...life can be translucent

Hex 33 is following me ;)


Aug 8, 2017
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Hello friends,

so several months ago I posted a dillema whether I should stay in Prague or move back to Dublin:

The main reasons were cultural and due to poor job market, I also had very unpleasant experiences in relation to the job market itself - Prague as a city is great but the mentality is central/eastern-european and it basically triggers my PTSD. I feel like living in Belarus or Russia here. I realise for some people this is great - but for me, not so much. I wrote more about that in the above topic for anyone who needs a backstory as I dont want to get into too many details here.

So, I landed a job in Dublin, and my old landlady seemed to want me back. Everything was set, but at the literally last minute she raised the price for rent to extraordinary levels (like 700 EUR more) which was beyond my reach (also the place wasnt worth even what I was paying before...). There's crazy housing crisis in Dublin, so yeah - it is what it is. I tried to find something in Dublin for the last minute, asked all my colleagues and friends but the only place that was available was a extremely small room in over 100yo house shared with 3 other people, 0% privacy, thin walls, and overall condition was not great. Damp and all that. I just could not do that to myself as I sensed instant depression for myself happening in a week after moving in there... also the job was in a way a repetition of what I was doing long time ago, so no progress either + more stress as it would involve being on a phone with possibly complaining/angry customers.

It was middle of the summer, I had comfortable very nice rented flat here in Prague so I just talked myself out of it and decided to stay and waste my savings here in Czechia for another several months. Maybe that was a mistake, hard to say. I just couldnt downgrade myself that much. I'm 40yo and this room in Ireland was below my livable standards.

My plan was/is to do some certifications and perhaps learn some new stuff in connection with my career so that I could land better job here. Will this work out, I dont know, I Ching isnt too positive about ever getting good job here :/ but that was my only option.

In regards to Prague not much changed. Place is beautiful, summers are fantastic, city is great but... yeah, it seems like the cold and very tense culture, lacking cordiality and friendliness is somehow triggering me on many levels. It basically reminds me my home country, where I did not felt very safe. For example two days ago some person was shouting their lungs out at 4AM and smashing everything in his apartment some stores below (I live in really nice apartment block, this was surprising) he was drunk and his gf probably betrayed him (could tell from the words he was saying to her) however this is not how you deal with stuff like that... anyway I had instant flashbacks from my childhood. Of course nobody called the police. See, during my over 12 years stay in Ireland I haven't experienced a SINGLE EVENT like this one. Here, its part of the ''culture''. So maybe living here is not worth fighting for if I feel constantly under attack? I realise its me, I am the wounded person in this story but at the same time should I not respect myself? Does a Holocaust survivor must visit Auschwitz every year for some reason? Maybe not... maybe its too much for my nervous system due to the whole PTSD? And I was able to manage and heal only because I was living in more friendly cultures... Now I know that if I stayed in my homeland it would've been impossible. And here such smaller and bigger ''triggers'' are happening often to me. I do not blame anyone, its nobody's fault. I am just trying to find a solution.

Okay, so back to my point... there are some indicators another world war is coming in next few years. I hope not, but I cannot be blind to the signs too. Ireland is neutral, Czechia is part of NATO. I asked I Ching:

"When taking everything into consideration and possibly coming World War it will be better to come back to Dublin?"

I got - funny enough - HEX 33 UC. (I got Hex 33.4.6 in my previous thread...)

By "taking everything into consideration" I meant those triggers, my personal situation, tough job market, tough culture, being lonely here (all my friends arent here) and all that stress. If only the best version of me can succeed here and I am constantly undermined by those cultural triggers, chances of me maintaining the ''best version'' of myself are much smaller... and I am tired of fighting.

So, what do you think -does this result means: "yeah, withdraw from Prague" or "withdraw from the idea of coming back to Dublin".

I realize its my stupid brain that doesnt know how to interpret the answer from the Oracle... So, I also asked I Ching to ''give me a different answer because I have troubles understanding the previous one" and received Hex 35.3.4>52

Any advice from anyone that can help me understand this better?

