...life can be translucent

57. Sun / The Gentle (The Penetrating, Wind)


May 9, 2007
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Hi, Bert:

The BUGGY aspect of ourselves.

... Perhaps an aspact of this hex. is about influencing by means of scents and smells. In evolution-theory the smell is the first sense... Marking territories can be done by scents. The use of perfumes is not only a way to attract the opposite sex, but also a mark of identity and therefore territory...

H.57 = SCENTS ? I like it!

Advance and retreat, a SCENT that seems to vanish but always returns. A scent that pregnates all, a SCENT in the WIND. Even, maybe, a SCENT of WOOD.

I wonder what for the male that marks territory wants always more territory. For having more HUNT and FEMALES? Say,for FOOD and SEX? Why does he need IDENTITY?

For FEMALES are SCENTS means for atracting MALES?

... we humans mark territory by the fumes of industries, cars and other pollution. ...

Sometimes marking territory can be pretty destructive.




May 9, 2007
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... In advancing you might find you have to retreat sometimes ...
I find there's nothing wrong with the sexual obsession, mating processes happen all the time around us, inside us too, trying to couple our yin and yang sides...

... But yang has to keep a firm foothold, keeps its feet strong to avoid the pitfalls of gentleness ...

... My birthday is coming and going these days too...

I cann´t agree more with you. Not so sure about the strong feet, I´m thiking.

When does your birthday come? It´s not in your profile, how could people be aware?

All the best,



Jun 26, 2008
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I cann´t agree more with you. Not so sure about the strong feet, I´m thiking.

When does your birthday come? It´s not in your profile, how could people be aware?

All the best,


hi Charly,

well, i never made a big deal out of my birthday, between it being in the middle of the summer and me being away from civilization usually at this time, it seemed like there was not much more to ask for. But since you asked, I share my birthday with Rosada and seeing this thread bloom with all great ideas gave me a great present indeed! :)

about steady feet, how about this (one of my all-time favourite vids)



Jun 26, 2008
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For FEMALES are SCENTS means for atracting MALES?

Well, most scents are with their chemical profiles remakable close to to the scents of all our body-excretions. depending on circomstances they can attract and repulse. Thinking in terms of territory the alpha-female will attract a group of female followers and repulse the competition. She also might attract males with it. It appears males also have scents and excretions......
But most of us know that hidden memories can be triggered by smells. Also, my wife has her own particular smell I love very much. She sais I have too. Oh, and I love the smell of my children.
Generally speaking scents are the most basic means of cummunication: recognizing what fits and what doesn't, what attracts and repulses.


May 9, 2007
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... I share my birthday with Rosada and seeing this thread bloom with all great ideas gave me a great present indeed! :)


Your name means «The Endowed», I believe, it's natural that you find gifts anywhere.

Singing bugs were always good omens. Chineses have passion for crickets, maybe the fight between crickets goes no earlier than Han dynasty, but people that put crickets in a cage for earing them singing must have observed the fighting nature of the bugs. Fighting but sweet.


And, what's the day? I don't ask for the year.

Best regards,



Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
thank you for your nice words Charly.
I don't hide my age, I turned full 32 yesterday 02/07.


Jun 20, 1971
Reaction score
thank you for your nice words Charly.
I don't hide my age, I turned full 32 yesterday 02/07.

Dora, I hope you and Rosada had a great birthday. Congratulations.

About the scents and the smelling. That also belongs to the energy of the Lungs( tigram wind). The same as the nose, where there is a little hidden organ that is picking up the ferhormones. One of the most basic organs that is responsible for choosing a partner.



Mar 22, 1971
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Frank - Is there a sense in 57.1 of following your nose. Sniffing out what is needed in the situation, follow your instincts (perhaps a degree here of looking inwards and introspection per ravenstar's contribution) and then standing up to be counted?

4th of July - Being a day of independant celebrations. Lets keep the party rolling

Nine in the second place means:
Penetration under the bed.
Priests and magicians are used in great number.
Good fortune. No blame.

At times one has to deal with hidden enemies, intangible influences that
slink into dark corners and from this hiding affect people by suggestion. In
instances like this, it is necessary to trace these things back to the most secret
recesses, in order to determine the nature of the influences to be dealt with.
This is the task of the priests; removing the influences is the task of the
magicians. The very anonymity of such plotting requires an especially
vigorous and indefatigable effort, but this is well worth while. For when such
elusive influences are brought into the light and branded, they lose their
power over people.


