...life can be translucent

An Experiment with GPT4


Oct 24, 2008
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Prompted by a post on Reddit, I explored the possibility of making a GPT able to produce plausible I Ching readings in response to a question. I created a custom GPT that generates hexagrams with the three-coins probability (you know how much I care about knowing the probability distribution of each method) and uses the Wilhelm translation as the basis for the interpretation.

Note that this is different from just going to ChatGPT and asking for an I Ching reading, which will result in a response based solely on the question, without any casting involved. In my GPT, instead, the hexagrams are generated "properly" and the AI has been instructed to use the Wilhelm translation.

To be clear, I'm not advocating this as a method to consult the I Ching, it's just an experiment to check how much one can keep GPT sticking with the task of "being an I Ching diviner".

If you have a GPT-plus account, it is available here : https://chat.openai.com/g/g-sB9vekKLy-yishi and I would love to hear what you think about (was the answer relevant? did it hallucinate? did it get the right line text? ...).

For those without GPT-plus, I would love to get a question from you, pass it to the AI and post the answer here, to see how much they look like real readings.

It would also be interesting to replace the Wilhelm translation with another one (say the one from Bradford Hatcher), or even just add the two and see how the AI mixes them.

Below is an example, to give you an idea (I have my doubts on some of the interpretation below, but I would love to hear from you):


How could I help my partner who is troubled by many work-related issues?


In response to your question about how you could help your partner who is troubled by many work-related issues, I have consulted the I Ching and drawn Hexagram 10, changing to Hexagram 14, with the third and fifth lines changing.
Current Hexagram (10): This hexagram, according to my knowledge source, signifies treading carefully and maintaining balance. It suggests being cautious and respectful in one's actions, especially in situations of potential conflict or misunderstanding. In the context of your partner's work-related issues, this hexagram indicates the need for a balanced approach, considering both the need for assertiveness and the importance of understanding and empathy.
Changing Line - Third (10.3): This line warns of potential missteps or overreactions, like the spokes bursting out of a wagon wheel, signifying a breakdown in progress or harmony. It suggests that aggressive or forceful approaches in trying to resolve your partner's work issues might backfire. The advice here is to encourage your partner to take a measured, thoughtful approach to their challenges, avoiding drastic actions that might lead to conflict or further stress.
Changing Line - Fifth (10.5): This line speaks to the benefits of sincerity and loyalty, indicating that honest and supportive actions will lead to a sense of richness and fulfillment. In the context of your partner's situation, it advises you to be a source of unwavering support and to encourage them to be true to their values and beliefs. This approach can foster a sense of security and strength in facing work-related challenges.
Future Hexagram (14): Hexagram 14 represents the Taming Power of the Great, emphasizing perseverance and the utilization of strong, creative powers. This hexagram advises harnessing inner strengths and capabilities to overcome obstacles. It suggests that, in the future, a more proactive and confident approach may be beneficial. Encourage your partner to tap into their inner resources, stand firm in their convictions, and take bold, yet considered, actions to resolve their issues.
In summary, to help your partner, encourage a balanced and thoughtful approach initially, avoiding any hasty or forceful reactions. Offer unwavering support and sincerity. As the situation evolves, guide them to harness their inner strengths and take decisive actions that align with their values and capabilities.
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Oh I see. When I started reading I wondered how it's any different from any other casting app, since you programmed a method in.

But it's supposed to help with interpretation and application. Interesting.

Except 10.3 isn't the wheel-spoke line, it's this:
'With one eye, can see.
Lame, can still walk.
Treads on the tiger's tail:
It bites him. Pitfall.
Soldier acting as a great leader.'

10.5 is this, which doesn't sound to me like what it's talking about:
'Decisive treading.
Constancy, danger.'

And of course the relating hexagram isn't always/usually the future, though it's not surprising it would have that impression from the internet. (Apparently it is not reading Hilary's blog. 😒 )
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Mar 22, 1971
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Nice experiment!

There is no doubt that the GPT has a 'knowledge source' that can walk amongst the hexagrams and lines in a way that is straight forward but is perhaps lacking in personality and colour. No images, anecdotes, symbols and the like that come from a poetic or intuitive approach that humans can bring to readings.

At one level, this makes for a reading that offers sensible advice. If I was making an interpretation, much would be based broad brush along similar themes, however there would be for me a greater emphasis on the potential dangers that lie in wait for you that could sour the help you offer. 10 carries a sense of not acting in old well trodden, habitual ways but stepping out along new paths.

