...life can be translucent


Did someone put a curse or an evil spirit in me?


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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t wasn't a single bone, it was the chicken without flesh

OH. That would be scary. I was picturing one little bone. I'm glad you're free of her.


OH. That would be scary. I was picturing one little bone. I'm glad you're free of her.

Imo, you can't really make a clean separation between evil and psychology. I normally renounce even the notion of evil, but it's difficult to call certain severe psychological disorders anything but evil, or at best, degenerate. We generally accept that words have power and consequences, and it follows that degenerate actions can have even more so. Though ultimately worse for the degenerate one, not without consequences to the recipient. I would call that a curse.


Jan 11, 2013
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I realized that these people were a complete waste of my time and energy. If anything, they were truly the evil ones and they did absolutely nothing to help me out at all. Real healers would not tell you that you have a curse or speak poorly or ill will of you. Anytime I hung around these people, my energy completely was drained, and I attracted nothing but bad.

I finally walked away for good when they asked for sex. Enough said. They threatened me with black magic again and I just laughed.

I don't believe these people are even capable of doing so called "'magic" it's not real and you can't force or change the free will of others nor make them love or hate you. And these people are always miserable and I wonder why. Funny if the magic was real why aren't they happy themselves?

Their excuse was if I have sex with them the true evil would go away and I would become healed and more powerful. LOL, if anything they are truly the evil ones. anyway...I've moved on and have been so much happier ever since. My energy feels better and I feel free! I now have more time for myself and I have attracted way better people, situations and circumstances into my life. It's like now I truly do have the real power back into my hands.

And on a final note, I'm a female. Some of you kept referring to me as a he or him lol.

And yes no more psychics, evil witchcraft, magic or whatever non sense anymore. Thank you everyone for helping me get through this.


May 28, 2013
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I grew up in Africa where the use of witchcraft is very prevalent. They will feed you things, put things in your water, bury things round your house, or just have some curse put on you to get what they want. It is a very prevalent part of the culture in whcih I grew up. Being a scientific european person even at 7 years old I rejected all of these even at that age and all the way until i was 18. I daresay I never had anything happen to me, but then again why would someone curse a child. However my friends and family down there felt sorry for the "lost european" who had lost touch with the spiritual realm. :)

SInce then I have modified my views on witchcraft a little, due to my own experiences.

I married a man from Sri Lanka who woke up from nightmares and night terrors as a child and had scratches on his back, impossible for him to inflict on himself. His mother took him to some local priest which made them do some ritual and it all stopped. My little daughter had nightmares last year, and I took her for a baptism ritual where she was blessed by an orthodox priest, and since then they have stopped. She was 4 last year.

I have studied the field of curses, witchcraft and demonology quite extensively, and though I by no means can claim any truth on the matter, I have come to see it as thought form bodiless energy clumped up (since like attracts like) in clusters. This then habitually needs to feed of life form energy, which since it is no longer in a body, and has no access to it. It acts as a computer virus in a way, it is programmed by the thought form that created it to seek out the life form energy which harmonizes vibrationally with it and sucks energy like a parasite. It has a form of intellect, in that it knows where to go to get the energy supply it needs (looking for the vibrationally same signature for "feeding"), and in some cases when it finds the right feeding source can grow to be quite the energetic spectacle.

Also, in my studies i came over Socrates' "daemon" which was in fact not a negative energy form, unless Socrates strayed from his path. It was a voice that continuously followed and guided him, and comforted him in his last days. However if he strayed from his path it could become a tormentor. And like Jung explained, when he ducked into the depths of his own subconscious, the same area which had left Nietzsche badly jarred, was navigated with a "demon like strength". I think it is like the ching, made up of yin and yang, the more yin, the more yang. There isn't any good or bad, just darkness and light. The stronger the light, the darker the shadow etc.

In the west we stopped believing in it, which is unfortunate because after my years in psychiatry I think many of the people there are afflicted with this kind of scenario, especially perhaps, the ones who suffer from what we collectively refer to as "personality disorders". Also others who have suffered massive traumas can be "infected". It is merely a disease of the thought form energies, and I also believe there is a certain contagiousness to it as well. This because well, you really are on the wrong path! You should be out there living, not destroying yourself with negative thinking and fear.