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Happy Birthday to Rosada, Dora and Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration...

Hi Mike,
The structural analysis of the hexagrams highlights hex57.1 as the development of a clear focus in the first line place where the transition from prior conditions to this timing takes center stage. Sniffing out the scent of the New and now developing or deciding to take this moment to stand by this piece of turf and make it your own by your defense of it from all comers would certainly count as examples.

Hex 57.2 >> Hex 53 Diamond Cutting-- structurally this would be expressing and exhausting local structure, putting everything you have in your under-standing into this fundamental situation thus moving from the various shifting winds or currents of thoughts scattering about within the individual mind to produce a clear and definite product. The cleavage stroke of the master diamond cutter which will show his expertise or the vagaries of chance....


May 2, 2008
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4th of July - Being a day of independant celebrations. Lets keep the party rolling

Nine in the second place means:
Penetration under the bed.
Priests and magicians are used in great number.
Good fortune. No blame.

At times one has to deal with hidden enemies, intangible influences that
slink into dark corners and from this hiding affect people by suggestion. In
instances like this, it is necessary to trace these things back to the most secret
recesses, in order to determine the nature of the influences to be dealt with.
This is the task of the priests; removing the influences is the task of the
magicians. The very anonymity of such plotting requires an especially
vigorous and indefatigable effort, but this is well worth while. For when such
elusive influences are brought into the light and branded, they lose their
power over people.

Divining Hexagram 57,2 of the I Ching as primary omen for 2009, Allan Lian ( http://atouchofancientszhouyi.blogspot.com/ ), warned in March, 2009 of airplane crashes and airborne diseases. The "priests and magicians" are being consulted , although much is not yet revealed. The experts had warned about the faults with planes that needed to be corrected. The governments, for political reasons, did not follow the experts' advice on restricting travel to limit the spread of swine flu.

However. many "secrets under the bed" concerning the expenses of Britain's politicians have been exposed. The Madoff' Ponzi scheme was revealed (but how could he have done it alone? Is he taking the fall for organized crime' and/or government(s) intelligence' money laundering ?).

The context for 57,2 is "the Tao is absent on Earth," as Lian reads it. The old order has lost force but the new one is not formed and there is no clear direction. A "catharsis" - exposing and sorting out the bugs and corruption - is necessary for the present . Don't believe "good news," and pay close attention to priests and magicians.

I have found Lian's omen relevant to a diversity of events. The "biggest," perhaps, is the ongoing global collapse, the cover-up of which is still evident. Don't buy into "green shoots" talk. A sharp investigative piece on what the Bush-Obama economic policy is and its possible effects: The Great American Bubble Machine
URL: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics...bubble_machine

As Wilhelm translates above,"The very anonymity of such plotting requires an especially
vigorous and indefatigable effort, but this is well worth while. For when such
elusive influences are brought into the light and branded, they lose their
power over people." :
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Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you everyone for the wishes!!:blush:



Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score

Frank - Is there a sense in 57.1 of following your nose. Sniffing out what is needed in the situation, follow your instincts (perhaps a degree here of looking inwards and introspection per ravenstar's contribution) and then standing up to be counted?

4th of July - Being a day of independant celebrations. Lets keep the party rolling

Nine in the second place means:
Penetration under the bed.
Priests and magicians are used in great number.
Good fortune. No blame.

At times one has to deal with hidden enemies, intangible influences that
slink into dark corners and from this hiding affect people by suggestion. In
instances like this, it is necessary to trace these things back to the most secret
recesses, in order to determine the nature of the influences to be dealt with.
This is the task of the priests; removing the influences is the task of the
magicians. The very anonymity of such plotting requires an especially
vigorous and indefatigable effort, but this is well worth while. For when such
elusive influences are brought into the light and branded, they lose their
power over people.


I too recently had a birthday on June 27th, though not a happy occasion. A beautiful and wonderful friend of mine was buried this day after a long and courageous battle with cancer. It was not the best of days for a birthday.

I think I'm beginning to understand Hex 57! If I'm right then Line 2 could mean....