I wish you all a peaceful day.

PS. Perhaps the Oracle is trying to tell me by HEX 33 UC that I need to ''withdraw from asking this question again" because 6 months ago the whole process of looking & finding a job in Ireland, then securing return to my old flat in Dublin then the whole ''oh shit this wont work out!!" then crazy-search for another place... and finally deciding to drop the idea and stay where I am now was nerve-wracking. And overall I feel like I got several years older during those 1.5 years of living in Prague :C

Ok guys and gals. I've asked another clarifying question: phrased exactly the same as the initial one:
"When taking everything into consideration and possibly coming World War it will be better to stay in Prague?" HEX 34.1>32
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Hi MrKind,
Based on the 2nd answer (H35.3.4 <> H52) I would say that H33 is meant to be your retreat from all that thinking about moving to Dublin and the possibility of a global war.

H35 is the hexagram of Progress and H52 is Keeping Still, so together they say Progress by Keeping Still.
The text of the Image of H35 says:
Thus the superior person illuminates himself
With his bright virtue.
In other words, a form of expansion of consciousness.

Trigram Earth in H35 changes to Mountain due to the moving line at the 3rd position.
This is about being a victim of your own emotions because you let circumstances or external factors dictate your choices. Trigram Mountain advises closing yourself off from outside influences, developing a firm inner foundation.
Trigram Fire turns into Mountain due to the moving line at the 4th position. This is about being too attached to your own vision and wanting to act accordingly, when you should be following.
Mountain as the upper trigram advises holding on to what you have, setting limits on wanting to act.

What is remarkable in the answer is that the 3rd and 4th line move. These lines are the contact between the inner world (lower trigram) and the outer world (upper trigram). The 2 lines change from a young yang to a young yin. From wanting to renew things to stillness and contemplation.
H52 also shows that a halt/stop is advised both inwardly and outwardly. So it is not only about not acting, but also about stopping the inner process of thinking about moving and the fear of another global war. Only then can real progress (H35) be made.

This would be my interpretation. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest 😉

Henry Zahir

33 uc withdrawing from the fight is opening possibilities in other places. That has been my experience. Hope it helps.


Aug 8, 2017
Reaction score
Thank you both, ok so two conflicting answers let's wait for others to chip in. :)


Thank you both, ok so two conflicting answers let's wait for others to chip in. :)
In my opinion, it is not about which interpretation is in the majority, but which interpretation resonates with you. When one says A and the others all say B, but A resonates then that is the answer for you, not B 😉 .
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Aug 8, 2017
Reaction score
In my opinion, it is not about which interpretation is in the majority, but which interpretation resonates with you. When one says A and the others all say B, but A resonates then that is the answer for you, not B 😉 .
True. Like to me my question was "will it be better to come back to Dublin" and this is the answer I'm getting, not a "shall I stop thinking about moving away". But sometimes Oracle seems to be giving more complex answers taking into consideration context and hidden meanings...but if it was saying "don't move" wouldn't for example hex 52 uc or even hex 32 uc be more appropriate? On the other hand even 33 uc can be interpreted twofold one as "withdraw! Move away" and second as "withdrawal unchanging" as in "nothing is going to change, withdrawal won't happen"


Aug 8, 2017
Reaction score
Ok guys and gals. I've asked another clarifying question: phrased exactly the same as the initial one:

"When taking everything into consideration and possibly coming World War it will be better to stay in Prague?" HEX 34.1>32


But sometimes Oracle seems to be giving more complex answers taking into consideration context and hidden meanings...but if it was saying "don't move" wouldn't for example hex 52 uc or even hex 32 uc be more appropriate? On the other hand even 33 uc can be interpreted twofold one as "withdraw! Move away" and second as "withdrawal unchanging" as in "nothing is going to change, withdrawal won't happen"
Aren't you making things far too difficult for yourself? It seems you want to receive a certain answer (which is fine, of course) and you interpret the answers you receive from that desire.
You look at the answers as it were through glasses with coloured lenses, and the colour of those glasses is, "I want to leave Prague".
When we want something very strongly, hearing No is of course difficult, but if you want something very much then sometimes it is better to just do it and not let the choice depend on an oracle.