Also when white people went to africa and got worked on by some of the black people there, they failed to see the connection to their then happening misfortune and anything done to them by others, since they dont beleive in it. I personally have my own "marabou" who is a lovely woman, she is very clear that she doesn't do work on others, but she quickly told me i had a spell cast on me by this man who really wanted me (for whatever reasons, money, getting to europe, whatever) and she described him to a tee. She said if i wanted to get married to him (which i really didn't) it was just a matter of giving the right charity. I wanted the opposite, so I did a different charity, and his spell didn't take. He seemed quite frustrated as well, but he didn't know I was going to a marabou of my own, I told him I didn't believe in that. Which was perfect, because he tried to get me to go to his marabou for a blessing, something my marabou said I must never do, it could be a blessing in disguise. :) So I have come a long way from my very adamantly sceptical past. :)

In Gambia I sought out a muslim priest who had a hospital where he drove out evil spirits. I watched him do an exorcism and it was very similar to the youtube clips you can see around. It was a very interesting experience, and she was definitely not acting. In islam it is a commonly accepted situation, they call them "jinns" and are also God's creations, but they are made of the essence of smokeless fire. They are divided into the good and the bad. The good live their own lives, with their own "people, but the bad ones can latch unto humans. Especially (it is believed in islam) they might fall in love with women and follow them, creating difficulties for the woman to form stable and long lasting relationships.

I believe that even the strongest mind has a backdoor, and although I generally believe that if you don't accept it, it can do you no harm, I also believe in well, if it doesn't harm to get extra protection, then get extra protection. Like I did with my daughter when she was baptised, and my own going to the marabou. The subconscious is a vast realm, and no matter how powerful we are in our minds, we have no way of keeping an eye on everyone of our borders. Except for my protection, she also prays for my continuing good auspicious life and most of my charities that I give are based on fulfilling my own destiny. The trick is going with the good guys.

I agree with Trojina that prayer will help you, so i pray regularly, and I am generally in a state of gratitude. When your vibration is high it is difficult for negative energies to latch unto you. It is in moments of despair, anger and depression these energies can bond with you, and they can be hard to detach from because at the end of the day it is seamless, you don't notice anything except your own insides. Hence the vicious circle we often see in for example psychiatry.. And like I said, it could maybe be explained aspects of the self (daemon) "punishing" you for not listening to your heart, for not walking your path correctly. The self, as we know, can be a terrible archetype. Hence we use the ching, me thinks. ;)

However I think we might be naive if we believe that nobody can harm us with negative energy, when you have a gifted practitioner who knows how to steer energies, I believe they can do a lot of harm if they are that way inclined. I also believe people' ignorance on the subject can also perpetuate it, after all the devil's biggest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist. ;)


Hence the vicious circle we often see in for example psychiatry.. And like I said, it could maybe be explained aspects of the self (daemon) "punishing" you for not listening to your heart, for not walking your path correctly. The self, as we know, can be a terrible archetype. Hence we use the ching, me thinks.

Since the IC can become joined to our self, or soul, it too can become this superego attachment, like software embedding into our natural hard drive. A superego originally acts as a powerful conscience, but can appear to morph, in ones own mind, as the voice of God. When that happens, it has become a daemon. If one gives complete moral and ethical authority over to that created entity, one can lose themselves more and more, thinking and believing all the while that they have become imbued with some sort of divine consciousness, or at least has formed an alliance with an all-knowing spirit, or with God, or with their own divine self. Thus one no longer lives a natural life, their thoughts are dictated according to what the oracle tells them, like their critical inner voice.

If this occurs, it's time to put away the IC, or tear it to pieces, until one regains their natural self without these critical inner voices which are solicited from the IC. And then beware that the mind or soul's dependency on this other source of knowledge, enlightenment, spirituality, wisdom, etc. doesn't return to another form to lose your self in.

This is why I believe it's important to incorporate an objective view of other sources of these consciousness building exercises, such as science, playing a musical instrument, dancing, mythologies from various cultural sources, philosophies, psychologies, religions, art, working with your hands rather than always just your mind, walking, developing active listening skills and putting ones own voice in a state of stillness, even to ideas that are foreign or new, or delving into such things as basic quantum theory. When someone devotes so much of their mind to one source of knowledge, that source will likely become their daemon, their superego, their devil, and they will lose their true self, that childlike but confident multidimensional, multifaceted being.


