintain a secondary position and therefore, as a consequence, there remains something not yet fulfilled and so around the loop we go again.

Alfred Huang in 'The Complete I Ching' writes at length about all changing lines for hexagrams 1 and 2. There is also a detailed commentary by Tuck Chang in ' Unveiling the Mystery of the I Ching' and a more scholarly account in Richard Rutt's book ' Zhouyi: The Book of Changes' which delves into a number of old texts and concluding that they "probably do not belong to the oldest stratum of Zhouyi" and that the origin of the comments of six lines changing in both H1 and H2 is unknown.

So there are commentators beyond Balkin who have looked to make sense of all this, it appears though that Karcher just isn't one of them.

One explanation, regarding all lines changing in H1 and H2, that I found delightfully simplistic was that given by Richard Bertschinger in his book 'Yijing, Shamanic Oracle of China' where he writes

The top line in The Creative shows an arrogant dragon who has lost his way and is breaking up. So All Lines Nines restores the Path through creating a flock of dragons without a head. The top line in The Receptive (2) shows belligerent dragons fighting in the wilderness – they have lost their devotion. So All Lines Sixes speaks of everlasting devotion being favourable. Devotion sustains the source of the virtue.
and then links the quality of headlessness to the natural world.
At the hour around midnight it is the beginning of the new day yet still the previous night. This is to be without a head. Similarly spring begins the year without a head, and at the same time completes the year over its end. This is the power of the dragons without a head.
This again echoes the perpetual motion theme.
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Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
02-07-2023: I have replaced the image in this post due to the incorrect representation and indication of the dynamic force
That makes even more sense for me. Two aspects that characterise the motion and direction of change. Seen in their purest form when H1 and H2 have all lines changing. Blending of strength and devotion.

Driving Force- the compelling magic formula (H1<> H2)
Dynamic Force - promoting constant change and full of the energy of each new position. (H64 <> H63)


Sep 13, 2017
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my_key said:​

"Why might only Hex 1 and Hex 2 be singled out for these comments?"

The mathematical tool "patterns of change" clearly shows their unique position in their contribution as "father" and "mother" of all combinations of the 64 hexagrams.



For hex1 to hex2:

In the image, you can see that hex1 is "ready" to contribute its part in the design of something new but hex2, on the contrary, is not.
-His position can never be "I want, I can, and it's now", but rather "give time" so that "she", hex2, is also prepared and can contribute her part... in a harmonious dance between the two.

... direct example:
a young couple who want to start a family, they both decide yes, but she is in the non-fertile period, with menstruation... he has to be patient.

Another example:
a land that needs to rest and wait until there are fertile soil conditions so that, with the contribution of heat and sunlight, it can give rise to a new plantation.

in the image you can see hex1 occupying the Heng position ("with this given to me, what sacrifice can I make to contribute to making the final fruit possible")

...and with hex2 you can see that there is no change relationship in the Li, Zhen and Yuan positions, it is not in a position to contribute to the cycle of the four seasons, and therefore hex1 has to wait for it.

I leave a reference that may be interesting regarding female alchemy, the term "beheading the red dragon" in page 16:

Brill.com..... Blood, Tigers, Dragons: Th e Physiology of Transcendence for Women:
"Chilong 赤龍 (Red Dragon)

"After beheading the red dragon, the woman’s body will change into that of an
adolescent, and the yin, turbid blood will naturally cease to flow from beneath"

and now the situation when .... hex2 to hex1:

-here she is prepared and he is not... or more generally she is prepared and open to the need for a male contribution, so that the conception of something new is possible.

And this is the unique position of "father" and "mother" that make "line 7" in these two hexagrams also unique.

my_key said:​

"Are there any references elsewhere to the meaning of all 6 changing lines for any of the other hexagrams?"

If you try to construct the same mathematical explanation using the other hexagrams, you will be able to see that both are "ready".... there is potential but no capacity to give birth and bear fruit in this relationship.

...full potential between the two but zero achievement (inability) in creating something new that bears fruit.

