...life can be translucent

51. Chen / The Arousing (Shock, Thunder)


Mar 22, 1971
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I like the Redmond take on this which if I can paraphrase sort of says - We are living our external life and new experiences come at us too fast for our co-ordination to deal with. We centre in on ourself. Initially there is a resistance, but this succumbs and as we recover we take on board the energetic shift. By doing this we are able to recognise and co-ordinate a new reality, leaving us with a sense of relief.
Karcher also calls it a fertilising shock - which should be looked at as a positive shift. Opportunities for new growth.

So although "the shock terrifies for a hundred miles" I get a picture of this being a very personal shift of hugh magnitude in ourselves. Earth shattering in the sense of our reality and our attitudes to things. Rather than building new continents in the physical world, it's building a new me. Almost a feel the fear and do it anyway type of situation.



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Jun 3, 2006
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I think of the children's game where the kids are picking a leader and they say a jingle while tapping each person's hand with each word ending with "... my.. mother... told... me... to... choose... the... very.... best... one... and... you... are... IT."
Suddenly out of a gene pool, caldron, of candidates, all the sperm swimming together joyfully, wham, one connects with the egg and he's suddenly on track to be The Eldest Son.

I think how the naming of the new authority then shakes up all the past arrangements, "the shock terrifies for a hundred miles." Like, when Dad was in charge I knew I could always wrap him around my little finger, but now that me who is in charge I know I'll have to get my life in order. (jumping ahead to image, "superior man therefore sets his life in order and examines himself.)

I think of The Caldron as being the Heavenly state of feeling all are one in spirit and feeling as if it's all share and share alike, but then something happens. Maybe in 50.6 you got a glimpse of just how big heaven is and you realize that you may be a big frog but in a very small pond, caldron, and that there are higher heavens you have not connected with.


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Jun 3, 2006
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Thunder repeated: the image of SHOCK.
Thus in fear and trembling
the superior man sets his life in order
And examines himself.


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Jun 3, 2006
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The shock of continuing thunder brings fear and trembling.
The superior man is always filled with reverence at the manifestation of God; he sets his life in order and searches his heart, lest it harbor any secret opposition to the will of God. Thus reverence is the foundation of true culture.


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Jun 3, 2006
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Why the first born son is associated with Shock...

In the beginning Adam is out strolling through the garden. He doesn't know there's anybody else out there. Suddenly he sees something move! "Is anyone there?" he calls. The answer comes back,

"I Am."

Can you imagine the shock? After all, lots of men have been surprised to discover they are fathers, but Adam was the first to learn he was a son! :eek:

Maybe this also explains why God was called Yahweh, which means, "I am."
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May 28, 2008
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I've always wondered why Wilhelm sees the thunder as a manifestation of God within the earth - he says it twice. First he says it bursts forth from the earth and then in the judgement he says it is the manifestation of god within the earth. That smacks of earthquake to me not thunder. Yet the Hex is Chen - thunder so what's with wilhelm?



One of those men your mother warned you about...
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Sep 17, 1971
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I've always wondered why Wilhelm sees the thunder as a manifestation of God within the earth - he says it twice. First he says it bursts forth from the earth and then in the judgement he says it is the manifestation of god within the earth. That smacks of earthquake to me not thunder. Yet the Hex is Chen - thunder so what's with wilhelm?


It isn't Wilhelm's idea, per se. It comes from a long Chinese--and others--traditions. Here is a quote from the first three paragraphs of:

The Interpretation of Thunder

THE TREATMENT OF THUNDER AND LIGHTNING in traditional Chinese writings demonstrates that many modern intellectuals have exaggerated the Neo-Confucian tendencies toward rational explanations and careful classification. The Chinese literati
from traditional through modern times accepted as a self-evident fact the notion that thunder rather than lightning was the destructive force in thunderstorms. Moreover, captivated by popular beliefs that linked thunder with divine powers (Hammond 1992), few Chinese scholars were prepared to take the truly modern step of suggesting that thunder and lightning might be examples of natural forces acting randomly. This misunderstanding was compounded by the literati's indifference toward empirical investigation, which meant that they were unable to question the mistaken assumptions underlying this belief.

