...life can be translucent


Loosing my job ?



I'll try to make this short.

On sunday 21 of december I woked up to a feeling of twitch in my left foot and leg and since then I haven't been able to walk proper. Today I can move around limited with the help of a walkingstick.

My doctor had calmed me that it's not a coronary and advised me to take magnesiumtablets (? the danish word for them).

I haven't been able to work since and my employer takes it with lovely understanding. But I'm scared whether this illness will just continuo and I'll have to loose my job.

"What will my situation be from here on ?" (8-8-8-8-8-8] ie Hex 2 UC

" Sign of the Great Sacrifice.
Auspicious for the mare.
The gentleman goes somewhere.
He gets lost at first.
But finally finds a patron.
All goes well.
It is favorable to go southwest,
Where a friend will be found.
To the northeast. a friend will be lost.
Omen of peace.
" (Kerson & Rosemary Huang, I Ching)

I find this reading at a glance satisfying but here again as elsewhere this compassdirections are mentioned.

Will I loose my job ? Or is there any hint in this consultation that my leg will cure ?


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Sven,

first before looking at the reading, I'd recommend you to go see another doctor. Not being able to walk properly is serious, and taking some magnesium tablets seems like an inadequate measure. I am no doctor myself, but what you describe sounds like it might be a squeezed nerve in the vertebrae, or similar orthopedic condition - in which case physiotherapy would be indicated. But, a good doctor should be able to tell you.

For your reading of 2 uc I agree with you that the general tone sounds not too bad, but what does it really mean :) To me the southwest stands for home, and the northeast for outside, new directions, a strange land. So the advice could be to center yourself around your core, and take things from there. Then guidance in some form will appear and things will turn out well. Not sure if this resonates with you - have you been trying to make changes to your life recently that do not really accord with you? (Just a thought of what "northeast" might mean). It does NOT sound as if your future is dark, so take hope!
In any case I wish you the best and a a correct diagnosis of your problem....



Thanks a lot maui. Strange enough my sister had advised me to change doctor a while ago. The reason why I hadn't is this princip I got, quiet conservative, that the one line You had choosen has a deeper ground; it's not without reason I got the doctor I've got... But I'll take Your kindly advice serious.
Happy New Year !


Dec 1, 2014
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I have another text version that can be considered, which elaborates the Chinese text meaning from the Huang verses you have above. Overall, it does not sound like losing job is at the horizon, but it does provide some specific guidelines to follow:

Hex 2 Title: Playing Earthly Supporting Role
uc Hex 2 Text: Everything has a fresh start and paths is open in all directions. Such setting is advantageous to display loyal support, depicted as a strong, loyal mare. Having ambitions, subject could be lost if leading at the front, and can obtain capable master if taking a step back. Supportive comrades shall gather together geographically, depicted as winning friends in one direction and losing friends in the opposite direction. If subject can be happy with the supporting role, and maintain loyal and obedient attitude, outcome shall be auspicious.


Feb 7, 1970
Reaction score
My doctor had calmed me that it's not a coronary and advised me to take magnesium tablets

I think magnesium is given for leg cramps. Five years ago I began to have leg cramps as a consequence of a statin medication. I found by accident that hot pepper eliminates such cramps and now have hot pepper with every meal. I use jalapenos that I grow myself, but they are commonly available in grocery stores. They are, I think, dangerous for persons who have asthma because they can trigger an attack, and they increase the potency of the blood thinner warfarin (Coumadin).


Dec 26, 2014
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its very sad to hear about your incident but im concern about your health and it does not mean iam not serious about your job iam but see first thing you need to consider is your health so i would recommend you to get diagnosed from another specialist or better tag along with orthopedics see if that works.


I'll contact a specialist and return here if any information around hex 2 uc in this concern has been obtained.

Thank You all for warmthly advices and a happy new year !


Pocossin: Today I bought some hot pepper and started eating. Thank You for the tip. My doctor told me that too much kinintablets (the danish word for tablets original made for malariadiseases) can cause serious heartattack and cause death. I've been taken a lot of those to calm the cramps and it scared me knowing that I could have been dead. I lend my hope to hot pepper now and will eat them regulary - at least as long as my desease last.


Feb 7, 1970
Reaction score
My doctor told me that too much kinintablets (the danish word for tablets original made for malariadiseases) can cause serious heartattack and cause death.