In 10.3 too much, or too strong a use of what you see as support or help for you partner means that you are more than likely in for a mauling. Think before you tread.

In 10.5 the focus is on finishing what you have started. Ensure your support is enduring and balanced, especially after you had a mauling or received set backs. Don't let your 'stuff' get in the way of helping her. Support withdrawn or given grudgingly provides no structured help at all.

Seeing 14 only as a Future Hexagram can only add limitation to the possibilities that exist. The context, circumstances and settings around this cast might be where the 14 'Great Harvest' can be reaped, rather than just seeing whatever it is as a distant destination. Seeing the second hexagram purely as a future outcome, can rob the reading of it's intimacy and immediacy and aspects of messaging directed towards the here and now.

A summary might be: Government Health Warning !!!!!!!! DANGER-TIGER ON THE LOOSE
Offer the help your partner is looking for in the manner in which she is best able to receive it. Not in a way that you see the help she needs given in the way you think it needs to be given.

GPT "As the situation evolves, guide them to harness their inner strengths and take decisive actions that align with their values and capabilities".

This sounds similar except that the guidance might be better placed directed towards how to guide yourself rather than your partner, If you can focus on and guide yourself through your inner world towards clear decisive compassionate actions that align with the inner strength reflected through their values and capabilities, then you will truly be 'Mating with the Tiger' (10) .

... of course other interpretations are available

My question: How can your replies better embrace the heart and soul of divination through displaying poetic, mythic, symbolic and imaginal themes?

Posed to an AI without heart and soul it would make for another interesting experiment.

Good Fun. Thanks.
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Oct 24, 2008
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Here's the first test. Note that the question is GPT own summarization of the question I posed.

Question: How can your replies better embrace the heart of divination by displaying poetic, mythic, symbolic, and imaginal themes?

Current Hexagram: 44, Coming to Meet
Judgment: Coming to Meet. The maiden is powerful. One should not marry such a maiden.
Explanation: This hexagram symbolizes an encounter with a powerful, perhaps overwhelming force, much like the meeting of mythic elements. In the context of your question, it suggests that the journey to enhance the poetic and symbolic depth in responses involves confronting and integrating powerful, almost uncontrollable elements of creativity and imagination. This is a reminder to respect the power of such elements, as they can be as transformative as they are challenging.

Changing line: Third
Judgment: There is no skin on his thighs, and walking comes hard. If one is mindful of the danger, no great mistake is made. Explanation: This line speaks to the difficulty inherent in your quest. It's a metaphorical warning about the challenges faced when trying to deeply integrate symbolic and mythic elements into communication. It advises caution and awareness of these challenges. Like a journey on foot that becomes difficult due to lack of protection, so too is the journey to imbue responses with deeper meanings. Stay mindful of the complexities and potential pitfalls to avoid significant mistakes.

Future Hexagram: 6, Conflict
Judgment: Conflict. You are sincere and are being obstructed. A cautious halt halfway brings good fortune. Going through to the end brings misfortune. It furthers one to see the great man. It does not further one to cross the great water.
Explanation: The future hexagram, Conflict, suggests that your endeavor may meet with obstacles and disagreements, possibly from internal conflicts or differing viewpoints. The advice here is to proceed with sincerity and caution. Halfway measures are favored over full commitment to drastic changes, indicating that a balanced approach to integrating these themes is wise. Seeking guidance or inspiration from respected sources (the 'great man') can be beneficial. Avoiding overreaching changes ('crossing the great water') is advisable to maintain harmony and effectiveness in communication.

Summary: Your quest to deepen the divinatory nature of responses involves embracing the challenge of integrating powerful, symbolic elements with respect and mindfulness. Anticipate difficulties and adapt with caution, seeking balance and guidance. By doing so, you can enrich your communication with poetic and mythic depth while avoiding the pitfalls of overreaching or misinterpretation.


Oct 24, 2008
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Currently the hexagram are generated using the three-coins method (probabilities). I wonder if I should switch to the 16-marbles one, since is the method that I usually prefer.


Mar 22, 1971
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Currently the hexagram are generated using the three-coins method (probabilities). I wonder if I should switch to the 16-marbles one, since is the method that I usually prefer.
The random number generator part of the experiment looks to be being imbued with a divine spark, although my preference would be for the marbles probabilities too.