...something that makes ..... the Yijing family...one "father", one "mother"... and 6 "descendants" all interacting as a family, each taking their own place in this "64 house".

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moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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In the I Ching Hex 1 and 2 are the only hexagrams that have assigned meanings for when all 6 lines are changing...What light can anyone able to shine on why this might be?
Simple: Something was started that wasn't finished.
(The special text of 1.7 & 2.7 ... 62 more to go, get to work on it my_key)

If your question is about Karcher's comprehension or motivations for anything....
That's a completely different subject.

The title of this thread confuses me. Is it humor? Or is it just general Karcher-speak?
Because 1.7 means dragons without a leader, the expression 'headless dragons'
is ripe with the potential for misunderstanding and it's use should be discouraged.

Decapitated wyrms anyone?
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Sep 13, 2017
Reaction score
.......just to make it more informative....

from Karcher

"I Ching the classic Chinese oracle of change: a complete translation with concordance":

Availing of the nines(all lines are transforming)

a) See the flocking dragons without a head

b) Availing of the nines.
heavenly actualizing tao does not permit activating the head indeed.

Availing of sixes(all lines are transforming)

a) Trial: perpetual Arvesting

b) Availing of the sixes, perpetual Trial.
Using the great completion indeed.



Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Simple: Something was started that wasn't finished.
(The special text of 1.7 & 2.7 ... 62 more to go, get to work on it my_key)
Perhaps it started and finished in the realm of hex 1 and 2 and was never intended to go elsewhere. Who knows?
If your question is about Karcher's comprehension or motivations for anything....
That's a completely different subject.
It is.
The title of this thread confuses me. Is it humor? Or is it just general Karcher-speak?
Because 1.7 means dragons without a leader, the expression 'headless dragons'
is ripe with the potential for misunderstanding and it's use should be discouraged.

Decapitated wyrms anyone?
I think the title came from me attempting to be succinct.
I don't know what the Karcher-speak it might be as I can find no reference to it, as I said in the first post.

Interestingly, Wilhelm, Rutt and Blofeld all use the terms. 'without heads' or 'headless'. Perhaps indicating that good fortune comes as none of the creative principles can come to a head and therefore Receptive hex 2 has to be the star of the show.
There's a lot to be said for decapitated wyrms as the tailpiece, in time, generates (or you could say receives) a new complete, fully functional head.


Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
.......just to make it more informative....

from Karcher

"I Ching the classic Chinese oracle of change: a complete translation with concordance":

Thank you - the information looks to have filled a gap. This book is by Retsima and Karcher and is not one in my library. Although I do have The Original I Ching Oracle by Retsima and Sabbadini.

Hex 1

Availing of the nines(all lines are transforming)

Viewing a flock of dragons without head.

Availing of nines.
Heavenly actualizing dao not permitting activating head indeed.

Hex 2

Availing of sixes(all lines are transforming)

Harvesting perpetual Trial

Availing of sixes, perpetual Trial.
Using the great for completion indeed.

So not much changed in the translations from when Karcher was and wasn't involved. Thematically they appear identical.


Sep 13, 2017
Reaction score

Hi my_key

"Thank you - the information looks to have filled a gap. This book is by Retsima and Karcher and is not one in my library. Although I do have The Original I Ching Oracle by Retsima and Sabbadini."

The copy I have is from 2002 and only indicates the authorship of Karcher (.... although the dispute is known)
But I also have access to other works by Karcher and they all mention the "7 line", except the Total I Ching.

.. his translation, but also others... for example Wilhelm, highlights the examples left of how to work with the tool linked to "patterns of change".



Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score

But I also have access to other works by Karcher and they all mention the "7 line", except the Total I Ching.

Damn!! I knew I hadn't bought enough books written by Karcher :lol:


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
Reaction score
Didn't know those were there, thank you, I never thought to check lol. Hourly renewal (for TIC, haven't clicked on all of them) is plenty to start with.