Thunder and lightning, as celestial phenomena, have a sacred nature in Chinese as well as in many other cultures (Eliade 1958:53-54; cf. the Southeast Asian "thunder complex" in Blust 1981). Many Chinese of traditional times believe that, rather than merely the product of irrational meteorologic forces, thunder is an instrument directed by Heaven to punish evildoers. Specifically, they interpret the effects of
lightning strikes as traces of Heaven's communications, as concealed dragons, or as the remains of monstrous creatures. The interpreters believe that Heaven spells out its intentions in a language humans can comprehend. The Chinese sources blame thunder (lei) for lightning's damage. When they mention lightning (dian), it is in terms of light, rather than as the agent of the damage. The reason for such an
interpretation, at odds with the modern scientific explanation of the phenomena, lies in the fact that even though lightning's electric discharge causes the damage, the sound of thunder makes the greater impression. The sound waves the lightning bolt produces along its length are interpreted by human hearing as the sound of thunder (Benstead 1954:93). In contrast to the momentary flash of lightning, the stunning crash of thunder is at least as arresting, and its echoes more persistent.

In fact, not only does thunder give its name to the storm, but many peoples, including the Chinese, have conceived of thunder as a physical object, sometimes the weapon or tool a thunder god (lei den) uses to inflict damage (Shen 198 1a:20. la). Even while a skeptical Neo-Confucian like Hu Yin (1098- 1156) dismisses the idea of the thunder god as heterodox, he believes that thunder is a tangible physical object that he likens to meteorites (Hu 27.12a-b).'

The Interpretation of Thunder
Charles E. Hammond
The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 53, No. 2. (May, 1994), pp. 487-503.

The article is 18 pages long and very interesting.


May 28, 2008
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Nice one gracias..

I love thunderstorms and specially in the mountains when a storm gets 'trapped' and the thunder just bounces round and round you. I think the ancient chinese had a point!!



There's nothing like the peeling and cracking sound of nearby thunder and lightening to kick your sudden awareness up a notch or two.

I was inside when this humdinger touched down. My friend just happened to be standing outside my door with his camera lens facing in the direction of this thunderbolt. The shock of it cause him to push the shoot button.


Later that evening he emailed the shot to me, and out of curiosity I turned up the contrast of the image.


Do you see what I see? Shocks repeated! Bear in mind, the image is untouched except for increasing the contrast and cropping.

I got a little carried away (appropriate for 51, I suppose) and cranked up the gain even more for my hex. 51 image.


Hexagram 51


Shaken! Not merely stirred. The wise examine their hearts.​


May 28, 2008
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Wow that's amazing....

I also like to photograph/film lightening and have a bad habit of rushing outside with cameras and no brain. The last time I did it "him indoors" came rushing out and dragged me back in (I was on the roof) and then he pointed to the metal washing poles, TV ariels etc.,

shock comes - oh oh!



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Jun 3, 2006
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The shock of continuing thunder brings fear and trembling.
The superior man is always filled with reverence at the manifestation of God; he sets his life in order and searches his heart, lest it harbor any secret opposition to the will of god.

Thus reverence is the foundation of true culture.

The phrase is "thunder repeated" because the trigram Chen is doubled. The first thunder denotes fear and trembling, the second denotes shaping and exploring.


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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I was inside when this humdinger touched down. My friend just happened to be standing outside my door with his camera lens facing in the direction of this thunderbolt. The shock of it cause him to push the shoot button.

Great picture, Bruce! I think it describes the nature of, not only 51, but that of the Yijing as a whole, more than many realize.


Jun 20, 1971
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There's nothing like the peeling and cracking sound of nearby thunder and lightening to kick your sudden awareness up a notch or two.