Some feedback:
The question was directed at GPT4, however in the summary
"Your quest to deepen the divinatory nature of responses involves embracing the challenge of integrating powerful, symbolic elements with respect and mindfulness".
clearly indicates that this question is being answered with respect to someone else. I guess GPT4, as yet, carries no self awareness.

It has certainly adapted its language to include mention in a thematic way of the "poetic, mythic, symbolic, and imaginal" without going so far as to include it in a deeper way into the reading. Caution, indeed prevails.The difficulty in proceeding outlined by 44.3 outlines that without heart (and soul) the full power of creativity and imagination can never be unleashed. Obstacles (insurmountable?) lie in the way of allowing GPT4 to 'imbue responses with deeper meanings'.

So all in all the response seems to be one that GPT4 has provided the best answer that it can.

I'm curious about whether you have programmed just Wilhelm's Yi text translation, or added his commentary for GPT4 to scour for meaning to create its explanation.

I'm certain that a second translation would add to the richness. I wonder how adding Karcher's text would impact matters. Especially interesting to see if this would provide a level of "protection" that would allow a less cautious display of poetic, mythic, symbolic, and imaginal themes.

Good Fun


Oct 24, 2008
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Thanks, @my_key!
Yes, having no self, (and being instructed by me to do so) it tries to provide the user with an interpretation, it does not consider the case to be itself the user.

I've used the Whilelm transtaltion to ensure that the proper text would have been picked up. Previous version had the tendency of picking the text from changing lines from other hexagrams.

Then, for the interpretation, GPT uses wathever other I Ching translation or general text has been fed to it during training.

To use another translation, I should tag the text and swap it with the Wilhelm one (or just create another GPT).

As long it is for myself copyright is not a big issue but if I ever made it public (very unlikely) I should be careful which text to use.

Anyone else wanting to ask a question to check how close to a real reading it can get?


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Future Hexagram: 6, Conflict
It may have been said already but there is no such thing as the 'future hexagram'. The relating hexagram can on occasion contain elements of the future but one couldn't really fix it as 'the future hexagram'.

Apart from that I'm not very clear on the purpose of the experiment, I can't see why anyone would prefer it over divining for themselves. I suppose if one didn't know how to it might appeal but then one would be left with a very stunted cookbook approach to divining surely?
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Mar 22, 1971
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Another potential fun question.....
How does interpreting the secondary, changing hexagram purely as a future hexagram affect the type of reading you (GPT4) are able to give?
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Oct 24, 2008
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It may have been said already but there is no such thing as the 'future hexagram'. The relating hexagram can on occasion contain elements of the future but one couldn't really fix it as 'the future hexagram'.

Apart from that I'm not very clear on the purpose of the experiment, I can't see why anyone would prefer it over divining for themselves. I suppose if one didn't know how to it might appeal but then one would be left with a very stunted cookbook approach to divining surely?

Considering the first hexagram as depicting the "current situation" and the related hexagram to represent the "future evolution" is, to my knowledge, one of the basic ways of interpreting I Ching.

I know that it may be good just for beginners and that it is too simplistic, but it was also a good way, for me, to explain to the AI how to interpret the hexagrams.

If you could suggest the description for a broader (and possibly more nuanced) interpretation strategy, it would be very helpful for me as I will try to replace it in the AI to check if any notable differences arise.

As I said at the beginning, the purpose is not to create a way for people to get I Ching reading.
I do not exclude to make it available to everyone in the same vein I freely share everything related to the I Ching that I do/create, but using them is a different thing. I do not even use the mini-app for casting hexagrams that I wrote and posted on my site, I prefer to cast hexagrams manually :) . I just do things and share them hoping others could find them interesting.

I had two goals for this. First, I'm curious to see how close/far an AI-generated reading is from a real human reading because I'm sure that if one can get it close enough, there will be someone who will try to pass fake reading as theirs (and possibly scam people). I want to be able to spot such fake readings.

The second is more technical, by doing this I'm learning a lot about working with AI which will be beneficial for my real job. Even this simple task had technical challenges that I had to learn how to overcome (for example the AI was stubbornly trying to pick up the wrong changing line by borrowing the text from another hexagram).