From http://the-cauldron.org.uk/underworldinitiation.htm (the whole article is very interesting...although a bit long)

The key to UnderWorld spirituality is to consciously acknowledge where we are and what we are. When we do this, we discover how to break down the conditioned barriers of human limited awareness, blinkered, straight-jacketed, and cruelly mute. The methods for this cleansing are preserved in folkloric traditional magic...our task is not merely to research this and restate it, but to experience it, to do it, as contemporary people. In this sense we are not individuals seeking the monstrous ego- beast of “self development”, but we stand for humanity, acting for those who cannot yet act for themselves, seeing for those that cannot yet see, speaking to spiritual worlds for those that do not yet have a voice.

I also wonder......if we have discovered new ideas about ourselves, of latent talents and abililities, we may have to fight through either our own saboteurs or large groups of people or family and friends who are in opposition to our new ideas or visions. Saboteurs could mean our darker emotions (pain, anger, jealousy, etc.) are surfacing and triggering our worst fears and forcing us to confront them. If we avoid them we are depriving ourselves of the gifts they offer.

Is this the descent to the Underworld also known as the Dance of the Seven Veils or Seven Gates, usually associated with Salome's seduction of King Herod? Is this a world that represents different aspects of the mind?


Or the descent of Inanna.......

In her purity, she is a child of light, lacking the experience of darkness. She has no Truth, only naiveté. Without the knowledge of our own unconscious depths, a person cannot be an intimate lover. Real love, empowering intimacy, can exist only between people who have each experienced their own depths and discovered that in the depths, they each partake of the same material. This experience makes a true sharing possible. Thus, descent is a prerequisite to mastering the "Art of Lovemaking".

"Descent into the underworld! Ascent from the underworld!
The art of lovemaking! The kissing of the phallus! (Wolkstein & Kramer).

"It expresses the psychological mechanism of introversion of the conscious mind into deeper layers of the unconscious psyche" (Jung, 1968, p.41)

Some of us have heard of the Solar and Telluric Currents. The Solar currrent is said to wax and wane according to the Sun in the sky, reaching maximum strength at dawn and noon, but is present even at midnight....it is masculine and called the 'current of knowlege'.

The Telluric currents is from the name Tellus and is an old name for the Earth. It rises up from the heart of the earth through the crust to the surface and takes its form and character from the landscape the way the solar current takes it character from the turning planets. Underground water is said to affect it powerfully, especially springs and wells. It has been called the 'secret fire', the 'dragon current' and in alchemy is Mercury. It is feminine and is called the 'current of power'. Its symbol is the triangle representing its fiery and transforming nature. This force works just below the level of the navel, belly hips and feet.

The SOLAR works through the chest, shoulders and hands.

These two currents are the Yin and the Yang and magic cannot happen from either of the these currents on their own. They must fuse together to create a third current which symbolically has been called the egg, the jewel, the sacred cup and child.

So, the telluric current works through the body and its passions, the solar current the mind and its passions and the third current expresses itself through the soul and its powers. Some call the third current lunar, which awakens the inner senses and unfolds into enlightenment. When it awakens in the land, it brings healing, fertility and plenty.

It is said the lunar current, the solar current and the telluric current in 'right relationship' are the Grail.

Am I on the right track now? :blush:



Jun 26, 2008
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hi Ravenstar:hug:
thank you very much for your wishes, I wish you too all the best, courage and strength and happiness -and my deepest condolences for your loss . .

there seem to be all sorts of allusions to magic, the paranormal or the mystical coming up lately here . . I am not the one to judge or evaluate such notions -they are worlds away from my own interests but I do feel the need to demystify a bit experiences that might border on such.

it is true that our lives are rich in things that are not readily explainable -only the thought that we are using a very small part of our minds is enough to attest to that- and I mean no disrespect to the people who feel urged to dwell on these -each to their own I guess.
I do wonder though how much of our own wonder and mystification of subtle experiences is part of what makes things mysterious and strange, and I'll try to explain what I mean . .

Living for periods of time very close to nature one starts observing the way things work, both in the outside and in the inside world. I have occasionally thus had experiences that seem to go beyond my specific, individual existence, say for example the physical experience of the earth's actual movement -a very subtle, but impressive perception that can make one feel as being part of a much bigger system of interconnections. This, I guess, can easily be perceived as a mystical experience . . but I wonder is it really more than a natural, transparent effect? Often what looks mysterious is just what surprises us . .
Thinking of gentle winds I think of empathy: drafts of emotions that might breeze by, like clouds that pass by in the sky . .
Is 57.2 about going in, mystifying, or bringing out, demystifying?
Magicians and scribes are obviously presences that deal with the supernatural or the paranormal but I think that the functions described here are often encountered in any activity that tries to uncover our innermost feelings . . art is like that, poetry, even research in the humanities.
Now, I know for myself that I have no knowledge whatsoever of proper esoteric studies so I apologize if my approach sounds crude to those of you who have gone deeper in such discourses, but I have realized that the world is a big and rich place, filled with wonders
. . the ways each one of us will choose to use and apply in ordering and comprehending the subtle undercurrents of everyday life I think depends on how much we still need the sense of 'mystery' or 'secret' in our lives.
I really like the fan yao of 57.2, 53.2 . . a company of people feasting in the open, sharing the common feeling created in the moment, by all of them being there and then . .
I just wanted to say that darkness will lie wherever we look for it . .