Tihia Viatar

The Taoist approach to the I Ching is all about balance. In this approach, a moving line is not seen as a one-way street (i.e. from moving yang to yin), but as an interaction. A moving yang line is seen as too much of yang, being balanced by yin. So there is a constant interaction between the two polarities. (The same can be seen with the trigrams. Suppose trigram Fire has a moving yin line, then from the Taoist approach, balance is found by trigram Heaven.)
H1 and H2 are the primary forces, the ultimate yang and yin, each other's opposite. As archetypes, they are the Father and the Mother.
It is the interaction between these two primal forces that gives birth to "the 10,000 things." It is also the essence of change, through the interaction of yin and yang, change is possible.
View attachment 5507
You might compare H1 and H2 to an electric motor, where the voltage between the coils (H1 and H2) activates the rotor (H64 - H63) and keeps it in a rotating motion (H64 → H1 → H63 → H2 →).
H1 and H2 thus are the driving force behind the motion.

So the moving of all 6 lines in H1 and H2, shows the fundamental force that keeps everything in motion, it reflects the eternal alternation of yin and yang.
While I fully agree for H1 and H2 taking role of the earlier heaven trigrams they are made of, I have some doubt on H64 and H63 in this sequence. : )

As in my humble view, they can never be both present, either one will operate through 63(receinving line 6 from encompassing source) or through 64(creating their own source at line 6).
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As in my humble view, they can never be both present, either one will operate through 63(receinving line 6 from encompassing source) or through 64(creating their own source at line 6).
Who says H63 and H64 are both present at the same time? 😉
H64 is figuratively the new beginning and H63 the result. Everything in the H63-H64 dynamic is cyclical. H1 and H2 are the driving force.

Tihia Viatar

Who says H63 and H64 are both present at the same time? 😉
H64 is figuratively the new beginning and H63 the result. Everything in the H63-H64 dynamic is cyclical. H1 and H2 are the driving force.

Why do you think so?How can 64 be a new beginning?


Sep 13, 2017
Reaction score
In this exercise of "imagining that it is a possibility", if we want to maintain the coherence of what is the definition of a cycle... a maximum, a minimum, two intermediate points then these 4 hexagrams cannot coexist simultaneously on the same plane... to have a minimum of coherence, mathematically speaking, then they have to exist (imagining that it is possible) on two different planes....let's imagine perpendicular to each other... here in this scenario, as the "patterns of change" show , we would have as "cycle engine" hex1 and hex2 in total relation (6 active lines... only yang pattern) and hex63 and hex64 only in relation to yin pattern (no change)

-hex1 would be the "summer solstice"
-hex2 would be the "winter solstice"
-hex64 would be the "spring equinox"
-hex63 would be the "autumn equinox"

...in a combination of "summer winter" on one plane and "spring autumn" on another plane...a total cycle as a combination of these two planes...

... anyway, what would a vector analysis of "this set" look like in two perpendicular planes?.... just loose thoughts thinking about a possible direction with some coherence (mathematically speaking).


Tihia Viatar

-hex1 would be the "summer solstice"
-hex2 would be the "winter solstice"
-hex64 would be the "spring equinox"
-hex63 would be the "autumn equinox"

I think this seems somewhat valid. Although if we set 63 and 64 there it becomes difficult to be sure what steps are between them.

But 11 as spring equinox and 12 as autumn equinox becomes very clear what steps are between them, so its traditionally close to what is used I assume(Yang line basically 'increasing' to show more light falling on the Earth during the day at that hemisphere).

That is how its set in Yi Globe as well.

Interestingly, however, in the Chinese Metaphysics there is an extra step added. The idea that the change is one step before what we can see. So in the Spring equinox for example, the Yang and Yin lines are not equal, with Yang lines rising, they aren't equal because what we see as Equinox suggests it already has passed and that is the 'outside' manifestation that always comes later.