Thanks for highlighting the weakness of this current/future approach and I would be very grateful if you would want to suggest ways to improve.
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Oct 24, 2008
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Another potential fun question.....
How does interpreting the secondary, changing hexagram purely as a future hexagram affect the type of reading you (GPT4) are able to give?
As Trojina pointed out, it restricts the possible interpretations.
I understand that sometimes the second hexagram might offer a different perspective on the problem, or provide a wider context and if you are doing the reading, that meaning would be clear for you, but I'm not that good at putting this in words, which is the first step to be able to instruct the AI to do the same.

For example, I did not even give to the AI any instruction on the relationship between the judgment and the changing line. That alone could change the final outcome.

Any help on this will be very appreciated.

Back on the fun part, let me ask this to Yishi (the AI) :)
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Considering the first hexagram as depicting the "current situation" and the related hexagram to represent the "future evolution" is, to my knowledge, one of the basic ways of interpreting I Ching.
It is for those who don't know any better or for those who just want to see it as 'the future' because it works for them.

Getting away from the idea of the relating hexagram as 'the future' is one of the most useful things I learned here many years ago. I don't think that many people interpreting here use the relating hexagram solely as 'the future'.

If you could suggest the description for a broader (and possibly more nuanced) interpretation strategy, it would be very helpful for me as I will try to replace it in the AI to check if any notable differences arise.
People vary a great deal in their view of the relating hexagram indeed it varies a great deal for me from reading to reading to reading, it depends how it connects to the situation, the number of moving lines and simply one's sense of it. A useful way to see the relating hexagram is that it is the backdrop, the context, one's subjective stance to a situation, where one is it with it. It is to quote someone I can't recall exactly who, maybe LiSe, 'the sea the primary hexagram swims in' or the map that has the road on it. None of these ways of seeing it rule out there sometimes being an element of the future in the relating, after all the backdrop and context can also hold the future. But what is to be avoided is the idea that the relating hexagram is always what will happen. Even then now and then it can turn out that way, that one does see the future in it.

For more organised ideas on the relating here is an old blog of Hilary's which I believe is essential reading for any newbie.

I had two goals for this. First, I'm curious to see how close/far an AI-generated reading is from a real human reading because I'm sure that if one can get it close enough, there will be someone who will try to pass fake reading as theirs (and possibly scam people). I want to be able to spot such fake readings.

Thanks for explaining your goals :zen:


Oct 24, 2008
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As it often happens, my first attempt was derailed by the AI not understanding that I wanted it to cast an hexagram and it answered my question directly.

Future Hexagram's Reading Impact​

December 10, 2023

While doing an I Ching reading, how does interpreting the secondary, changing hexagram purely as a future hexagram affect the type of reading ?

Interpreting the secondary or future hexagram in an I Ching reading as purely indicative of future developments impacts the type of reading in several ways:
  1. Focus on Potential Outcomes: The future hexagram primarily represents the possible outcomes or the direction in which the situation might evolve. By focusing on it as a future hexagram, the reading emphasizes the potential developments and transformations that might occur, rather than the current situation or the process of change.
  2. Guidance for Future Actions: The future hexagram can provide guidance on how to approach upcoming challenges or opportunities. It suggests what might happen if current trends continue or if certain paths are chosen.
  3. Less Emphasis on Current Dynamics: By interpreting the secondary hexagram purely as a future state, there might be less emphasis on understanding the current situation or the dynamics that are leading to future changes. The present circumstances and their influence on the future might not be as thoroughly explored.
  4. Understanding of Evolution and Change: The future hexagram can illustrate how a situation might evolve from its current state (as shown by the primary hexagram) to a new state. This can help in understanding the nature of change and the dynamics at play.
  5. Preparation and Forewarning: Knowing potential future outcomes can prepare the individual for what lies ahead. It can serve as a forewarning, allowing one to take proactive steps to influence the outcome or to brace for inevitable changes.
  6. Perspective on Long-Term Consequences: The reading will provide insights into the long-term consequences of actions taken in the present, emphasizing the interconnectedness of present decisions and future outcomes.
  7. Emphasis on Transformation Over Process: While the changing lines provide insight into the process of transformation, focusing solely on the future hexagram might place more emphasis on the end result of this transformation rather than how it unfolds.
Overall, interpreting the future hexagram purely as indicative of future developments provides a forward-looking perspective, emphasizing potential outcomes and the long-term trajectory of the current situation. It shifts the focus from the present and the process of change to the eventual results and implications of these changes.