The "uc/unchanging" is something that is used here at this forum so please does not attach any value to that when interpreting.

"When taking everything into consideration and possibly coming World War it will be better to stay in Prague?" HEX 34.1>32
The text of the first line says:
Power in the toes.
To go forward brings misfortune.
Be confident of this.
The text doesn't really need an explanation, does it?
Anyway, the toes by themselves have no ability to effect movement, you need the legs for that and they are not participating here yet. In other words, one cannot move here, trying this would be unfortunate.

The combination Heaven - Wind with a moving line at the 1st position in Heaven is about trying to force your way, being too rational, not having a good overview of the situation.
Wind's advice is to look at things in the long term, to draw up a strategy.
Heaven - Wind is also about financial matters getting out of balance, spending more than coming in.

All in all, my interpretation of this answer would be that it is better to stay in Prague.
Take what resonates and leave the rest 😉


Aug 8, 2017
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Aren't you making things far too difficult for yourself? It seems you want to receive a certain answer (which is fine, of course) and you interpret the answers you receive from that desire.
You look at the answers as it were through glasses with coloured lenses, and the colour of those glasses is, "I want to leave Prague".
You are right, of course. I am having hard time here since I arrived.

The text of the first line says:
To go forward brings misfortune.
So - to go forward as in ''to leave Prague''? But my question was ''will it be better to stay in Prague?''
Perhaps ''to go forward'' with ''Staying in Prague''? Am I doing this thing again (using the colored glasses?)

When I read commentary from De Korne's:

Wilhelm/Baynes: Power in the toes. Continuing brings misfortune. This is certainly true.

Blofeld: Power in the toes. To advance now would bring misfortune.

Legge: This line is dynamic, in its correct place, and is the first line of the lower trigram of Strength in the hexagram of Great Power. The essence of the hexagram might seem to be concentrated in it and hence we see it symbolized by "strength in the toes," or "advancing." But such action is
too bold to be undertaken by one in the lowest place, and in addition there is no proper correlate in line four. From exhaustion will follow distress and other evils.


Siu: At the outset, the man in a lowly situation possesses great energy. Seeking advancement through force, however, will bring misfortune.

Wing: Even though you have the strength, proceeding with your plan would be a mistake. You must not force this issue because you are not in a position to do so successfully.

I am somehow thinking this tells me that plans to ''advance'' my life in Prague will be left with unhappines and are a bad idea. ''To go forward brings misfortune'' - to go forward with staying in Prague. That's how I read it. Am I wrong?

The text doesn't really need an explanation, does it?
Anyway, the toes by themselves have no ability to effect movement, you need the legs for that and they are not participating here yet. In other words, one cannot move here, trying this would be unfortunate.

The combination Heaven - Wind with a moving line at the 1st position in Heaven is about trying to force your way, being too rational, not having a good overview of the situation.
Wind's advice is to look at things in the long term, to draw up a strategy.
Heaven - Wind is also about financial matters getting out of balance, spending more than coming in.

All in all, my interpretation of this answer would be that it is better to stay in Prague.
Take what resonates and leave the rest 😉

Thanks for the patience and your assistance.

I did not wanted to mix other castings I tossed recently, but perhaps there's no other way. So basically I had very good and clear results telling me to yes, go for some courses, certifications, trainings to upgrade my education but then every time if I asked ''whether doing X or Y cert/course will help me in getting good job in Prague'' I was getting really negative results.

For example:
''If I return to fully healthy living and gather more energy will I succeed in finding good job here in Prague?" Hex
Legge: The first line, magnetic, suggests the idea of a bird flying, and ascending until the issue is evil.
Legge: The third line, dynamic, shows its subject taking no extraordinary precautions against danger, and some in consequence finding opportunity to assail and injure him. There will be evil.
Legge: The fourth line, dynamic, shows its subject falling into no error, but meeting the exigency of his situation without exceeding in his natural course. If he goes forward, there will be peril, and he must be cautious. There is no occasion to be using firmness perpetually.

