...life can be translucent

23>24 - help needed - Thank you!


Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all,

I had an on and off relationship with a person.

He got back in contact once more, we had a nice lunch, but few days after i lost my temper with him, albeit politely, by internet.

It was nor the first time we had a fall out, but this time i simply don't know if "we" are going to recover from this. So i asked the yi "what are his intentions toward me now, after what i've said?" and came back 23.1.6 >24.

I know the 23 is dreadfull answer, saying that it's the end, but i don't get the 24 part.

Could that mean that we can return to the original stage, prior to the discussion, a rebirth? I must say that happened at least 3 times before beetween us, not the reading, but the actual rebirth after the ashes.

Your insight would be very appreciated and i thank you all in advance.

Best regards

P.S. also asked what i should expect towards this relationship with him and got 58 unchanged, wich confused me even more...


Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
I received the same answer to a similar kind of relationship.

I think he just wants to be your friend and start something new, but not with you. 58 is just telling you that you can have a friendly interchange of ideas with him, but not losing your emotional independence, thinking you can have more than this: friendship.


Oct 2, 1971
Reaction score
I know the 23 is dreadfull answer, saying that it's the end, but i don't get the 24 part.

Perhaps the IC only confirms what you wrote about the relationship, that it is on-off?
Read 23 as "off" and 24 as "on" .. :)


Oct 2, 1971
Reaction score
Not sure what 58 means here, I don't know enough about the relationship.
Could it be that 58 - pleasure, lighthearted joy, having fun together, and so on - is the basis of the relationship?
If there is enough 58 :pompom: you will be OK together?


Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score

Thank you so much for your reply, albeit not with the news i'd like to hear, i must confess. In any case if there is something new, how come 24, return, and not 50, for intance? questions from a newbie, and of course, wishfull thinking, so feel free to ignore it.
Thank you for your help


Hey, i'm glad that my "case" interested you. I'm a avid reader of your balanced replies at the archives. And you know what? you are completly spot on, once again!
Our relationship in the on mode was always characterized by pure joy, careless joy, we kind of forget the problems in both our lives and comunicate in a kind of fantastic way, laugh a lot and lots of humour, not serious stuff.
When we are on, talking to each other, there is absolutly no room to the heaviness of life. When we were off, we simply don't communicate at all.
So it's a eccentric, kind of fantasy and "bipolar" relationship...we don't even argue! One says or does something that the other don't like and the other withdraws for months, even, until...up until now...until 24 again!
it was interesting to see the way you have stated it, in spite of the fact that this time maybe it's all 23 and no 24! It would be really sad, but possible, since we are now on off mode.
Again, Martin, Thank you so much for your answer and keep up the good work here on the forum!
Best regards


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Perhaps the IC only confirms what you wrote about the relationship, that it is on-off?
Read 23 as "off" and 24 as "on" .. :)

yes i like that. My theory is when lines 1 and 6 change you have an episodic scenario, like a mini drama where you see the beginning and end of the whole thing...so i think it may signify the argument was sufficient to itself, had its own little lifespan, is encapsulated, like a vacuum packed event..it goes nowhere, blows over back to 424. Also though it may refer to the whole relationship being a mini episode you know like you look back on and it was just like an isolated chapter in your life. Either way i think it seems descriptive rather than advisory...and i do find the Yi is often just descriptive...but thats helpful too in its own way


Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you Trojan for your kind insight. I really apreciate your help.
For me this relationship has been very important, though erratic and many times frustrating when we stop the communication, so on my part there is absolutly no way of considerate it as an episode without importance. But that's only my part of the story, the one that i can be sure of...To him, let's hope that it was important also, but i cannot state that beyond doubt, unfortunatly.
Best regards


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Not suggesting its not important but that it may be a self contained incident...trying to think of a better way to put it hmm for example some scenarios in life seem to have no have no beginning or end..one spends time in a situation without seeingit in its entirety. When the 1st and 6th line move one sees in the situation one asks about the whole thing, the beginning and the end. I meant if the answer was just addressing the argument the effects of the argument don't overlap the actual event of the argument..if it were about the relationship i think it may be more as Martin said. Doesn't mean its not important, can still be experienced as as episodic.

this is just my theory by the way which is why i find it difficult to explain lol


Hi all,

I had an on and off relationship with a person.

He got back in contact once more, we had a nice lunch, but few days after i lost my temper with him, albeit politely, by internet.

It was nor the first time we had a fall out, but this time i simply don't know if "we" are going to recover from this. So i asked the yi "what are his intentions toward me now, after what i've said?" and came back 23.1.6 >24.

I know the 23 is dreadfull answer, saying that it's the end, but i don't get the 24 part.

Could that mean that we can return to the original stage, prior to the discussion, a rebirth? I must say that happened at least 3 times before beetween us, not the reading, but the actual rebirth after the ashes.

Your insight would be very appreciated and i thank you all in advance.

Best regards

P.S. also asked what i should expect towards this relationship with him and got 58 unchanged, wich confused me even more...

23 can include the idea of cutting away the outside in order to get to the inside. Perhaps he is able to better see what's beneath your skin now. I'd interpret 58 as "ask him and find out" if getting back together makes sense, or if it's better to just move on.


Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you, Meng for your reply.
It's a new way to see the situation, always helpfull.


Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Trojan, thank you again for your clarification.
I guess i can understand what you are saying about the 23 being encapsulated in a moment. Now let's hope you and martin can be right and we can return directly to the return (24) part and overcome the spliting (23) incident!

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