What would I lose by only using this approach?

Focusing solely on the future hexagram in I Ching readings and not considering the current hexagram or the changing lines can lead to several limitations in the depth and scope of the reading:
  1. Lack of Context: By not considering the current hexagram, you may miss out on understanding the present context or situation that is leading to the future developments. The current hexagram offers vital insights into the existing circumstances, challenges, and strengths.
  2. Overlooking the Process of Change: The changing lines between the current and future hexagrams provide crucial insights into how a situation evolves. Ignoring these lines can mean missing out on understanding the dynamics of change and the steps or decisions that lead to the future state.
  3. Limited Guidance for Immediate Actions: While the future hexagram gives a sense of where things are heading, it doesn't always provide clear guidance on immediate actions or decisions. The current hexagram and changing lines often suggest what can be done in the present to influence or prepare for future outcomes.
  4. Neglecting Lessons and Warnings of the Present: The current hexagram and changing lines can also contain warnings or lessons that are important for navigating the present situation. Ignoring these can result in missed opportunities for learning or avoiding pitfalls.
  5. Reduced Personal Reflection and Growth: I Ching is not just about predicting the future but also about personal reflection and growth. The interaction between the current and future hexagrams, along with the changing lines, encourages a deeper introspection that can lead to personal development.
  6. Simplification of Complex Situations: Many situations in life are complex and multifaceted. By focusing only on the future hexagram, the nuanced understanding of these complexities might be lost, leading to oversimplified interpretations.
  7. Missed Opportunity for Holistic Understanding: The I Ching’s wisdom lies in its holistic approach. Each reading is a blend of the current situation (current hexagram), the process of change (changing lines), and the potential outcome (future hexagram). Focusing only on the future aspect can lead to a fragmented understanding of the whole situation.
In summary, while focusing on the future hexagram can provide valuable insights about potential outcomes, relying solely on this approach can result in a reading that lacks depth and context, overlooking the richness and complexity of the I Ching’s wisdom. A balanced approach that considers the current hexagram, the changing lines, and the future hexagram is usually more beneficial for a comprehensive understanding and guidance.

What about other interpretation strategies for the hexagrams and the changing line which do not necessarily involve the current/future relationship?

In the practice of I Ching, there are several interpretation strategies for hexagrams and changing lines that don't necessarily hinge on the current/future relationship. These approaches offer varied perspectives and insights:
  1. Individual Hexagram Approach: Each hexagram is considered independently, focusing on its unique meaning and wisdom. This approach treats each hexagram as a self-contained source of advice, applicable to the querent's situation without necessarily considering a progression from one hexagram to another.
  2. Changing Lines as Key Focus: Here, the emphasis is on the changing lines themselves, rather than on the hexagrams they connect. This method explores the specific advice or warnings each changing line offers, which can be more specific and situational compared to the more general advice of the hexagrams.
  3. Thematic Analysis: This involves looking for themes or recurring motifs within the hexagrams and lines, irrespective of their sequence. For example, if water-related imagery appears frequently, it might suggest fluidity, adaptability, or the need to go with the flow.
  4. Archetypal Interpretation: Each hexagram and line can be seen as representing an archetype or a fundamental human experience or situation. This method interprets the reading through the lens of these archetypes, offering insights into the underlying psychological patterns or life lessons at play.
  5. Meditative or Intuitive Reading: This approach involves using the hexagrams and lines as tools for meditation and reflection. The symbols and images are contemplated upon to gain intuitive insights, not strictly adhering to traditional interpretations but allowing personal intuition and context to guide understanding.
  6. Comparative Analysis: Here, hexagrams and lines are compared with each other to find contrasts or complementary insights. This method looks at the juxtaposition of different hexagrams and lines to understand the complexity of the situation.
  7. Historical or Cultural Contextualization: Understanding the hexagrams and lines in the context of the historical and cultural background of the I Ching. This approach delves into how ancient wisdom can be applied to modern contexts, enriching the interpretation with historical depth.
  8. Numerological Interpretation: Some practitioners incorporate numerology, considering the numerical value of the hexagrams (based on their order in the I Ching) and the lines (based on their position) to derive additional meanings or insights.
Each of these strategies offers a unique way of engaging with the I Ching, providing diverse angles from which to seek wisdom and guidance. Depending on the situation, the question, and the practitioner’s orientation, different methods can be more or less suitable, and often a combination of several approaches leads to the richest understanding.