"Will I be able to find goof job and keep renting my current flat?'' Hex 42.6
Wilhelm/Baynes: He brings increase to no one. Indeed, someone even strikes him. He does not keep his heart constantly steady. Misfortune.

"Shall I stay in Prague and what will be the consequences?"
Hex 51.3
Blofeld: Thunderous impetuosity -- to emulate it at this time will not give rise to harm.
Confucius/Legge: Her position is unsuitable to her. Wilhelm/Baynes: The place is not the appropriate one. Blofeld: Thunderous impetuosity is indicated by the unsuitable position of this line. Ritsema/Karcher: Situation not appropriate indeed.
Cleary (2): The position is not appropriate. Wu: His position is improper.
Siu: The startling strokes of fate bring mental conflict to the man. He should retain presence of mind. If he tailors his responses appropriately, he will overpower these external blows.
Wing: An external blow of fate will put to a test your inner strength. Try, at all costs, to maintain your composure. Look for an avenue of change that will alleviate the danger.

I mean I know its not complete total utter doom... but I would prefer to see something like ''42.1'' or ''46.1'' to be certain I'm in the right place, you know...


Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Hi MrKind
"When taking everything into consideration and possibly coming World War it will be better to come back to Dublin?"

I got - funny enough - HEX 33 UC. (I got Hex 33.4.6 in my previous thread...)
33 speaks on the theme of a conscious and fully aware withdrawal away from something that feels a threat to a place where you feel safer. It carries the weight of an act of purposeful self concealment. Yi advocates that retreat is best achieved by stepping back from the small within, the things that habitually and unconsciously feed your fears, to a place where you can be honest and trusting of yourself. It is influencing you deeply and forever encouraging you to meet yourself in a more accepting and flexible way. (nuclear 44)

Perhaps, Dublin can be seen as a place of safety for you and your move there can be likened to retreating from the Big Wide World and the impending doom it has to offer

Interestingly, as an aside, where you saw conflict between two interpretations earlier in the thread, I saw the replies offering similar insights for you. Maybe the blaring theme of conflict is blinding you from seeing other insights that are available to you in these readings.

"When taking everything into consideration and possibly coming World War it will be better to stay in Prague?" HEX 34.1>32

You still carry the weight of impending conflict of possible World War with you into your second question.
Interestingly, Yi cycles you around the 33 of your first cast, perhaps asking you to look at this situation as if from positions skirting around the edges of 'Retreat' rather than being constantly followed by. or unconsciously called towards, that state of retreat.

34 <> 32

'Great Invigorating Strength' through 'Persevering'

Here by staying in Prague there is a continuity for you that will allow for you to see ways in which the herdsman in you drives your stock along well worn paths. Yi indicates that you will see how strictly you stick to the rules you have created for yourself and how careful you are not to step outside them. Perhaps, beyond these rules lies untold danger.

34.1 - Speaks of new insights that are bubbling up inside you (perhaps still unseen, even) designed to invigorate and give strength to the parts of you that have been asleep. This will be the origin of the strength of character that needs developing to bring you greater rewards and one which you would do well to support and bring to fruition. Any sort of closing down of the stream of bubbles or continuing with the ways in which you sell yourself short will just leave you trapped where you are.

If Prague offers a place of no retreat then few options remain other to make a stand and fight for your right to be free. Perhaps, not surprisingly, the guidance coming from 34 is deeply fuelled by nuclear hexagram 43 'Eliminating'

And all the while, by choosing to stay in Prague your time there will be cocooned in a lasting taste or aroma of having to endure what it is you have carried with you into that beautiful city. The onus for anyone, in this place of persevering, is to be constant in ways of self renewal until the new safe boundaries have been established. 32 creates a picture of the setting of your staying in Prague as one that is forged in the energies of shake and thunder, which by way of subtle penetration stimulates your inner landscape in a direction of renewal.