Clarity Supporter
Aug 2, 1972
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If this occurs, it's time to put away the IC, or tear it to pieces, until one regains their natural self without these critical inner voices which are solicited from the IC. And then beware that the mind or soul's dependency on this other source of knowledge, enlightenment, spirituality, wisdom, etc. doesn't return to another form to lose your self in.

In other words, "If you meet Buddah on the road, kill him." ?

excellent observations, IMO.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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WiteWidoW, I think you might be interested in the book I mentioned here: http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/frie...ks-that-have-inspired-you&p=193402#post193402 This covers a lot of the issues you are talking about and I think you'd find much food for thought within its pages. I know I did.

On the other topic about using the I Ching sensibly, agreeing also with Sooo's excellent post.

If you are following a spiritual path or tradition, I think the I Ching can be extremely useful as an adjunct to an overall framework to retain objectivity and keep yourself on the path, so to say. But I think if it becomes authoritarian in any way where we project our own shadow onto the Yi, then that's a clear sign that fear has entered in and thus distortion. Which is why I think ideally, the relationship to the I Ching has to be approached gradually over a number of years. It is not a plaything when seeking to change ourselves. It's probably the most ambitious thing one can do after all!

At it's best, the I Ching should aid you in finding your true, natural Self as an act of liberation and in my experience can certainly act as a guide to an alchemical process, most closely aligned to some of the precepts from Jungian psychology and Gnostic schools of thought. This does require some discipline as does any genuine spiritual practice, but as the Yi states in H.4, too much discipline stifles our learning experiences and not enough H.60 limitation can equally prevent growth. Perhaps the Yi can assist in finding that balance.

And on that overall point, I thought I'd ask the Yi itself what it thought about the topic raised by Sooo, and received: H.30 Clarity.

Clarity. The character [probably] shows a bird and a net. Birds bring messages; nets catch them. Nets are man-made, woven together.


'Clarity. Harvest in constancy.
Creating success.
Rear female cattle, good fortune.'

Harvest in constancy: catching the bird, getting the message, is not meant to be just a one-off ‘aha!’ moment, but sustained awareness. And – heng, creating success – a way of creative two-way engagement with the world.

Female cattle represent what supports and sustains clarity. They’re the support of a culture: source of food and especially of power for farming. Because they lend their strength, we can develop higher civilisation.

Also, they are docile and willing – cows rather than bulls.

So these are the ‘fuel’ for the light of a whole culture. There are three factors:

The light of awareness
The capacity to sustain that light
The actions to nurture that capacity

Those actions are ‘taming’ of cattle – ‘taming’ as in the name of Hexagram 9 and 26, nurturing and accumulating – and also ‘holding together’, like the strands of the net. This can refer to the capacity of a system of thought to contain meaning; the capacity of an individual to stay at a high level of awareness; also the capacity of a community, with its interwoven connections, to contain and support people. (Part of the ‘awareness’ theme is truly seeing other people.)

Spot on! :D
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long yi

May 21, 2012
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神煞:天乙—丑未 福星—寅 日禄—寅 羊刃—卯 驿马—寅 桃花—酉 华盖—辰
干支:甲午年 辛未月 甲申日 甲子时
旬空:辰巳  戌亥  午未  戌亥

六神  伏神    离宫:风水涣          坎宫:坎为水(六冲)
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母辛卯木  ○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼戊子水 世
白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟辛巳火 世   ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙戊戌土  
滕蛇 妻财己酉金 ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙辛未土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财戊申金  
勾陈 官鬼己亥水 ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊午火     ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊午火 应
朱雀       ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙戊辰土 应   ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙戊辰土  
青龙       ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母戊寅木     ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母戊寅木  
Wishful thanking
59.3 is not a change line. Third party wu fire refers to the suspect who may so call curse the female querent.

The hidden line office hai water is the hollow element under the month and hour of the reading. No one curse the female querent.

Line 59.6 is the document and relationship line (change line). By Aug 4 and probably Aug 8 and after, it is the month of you metal that set this relationship to a far away place. The male, and perhaps so call "curse" is gone far away.

Officer 29.6 is zi water which is hollow under the year 2014 wu fire. No curse exists.

Iching is the teaching of fundamental scientific theory. Consider the whole thing a joke.

59.2 and 59.5 are both yang line. The guest line and host line do not get along. There is a verbal disagreement among the two parties: host and someone.

Officer line is官鬼. The second term 鬼 does not exist in this reading. 59.2子孙戊辰土 and 29.5子孙戊戌土 are child lines. Child line suppress the officer line 官鬼.