Oct 24, 2008
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And here is the reading itself:

Interpreting Changing Hexagrams: Impact​

December 10, 2023
Ask to the I Ching: How does interpreting the secondary, changing hexagram purely as a future hexagram affect the type of reading you as Yishi are able to give?



How does interpreting the secondary, changing hexagram purely as a future hexagram affect the type of reading you as Yishi are able to give?

Current Hexagram 53 Jian (Development [Gradual Progress])​

Judgement: Development. The maiden is given in marriage. Good fortune. Perseverance furthers. Explanation: In the context of your question, the current hexagram, Jian, symbolizes a period of gradual development and growth. It suggests that understanding the changing hexagram as purely a future indicator requires patience and steady progress. Like the slow and natural process of a maiden's growth leading to marriage, interpreting the changing hexagram as a future state emphasizes the evolution and maturation of situations over time.
Changing line: 53.2, 53.3, 53.5, 53.6
  • Explanation of 53.2: "The wild goose gradually approaches the cliff. Eating and drinking in peace and concord. Good fortune." This line suggests that in the progression towards the future, maintaining harmony and peace in your approach will lead to good fortune.
  • Explanation of 53.3: "The wild goose gradually approaches the plateau. The man goes forth and does not return. The woman carries a child but does not bring it forth. Misfortune. It furthers one to fight off robbers." This line warns of potential difficulties ahead. The journey may be more challenging than expected, but staying vigilant and proactive can mitigate misfortune.
  • Explanation of 53.5: "The wild goose gradually approaches the summit. For three years the woman has no child. In the end, nothing can hinder her. Good fortune." This line suggests that despite delays or apparent lack of progress (symbolized by the woman not having a child for three years), perseverance will eventually lead to success.
  • Explanation of 53.6: "The wild goose gradually approaches the cloud heights. Its feathers can be used for the sacred dance. Good fortune." This line indicates reaching a high point of achievement or recognition. It symbolizes a successful culmination of efforts.

Future Hexagram: 7 Shih (The Army)​

Judgement: The Army. The army needs perseverance and a strong man. Good fortune without blame. Explanation: For your question, the future hexagram, Shih, implies that the outcome of your approach to the I Ching will require discipline and strong leadership, much like an army. It suggests that the future, as indicated by the changing hexagram, will be shaped by the ability to organize, persevere, and lead effectively. This hexagram reinforces the importance of structure and order in achieving success.


When interpreting the changing hexagram purely as a future state, it requires a reading that focuses on evolution and development over time. The current hexagram, Jian, suggests a period of growth and gradual progress, much like the maturation process leading to marriage. The changing lines indicate a journey with both harmony and challenges, emphasizing the need for vigilance and perseverance. The future hexagram, Shih, reinforces the necessity of strong leadership and discipline to achieve favorable outcomes. This approach to reading emphasizes the journey towards a future state that is shaped by current actions and attitudes.


Oct 24, 2008
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@my_key and @Trojina, I just removed any reference to the current/future interpretation framework. I tried to simplify the approach in the Hilary's post pointed out by Trojina to the point I've been able to explain it to the AI.

Any question you want me to ask?
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Oct 24, 2008
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BTW, if this was a proper experiment (and not just me trying to understand how things work) it would proceed as follows:
  • Refine the AI up to the point its output is deemed no longer improvable
  • Select a set of questions and determine the casting for each
  • Ask a knowledgeable I Ching practitioner to write a reading for each question/casting
  • Generate the AI reading
  • Distribute the readings to many people and ask them to distinguish which one is AI-generated.
  • Collect and compare the answers
I don't have the time or the means for such an endeavor but I would really like to know the outcome :)
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Oct 24, 2008
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Here is an example of the new results:


(I thought that sharing the page would be less intrusive than copy paste the entire text).