May 9, 2007
Reaction score
thank you for your nice words Charly.
I don't hide my age, I turned full 32 yesterday 02/07.

Dear Dora:


Maybe you trust too much in our divinative powers! Why didn´t you tell us before ?




Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Is 57.2 about going in, mystifying, or bringing out, demystifying?
the subtle undercurrents of everyday life I think depends on how much we still need the sense of 'mystery' or 'secret' in our lives.
. .


Yes, I find in my own readings 57.2 is almost always a piss take ie teasing. you're examine every little thing, thinking theres all kinds of mysterious forces at work blah de blah but it seems a piss take because actually seems to turn out its not that mysterious at all. The monster under the bed is the vacuum cleaner, but then theres no harm in being thorough is there...it could have been a monster. Same with seeking out motivations in self or others, 57.2 leaves no stone unturned.., but i tend to find it a kinda neurotic line and by 57.3 one is definately neurotic, won't let it go, go through things over and over again. Not so much the pure and gentle wind repeating but incessant compulsive thinking and 57 can be as much about these as the loftier aspects.

I'm wondering if 57 is the hexagram of obsessive compulsive disorder as in you have commands from somewhere but you can't quite trace the origins of why you must wash your hands 90 times a day or whatever it is, its seeped in somehow. anyway yes i agree theres much in 57 about tracing motivations within us, usually successfully , theres access, but once we have accessed we don't want to go on and on trying to penetrate like in 57.3.
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Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Nine in the second place means:
Penetration under the bed.
Priests and magicians are used in great number.
Good fortune. No blame.

There seems to be a real element of self searching in this line. The "reds" under the bed have all been huding away there and the love and light is beginning to shine into the nooks and crannies, to uncover some of the darker gremlins that have been hiding there. This is not a time for 'hiding places' it is a time for seeking the truth, bringing parts of the self that have been forced into hiding to come forward and be recognised, to have their chance to sing their song. We can embrace all the tools available to us even the more esoteric ones of the shamans if they are needed.

The union that is being sought, the wholeness that we are all searching for in our own ways requires trust, respect and intimacy to bring it home. First we need to trust, respect and be intimate with ourselves (even or is it especially the reds under the bed) before we can gain union with others in this life.

The masks we wear lose their power once we can name them.

This seems an appropriate song to sing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VosFiY1SifA&feature=related

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May 9, 2007
Reaction score
Penetration under the bed.
Priests and magicians are used in great number.
Good fortune. No blame.

... to determine the nature of the influences to be dealt with... is the task of the priests; removing the influences is the task of the magicians...


Characters / pinyin / usual meanings // W-B

sun4: a sign in the bagua /to obey // PENETRATION
zai4: at / in // ...
chuang2: bed / couch // the BED
xia4: under / lower / below // UNDER

yong4: to use / to apply // ARE USED
shi3: history (maybe historian) // PRIESTS
wu1: witch // and MAGICIANS

fen1: numerous / confused // in GREAT NUMBER
ruo4: to seem / like / as / if // ...

ji2: lucky // GOOD FORTUNE

wu2: without / not / no / avoid // NO
jiu4: blame / to blame / wrong // BLAME
Pretty literal translation. See how Legge managed the troublesome character sun4 here translated PENETRATION:

... the representative of Sun beneath a couch, and employing diviners and exorcists in a way bordering on confusion. There will be good fortune and no error.

From: http://www.yellowbridge.com/onlinelit/yijing57.php

Almost the same, but without the word PENETRATION. What or who do you believe was under the bed?

I believe a BUG, a SINGING CRICKET, the FIGHTER, a seasonal omen, a wanderer...

A cricket under the bed.
A bug singing in the shadows.
A little guy calling for females.

