...life can be translucent


How long question


Jun 28, 2011
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Hi Everyone,

I'm currently living in a house that is now under receivership and is owned by allied irish bank. My old landlords are currently in a long drawn out lawsuit against the bank to get back the house. Me and my housemates are in very precarious circumstances and i asked the Yi 'How long have I got here?'

58 1,2 > 45

I have noticed that in the search section there have been a number of readings asking 'when' type questions, I have no idea how this works, so if anyone could shed some light i'd be very greatfull.


Feb 19, 2010
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Hi Yxeli,

'How long have I got here?'
58 1,2 > 45

Hrm, for a time question, for me it seems to depend on the intent at the time of questioning. I have used LiSe's Calendar, http://www.yijing.nl/i_ching/yilin/yilin-time.htm,for questions with using the website in mind while I am asking. Sometimes it seems it is saying something else entirely! :D

I was looking in your answer, 58.1.2> 45 and no where in your reading does it talk of days weeks years etc., so no leads there. I don't know if 58 or 45 are associated with months, but I didn't see mention of it in Wilhelm. In LiSe's Calendar 58 is not included in the list (there are 4 hex's not on the list 29, 30, 51 and 58), but 45 is associated with the first quarter to full moon in the month of September.

IDK, I seem to remember asking a time question with every intent of using LiSe's Calendar, and receiving hexagram 12 in my answer and instead of looking at when, I saw 12 as saying stop. Yi is so awesome and complex!

Intent is always important, but time is tricky and I am not completely certain of how this could work. I almost see it like this. You can learn about a hexagram by seeing which month's they are associated with. For instance, Fu - 24, a classic time reference in the Yi. It depicts a time when the light returns (the yang lines at the bottom). It's association is the Winter Solstice because of this characteristic because the light returns and the days start growing longer. 24 then could also be associated with the proliferative phase of healing and the list goes on and on. There are endless associations once it is seen as yang returning. It is not clear that if 24 is received, that it would mean something was going to take place near the solstice, but IDK! Haven't ruled it out! I am rambling. .. I am just thinking it could mean that history might repeat or something else. Enough about 24.

Another thing I have been pondering in regards to how the Yijing responds, is who is it speaking to. I am thinking the Yi is very wise and just like us, we should be paying attention to the here and now. The present moment. Also, what can we change about something outside of ourselves. Nothing. We ourselves can only do our part to help that moment. So, sometimes I think the Yi is referring to only me and only now. Selfish? I don't really think so.

More on the actual reading, 58.1.2>45 later. It is dinnertime!:p
Take care,
Feb 19, 2010
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58.1.2 > 45
A general outline that could possibly help your reading. I hope! :)

58- The joys of harmonious sharing and open commuication. Success from this.
Image- Joining

Line 1- An opening for harmony to begin. Good fortune from remaining responsive and in balance with the rest of the situation. You are the part of the situation that can bring change to balance the entire situation (Like moving your unique 'piece' to the other side of the scales to balance it out).

Line 2- A true opening. Good fortune from communicating in the situation what you feel sincere.

45- Gathering things (or people) together for a shared purpose. Success and Good fortune from being consistant and giving your best contribution and efforts. What you put in, will be a mirror to what you get out of it.
Image- Being defensively prepared inwardly (not offensive). Being watchful of investments. Taking extra care because they are all in one place.

This seems to be a very positive answer. What do you think it means??
45 could be you and your housemates gathering. Is there anything you should be communicating to help?
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Feb 7, 1970
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How long have I got here?
58.1.2 > 45

Lakes don't move, so hexagram 58 suggests that you can relax and stay as long as you want. Also, 45.0 Gathering Together suggests the group will be intact as does the Image of 58. In the hexagram calendar, 58 governs the early fall (August, September, October).
Feb 19, 2010
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I never thought of the reading in this way Pocossin, that lakes are resting. Makes sense. And both images touch on joining/bringing together. There is definitely a central theme across the board.. Do you have a specific Calendar you use Poc? Can you point me to one? 58 does infact seem very August, September, October. In my mind this hexagram is filed near Thoreau's description of Waldon Pond in the Autumn.

Take care,


Feb 7, 1970
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Do you have a specific Calendar you use Poc?

I have studied the hexagram calendar. It's valuable for understanding aspects of the I Ching, but I don't use it in divining.

Message #4 gives the hexagram calendar.

For timing I look to imagery and the spirit of the presentation. Note that there is no urgency in the way yxeli makes her presentation. It's relaxed, informal, and grammar and spelling are relaxed too.

In my mind this hexagram is filed near Thoreau's description of Walden Pond in the Autumn.