I've also asked chatGPT to summarize the same text in a more natural way. Here is the outcome:

In your I Ching reading regarding the question of whether moving out of the city will solve your health issues, the primary hexagram is 20 Kuan (Contemplation [View]). This hexagram emphasizes the importance of reflection and understanding in your current phase. It suggests that before making a significant decision like relocating for health reasons, you should engage in careful contemplation and self-insight. The judgment indicates that you are preparing for a decision but have not yet committed to action, symbolizing a period of gathering insights.
The changing line at 20.2 advises a cautious and gradual exploration of your situation. It metaphorically compares your approach to peeking through a crack in the door, suggesting that you should gather more information about your health and the potential impact of moving. The emphasis on "perseverance of a woman" highlights the need for patience and careful consideration.
The secondary hexagram, 59 Huan (Dispersion [Dissolution]), indicates that breaking down barriers could lead to success. In the context of your health issues, relocating might represent a significant change that could be beneficial. This hexagram also stresses the importance of perseverance and commitment to overcome challenges, suggesting that resolving your health issues may require sustained effort, whether you decide to move or not.
In summary, the I Ching advises deep contemplation and information gathering (Hexagram 20) and indicates that while a change of environment might be beneficial, it will require dedication and persistence (Hexagram 59). The decision to move should be made after careful thought and a thorough understanding of how it aligns with your overall health objectives.

What do you think?
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Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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I have been playing around with asking GPT to connect hexagrams with verses from the Bible.
For example when I asked,“Give me a verse from the Bible that resonates with hexagram 1”
It suggested “Genesis 1.1 In the Beginning God created heaven and earth.” I’ve done it for all 64 of the hexagrams but the lines are more of a bother because it seems my GPT-3 doesn’t have them filed right or something because they come out all mixed up. I may get around to writing them out individually. Meanwhile I’ve also tried asking the GPT to give me a quote from a famous English author to fit the hexes. For 1.1 I got Dickens opening line to David Copperfield, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
Don’t mean to highjack the thread. Let me know if you would prefer I delete this comment.


Oct 24, 2008
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The link's a 404 error.
Sorry I stupidly cleaned up all the chat :( I'll redo them and correct the link.
Fixed now, please have a look I look forward for your comments!
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Oct 24, 2008
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I have been playing around with asking GPT to connect hexagrams with verses from the Bible.
For example when I asked,“Give me a verse from the Bible that resonates with hexagram 1”
It suggested “Genesis 1.1 In the Beginning God created heaven and earth.” I’ve done it for all 64 of the hexagrams but the lines are more of a bother because it seems my GPT-3 doesn’t have them filed right or something because they come out all mixed up. I may get around to writing them out individually. Meanwhile I’ve also tried asking the GPT to give me a quote from a famous English author to fit the hexes. For 1.1 I got Dickens opening line to David Copperfield, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
Getting the right text for the lines has been a challenge for me as well. I had to tag an extremely abridged version of the Wilhelm translation and upload it to GPT in order to get the right text. Without this additional "guide", the AI just picked the line from any hexagram it fancied.

Pairing hexagram text with other text can be a very complicated thing to do.
Did you specify a portion of the text to match? Or did you just provide the hex number?

The more specific you can get, the easier is to get something meaningful back.
Don’t mean to highjack the thread. Let me know if you would prefer I delete this comment.
No problem at all :)


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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I only provided the hex number.
Here’s a hack for getting the AI to make predictions. I’ve found that if I’m trying to get the AI make predictions it will refuse but if I ask questions like, “I’m making up a story about,,, pick a hexagram and tell me what should happen next.” - I get great ideas!


Mar 22, 1971
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Feedback re post #14
Judgement - it seems to have missed that the questions is about considering options other than it being a future hexagram "It suggests that understanding the changing hexagram as purely a future indicator requires patience and steady progress. "
It looks like very careful wording of the question is required to point Yishi towards giving a fully relevant response.
Noticing too the cautious influx of imagery.

Changing Lines - Again, opportunities missed because of the initial comprehension of the question Much more could be said about inner change and current ability ( reprogramming required?) in 53.2 & 53.3. Restructuring could take a little while (53.5) but when it does happen this will bring forth the wisdom necessary to culminate in being able to recognise other ways to see the secondary hexagram (53.6).

Future hexagram - " It suggests that the future, as indicated by the changing hexagram, will be shaped by the ability to organize, persevere, and lead effectively. This hexagram reinforces the importance of structure and order in achieving success."
Re-iterates 'unspoken' aspects of the changing lines.

Summary - "This approach to reading emphasizes the journey towards a future state that is shaped by current actions and attitudes."
Guess it's all down to whether re-programming / new learning information is fed into the AI to shape its future attitudes.