Use cultured diviners (scribes) or wizzards, no matters if one or another
... but put some magic.

Maybe hardly legal, but effective.
The omen of the cricket is always lucky, some license is allowed.

I wonder what can do so many priests and magicians in the bed chamber (1).



(1) Rutt makes of the BED an ALTAR, he said OFFERINGS BEFORE THE ALTAR, I don´t remember the exact paragraph. The seal character for bed had a bed or a table and a tree:


From Sears´ Chineseetymology.

... maybe something to do with the BED built on the living TREE with wich Penelope tested the Odysseus identity? The sacred shrine of marriage? Or maybe a more prosaic wooden bed?
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There seems to be a real element of self searching in this line. The "reds" under the bed have all been huding away there and the love and light is beginning to shine into the nooks and crannies, to uncover some of the darker gremlins that have been hiding there. This is not a time for 'hiding places' it is a time for seeking the truth, bringing parts of the self that have been forced into hiding to come forward and be recognised, to have their chance to sing their song. We can embrace all the tools available to us even the more esoteric ones of the shamans if they are needed.

The union that is being sought, the wholeness that we are all searching for in our own ways requires trust, respect and intimacy to bring it home. First we need to trust, respect and be intimate with ourselves (even or is it especially the reds under the bed) before we can gain union with others in this life.

The masks we wear lose their power once we can name them.

This seems an appropriate song to sing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VosFiY1SifA&feature=related


I like that !!!


Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Maybe you trust too much in our divinative powers! Why didn´t you tell us before ?



lol Charly! Thank you for your wishes!!
(I'm not really a birthday kinda girl, more like the moody, brooding type who wants to spent birthdays talking to waves :) )

I'm wondering if 57 is the hexagram of obsessive compulsive disorder

this makes very much sense, especially about 57.3 . . would be great to know if others have had that in similar cases . . also in what cases people had 57.2 -loved the vacuum cleaner!! . . a friend got that line in asking about doing therapy . . how about others?
I still haven't managed to read the blogpost on 57.2 that Pantherpanther linked . . is the idea that 'Tao is absent on earth' coming from 57.2 or is it a more general comment?

Mike . . that song is just amazing!



Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
compulsive disorder...... hmmm, no.

More about witchcraft and accompanying paranoia: seeing ghosts, magical attacks and plotting everywhere and taking countermeasures. In the end the magic doet its work because of the paranoia: exhaustion.
In a therapeutic environment it can also happen: every normal trait is recognized, but if......also seen as a could be problem. It happens with inexperienced therapists, who can't workt with transference yet.
Also, you see it with people who jump from therpy to therapy as a kind of addiction. Of course they will be exploited, and then confirmed in their mistrust.
Also, the student in psychology, medicineor yi...... They called it the candidate's disease. You learn so many diseases, that every abberation in yourself is diagnosed is the disease you just learned. Some students don't come through this process.


May 2, 2008
Reaction score
lol Charly! Thank you for your wishes!!
(I'm not really a birthday kinda girl, more like the moody, brooding type who wants to spent birthdays talking to waves :) )


this makes very much sense, especially about 57.3 . . would be great to know if others have had that in similar cases . . also in what cases people had 57.2 -loved the vacuum cleaner!! . . a friend got that line in asking about doing therapy . . how about others?
I still haven't managed to read the blogpost on 57.2 that Pantherpanther linked . . is the idea that 'Tao is absent on earth' coming from 57.2 or is it a more general comment?

Mike . . that song is just amazing!

Allan Lian writes vaguely of doing 'an omen reading for each year'. 57,2 was for
2009. The process of interpretation is ongoing and seems to include consultation with
mediums, teachers and so on.
Luis /sparhawk may know more about this than I and correct my above observation of of Lian's yearly omen and below.

I am not sure how Lian came to the view 'the Tao is absent on Earth ,' although it is clear he sees this as "the ongoing condition" . I think he takes September 15, 2008 as the key date for the Tao going absent, which he had predicted, so he may have been relying on the omen/hexagram for 2008 and carrying forward with the 2009 reading. He discussed omens for 2007-9 on his blog recently.

Meditation and energy work according to a traditional Oriental discipline is his focus.
He writes more of this and the ancient texts than of divination. From what others have
told me of their personal exchanges with him, he avoids speaking of his personal
divination practices. (I note he has invited readers' questions on practices to heal
swine flu.)