I hope hot pepper works for you. It has worked for me. I grow, freeze, pickle, dry and grind jalapeno. The powder, made from red-ripe peppers, is especially convenient to use. Cayenne powder and sauces might work too. I was unaware of the dangers of quinine.

FDA: Don't Use Quinine for Leg Cramps

Since 1969, the FDA has received 665 reports of serious adverse events tied to quinine, including 93 deaths.


In the nineteenseventies my doctor at that time advises Qinine. Untill recently I have almost never used it beside the few times the cramp was present. This time the situation had been so painfull that in one occasion I took five tablets within 24 hours.... Could had been a deadly dosis - maybe I was just lucky (?)

Another thing Pocossin: How much jalapno did You take at the time You felt the cramps worst ? I have, since yesterday taken two whole of them.

Hex 2 trigram.jpg

According Hex 2 I see that one of the attributes connected with it's trigram is "It works in the belly". I think that maybe a cure will be found through something to eat....


Feb 7, 1970
Reaction score
How much jalapno did You take at the time You felt the cramps worst ?

It's difficult to give advice because there are different kinds of hot pepper, peppers are prepared in different ways, and tastes differ. Some are very sensitive to hot pepper and cannot tolerate it in their food. Others (chiliheads) crave it and consume large quantities. In my experience one slowly develops a tolerance for hot pepper. It might be to your advantage to practice with cayenne powder. It is inexpensive and available in grocery stores, and you might prefer its taste. Jalapeno powder is also sold commercially. If you want to totally avoid leg cramps, I suggests that you use hot pepper daily.

For me jalapeno pepper is a salt substitute -- I must avoid salt -- and I have it with every meal. The jalapeno I grow are smaller and have more heat (capsaicin) than commercial jalapeno from Mexico. Probably I am now using four peppers a day. I do not clean out the pepper. That is, many persons prepare hot pepper by discarding seed and pith. The pith (placenta) is the part that contains most of the heat, and I do not discard it.

Even though jalapeno is low in heat compared to other hot peppers, it is easy to get too much in one's food. When I do use too much, I have found that tomato juice is a good way to cool a burning tongue.


Thank You Pocossin. Long time ago I was visiting a friend who got this indian Hot Pickles. At first I tried stopping the fire with water, which of course made it spread but later calming with milk or juice it helped. From that time and on still today I love it: spicey stuff, Indian, Mexican.... So with me it's a beautifull alternative to, Yes, quinine. Ten minutes ago I felt ill on my right leg, then I ate a ricemeal with chili beans and a whole hot red chili and right now when writing this it feels OK again, so I guess You have shown me a well working nice cure. Once again: Thank You.

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Monday on the 12 january my employer had spoken to her husbands doctor about my disease and out of what she told him he suggested that it could be more serious than "just" legcramps: Inflammation. He said that I was welcome to consult him for a closer look. Right now I'm trying to phone to get a consultation.
(Still hard for me to see hex. 2 in this but untill now nothing points toward that my employer are going to dismiss me.)


Aug 5, 2010
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Not excactly an intepretation, but the visual of h2 feels like a open path , accompanied with a sense of getting unblocked.

It's interesting that a helper is found from your workplace, perhaps you just found how your question about the future of your job is related with your health matter and the helpers of hex 2

Wish you a speed recovery


I've been to a specialist who said that nothing seemed to be wrong with my left food or leg. He advised some medicaments that I should take over the week and if that doesn't work I should again contact my doctor.
I asked The I: What can I do to cure my leg/foot ? And I got hex. 51.2.4 > 19 (7-6-8-9-8-8).
The advice on the Judgement given by Kerson & Rosemary Huang: ""Keeping an inner sense of security allows you to triumph over any disaster with grace and style."
On second Yin: "You can never lose what is truly yours; it always returns in the end. "
Fourth Yang: "Succumbing to fear and anxiety can lead to humiliation "
All in all a very positive respons (from K & R Huang),

But when lookin at the text itself it looks like I'm going to be hanging in the situation and can't do anything to help it:
Second Yin:
"Thunder bodes danger.
Money is lost.
Climb the nine hills.
Don't chase after it
You will get it back in seven days

Fourth Yang:
Falling into the mud

Still K&R Huangs translation.

I don't know if I'm right in this, but when asking The I what to do I got a picture of my situation like saying: You'll fall - nothing to do about it ???