In that sense, Spring Equinox becomes 34.
▅▅  ▅▅
▅▅  ▅▅

While one month before the Equinox is ruled by the actual 11.
▅▅  ▅▅
▅▅  ▅▅
▅▅  ▅▅

As we can see the movement of the 'length of the day' or the amount of light that Hemisphere will receive is one step behind the Yang lines rising with that.
Same reasoning for all else, Hex 1 would be one month before Summer Solstice, while 44 would be the actual solstice.
Same for all of them, really.

Overall, I very much agree with that but if we add that adjustment 63 and 64 move away.And that is fair as they show something different in my view that is there all the time, through all the movements but only 'provided' by one of them at a time.
While using 34 and 44 allows us to use them in practice. With addition that the system, when left alone will provide them like that to show months, even if we don't know they can mean that, in my humble view.
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Although if we set 63 and 64 there it becomes difficult to be sure what steps are between them.
There are no steps between them. This is about the 4 primal forces.
You might compare H1 and H2 to an electric motor, where the voltage between the coils (H1 and H2) activates the rotor (H64 - H63) and keeps it in a rotating motion (H64 → H1 → H63 → H2 →).
H1 and H2 thus are the driving force behind the motion.

But 11 as spring equinox and 12 as autumn equinox becomes very clear what steps are between them, so its traditionally close to what is used I assume(Yang line basically 'increasing' to show more light falling on the Earth during the day at that hemisphere).
This is a different level, I believe you are confusing 2 systems. This has nothing to do with a calendar.
This is based on the 4 Images, young yang - old yang - young yin and old yin. The 4 Images translated into hexagrams gives H64 - H1 - H63 - H2.
In this series of hexagrams, the sancai (Jing/Earth line 1 &2, Chi/Human lines 3&4, Shen/Heaven lines 5&6) are composed of the respective corresponding Image.

The reference to winter solstice - summer solstice, etc. is more to indicate that things are cyclical than an actual reference to a calendar. In the image above, you can see that it is about the driving and dynamic forces and not a solar or lunar calendar related issue.

Tihia Viatar

The reference to winter solstice - summer solstice, etc. is more to indicate that things are cyclical than an actual reference to a calendar. In the image above, you can see that it is about the driving and dynamic forces and not a solar or lunar calendar related issue.
Well, its challenging to avoid going into the calendars when solstices are mention, I think. As humanity way of measuring and understanding them comes together with calendars, it seems...

But fair enough, another system mapping out to Five Arts terminology something else from the world around us.
I still am missing what, however. What it is mapping out.
So this is system to mapping out something from the real world to the hexagrams... Can't be solstices and equinoxes as that is mapped out in different way(kinda explained above and in countless other places including Wilhelm).

So what is this interesting system mapping out?Where can we use it in practice and see it in the world around?
As if its just something not having any place in the world around us where it actually is "valid" then why use that?


Well, its challenging to avoid going into the calendars when solstices are mention, I think. As humanity way of measuring and understanding them comes together with calendars, it seems...

But fair enough, another system mapping out to Five Arts terminology something else from the world around us.
I still am missing what, however. What it is mapping out.
So this is system to mapping out something from the real world to the hexagrams... Can't be solstices and equinoxes as that is mapped out in different way(kinda explained above and in countless other places including Wilhelm).

So what is this interesting system mapping out?Where can we use it in practice and see it in the world around?
As if its just something not having any place in the world around us where it actually is "valid" then why use that?
It occurs to me as if you just entered somewhere halfway through this thread and did not get the question and context of of the answers. I believe that if one reads this thread from the beginning, things are very clear and the various contributions make sense within the context of the question.
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Tihia Viatar

It occurs to me as if you just entered somewhere halfway through this thread and did not get the question and context of of the answers. I believe that if one reads this thread from the beginning, things are very clear and the various contributions make sense within the context of the question.
Well, your post was the first reply, actually, so if I did enter halfway... Anyway I did go back all the way and reread it now... And I think I may be inclined to agree with your view. In the full topics context 63 and 64 fit perfectly while 11 and 12 would be out of place for this dynamic.


Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Some thoughts

H64 → H1 → H63 → H2 →

The beginning of the end → The Dynamic → the end of the beginning → The Receptive →.