Shaken! Not merely stirred. The wise examine their hearts.

Yes, Bruce what a amazing picture. Seeing the image I Always thought it was water pouring out of a tap.



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Jun 3, 2006
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Syncronistically, in the news this week has been the passing of John Travolta's Eldest Son.
He died from repeated seizures.
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Feb 5, 2007
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There's nothing like the peeling and cracking sound of nearby thunder and lightening to kick your sudden awareness up a notch or two.

I was inside when this humdinger touched down. My friend just happened to be standing outside my door with his camera lens facing in the direction of this thunderbolt. The shock of it cause him to push the shoot button.


Later that evening he emailed the shot to me, and out of curiosity I turned up the contrast of the image.


Do you see what I see? Shocks repeated! Bear in mind, the image is untouched except for increasing the contrast and cropping.

I got a little carried away (appropriate for 51, I suppose) and cranked up the gain even more for my hex. 51 image.


Hexagram 51


Shaken! Not merely stirred. The wise examine their hearts.​

WOW! :eek: It's really cool you got carried away with this, what a fantastic pic!!!



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Jun 3, 2006
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Thank you for bringing these miraculous pictures to our attention, meng! What I particularly love about them is how in the progression of the three the focus narrows until we are able to appreciate that what looked like a solid object in the first picture - could have been an icicle - is actually a flow of multiple energies in the second and the third. Visual proof that reality is an illusion!

Also the third picture look so much like a Japanese painting, an artist's rendition of lightening - nature imitating art.

Song suggestion:

51. Knock on Wood.

It's like thunder!
It's like lightening!
The way I love you is frightening!
I think I better
on wood.
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Feb 5, 2007
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When I looked again at Meng's incredible pictures, I had the sense that the lightning bolt wasn't coming down but going up! Searching the net I found a few sites that actually exclaim, Lightning Goes UP!

FROM http://www.wxdude.com/page5.html

"To put it simply, lightning is electricity. It forms in the strong up-and-down air currents inside tall dark cumulonimbus clouds as water droplets, hail, and ice crystals collide with one another. Scientists believe that these collisions build up charges of electricity in a cloud. The positive and negative electrical charges in the cloud separate from one another, the negative charges dropping to the lower part of the cloud and the positive charges staying ins the middle and upper parts. Positive electrical charges also build upon the ground below. When the difference in the charges becomes large enough, a flow of electricity moves from the cloud down to the ground or from one part of the cloud to another, or from one cloud to another cloud. In typical lightning these are down-flowing negative charges, and when the positive charges on the ground leap upward to meet them, the jagged downward path of the negative charges suddenly lights up with a brilliant flash of light. Because of this, our eyes fool us into thinking that the lightning bolt shoots down from the cloud, when in fact the lightning travels up from the ground. In some cases, positive charges come to the ground from severe thunderstorms or from the anvil at the very top of a thunderstorm cloud. The whole process takes less than a millionth of a second."



This has an incredible video of lightning done with high tech equipment. It shows lightning coming down and lightning going up (from the mountain).....it's really wicked looking and seems to contradict the theory from the previous web site? What do you think of this and if lightning does go from the ground up how will it affect this 51?

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Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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Fascinating, ravenstar!

So do I understand this correctly, Heaven energy is negative and attracts Earth energy which is positive and leaps up to follow Heaven's path? Makes me think of 16. Enthusiasm and creating a lot of positive energy that will attract the attention of The Supreme Diety.
Hmm.. just realized 51.1 leads to 16. Guess it's time to post it now.
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Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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The lines

0 Nine at the beginning means:
Shock comes -- oh, oh!
Then follow laughing words -- ha, ha!
Good fortune.

The fear and trembling engendered by shock come to an individual at first in such a way that he sees himself placed at a disadvantage as against others. But this is only transitory. When the ordeal is over, he experiences relief, and thus the very terror he had to endure at the outset brings good fortune in the long run.