Hi Sven,

first before looking at the reading, I'd recommend you to go see another doctor. Not being able to walk properly is serious, and taking some magnesium tablets seems like an inadequate measure. I am no doctor myself, but what you describe sounds like it might be a squeezed nerve in the vertebrae, or similar orthopedic condition - in which case physiotherapy would be indicated. But, a good doctor should be able to tell you.


Last week I was advised to physiotherapy. I hope that'll be the solution....

I don't remember now if I've mentioned that even the specialist, an orthopeadian, said that nothing was wrong with me - but still as late as yesterday I still need to crawl "on all four legs".

My employer phones me now and then asking for my well - and I am still not been asked to leave the job.

Anyway: still don't understand the answer that I Ching gave to me ie. hex 2 UC

precision grace

Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Hi - I believe you would benefit from an alternative health practitioner at this time. Chiropractor or Osteopath or similar. you need to identify the cause of the cramp and address that, not throw random potential cures at it, in hope that something might work. Hexagram 2 is being fully receptive but that is very often exceptionally hard to do. Perhaps there is a psychological issue at the core of all this. (I usually find with hex 2 that I have been resisting some aspect that needed to be accepted)


Lookin at hex 2 in the annual cyclus it's Winter solstice where everything rests, versus hex 1 Summer solstice where everything blossoms. Or: hex 1: Climax, hex 2: Death.

In it's extreems...

But that's the dark side of the matter.

The psychological factor I can relate to as - but that's a longer story - I have been stressed a lot since the spring last year untill now. I will not dive deeper into this aspect, just mention it.

My initial question was: Will I loose my job ? - and until now I haven't. So far no answer has been received.

Lookin at hex 1 and 2 as Action/Re-action maybe hex 2 tells me to take action on my situation - which also is what I'm doing... at least trying the possibilities like green jalapeos pepper which helps more than I have expected - but the pain when I try to just walk without something to hold on to is that intensive that it's easier to "just take action" than to actually fullfill it....

Well, I'll try to hang on and follow up in search for a key, a key showing me the meaning of hex 2 in this whole thing.

If I find the answer, or rather WHAT I Ching meant when focusing on hex 2 I'll went back here.
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Aug 5, 2010
Reaction score
I've been to a specialist who said that nothing seemed to be wrong with my left food or leg. He advised some medicaments that I should take over the week and if that doesn't work I should again contact my doctor.
I asked The I: What can I do to cure my leg/foot ? And I got hex. 51.2.4 > 19 (7-6-8-9-8-8).
The advice on the Judgement given by Kerson & Rosemary Huang: ""Keeping an inner sense of security allows you to triumph over any disaster with grace and style."
On second Yin: "You can never lose what is truly yours; it always returns in the end. "
Fourth Yang: "Succumbing to fear and anxiety can lead to humiliation "
All in all a very positive respons (from K & R Huang),

But when lookin at the text itself it looks like I'm going to be hanging in the situation and can't do anything to help it:
Second Yin:
"Thunder bodes danger.
Money is lost.
Climb the nine hills.
Don't chase after it
You will get it back in seven days

Fourth Yang:
Falling into the mud

Still K&R Huangs translation.

I don't know if I'm right in this, but when asking The I what to do I got a picture of my situation like saying: You'll fall - nothing to do about it ???

Could be thunder been seen as a nerve ?


Pocossin, I bought green Jalapenos who where maybe a bit too hot :rant: but carefully eaten small bits of it. I'll buy some milder stoff next time and take some larger portions. But it works, I'm sure.

Anemos, That morning on the 21' of december last year I woked up to the pain I had been laying on my left side watching Television for allmost 5 hours on a thin covered bed with hard wooden lamellae the night before and my first guess was actually that a nerve had been pressed.

About Thunder it's stated that the trigram thunder "works in the foot"..... which maybe could be a sign pointing out that some treating should be worked out here (?)


..... additional attributes to the trigram Thunder (Chén):
Concerning Illness "Disorders of the nervous system" and "Foot-ailments"
[From 'An Anthology of I Ching', W.A. Sherrill and W.K. Chu, Arkana 1989]
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Feb 7, 1970
Reaction score
Pocossin, I bought green Jalapenos who where maybe a bit too hot :rant: but carefully eaten small bits of it. I'll buy some milder stoff next time and take some larger portions. But it works, I'm sure.