I've a theory on that too :)


That was eight years ago, and I have yet to find concrete evidence that Thoreau read Mohl's Y-King, but I don't see how he could have missed it. Thoreau read deeply in oriental literature and was exceptionally competent in Latin. If the book existed in a collection available to him, he would have read it. Catalogues of these collections still aren't available online, but Mohl's Y-King is now a Google Book.
Feb 19, 2010
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Thanks again for the help Pocossin. I thanked that post you linked me to in March of 2010. I vaguely remember doing so. I suppose it just wasn't the right time for me to soak it all in, but apparently I appreciated it nontheless! :)

There is a lot to soak in on that Thread. I would like to compare different Calendar and search for origin if possible. I like the idea of a circular calendar best. One with marks at key times like the equinox's and solstice's. That way it can easily be applied to the moon phases just the same (as well as lots of other cyclical things). I will try and find Blofeld's book. His translation came up before and I did a search for it. I believe there are different editions, but not sure. Hoping I get the right one.

The stories that are based in I Ching like the Forest of Changes, I could not find a translation of that in english for sale. Maybe it is in a bigger book with many stories? Or is the same old calendar from Forest of Changes used in Michael Nylan's translations of Classic of the Great Mystery?

I need visuals :D and explaination :cool:.

Also was reading how You and Peter were going back and forth about Meng Xi. Tried looking that up and got a Professional Women's Volleyball player (whoa!). Is Meng Xi the same thing as Fung Yu-lan? Found Fung Yu-lan's 'A History of Chinese Philosophy' Vol. 2 available online for purchase.

61 with 24 to follow?
Feb 19, 2010
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I've a theory on that too :)


That was eight years ago, and I have yet to find concrete evidence that Thoreau read Mohl's Y-King, but I don't see how he could have missed it. Thoreau read deeply in oriental literature and was exceptionally competent in Latin. If the book existed in a collection available to him, he would have read it. Catalogues of these collections still aren't available online, but Mohl's Y-King is now a Google Book.

I don't know enough about Thoreau, and didn't know he was deeply into oriental literature. I like your juxtaposition of ideas with his chapter's and the hexagrams.

I wonder if any story or quest... or journey could be looked at with these kinds of hexagram chapters? It makes sense, as they are natural progressions of nature.

Oh no, another question! Who started the numbering of the hexagrams?
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Feb 7, 1970
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The stories that are based in I Ching like the Forest of Changes, I could not find a translation of that in english for sale. Maybe it is in a bigger book with many stories?

I don't think there is one. Lise has tried to get it don't through cooperative effort, but so far no luck.

Or is the same old calendar from Forest of Changes used in Michael Nylan's translations of Classic of the Great Mystery?

The hexagram calendar -- so far I know there is only one -- is presented in various ways. Lise's hexagram calendar is an adaptation. The hexagram calendar was adapted by Yang Xiong (2BCE) in composing the Tai Xuan Jing, aka Classic of the Great Mystery and as The Elemental Changes. Multiple names and spellings are confusing.

Also was reading how You and Peter were going back and forth about Meng Xi.

Peter Manyakhin thinks Meng Xi created the hexagram calendar. I think the hexagram calendar is older than the Zhouyi.

Is Meng Xi the same thing as Fung Yu-lan?

Fung Yu-lan is a modern author.


Meng Xi (孟喜), fl. 69 BCE, was a calendar reformer of the Wester Han era.



Feb 7, 1970
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I don't know enough about Thoreau, and didn't know he was deeply into oriental literature. I like your juxtaposition of ideas with his chapter's and the hexagrams.

I wonder if any story or quest... or journey could be looked at with these kinds of hexagram chapters? It makes sense, as they are natural progressions of nature.

A number of Chinese books -- including the Dao De Jing, The Art of War, and the Thirty-Six Stratagems -- are modeled on the I Ching.

Oh no, another question! Who started the numbering of the hexagrams?

Bradford knows, I'm sure. I think the practice was introduced by translators, and it is a great convenience for those who do not know Chinese.
Feb 19, 2010
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A number of Chinese books -- including the Dao De Jing, The Art of War, and the Thirty-Six Stratagems -- are modeled on the I Ching.

Bradford knows, I'm sure. I think the practice was introduced by translators, and it is a great convenience for those who do not know Chinese.

I have highjacked this thread :mmf: Yxeli
thanks for your info Poc. I have other questions. One is are there any good movies that have reference to the I ching or that surround themselves openly to the philosophy? I should start another thread maybe for that?? And also, do you know if Fung Yu-lan's Short History of Chinese Philosophy has the Calendar? I feel odd purchasing the second volume of something without the first and at this point I am really just interested in the Calendar.


Jun 28, 2011
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no probs there answered questions, very interesting thread here now!

i feel relieved by your responses for 58-45, maybe some negotiations will take place..

will ask this question again in a few months to see if anything has changed.

Thanks all!



Jun 28, 2011
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Update on this,

Yi was spot on.

Just got served notice, The property has to be vacated on 31st of August.

Wowsas. My faith in this thing has just shot up 100 percent.




Feb 7, 1970
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Aren't you ready for a move, yxeli? Movement to a new place can be uplifting.


Jun 28, 2011
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yes! super excited. just what i needed i think...everything is on the move right now, maybe cos its spring.

I'm goin to cast right now and see what the yi thinks my future will hold after the move.

OH! not so good... 39 3.5>2 :(


I've gotten that combination 3 times this week....

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