"Shock comes -- oh, oh!" Fear brings good fortune.
"Laughing words - - ha, ha!" Afterward one has a rule.

A part of the Judgement, and of the commentary on it, is given here word for word, as is occasionally done in the case of the ruler of a hexagram. The strong line at the beginning initiating the movement from below shows the quintessence of the whole situation.


Jun 20, 1971
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Interesting that the thunder can travel upwards. Also looking to the picture of Bruce there are two light flashes, one from Heaven to the Earth and one from Earth to Heaven. So thunder is the communication between the Father and Mother represented through the Son.
There is also light - visual( fire - heart) and sound -audio ( water - kidney ).

And with the first line, trigram thunder changing in earth. Everybody is hearing the birth of the son.

Hexagram 51 is also associated with the spring equinox. This theory was represented by Meng Hsi and Ching Fang both living in the first century B.C. They made the theory of correlation between the "breath" of a year. 60 hexagrams are used for the 24 periods. Than there are 72 periods in a year.
4 hexagrams (29 - 30 -51 and 58) are connected through the equinox and Solstices.
So all the lines of these 4 hexagrams have a connection with half a month.
The first line of 51 has the connection with the middle of the second month.(the Sun comes up in Aries, the clock time from 5 till 7 in the morning)
the second line with the beginning of the third month, third line with middle of third month etc.



"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

During my twenty year journey into the Christian faith, which I left eight years ago, this verse of John has always represented the trigram Chen to me.

"God comes forth in the sign of the Arousing": when in the spring the life forces stir again, all things comes into being anew. "He brings to perfection in the sign of Keeping Still": thus in the early spring, when the seeds fall to earth, all things are made ready. ~ hex 27

To keep the heart still (52) while in the thunderous presence of the Word, that is the challenge and task of 51.

If God wears a kind face, beware. If (as Trojan so indelicately put it) he scares the crap out of you, then you can laugh! ..assuming there's anything left after "the stuff" is burned away.

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May 9, 2007
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... Chen represents the eldest son, who seizes rule with energy and power ... It is symbolized by thunder...
Dear all:

I apologize, I was out of my work because my wife was at the hospital due to a complication of cronic enphicema. Maybe it's not too late for some apports.

The token of H.51 is zhen4 that means «shake / shock / quake» but not «thunder» whose character is léi. Both have the «rain» component atop.

In words of Wilhelm / Baynes, H.51 doesn't speak of THUNDER, that is only a symbol, H.51 speaks of HUMAN BEHAVIOR, the use of ENERGY and POWER by somebody who reports to the FATHER, say the BIG SON.

There are two etymologies for the zhen4 character:


/ Phonetic: 辰 chen2 / Signific: 雨 yu3 yu4 rain...
to shake / to tremble, as an earthquake / to excite / to shock / scared / terrified / (now rarely) thunder / a thunderclap / the 4th of the Eight Diagrams...

remnant ... Man handling an Egyptian hoe...
the fifth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches ... / early morning / a time / fortune / luck / a heavenly body - the sun, the moon and stars

R. Sears at: http://www.chineseetymology.org/Cha...aspx?characterInput=震&submitButton1=Etymology

2) RAIN over OYSTER / COWRY (♀), maybe meaning QUAKE,
震 ... 辰 (Type 1 Phonetic) twitching body of a bivalve + 雨 rain/natural phenomena → natural phenomena characterized by twitching / trembling → thunder; shake; tremble; vibrate; quiver; shiver → wield (power); use violence → display (one's talent) (← wield) → obtain good results.

辰 ... S/B is a pictograph of a bivalve, the body of which twitches. Dragon (as the fifth sign of the zodiac) and 7 A.M. to 9 A.M. are borrowed meanings.