The querent has control over the environment. File closed.

I am surprised this post attracts 5 pages of response and no one cares to analyze the reading a bit further scientifically as based on old school teachings of theory.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I am surprised this post attracts 5 pages of response and no one cares to analyze the reading a bit further scientifically as based on old school teachings of theory.

There is no 'scientific' way to do a reading. Your way is no more scientific than anyone else's.


May 28, 2013
Reaction score
The fact that this post attracts 5 pages of responses, just goes to show how interested we really are in the subject being brought up. As "scientific" human beings we are not supposed to entertain such "ridiculous ideas" as curses and demons; had I started to talk to people in psychiatry about "demons" and the like, I would most definitely lose my license to practice medicine. On the other hand, there are so many things between heaven and earth that to not entertain the idea would be quite arrogant imho. We might miss out on a lot of information if we close our eyes to it.

And I have to say I love this forum exactly because of the philosophical discussions that ensue. It really adds the spice to it all. :)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Actually my main concern here was not the philosophical stuff about curses...but practically to get the querant to blow it all off as balderdash and piffle because what possible use would it be to them to entertain the notion that these curses were real ? How could that possibly help ?

As soon as s/he starts thinking it's all real she is going to be even more freaked out and besides not believing in it is the first step to blowing it all off.

However I think we might be naive if we believe that nobody can harm us with negative energy, when you have a gifted practitioner who knows how to steer energies, I believe they can do a lot of harm if they are that way inclined. I also believe people' ignorance on the subject can also perpetuate it, after all the devil's biggest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist.

I just couldn't see the point of raising that POV in a thread where someone is scared out of their wits. I don't disagree with anything you said or anything anyone has said really but I think actually calling it a load of bull is one useful way of brushing it off.

I think it's all a load of bollocks and your best way through is to realise no matter how 'gifted' the practitioner they don't stand a piddling chance in the face of light and truth.

I never said it didn't exist but I don't think this is the best thread to pontificate about it on.....for the sake of the querant who was scared.

I mean if you are scared do you really want a load of people saying "ah yes but there are curses actually"

As a kid if I was scared of ghosts I was told 'there is no such thing !' which, whether there are or not, and of course there are, the stout denial of them by a warm living human was helpful.

There is no use being fearful of 'gifted practitioners' IMO not on this thread anyway. I mean if you all want to discuss curses and so on in a purely intellectual way I would have a thought this wasn't the best place because you might increase fear in someone.

The whole point in this thread was to reduce fear not to argue a case for the existence of curses.

It's not the topic or what has been said I have doubts about...it's just raising them in this thread I have doubts about.

I thought the thread was more needing direct assurance rather than philosophical discussion.
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Having said that I think the querant has gone away happy so it doesn't matter any more.

Me calling curses a load of old codswollop is not me saying they don't exist...but trying to say...Blow them off, give them no credibility. Use protection and prayers and what have you also of course...but also have a good bolshy zero tolerance attitude to them !!


I know that most men—not only those considered clever, but even those who are very clever, and capable of understanding most difficult scientific, mathematical, or philosophic problems—can very seldom discern even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as to oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions they have formed, perhaps with much difficulty—conclusions of which they are proud, which they have taught to others, and on which they have built their lives. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy


The fact that this post attracts 5 pages of responses, just goes to show how interested we really are in the subject being brought up. As "scientific" human beings we are not supposed to entertain such "ridiculous ideas" as curses and demons; had I started to talk to people in psychiatry about "demons" and the like, I would most definitely lose my license to practice medicine. On the other hand, there are so many things between heaven and earth that to not entertain the idea would be quite arrogant imho. We might miss out on a lot of information if we close our eyes to it.

And I have to say I love this forum exactly because of the philosophical discussions that ensue. It really adds the spice to it all. :)
I, for many years, have wished this to be a place where ideas of all kinds could be discussed with childlike curiosity and abandon, and if it were not for confirmation bias, also called myside bias, among other names, this might have been possible. Unfortunately, this forum is the rule rather than the exception.


Jul 1, 2014
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kiching00 I on occassion do pick up psychic energies from others, I believe I know what it feels like to be cursed. Ultimately, it doesn't matter if you actually were cursed or not. If you feel that you were, that in itself is enough of a problem to warrent a solution.

