...life can be translucent

heart palpitations 52.4.6 > 62


Jun 2, 2008
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Recently I have had a bout of heart palpitations and am currently having another round. The last time I had it was for about a week and it went away as spontaneously as it came. As suspected there was no identifiable "cause" according to the doctors. People have suggested "stress" but I am no more stressed than normal I think.

I asked regarding the cause of my palpitations and got 52.4.6>62.

I get the sense that I am being asked to meditate more, to focus inwards but am not getting much more out of this reading. Would anyone be able to shed more light on this reading for me?


Jul 9, 2010
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52.4 Variously interpreted as "stopping the back" or "stopping the torso" -- I'm not sure what the distinction is, but you might consider chiropractic treatments.

52.6 "Stopping carefully is auspicious." Tapering off slowly from suspected triggers to gauge effects, rather than a wholesale dietary change.

62 Small Excess: Confirmation that something relatively minor may be the trigger, something "of the earth." (Have you considered too much sodium? This isn't from the reading, just personal experience with prev. Mucho dinero spent determining that five V-8's a day along with Mexican fare is way too much.... http://heartdisease.about.com/cs/arrhythmias/a/PVC.htm)


Feb 7, 1970
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What is the cause of my palpitations?
52.4.6 > 62

52 is double Mountain. Mountains are places for contact with the spirits, and they are still.

Six in the fourth place means:
Keeping his trunk still.
No blame.

Nine at the top means:
Noblehearted keeping still.
Good fortune.

The three Chinese characters of this line are "true stillness auspicious". But your stillness is not true because it is producing heart palpitations. You need to make changes in your life.

52 suggests that the cause of your palpitations is too much stillness. Take walks or some other form of physical recreation. The flying bird of 62 supports this idea of exercise -- but moderately. One needn't do strenuous excercise to get a noticeable improvement in health, especially if one's job is office work.
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Jun 2, 2008
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52 suggests that the cause of your palpitations is too much stillness.

Why do you think there is too much stillness?
You are right about the exercise thing though - i haven't been doing too much of that so it might help.

yesterday I asked the same question and got 49 unchanging which I took to be willing to take up radical changes, which is a little different from today's reading of 62. There is probably another way to look at the two readings

I read that palpitations with no known cause were usually due to some emotional barrier so I went along with the meditating idea so I could try and find out what I was holding on to prevent change.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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What is the cause of my palpitations?
52.4.6 > 62

52 is double Mountain. Mountains are places for contact with the spirits, and they are still.

Six in the second place means:
Keeping his calves still.
He cannot rescue him whom he follows.
His heart is not glad.

Frustrating inability to act. One's heart is not glad.

No blame.

Memo did not cast 52.2, she cast 52.4.6


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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BTW i would take this answer, 52.4.6 >62 as a pretty definite 'do not worry', theres nothing you need to do at all about this. Don't even fret about meditating. Meditate if you like but don't worry that anything is dependent on it. Quite simply theres nothing you need to do about the heart palpitations right now

You did ask the cause but the Yis answered 2 questions in one. The cause is the same as what you need to know/do about it, which is nothing. I'd see this as there was no significant cause, nothing for you to think about, delve into or try to rectify.


Feb 7, 1970
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Why do you think there is too much stillness?
You are right about the exercise thing though - i haven't been doing too much of that so it might help.

You asked the cause of your palpitations and received a double dose of stillness

In your first post you said

I get the sense that I am being asked to meditate more. . .

The stillness of meditation alone is sufficient to cause undesirable effects. Google "meditation psychosis" for details. If you feel you must meditate, do it while walking.


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May 29, 2006
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I find Yis answers are as holistic as possible. Memo asks the cause....but Yi says whats needed to know afterall. She wants to know the cause in order to deal with the problem but Yi says in effect 'there is no problem, nothing you need to do' . If there were too much stillness then why wouldn't 52.3 show up ? That would describe too much stillness causing anxiety hence causing palpitations...but 52.3 didn't come up.

From my POV one couldn't get a more reasssuring answer...yet its given rise to a further question...giving 49 which leads to further anxiety which actually the first answer said there was no need for...and Memo, IMO, comes to the very opposite advice of the first oracle..that radical changes are needed, when actually 52 said nothing of the sort :confused: radical changes aren't needed, far from it..

49 unchanging can mean stop and start again later with a new outlook. Maybe drop the anxiety about the palpitations, (there are, apparently, all sort of reasons for them, most not serious, they can even be hormonally linked) for now....if they get worse or continue go back to the dr...
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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You asked the cause of your palpitations and received a double dose of stillness

In your first post you said

The stillness of meditation alone is sufficient to cause undesirable effects. Google "meditation psychosis" for details. If you feel you must meditate, do it while walking.

In some circumstances meditation, or too much meditation when a person is already a bit shaky or not very grounded can produce undesirable effects. However I think it misleading to make out meditation alone causes psychosis though. I mean its a pretty big jump from meditating because of palpitations to the danger of becoming psychotic .

I think more meditation would be a good idea but not too much and not with anxiety about it, just what ever is comfortable.
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Jun 2, 2008
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Google "meditation psychosis" for details. If you feel you must meditate, do it while walking.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention - I was not aware of this. I seldom meditate and usually only do it for short periods to calm down or when I don't get enough sleep.


Jun 2, 2008
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I find Yis answers are as holistic as possible. Memo asks the cause....but Yi says whats needed to know afterall. She wants to know the cause in order to deal with the problem but Yi says in effect 'there is no problem, nothing you need to do' .

From my POV one couldn't get a more reasssuring answer...yet its given rise to a further question...giving 49 which leads to further anxiety which actually the first answer said there was no need for...and Memo, IMO, comes to the very opposite advice of the first oracle..that radical changes are needed, when actually 52 said nothing of the sort :confused: radical changes aren't needed, far from it..