An Etymological Dictionary of Chinese Characters
Interpretations by Lawrence J. Howell and Hikaru Morimoto
at: http://www.kanjinetworks.com/tnetwork/TAN.html#TANx02

Now we can understand some things of W/B version:

A yang line develops below two yin lines and presses upward forcibly. This movement is so violent that it arouses terror. It is symbolized by thunder... causes fear and trembling.W/B



Maybe H.51 speaks of INTENSE HUMAN EXPERIENCES like those provoked by THUNDERBOLTS, EARTHQUAKES, or even to see a METEOR SHOWER or RAIN OF STARS. All GIFTS of the NATURE.

(to be continued)​


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Feb 5, 2007
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"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

During my twenty year journey into the Christian faith, which I left eight years ago, this verse of John has always represented the trigram Chen to me.

"God comes forth in the sign of the Arousing": when in the spring the life forces stir again, all things comes into being anew. "He brings to perfection in the sign of Keeping Still": thus in the early spring, when the seeds fall to earth, all things are made ready. ~ hex 27

To keep the heart still (52) while in the thunderous presence of the Word, that is the challenge and task of 51.

If God wears a kind face, beware. If (as Trojan so indelicately put it) he scares the crap out of you, then you can laugh! ..assuming there's anything left after "the stuff" is burned away.


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”

That’s interesting meng! We actually studied this phrase during a healing class (quite a heated discussion!!). We didn’t focus on the Word of God as much as the Voice of God (dual currents of energy)….and by God we were told this meant ‘the part of us that creates the world of our conscious experience. What we were working on at the time, was the human nervous system.

A letter in the alphabet is a glyph of a sound-pattern……a sound pattern then is the motion. When we look at the nervous system, we can begin to understand the Alphabet actually is connected with various patterns of the nervous function that make up our conscious experience. A letter becomes a potential state of motion or perception and when combined together we get a flow of different images and events that make up our present reality. These of course can be chanted, spoken or screamed into being.


Psst, Frank, how does TCM and this image influence each other?
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Feb 5, 2007
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(((((((Charly))))))) it's great to see you here....blessings to you and your wife!

I await the continuation of this and as I do will absorb what you've written.


Dear all:

I apologize, I was out of my work because my wife was at the hospital due to a complication of cronic enphicema. Maybe it's not too late for some apports.

The token of H.51 is zhen4 that means «shake / shock / quake» but not «thunder» whose character is léi. Both have the «rain» component atop.

In words of Wilhelm / Baynes, H.51 doesn't speak of THUNDER, that is only a symbol, H.51 speaks of HUMAN BEHAVIOR, the use of ENERGY and POWER by somebody who reports to the FATHER, say the BIG SON.

There are two etymologies for the zhen4 character:


2) RAIN over OYSTER / COWRY (♀), maybe meaning QUAKE,

Now we can understand some things of W/B version:



Maybe H.51 speaks of INTENSE HUMAN EXPERIENCES like those provoked by THUNDERBOLTS, EARTHQUAKES, or even to see a METEOR SHOWER or RAIN OF STARS. All GIFTS of the NATURE.

(to be continued)​




Interesting applications of the metaphor, ravenstar. I glyph you.

There really are so many (mostly related) ways the idea can be seen. In its broadest sense, I see the Word as the first manifestation of dualism, which is why I chose a deity image of copulating male and female, or heaven and earth: the polarities necessary for lightening and thunder. If I choose to "christianize" that, I would then call it Christ and the bride of Christ, or Jesus and his church. These are all localizations of the foundations of existence, of which consciousness is said to be in the likeness of: Gen1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

I am.
OhOh! I am not!
HaHa! I am!

Shall God consume God? That is what what life is made of, no? What then is left but God? That is the value of shock.


Mar 22, 1971
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I was just browsing back through the thread and Meng's post stuck with me
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”
I'm not trying to poo poo Christianity here but when we look back at "Word" it is interesting to note it comes to us through In the etymology of and history of the word Wyrd. Surfing the Net I stumbled upon

The word "wyrd", is generally translated as "fate" or "destiny". The three Norse sisters of Wyrd are called Urdr, Verdani and Skuld; past, present and future. Urdr is a past form of the verb 'verda', to become, to have to.' - that which is already established. Verdani, is another part of the same verb - becoming. Skuld represents necessity - a debt due. (In Afrikaans "skuld" still means debt.)