When H1 and H2, faster than a speeding bullet, change through 6 simultaneously moving lines then, perhaps, the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning become one merged entity. Perhaps even HI and H2 become merged and the greatness of both is available. The fullness of yang equates to yin and the fullness of yin equates to yang in a single moment at the beginning and end of time and space.. All of the primal forces combine, in all dimensions (man, earth, heaven and beyond), and the correct manner for the junzi to conduct himself is assured beyond doubt.


Apr 25, 2021
Reaction score
In the I Ching Hex 1 and 2 are the only hexagrams that have assigned meanings for when all 6 lines are changing. Most commentators that I have read include a mention of this in their work. The one that stands out for me as being different from the rest is Stephen Karcher. In the works I have seen of his there is no reference at all to all 6 lines changing.

A few questions:

What light can anyone able to shine on why this might be?
Is there a work by Karcher that makes comment on all changing lines for Hex 1 and Hex 2?

and on a slightly different note:

Why might only Hex 1 and Hex 2 be singled out for these comments?
Are there any references elsewhere to the meaning of all 6 changing lines for any of the other hexagrams?
Hi, I've laid up a part of an answer which I got from the pdf mentioned below. HERE (pg. 225-233)
From Joel Birocco (https://www.biroco.com/yijing/survey.htm)
"An Exposition of the I-Ching or Book of Changes: Wei Tat
This is 560 pages dedicated exclusively to the first two hexagrams. A serious-minded and thorough book that deals with symbolism, historical example, analogies and correspondences, transformation of lines, and penetrating discussion of phrases. One of the finest extended essays ever written on the I Ching. Published in 1970 in Taiwan by the Institute of Cultural Studies. Wei Tat was the brother of Henry Wei, the author of 'The Authentic I Ching'. [Ed's note – Another book that is difficult to find, so here's a PDF scan (84.5 Mb).]"

Tihia Viatar

Well... This needs some getting used to...

But I think I understand. So this is the vertical line(Channel, Prana Tube etc) in the sphere I guess?


So then we have 1 as Heaven on the Top receiving "novelty" from the outside world, 63/64 in the middle Dan Dien processing it then 2 grounding it in the Earth.

During this process 3 spheres form around 1 - 63/64 - 2 and that is the actual Heaven <> Man <> Earth in the vertical middle line of the shpere.

All clear so far. Their intersecting points become the 3 daughters and sons forming the other 2 Dan Diens.

But the big question becomes - how does that movement react with the hexagrams on the surface of the sphere?
I would guess the seasonal hexagrams on the surface are the second engine. And the interactions between the 2 create conditions for stuff to develop, but its unclear how. Like original hexagrams are outside or inside and reflect in the seasonal ones?Or seasonal ones are background as influence etc.

This may be possible to add to the Yi Sphere calculator someday, although some setbacks there from hardware problems... But hopefully is not too bad, if its still salvageable adding some of these to it could be fun.

Thanks : )
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Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Hi, I've laid up a part of an answer which I got from the pdf mentioned below. HERE (pg. 225-233)
From Joel Birocco (https://www.biroco.com/yijing/survey.htm)
"An Exposition of the I-Ching or Book of Changes: Wei Tat
This is 560 pages dedicated exclusively to the first two hexagrams. A serious-minded and thorough book that deals with symbolism, historical example, analogies and correspondences, transformation of lines, and penetrating discussion of phrases. One of the finest extended essays ever written on the I Ching. Published in 1970 in Taiwan by the Institute of Cultural Studies. Wei Tat was the brother of Henry Wei, the author of 'The Authentic I Ching'. [Ed's note – Another book that is difficult to find, so here's a PDF scan (84.5 Mb).]"
Wow!! A whole chapter on the use of yang lines and all six changing. Not just one but four ways of looking at it.

1) Headstrong attitudes that are inauspicious.
2) The 7th statement acting as a 'midpoint' statement between the primary and secondary hexagram judgement statements.
3) A special paragraph explaining ruling lines.
4) Commenting to The Absolute Reality i.e. everything beyond manifested being. The Godhead can never reveal itself in it's entirety.

