...life can be translucent


Seeking input on Hex 28 changing to 56


Jan 18, 1971
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Hi everyone.

Getting ready to leave for California this coming Sunday and asked the following question:"What may I expect on my trip West?"

Received H28 changing lines 2,5 and 6, changing to H56.

I always have difficulty relating to H28 and was wondering if anyone could perhaps lend a little insight to this reading.

Any input would be welcomed.




Could it be that this reading pertains more toward the emotional weight and burden of changes than to the end result? In such a situation as yours, I think I?d be inclined to apply it this way. The extremity of pressure causes the water to rise above ones head, a flood of emotion and uncertainty ? this sounds imminent (change at top).

I doubt 56 needs any elaboration from me.

Hope this helps ya bro. Hang in!


Jan 18, 1971
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Hi Candid,

Thanks for the input, I certainly need it. My major concern here is with CL6, this sounds fairly inauspicious to moi. If it does indeed concern the trip, I am definitely conflicted.

Yeah, and you are right on about 56, story of my life, all my translations have the pages falling out on 56!

Right now I need one of Lindsay's meticulous definitions of the CL's, too bad he is on the road headed west also.

I guess I'll just have to make like LiSe and hang on to the image of flowers blooming.

Thanks again, Bro.



Jun 19, 1970
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Hi Leonard, is your trip to California to renew any aspect of your life ? Cos line 2 seems auspicious for this - new growth from old tree etc. Though line 5 says the opposite. I've had these 2 lines together before and find it really frustrating as they contradict and I don't know what to think. As for water going over your head I guess its caautioning you to not take on too much emotionally perhaps - make sure you got a bit of time and space to deal with whats coming up. I am in middle of move aswell right now - alot of us here seem to be relocating. I would also like some insight into how line 2 and 5 here add up - so to speak. Louise


Mar 6, 1971
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Hi Leonard,

Only a brief idea: Try the transitional Hexagram theory. Read the following:

? Hexagram 28
? Hexagram 28, line 2
? Hexagram 31, line 5
? Hexagram 62, line 6
? Hexagram 56

I haven´t done myself for your reading, but I think it could be clarifying. Give it a try.

California?? looking for fame and glory Leonard?.


Jan 18, 1971
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Hi Louise, Candid and Angel,

Yes, a renewal is definitely in progress. I was living in Calif. when I got my last job, which required me to move to Pennsylvania on the east coast. Now I am taking another job with a company in Cleveland, Ohio. The job involves me using my computer and phone just like the last job, with the exception that the new job allows me to live anywhere I can have cellphone service and a DSL connection. So, naturally I chose to go back to where most of my longtime friends reside.

Louise, I have to agree that lines 2 and 4 are contrary, but it was line 6 that gave me hesitation due to the question and it's innate severity in the Wilhelm trans. Candid has pretty much assuaged my fears concerning line 6 though, and I am proceeding with a positive attitude.

Thanks again, Candid, your last email was the 'one'.

Angel, I have never done a transitional reading before, in fact, the thought never arose until you mentioned it. Sounds like a good idea and I will give it some study today. Should I have any questions I will get back to you as the day progresses. Right now, I smell the coffee, so I'm off to the kitchen.

Thanks once more to Candid, Louise and Angel for all the help( a special thanks to Candid 'cos I had him working overtime by private email, Thanks, Bro).



Apr 8, 1970
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hi all,

It sounds as though I'm a bit late to offer help for Leonard, but I might as well float in an idea or two. I think that when you see both lines 2 and 5 in hexagram 28 they're alternatives - simple as that. Here is the opportunity for new growth, the supporting structure might turn out to have far more energy within it than you dreamt possible. Now, will it be long-term growth, or simple pleasure for a while? Obviously both are possible, so I think you have the choice. (And beautiful, simple correlations like this within hexagrams are the main reason why I've never really got into transitional readings, even though the theory is really interesting.)

Line 6 is a right puzzler - how can you be a) underwater and apparently drowning and b) not at fault? I have a feeling that there might not be a clear answer on this. Sometimes it is worth plunging in, letting your powers of discrimination just be flooded and drowned out: you Couple with the new and let the outcome be what it will. Sometimes it isn't. It's like with 44 itself - here is this new force that could turn your life upside down and inside out. No, you can't just fit it into the normal structure of things. So what do you choose to do with it? How much change do you want, and how much sacrifice is worth it?

Candid, if the private-email-only bits could be removed from your understanding of this line, I would really like to see it here!


Jan 18, 1971
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Dear Hilary,

I absolutely love your ideas on cl's 2 and 5. Simply exquisite. Also very apt in view of happenings several hours after I threw the original cast.

My puzzlement with 6 was alleviated by several things Candid reminded me of by private email. I think the most important thing he passed on to me was the realization's, 1)Perhaps I was focusing on the tree so intently, I was totally missing the forest, and,2)my recent emotional state had had great impact on this cast, I had been depressed for over a week at losing my job and I was susceptible to feelings of overwhelming helplessness, not unlike someone in the process of drowning.