In Old Saxon Wyrd was spelled "Wurd". In old German it was "Wurt". These words derive from a verb that comes into Old English as "weorthan", meaning "to become", or "turn into". "War", an Indo-European root word developed into the verb "weorthan". "War" was recorded to have the meaning; choose or will to, to speak, and to wind or turn. Winding and turning are the motions of spinning, the symbolic employment of the sisters of Wyrd. Through its meaning of "to speak" "war" developed into "word". It seems that at an early stage of conceptualisation "willing", "speaking", and "becoming" were in a sense synonymous. Perhaps once recognised intuitively when language still reflected the meaningful relationship perceived between things in the world.
(Rune Games - Marijane Osborn and Stella Longland)

One could then see destiny as comprising out of three elements; will, word and becoming or internal desire, expression of that desire, impression of that desire on the external world.

this I felt was agreat link to Ravenstar's
That’s interesting meng! We actually studied this phrase during a healing class (quite a heated discussion!!). We didn’t focus on the Word of God as much as the Voice of God (dual currents of energy)….and by God we were told this meant ‘the part of us that creates the world of our conscious experience. What we were working on at the time, was the human nervous system.

The creation bit is there to see in Wilhlem.
The fear and trembling engendered by shock come to an individual at first in such a way that he sees himself placed at a disadvantage as against others. But this is only transitory. When the ordeal is over, he experiences relief, and thus the very terror he had to endure at the outset brings good fortune in the long run.

Starting with the will because " he sees himself placed at a disadvantage"

So is 51.1 something like - Oh NO I'm in the poop again.I don't like it here, I want to be somewhere better. Beam me up Scotty!!:rofl:



Feb 5, 2007
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Interesting that the thunder can travel upwards. Also looking to the picture of Bruce there are two light flashes, one from Heaven to the Earth and one from Earth to Heaven. So thunder is the communication between the Father and Mother represented through the Son.
There is also light - visual( fire - heart) and sound -audio ( water - kidney ).

And with the first line, trigram thunder changing in earth. Everybody is hearing the birth of the son.

Hexagram 51 is also associated with the spring equinox. This theory was represented by Meng Hsi and Ching Fang both living in the first century B.C. They made the theory of correlation between the "breath" of a year. 60 hexagrams are used for the 24 periods. Than there are 72 periods in a year.
4 hexagrams (29 - 30 -51 and 58) are connected through the equinox and Solstices.
So all the lines of these 4 hexagrams have a connection with half a month.
The first line of 51 has the connection with the middle of the second month.(the Sun comes up in Aries, the clock time from 5 till 7 in the morning)
the second line with the beginning of the third month, third line with middle of third month etc.


Oh Wow I missed this Frank! It seems you and I were on the same wavelength just a different frequency! Love what you wrote about the lines of the 4 hexagrams being connected to half a month. Now you mention the Sun comes up in aries and that the clock time is 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.? Is that not the Large Intestine Meridian that generates evolution and change? So the lung meridian would its partner.

A great site for those interested explains these two fully http://www.wingmakers.co.nz/Metal_Meridian.html

Elimination and renunciation (surrendering, letting go, laughing :rofl: ) are located in the lower abdominal area which is also the area of the subconscious mind. Not only does the job of elimination include renouncing, dissolving and eliminating all wastes from the body but also all negative emotions in the emotional area of the body.



Feb 5, 2007
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for your interest

Wow! I just read that AB (Aleph, Beth) means Father, God in Hebrew.

A is Aleph meaning unthinkable vibration, potential energy, possibilities, timelessness beyond space and time and beyond limits. The Hebrews placed this in the Taurus Constellation and the place of the BULL...a powerful phallic symbol.