The other comments and insights, from the questions you posed in #13, do show that this is one intellectually smart cookie.

I wish you well in this venture, even if you are struggling for time to make it a real experiment. I hope you keep posting your progress here.

Good Luck


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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Earlier in the year, there was a paper published in the "International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications", that explores the I Ching from the context of ChatGPT. I think it is interesting. File attached.

ChatGPT on I Ching at Six Levels
Ping Lan
College of Business and Security Management, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Email: plan@alaska.edu



  • ChatGPT on I Ching at Six Levels.pdf
    351.6 KB · Views: 6


Mar 22, 1971
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Earlier in the year, there was a paper published in the "International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications", that explores the I Ching from the context of ChatGPT. I think it is interesting. File attached
In exploring the missing of number 7 in I Ching, ChatGPT notes that the I Ching does not contain a hexagram with the number 7. In fact, the whole system does not have anything to do with the number. It is so strange that all single digits except 7 are well presented in I Ching.
Hi sparhawk

Perhaps, a chronic case of 'there are none so blind as those who cannot see'. Cognitive awareness is not all that circulates around the misty realms of the I Ching.

Interesting read, especially, for me with respect to the business strategy perspectives. A good while back I worked in various business improvement roles and often toyed with the idea of facilitating workshops based in I Ching casts acting as the spark for creative group work. I never managed to follow through on this though as my experience with the participants in other activities had detected a lack of openness to such 'flights of fancy'. Not left brain logical enough for most.

Thanks for posting.
Is this just a fleeting visit or are you home for the Christmas holidays?


Oct 24, 2008
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Earlier in the year, there was a paper published in the "International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications", that explores the I Ching from the context of ChatGPT. I think it is interesting. File attached.
Very interesting, thanks!
I, judging by how generic some answers were, suspect the questions were posed to GPT3.5.
For example, this is what GPT4 answers to "Can you combine I Ching and Michael Porter’s generic strategy?" . Much more specific. However, I did not check the other questions/answers (yet).

The question on the number 7 seems to be there to make the AI hallucinate (which it did :) ) here I asked the same and then corrected it.

Good source of inspiration, though!
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Oct 24, 2008
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I now gave it the ability to pass the casting along with the question so that one can cast the hexagram with their own preferred method and only ask for an interpretation.

The question: "Should I move out of this city to solve my health issues?" will generate a new response but the question: " Should I move out of this city to solve my health issues?" will use the hexagram 4 as primary hexagram with changing lines 3,4, and 6.

This can be useful to check the different outcomes that could be produced by different translations (if I ever will create a new tagged translation). Or just compare the AI reading to your own reading.
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One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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Hi sparhawk

Perhaps, a chronic case of 'there are none so blind as those who cannot see'. Cognitive awareness is not all that circulates around the misty realms of the I Ching.

I am very interested in AI. Let's consider the whole industry is still transitioning from diapers to underwear. The developments are both concerning and amazing. I'm patiently waiting for it to catch up to the nuances of us humans in interpreting abstractions like the Yijing...

Thanks for posting.
Is this just a fleeting visit or are you home for the Christmas holidays?

You're welcome. I'm always around, really. Mostly on FB, where I pester Hilary all the time... :ROFLMAO: Plus I am and will remain a Clarity Supporter! I love what she offers to the world. I just don't make much time to write here as I did before. I chimed in this post because I get the "See what you missed" summaries from the forum and this one, about ChatGPT and the Yijing, caught my attention. (I still have severe allergies to all the relationship questions explored here. Power to them, of course!!)


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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I now gave it the ability to pass the casting along with the question so that one can cast the hexagram with their own preferred method and only ask for an interpretation.

Not sure if that's your case but if you are an OpenAI subscriber you can create a custom GPT to do all this... I haven't myself though and I use it for other, work related reasons.


Oct 24, 2008
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Not sure if that's your case but if you are an OpenAI subscriber you can create a custom GPT to do all this... I haven't myself though and I use it for other, work related reasons.
Yes, that's what it is:


I will gladly share the python script, the prompt, and the tagged text if you are interested.

And, of course, I will even more gladly accept any feedback and suggestions you may have.

Beware the hallucinations! Sometimes it decides that the script to generate the response is to be run in strange ways and this causes errors. A couple of times it even decided to ignore my script and write a new one as if it knew better :) .

I've limited as much as I could but I suspect it may happen again.
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