It all makes for very interesting reading. Thank you for sharing this.
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Mar 22, 1971
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But the big question becomes - how does that movement react with the hexagrams on the surface of the sphere?
Really? The big question for me is how is your comment and the inclusion of the globe relating to all yang or all yin lines changing. That after all is the theme of this thread. I may well have missed something in the posts you, Hans and breakmov have made as the things you guys are exploring are newish material for me.

It would be great to hear how you are making these connections in the globe to the 6 changing lines of H1 and H2. Otherwise it may be that you and any potential participants would benefit from exploring this topic, and your big question, in a separate new thread. The globe is a fascinating concept and deserves being honoured in its own right.

As an aside, the Yi-globe, if my memory serves me right, was previewed by it's creator in the forums of Clarity many years ago. I'm sure there are posts from that time that will explain what it represents and how it works and may well cover the questions you are asking.
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Apr 25, 2021
Reaction score
On #27. Glad you can use it/or some of it. If this book by Wei Tat is available it's expensive, at least down to 80 £ and up so I'm glad Joel Birocco has made it available to free download.

Tihia Viatar

Really? The big question for me is how is your comment and the inclusion of the globe relating to all yang or all yin lines changing. That after all is the theme of this thread. I may well have missed something in the posts you, Hans and breakmov have made as the things you guys are exploring are newish material for me.

It would be great to hear how you are making these connections in the globe to the 6 changing lines of H1 and H2. Otherwise it may be that you and any potential participants would benefit from exploring this topic, and your big question, in a separate new thread. The globe is a fascinating concept and deserves being honoured in its own right.

As an aside, the Yi-globe, if my memory serves me right, was previewed by it's creator in the forums of Clarity many years ago. I'm sure there are posts from that time that will explain what it represents and how it works and may well cover the questions you are asking.

Well, to understand 1 and 2 with all lines changing we have to understand what happens between them. Having theory of why there is extra text when all lines change, without having any idea what 'all lines change' actually mean seems silly. Suggesting then the topic becomes - what and how do all lines change...

Many ways to look at that. For me I have choosen a sphere.
And in a sphere, if we view that all comes from 1(the Cone) downwards then grounds in 2 at the bottom, then understanding all lines changing in any of both of them suggests we look at the whole process, so the 'span' here is larger.
Meaning, if we have Hex 2 changing into Hex 24 then the span here is very short, they are also on a similar level. So we can say they are 'zoomed in' a lot, so we see details of how change works, yet there aren't many 'steps' of change in the path.
While if we view 1 changing to 2, then we basically say in this type of 'change' we will ignore the 10,000 things and only look at the beginning and the end. So this is very zoomed out, there are many details, changes and movements happening between them now.

Then 1 and 2 becoming engine for all that happens afterwards and looking at them suggesting we look at the beginning and the end. Where it all comes from and where it all arrives.
But since there are other steps on the way that members pointed to, going through 63 and 64 for example,on the first split or through the others on the next, seemed good idea to expand and try to look at more of the movement.
The idea is still the same, we try to understand why all lines change with different text then they do in any other hex, including 63 and 64. And while I think the explanation for that may be very much simpler or less interesting then this one, as this one was brought up that seemed wiser and worth going into.

At the end of the day we can view the Yi Globe as interesting representation someone thought of. Or we can look at it as representation or properties of actual electromagnetic field that is around living spaces, trees and with adjustment around peoples.
In the second case, then any topic about the Chinese Metaphysics becomes related to that, as if we understand how the flow from Qian to Kun happens there, we will know what happens when all lines of Qian change.
Same for the movement upwards from Kun to Qian.

So what is the conneciton with the original topic... To understand the answer to what happens when Qian changes to Kun and , and/or the other way around we have to understand what that means and is it different then any other hexagram changing. And it is. So a possible theory of why there is extra text can come from there. May not be the real reason, but if it brings us to more interesting and useful representations of the world around all the better.

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