49 unchanging can mean stop and start again later with a new outlook. Maybe drop the anxiety about the palpitations, (there are, apparently, all sort of reasons for them, most not serious, they can even be hormonally linked) for now....if they get worse or continue go back to the dr...

In some circumstances meditation, or too much meditation when a person is already a bit shaky or not very grounded can produce undesirable effects. However I think it misleading to make out meditation alone causes psychosis though. I mean its a pretty big jump from meditating because of palpitations to the danger of becoming psychotic .

I think more meditation would be a good idea but not too much and not with anxiety about it, just what ever is comfortable.

Maybe the Yi is joking with me with the two opposing hexagrams :rolleyes: but I really hope not! It is very draining when I get these palpitations as they go on for days continuously, make me lethargic and loose my appetite. I have been more worried since its the second time around, with the added pressure of exams and job interviews in the next couple of days.

I must admit though I have been doing meditation and running energy through the chakras with more expectation than normal because last time that was how the palpitations went away, well supposedly anyway.


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May 29, 2006
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Maybe the Yi is joking with me with the two opposing hexagrams :rolleyes: but I really hope not! It is very draining when I get these palpitations as they go on for days continuously, make me lethargic and loose my appetite. I have been more worried since its the second time around, with the added pressure of exams and job interviews in the next couple of days.

I must admit though I have been doing meditation and running energy through the chakras with more expectation than normal because last time that was how the palpitations went away, well supposedly anyway.

That does sound draining ! But its very reassuring the drs found nothing.

BTW 49, especially unchanging is more of an organic shift IMO. I don't feel it means anyway you have to hurry and turn your world upside down and make any big change...more like there is some sort of change already happening within you or around you on some level . 49 for example can refer to puberty, menopause....natural 'revolutions' so to speak where some old part of self/life dies and is reborn as part of alarger cycle. If you look at both 52 and 49 as answers to your same question it may be you are in the midst of some global change in your life but there isn't a huge amount you need to do about the palpitations themselves. 52 advises calming yourself...and actually both exersize and meditation can help with that...but also 52 suggests you live very much in the now and don't look too far ahead. Don't trouble yourself with thoughts of the future, cocoon yourself if you like in your own world..not as in total withdrawal but so that things don't impact on you too much. 62 is a quite a good way of staying cool by just attending to the next thing you need to do, no big future projections, just getting on with things at 'ground level'


Jun 26, 2008
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Recently I have had a bout of heart palpitations and am currently having another round. The last time I had it was for about a week and it went away as spontaneously as it came. As suspected there was no identifiable "cause" according to the doctors. People have suggested "stress" but I am no more stressed than normal I think.

I asked regarding the cause of my palpitations and got 52.4.6>62.

I get the sense that I am being asked to meditate more, to focus inwards but am not getting much more out of this reading. Would anyone be able to shed more light on this reading for me?

hi memobook

despite anything your reading could possibly mean, I think that it would be wise if you did a check up on your heart . . probably you've done the online reading already but I thought I'd post a couple of links on arrhythmia:


I saw a passing comment somewhere about how there could be two different rhythms within you that cause the discrepancy between 52 and 62 and I think that could be a good explanation . . for me 52 to 62 can look like making mountains out of molehills or like the tip of the iceberg -if I were in your shoes and something strained my heart I would go have it checked out; could be nothing but I'd like to know for sure . . (btw, 52 can also mean a blockage or stumbling block, something that doesn't allow for movement)
not sure if you're a he or she, but if you're a she and have thyroid history in your family it could be a sign of thyroid malfunction . . just a thought

hope you'll feel better soon!


Jun 2, 2008
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for me 52 to 62 can look like making mountains out of molehills or like the tip of the iceberg

52 can also mean a blockage or stumbling block, something that doesn't allow for movement

I am in the process of getting it checked out - let's hope it fits the mountains out of molehills analogy!

it is interesting that you mentioned possible blockages with 52.
I did a reading today asking why have my palpitations not gone away (thinking that if it was minor problem why it is giving me so much trouble and persisting)
I received 29.2.5 >2

looking at hexagram 29, lines 2 and 5 are almost like things that are blocking the flow of water.

I'm wondering where hexagram 29 fits in the scheme of things since it is another double hexagram


Clarity Supporter
Sep 3, 2006
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What trojan said about 49 rang true for me, for what it's worth. Fluctuations in hormone levels (as at puberty and perimenopause) can cause benign heart palpitations, which can range from an occasional flutter to a constant banging around in your chest that leaves you awake all night. Just a thought.


Jun 26, 2008
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I am in the process of getting it checked out - let's hope it fits the mountains out of molehills analogy!

it is interesting that you mentioned possible blockages with 52.
I did a reading today asking why have my palpitations not gone away (thinking that if it was minor problem why it is giving me so much trouble and persisting)
I received 29.2.5 >2

looking at hexagram 29, lines 2 and 5 are almost like things that are blocking the flow of water.

I'm wondering where hexagram 29 fits in the scheme of things since it is another double hexagram

29 is about how to get out of a tight place (ravine) so what you say makes sense . . but it could be that what hinders you is the way you treat your worries, it could be a self-imposed, emotional blockage.

The only thing that comes to mind about your mountain-water hexs is that when put together they make hex 39 but I don't know if this has anything to do with what goes on with you . . whatever that is though, I think it's good you're having it checked out

wish you well!


Jan 26, 2007
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If you have had an ekg and it all checked out normal, then you may be suffering from anxiety.

The stillness I am thinking means stillness of the mind. Be here in the moment.

If you are anxious when meditating then you are very likely forcing it. Remember to breath and just enjoy the stillness.

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