Beth means house, a refuge, a chamber of secrets, the womb, the female principal, the intuition, purity of the heart etc.

Here we see the dual currents (lightning) of Word and Voice working together in all their glory!

In the Golden Dawn Tarot, Aleph is The Fool and Beth the Magician...the place where the creative act takes place....the house must be built before the resident moves in!

Also, in astrology when a planet is 'exalted' (dignity) it means it gains power from the sign involved. Frank mentioned the Sun in Aries and the Sun is Exalted in Aries, the sign of new beginnings and a start of a new cycle! Other exalted planets....

Moon in Taurus
Venus in Pisces
Mars in Capricorn
Mercury in Virgo
Jupiter in Cancer
Saturn in Libra
North Lunar Node in Gemini
South Lunar Node in Sagittarius



Yes, Abba is father. Which, phonetically, sounds much more like father than does "father". It is the sound a baby makes - Ah Bah! :)

Aleph, Beth also reminds me of Alpha and Omega. Same idea again of the creative duality.

I'm not quite at ease with the terms male energy or female energy, because energy is always an interaction of both, just to different proportions; ideally according to suited purposes. Let the giraffe eat the leaves high up, and the sow to root below, from where the tall tree grows. The variables appear infinite, but nothing can be entirely one or the other. That would be an equivalent of 1.6 or 2.6, which is an unnatural battle for complete ownership, in which case neither can exist.


Jun 20, 1971
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“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”

That’s interesting meng! We actually studied this phrase during a healing class (quite a heated discussion!!). We didn’t focus on the Word of God as much as the Voice of God (dual currents of energy)….and by God we were told this meant ‘the part of us that creates the world of our conscious experience. What we were working on at the time, was the human nervous system.

A letter in the alphabet is a glyph of a sound-pattern……a sound pattern then is the motion. When we look at the nervous system, we can begin to understand the Alphabet actually is connected with various patterns of the nervous function that make up our conscious experience. A letter becomes a potential state of motion or perception and when combined together we get a flow of different images and events that make up our present reality. These of course can be chanted, spoken or screamed into being.


Psst, Frank, how does TCM and this image influence each other?

Hi Janice,

In acupuncture there is this point Du Mai 15, Ya Men ; Dumb Gate.
This point is between C1 and C2 in the neck just on the border where the hair is growing.
This point has a strong relationship with the tongue and a special relationship with the Heart and the Spirits of the Heart, to words and the ability to speak.
Du Mai 15 is also the Gate of the Ears. The Gate that people have to cross on the path of life before they cann reach the Absolute. Thats why this point has to do with all kind of speech problems.

It is also interesting I think that there are no ancient acupuncture points in the neck itself. Because all humans have to cross the erea of the neck to reach this point to reach the head. In the neck on the front there are the so called Heaven window points. these are all points that connect the body with our head.

For the rest Du Mai 15 is also a point of the so called extra ordinary meridian Yang Wei Mai which is also connected with trigram Thunder.
This extra oridinary meridian is translated as the Gate Keeper, the one who decides who is coming in and who is not. This meridian is the gate keeper of the yang space, the Kosmos. This meridian is essential for our Immune system on a DNA level. Because this meridian is connecting us with everything and everybody around us.
It has his starting point at Bladder 63 - Jin Men(metal Gate). This point is the Gate of the incarnation birth of the spiritual being. then it travels all the way up through the body, for instance the heels is the time of being a child(bladder 61), The hips(Galbladder 29) are the birth of sexuality(growht of the spiritual being)
The shoulders(small intestine 10) are the erea of being in relation with other people(muturity of the spiritual being).
And in Du Mai 15 there is the adulthood of the spiritual being. In the Chinese view this is the Last point of this extra ordinary meridian.
Both the Extra Ordinary meridians Du Mo and Yang Wei Mai are connected with the Nervous systems, they are both the basis(DNA) of the yang part of the human nervous system.

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