I do a mirror banishing ritual when I feel vulnerable to psychic attack or curses. I write my name inside a circle on two small pieces of paper, inside the circle with my name I write 'protected'. Protected is INSIDE the circle with my name. Outside the circle I write 'reflected'. I tape the pieces of paper on the back of two mirrors. Sit one of the mirrors directly in front of you (or sit in front of it if it is a very large mirror). I get a small tea candle, and scratch with the head of a pen or pencil "Sarah" (my name) and "Protected". I take another small candle and scribe in the wax in the name of the person I think may have cursed me or is sending negative energy my way, if you don't know who it is, you can write any word that means what it is you're feeling like 'evil' or 'negativity' or anything that has personal meaning to you.

I chant "By the love of the goddess, I am protected, and evil emotions are then reflected."

I say that many, many times, letting it really sink into my subconscious which is where the symbolism really starts to work it's magic. When I feel aligned with a higher power, or that the timing is right, I light the candle that says "Sarah" and "Protected". I stare at the flame and realize the flame is a living embodiment of the energy I am envoking at this time, it is divine and it is alive. It doesn't have to be perfect, it's happening. I then light the other candle that says the other persons name, or whatever you've chosen. While chanting the mantra I just told you (by the love of the goddess), move the negative candle in between both mirrors, so you can see that the flame is reflected on both sides, or however you feel it is sufficiently bouncing the flames light off of both mirrors. Make sure the candle representing you is not in between the mirrors with the negative candle, but instead it is behind them, protected outside of the mirrors, and the negative candle is inside the mirrors, bouncing its light back on itself, basically.

It is important, in my opinion, that you try your best to focus on positive feelings during the ritual. The goddess will deal with the other person, there's no reason to send your fear or hate toward them. Simply focus on protecting yourself, and they will have to deal with their own negativity themselves, instead of putting it on other people such as yourself. After you do all of this, let the candles burn out of their own accord, and when the flames go out, the ritual is done.

I get really elaborate with my rituals like adding salt (earth) to water (Divine mother goddess) and sprinkling it around myself in the north, east, south and west invoking the spirits of the four directions, which I think that's called casting a circle. I really don't know, what matters is that you're calling upon the divine, which is just your highest self and wants good for both YOURSELF and the other person, ultimately, which is why I said you don't have to worry about focusing on the negative energy they sent you, just the protection of the goddess... which is love.

Take care kiching00 <3 if you have any questions let me know. There are also plenty of good mirror banishing rituals online, and you can mix up or change anything you like. What is important is that it speaks to you.

P.S. once the ritual is done, forget about it. It's working it's magic in the depths of your mind and realms you don't need to focus on. Soon enough, you will see the results.


Aug 5, 2010
Reaction score
The fact that this post attracts 5 pages of responses, just goes to show how interested we really are in the subject being brought up. As "scientific" human beings we are not supposed to entertain such "ridiculous ideas" as curses and demons; had I started to talk to people in psychiatry about "demons" and the like, I would most definitely lose my license to practice medicine. On the other hand, there are so many things between heaven and earth that to not entertain the idea would be quite arrogant imho. We might miss out on a lot of information if we close our eyes to it.

I can relate to that and in a similar setting I prefer to keep my 'ridiculous' ideas out or just share it with ears that are willing to play with such subjects.

I think we do miss things from that stand. There is that "conflict" between the "scientific" and "ridiculous" ideas ,yet, imo, if we make a step back to another lever there is set of common questions or put it simply just one " what is that ?" What is scientific and what scientist can be sure of 100% is a big discussion. As for the "ridiculous ideas", there is a need that our ancestor have come with them- the need to explain /make sense and other psychological needs too... so I see both approach as investigating one specific issue.

I, for many years, have wished this to be a place where ideas of all kinds could be discussed with childlike curiosity and abandon, and if it were not for confirmation bias, also called myside bias, among other names, this might have been possible. Unfortunately, this forum is the rule rather than the exception.

So far, and could be due to my confirmation biases :cool:, that childlike curiosity and the risk one takes to challenge even their own ideas , its a common trait of well-known scientist, people that are not afraid to 'get dirty' and play with the subject they love... fool around... Play !!

what we believe , one can say, its what we are; part of our entity/identity... challenging or been challenge its not always welcome, yet , imo, playing and not be attached and feel threatened opens new doors.

As for the curses, there are ideas from the scientific world as well as layperson beliefs, that curses-in some respects-can be real; in their consequences

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