His track record on financial things has been excellent for several years. As mentioned he called the day, September 15. 2008, months before ,as a catastrophic date, too. I think few will dispute it was the key day for the ongoing global collapse.
His criticism of "contemporary" academics' interpretations of the ancients may seem
arrogant to some,but I think it is more his Oriental mind-set and manner. He doesn't
claim to be an authority although he likes to point out the success of some of his


Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
I like that !!!

Hi Maria - So do I, and I have to confess it's not all my own work. The unity idea is borrowed from Earth Medicine by Jamie Sams, and some of the rest from Joseph McCarthy's work.

Mike . . that song is just amazing!
Rodaki - Isn't it just.....It sends tingles up and down my spine.



May 9, 2007
Reaction score
... Thinking of gentle winds I think of empathy: drafts of emotions that might breeze by, like clouds that pass by in the sky . .
Is 57.2 about going in, mystifying, or bringing out, demystifying?
Magicians and scribes are obviously presences that deal with the supernatural or the paranormal but I think that the functions described here are often encountered in any activity that tries to uncover our innermost feelings . . art is like that, poetry, even research in the humanities.

Hi, Dora:

Beautiful and quite true!

I cann't resist my pedantic tendency. Speaking of magicians:

The ideogram WU WIZARD shows women dancing around a pole wich symbolize the connection between heaven and earth, seeking the advice from those who know nature in additing to historians who understant the nature of man will bring good fortune.

Dr. Wu Jing-Nuan: Yi JIng (1)

Eventual obssessions of Dr. Wu are not know, but I immediately thinked at POLE DANCE (2), MAYPOLES (3) and other disreputable images about wich I don't go to made more comments. Etymology of : between TWO PERSONS, a TOOL (meaning WORK) → WITCH.

... I really like the fan yao of 57.2, 53.2 . . a company of people feasting in the open, sharing the common feeling created in the moment, by all of them being there and then ...

And then... WHAT !?

I just wanted to say that darkness will lie wherever we look for it . .

Sometimes we can manage very well even in the darkness...

Best regards,


(1) See Who is Dr. WU? at: http://www.wushealingart.com/wuwho.htm
(2) 桿 gǎn: stick / pole / lever / classifier for long objects such as guns (no comments).
(3) Maypole:
Lubricious Pre-Christian Fertility Rites
The Maypole, the resin-smeared phallic tree of European spring fertility rites was often a skinned birch. ... Other ceremonial relics of tree-worship lingered well into the twentieth century, as Sir James Frazer notes in The Golden Bough, his monumental study of folk magic and religion. In mid-spring Russian peasants went into the woods to cut down a birch sapling, dress it in women’s clothes, parade it through a village, and then toss it into a stream as a charm to bring spring rain to the fields.

From: http://www.billcasselman.com/wording_room/birch.htm


From: http://www.savagechickens.com/
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Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Karcher names Hex 57 as Subtle Penetration.
He says " Subtle Penetration is the Lady of Fates, the one who lays out teh offerings and penetrates to hidden influences. She penetrates to teh core, elegant and powerful, moving like the wind and wood in the earth. She is a healer, a matchmaker, brings each to its fate. She is a bright strutting cock, strong scented. In the body Subtle Penetration operates through the liver, governing the free flow of energy and emotion. It stimulates everything that moves in the body, purifies the blood, links eyes and sexual organs, desire and anger, vision and motivation, giving the capacity to act decisively".

and elsewhere

"....She is connected to the Central Palace where fates are consigned and respresents a profound penetration of the above into teh below which can lead to the awakening of wisdom. "

Powerful Stuff !!!!

And then for 57.2 "This means acquiring the centre. Subtle Penetration is also a healing ritual. You must penetrate to the core of this old story, full of sexual intrigue and dark ancestors. Use intermediaries, who can see and call the spirits and diviners who know the past. Get to the bottom of it and free yourself from its grasp. This is not a mistake."

Reading this, it really does feel like we are walking in the dark recesses of our history, almost certainly in other lifetimes.

"this old story, full of sexual intrigue and dark ancestors." Jackie Collins is not the author:)

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Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
hi Charly

I think obsessions always become perfectly clear if you look carefully enough and being lucid about them helps avoiding compulsion -which is anything but gentle.

The pole figure in Yi is, in my mind, irrevocably linked with the figure of hexagrams 59 and 60 -the measuring rod which turns mere sound into music and the unintelligible into articulated speech.