Perhaps, Prague is the place where retreat is no longer possible (it has finally stopped following you) and you will grow towards realising new potential and undergo a bit of a shake up that allows parts of you to receive a wake up call from your self imposed slumbers.

...of course there may be other interpretations where you can choose to abide more comfortably.

Good Luck

PS I have limited my reply to your main queries, as retreating into the safety of more questions rather than standing your ground with the responses you have already received may be yet one more unhealthy retreat for you and not one I wish to join you on.
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So - to go forward as in ''to leave Prague''? But my question was ''will it be better to stay in Prague?''
Perhaps ''to go forward'' with ''Staying in Prague''? Am I doing this thing again (using the colored glasses?)

But the Yi does not give a Yes or No as an answer, so you will have to distil the Yes or No from the answer in an indirect way, which is why I included the explanation with the trigrams.
Let's clear be, if my interpretation does not feel right for you then you should just leave it, as indicated before this is the way I would interpret it.
I just do think that whether or not an interpretation resonates is different from a confirmation of what you would like to hear.
Perhaps it would be better for you to put the Yi aside and make your own choice. Because trying to find the answer through the Yi only seems to bring more confusion.
Good luck !


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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It's too late now, but in the future I think it might help to ask much simpler questions.

(This post might seem ridiculously nitpicky, and I'm sorry for coming across like that. But look what's happened in this thread.)

Hilary wrote a blog about this not long ago...

Simpler questions might be, for instance: "What if I stay in Prague?" and "What if I go back to Dublin?" Or "What will it be like for me if I stay in Prague?" and "What would it be like for me if I went back to Dublin?"

The questions you asked made it harder for you in several ways.
"When taking everything into consideration and possibly coming World War it will be better to come back to Dublin?"
  • Too much background and too many conditions in the question. When you hang a question on the assumption there will be a world war...what if there isn't? Yi will know it's in your head, but putting it front and center in the question complicates things. Depending on the answer, you (or we, if you post it here) might start wondering if Yi's talking to you about your war fears instead of about where to live. If you let background stay background, that might be less likely to happen. (I don't feel I'm explaining this well.)
  • You didn't so much ask a question as make a statement: "...it will be better to come back to Dublin". That sounds like you've made up your mind and want Yi to agree with you.
  • Even if you'd said, "Will it be better to come back to Dublin?," that's still a yes/no question and Yi is not a yes/no oracle. You've handed yourself the tricky task of trying to discern which Yi means, as Hans said. Sometimes that's easy. But what if it's not?
  • What if you'd avoided all of those pitfalls, and asked something like, "Show me a picture of it being better in Dublin"? "Show me a picture of" is good because it's what Yi's good at, describing things and painting pictures. But, now you're asking a leading question, that it'll be better in Dublin. You'd have to interpret the answer against that assumption, which is more complicated than just "What would it be like for me there?" If Yi paints a painful picture, is it because you'd avoid pain if you moved to Dublin, or that Dublin will be painful? Do you see what I mean?
Of course you could ask the world's best question and still get an answer that's hard to make sense of. But at least then you'd only have to tussle with the answer, not with the question too.
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Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Liselle
The points you make are valid in terms of those less experienced people with regard to divination. When people become entrapped in confusion while forming the question it does make unravelling the answer for them more difficult, I agree, The thing that you have omitted to mention here is despite all the confusion that you see Mr Kind did arrive at an answer.

"Perhaps the Oracle is trying to tell me by HEX 33 UC that I need to ''withdraw from asking this question again" ( Yi and he have communicated)

In my experience, though, Yi takes on board all the underlying turmoil, whether it is voiced in the question or not and factors all that chaos into the nature of the answer. Sometimes it can take days, weeks, months for meaning to percolate through the detritus that is carried along on the waves.

It's important to remember that for the querent there was just the right amount of background and conditions. What you see as being too much is immaterial to the conversation the querent is starting . or continuing with Yi in this thread. Anything less would have not been a picture representative of his true state of being. Nothing complicates the situation more than trying to represent or deliver a question in ways that are not authentic and real for you.