Pepper pills might work, and they are inexpensive.


Thank You pocossin. Didn't knew they were to be found in form of pills.


Feb 7, 1970
Reaction score
Thank You pocossin. Didn't knew they were to be found in form of pills.

If you still have those peppers, don't discard them. Most of the heat in peppers can be removed by scraping out the insides with a spoon, but the hand that holds the pepper should be inside a plastic bag. The heat (capsacian oil) can penetrate the skin and burn severely. I learned the hard way.

Don't you have intermittent claudication? Didn't a doctor mention that term? Basically, muscle cramps and pain are caused by a deficiency in blood flow to the muscles, and hot pepper increases blood flow, and thereby corrects the condition. In my case, I have reduced blood flow (even to my brain :) ) as a consequence of heart damage from an infection, but I did not have leg cramps until I was prescribed a statin, which are notorious for causing leg cramps.


The use of a class of drugs called statins which treat high levels of cholesterol has been associated with increased muscle pain. The finding comes from a study published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology carried out by researchers at the Center for Healthy Aging at the University of Copenhagen.

Statins are the most effective drugs for lowering bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). They achieve this by inhibiting the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver. In the Netherlands around 40 percent of the population over the age of 65 take statins. . .

One of the main side effects of statin treatment is the increased risk of developing muscle pain. An estimated 75 percent of people on the medication report symptoms of muscle pain. . .

Pepper pills may be an inexpensive solution to your problem, but I recommend that you learn how to use hot pepper with your meals as I have done. There are many recipes on the internet. It takes time to adjust, but you can come to enjoy the heat in hot pepper.


Don't you have intermittent claudication? Didn't a doctor mention that term?

intermittent claudication - I had to find a greater dictionary to understand theese words... Yes, it's exactly what it is. And intermittend coldness in one, and then in the other foot.

But, what I maybe had forgot to add in this thread, it slowly, very slowly, start to go better. And I'm hoping that one day I can let the pills I'm now using go in the trash can.

The green Jalapeno hot chili I've cept and use with uttermost care. Thanks again for the warning having this stuff on the fingers... (Forgetting it drying tears from the eyes to example - I guess THAT hurds)


My employer had expressed that they miss me and hope that I'll soon be back in my job. So: untill now the answer to my qeustion seems to be: NO. Not loosing my job.

But maybe one day I'll be able to see in which way the I told me that in hex 2 UC

I'm still not able to walk in a normal way and regulary going to consulting a physiotherapist.


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In #27, this thread, I promised to follow up. Also because of the prediction following the "time-theme" build in the I Ching (#51 this thread).
I got it to be on the second of May. Well, that's the question and why I'll follow it up.
Since yesterday I have been able to walk quite well without using help of any kind, crutch etc. but still I have to use crutch when going for a longer walk because it hurds, but mildly, when doing so.
Someone ask if I would now soon be able to continue on my job but I answered that I wouldn't feel comfortable driving on the highway not being absolutely sure about my feets doing what they should....
But something point's toward that I'll maybe be ready on job before this second of may.
I'll be back. (Hopefully)


Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
thanks for the update and the good news!
Thinking about what hex 2 could mean in your situation:
I think of hex 2 as representing a silent listener.
Anyway, to receive hex.2 unchanging says to me you are not "hearing" anything because that there is no thought, no intention out there to have you lose your job.


In #27, this thread, I promised to follow up. Also because of the prediction following the "time-theme" build in the I Ching (#51 this thread).
I got it to be on the second of May. Well, that's the question and why I'll follow it up.
Since yesterday I have been able to walk quite well without using help of any kind, crutch etc. but still I have to use crutch when going for a longer walk because it hurds, but mildly, when doing so.
Someone ask if I would now soon be able to continue on my job but I answered that I wouldn't feel comfortable driving on the highway not being absolutely sure about my feets doing what they should....
But something point's toward that I'll maybe be ready on job before this second of may.
I'll be back. (Hopefully)

The last week or so I've been able to walk proberly but not, still not, enough for to start up on my job.
The NanJing-rule pointed out first six which means today the 2' of May. Top six were also a changing line (7.1.6) and points out the 7' of May. But it's only on the longer walks that my legs feels bad. I've been active walking around on shorter distances without any problems.
Maybe one of the days I'll contact my employer asking for a test-day to see if I can manage....

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