Playing with words I find: tool, measure, mean; mean as in ratio, the golden, the centre that Mike mentioned in his post.

My question about going in or bringing out was not rhetorical, I am thinking that 57 can be a very irresolute state of being.

I had to look 'pedantic' in a dictionary, I found it means 'hair-splitting' among other things -if there is a need to go to extremes, let's make sure the way to the centre is not lost.

Different people, different urges, different takes of the very same thing . .
I'd rather not work at cross-purposes but keep my balance.
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Jun 20, 1971
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Last year I went to a concert of Jon Anderson, he is one of my heroes from the past when I was begin 20. he gave a solo concert and during this concert there was also time time to ask questions about his music and the time he wrote his music, also people from the audience where invited to play with him. Afterwards he was signing CD's. Something I never did I went to him together with my friend from that time(we see each other by going to concerts from music out our past). And we both bought a CD gave him a hand and had a lttle conversation. We were begin 20 again. It was a beautifull very special concert. We came into contact with our own history through this music.



Jun 20, 1971
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Karcher names Hex 57 as Subtle Penetration.
He says " Subtle Penetration is the Lady of Fates, the one who lays out teh offerings and penetrates to hidden influences. She penetrates to teh core, elegant and powerful, moving like the wind and wood in the earth. She is a healer, a matchmaker, brings each to its fate. She is a bright strutting cock, strong scented. In the body Subtle Penetration operates through the liver, governing the free flow of energy and emotion. It stimulates everything that moves in the body, purifies the blood, links eyes and sexual organs, desire and anger, vision and motivation, giving the capacity to act decisively".
"....She is connected to the Central Palace where fates are consigned and respresents a profound penetration of the above into teh below which can lead to the awakening of wisdom. "

Powerful Stuff !!!!


Yes the penetration goes deeper and deeper, we are exploring here what wood is. to be assertive but always stay in balance. It's fighting a fight with your own enemies inside youself. It's in the dark in your own history, in the darkness of your own desires and anger.

The pole figure in Yi is, in my mind, irrevocably linked with the figure of hexagrams 59 and 60 -the measuring rod which turns mere sound into music and the unintelligible into articulated speech.

Different people, different urges, different takes of the very same thing . .
I'd rather not work at cross-purposes but keep my balance.


I would say you refer to the third line, when the third changes it will be 59. With this line we go to the core of this history(the third line refers to our Kidney, the energy from our ancesters, the lower heavenly human line.)
In knowing how to be a assertive balanced person we can let everything happen, this is the only way to give our free will shape. To have at least a litlle control on our own lives. This we can only do when we understand the phase of wood. There all new things start, with the start of thunder and the deep penetration of wind, the oldest son together with his sister the oldest daughter.



Jun 26, 2008
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Yes the penetration goes deeper and deeper, we are exploring here what wood is. to be assertive but always stay in balance. It's fighting a fight with your own enemies inside youself. It's in the dark in your own history, in the darkness of your own desires and anger.


I would say you refer to the third line, when the third changes it will be 59. With this line we go to the core of this history(the third line refers to our Kidney, the energy from our ancesters, the lower heavenly human line.)
In knowing how to be a assertive balanced person we can let everything happen, this is the only way to give our free will shape. To have at least a litlle control on our own lives. This we can only do when we understand the phase of wood. There all new things start, with the start of thunder and the deep penetration of wind, the oldest son together with his sister the oldest daughter.


thank you Frank,

once more, great food for thought. I am trying to work on these things, sometimes better than others . .



Mar 22, 1971
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Nine in the third place means:
Repeated penetration. Humiliation.

Penetrating reflection must not be pushed too far, lest it cripple the power of decision. After a matter has been thoroughly pondered, it is essential to form a decision and to act. Repeated deliberation brings fresh doubts and scruples, and thereby humiliation, because one shows oneself unable to act.


Mar 22, 1971
Reaction score
Last year I went to a concert of Jon Anderson, he is one of my heroes from the past when I was begin 20. he gave a solo concert and during this concert there was also time time to ask questions about his music and the time he wrote his music, also people from the audience where invited to play with him. Afterwards he was signing CD's. Something I never did I went to him together with my friend from that time(we see each other by going to concerts from music out our past). And we both bought a CD gave him a hand and had a lttle conversation. We were begin 20 again. It was a beautifull very special concert. We came into contact with our own history through this music.


That must have been a wonderful experience for you. It's always good to shake the hand of a hero.


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