Yes, when you can, simplify. Do all the nice and pretty things. Sometimes when caught in the chaos of crisis the niceties do not warrant inclusion, and should not be included. Perhaps even a question is unnecessary, just an emanation of deep feelings or hurts is enough. Statements work fine - I have had some of my best responses from Yi simply by writing 'WTF' or similar at the top of the page, or even no question at all. Sometimes the tussle of question and answer cannot be disconnected and that in itself is a key aspect of the divination process and the journey towards meaning.

I'm sure there are many who will benefit from looking at the page you are promoting, but, in my mind, it is not a pre requisite for seeking help from Yi. I think, too, it's important to recognise that avoidance of a pitfall is a learning opportunity missed.

Take care
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
Reaction score
It's important to remember that for the querent there was just the right amount of background and conditions.
I don't mean - at all - that he should pretend it doesn't exist, just that it doesn't have to be in the question. One option is to write it all down, talk to ourselves in our journals or our scraps of paper or even in our heads (but a written record is easier on the memory) - put all the background, considerations, and details there - but then ask a very simple question. "So, how should I proceed?" or whatever. Both you and Yi will know everything that went into it, but what you're asking Yi to do is crystal clear: show you how to proceed. Then that's what you look for in the answer. (At least unless/until you're absolutely convinced Yi's gone elsewhere.)

Statements work fine - I have had some of my best responses from Yi simply by writing 'WTF' or similar at the top of the page,
Likewise. But there are lots of things that won't work very well for.

I think, too, it's important to recognise that avoidance of a pitfall is a learning opportunity missed.
Alright, but having learned (or seen someone else learn), maybe no need to repeat it.


Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
I don't mean - at all - that he should pretend it doesn't exist, just that it doesn't have to be in the question.
From my perspective, if it exists then it's in the question, irrespective of whether it appears in the words of the question.
One option is to write it all down, talk to ourselves in our journals or our scraps of paper or even in our heads (but a written record is easier on the memory) - put all the background, considerations, and details there - but then ask a very simple question. "So, how should I proceed?" or whatever.
All worthy advice of best practice. Sometimes life situations do not allow for such a calm, collected, civilised approach. Gripped by fears or panic, or other turbulent energies, there may be no time for such etiquette. Just asking any old question, as quick as you can may be the order of the day; which in these situations can be most supportive.

People can easily underestimate the benefits that come from creating the point in their crisis from where they reach out for help. Too focussed on the importance of getting an answer they can blindly scurry past just what the act of asking the question offers them in terms of changes to their their inner landscape.

Both you and Yi will know everything that went into it, but what you're asking Yi to do is crystal clear: show you how to proceed. Then that's what you look for in the answer. (At least unless/until you're absolutely convinced Yi's gone elsewhere.)
In my experience, there are many occasions when I have been the weak link in the knowing stakes. (Yi knows everything, I do not). Rarely do I know everything that goes into a question. Perhaps if I did there would be no need to ask that question.

When I do think I don't know enough about the matter, but enough to compose my crystal clear questions, they have produced, on many an occasion anything but crystal clear answers. Perhaps, because I 'forced' the direction of the question away from the truth of the matter and the trail of breadcrumbs were too spread out for me to be able to join the dots between question and answer. On other occasions confused and unspecific questions have brought me the the greatest of insights.

General wide open questions, like you suggest, are, therefore, always useful to have tucked away in your back pocket.

Likewise. But there are lots of things that won't work very well for.
Alright, but having learned (or seen someone else learn), maybe no need to repeat it.
Sometimes we can only learn from falling in our own pits. Hearing about someone else falling into their unique, albeit potentially very similar, pit does not always give the same learning. For me, despite seeing and knowing that other people have demonstrated how to avoid my pit, none of it sinks in until I have experienced my pit to the fullest. I have fallen into the same pit so many times in my life, that I have realised that part of the pit is the repeating of the pit. Learning is very personal and most often a gradual process of repetition. My EUREKA! moments have been very few and far between.

Take Care
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