The good news is that last nite I was offered another job in the same business by a former competitor and he is perfectly willing to allow me to work in Calif., even though the company is located in Cleveland. So, I get to return to my beloved adopted state, surrounded by my very dear friends and do the exact same job I was doing here. A perfectly marvelous solution to my dilemma. Candid also had been helping me with my depressive state following the job loss by reminding me of the process of letting go and having faith that Mother Yin would provide, which she has.

It truly feels as if spring has arrived with its bees bumbling, flowers blooming, twigs asprouting and icy brooks abubbling. I feel great!


to all of you!


Leonard, I thought it quite funny that I received 28, lines 5 & 6 this morning. I carefully watched my subjective self go through the day to catch the "under water" phenominon. It could have been pretty overwhelming, but remaining at least somewhat objective allowed me to at least keep my nose poked above water. And whaddia know, new shoots sprouted from old roots. That is, I was able to continue a growth pattern based on things I've already learned.

Hilary, one of the things I'd mentioned to Leonard was that Wilhelm can sometimes be hyper-dramatic in its imagery, and that rarely do these lines represent the kind of catastrophe depicted other than in toned down figurative speech. Much like saying, I'm dead on my feet, or, I feel like hell. That's another reason I so love to cross reference with LiSe's translation. She puts these things into perspective. Finally, there's the pure, simple fact that when things reach their climax (such as line 6) it turns into its opposite, as everything is transitory in nature.


Jan 18, 1971
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Candid, was that your Hex for the day, or did it concern something else?



Leonard, it dealt with the whole matrix of circumstances in my life. The preponderance of. A practical focal point was my work, but it involved much more. It played out in a practical way at work. Its playing out in a less tangible way still.

turn and face the change
ch ch ch changes


Jun 19, 1970
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Odd you should write "ch ch ch changes" Candid. As i was driving to my new destination yesterday that song - Bowie - came on the radio - and that bit specially stuck with me - as i sang along.

Glad you mentioned Wilhelms dramatic imagery - its taken me so long to learn to put them in perspective.


Louise, I'm chucklin here like a kid. We are the walrus!

goo goo gatchoo


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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Hexagram 28 is literally going over a mountain pass, a big one in contrast to the small one of 62. It can be transgressions, or growing old and passing the border between working life and old age (the old ridgepole, needing support now), or it can be a major change (or big move) in your life.

When I hear about your circumstances and I see these two hexagrams, 28 and 56, it makes me laugh. The Yi is telling you: ?good!! You are on your way past this big mountain, have a good trip. Congratulations?.

I would not bother too much about the lines being good or bad, after all they were necessary to give you these two very apt hexagrams.
Line 2: when a man grows older, he loses (part of) his macho, his testosteron, which is a stand-in-the-way for his real personal development. His feminine side finally gets a chance too, so this line changes to 31. Line 5: a woman has this same thing, but she loses oestrogen, which makes her pretty but also docile. So she finally gets a chance to develop herself too, her masculine talents. And she starts making websites and translating Chinese, like this old me. Or whatever. This line changes to 32: following your own course instead of looking after everyone else.
Maybe if you get them both, it means you really cross the pass. Your conscious male side gets the feelings he is craving for, and your female soul gets her own tao, which she is also craving for.
As for line 6, I have in my website ?When undertaking great things it is impossible to avoid every danger. Have the guts to take the risk of drowning in it.? This one changes to 44, the hexagram of giving birth to your own creation.



Jan 18, 1971
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Dear LiSe,

Thank you so very much for a beautiful interpretation of my answer. You have actually touched on just about every facet of this change I am/have been going through.

The poignancy of your post resonated throughout my entire being. Reminded me of my life portrayed as palimpsest.

Thank you once again, this one I will print and attach to the visor in my car so that I might stop at the Continental Divide and reread it prior to my descent to the coast.



Jun 19, 1970
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Candid, just got to know what "we are the walrus" means ? Um I know the song, but what does that line mean - if anything ? Intrigued


Louise, with Beatles lyrics I can never be too sure of the exact meaning. That's one reason they?ve captivated such a huge audience, everyone read into it as it suited them. To me, I am the walrus is saying that each one of us is the same entity as the other. I felt it suited our synchronism regarding the ch ch ch changes.

LiSe, beautifully met. I find it so much easier now than when I was younger to develop Yin nature. You've helped me to understand why. And why women often are deeply moved to creative endeavors later in life.


May 3, 1971
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Hi everyone.

A little late for doing any analysis on this reading, it has already been well covered anyway.... However, a note about line 6. Covered with water, yet it is not our own fault. Though we garner specific hexagrams and lines for answers to our questions, in reality no line is complete in itself, and there is a thread that runs through the I Ching. On a spiritual path one learns eventually that the events we experience in life are created by ourselves. We think, how could this happen to me? Not realize that something inside us has at least allowed this situation, if not created it. When the I Ching says it is not our fault, often it means that we don't have to blame ourselves for self-sabotage, it was a destined situation and there was nothing we could do about it. We didn't, purposedly at least, bring the calamity on ourselves. This is often mentioned in lines, and hexagrams, I believe 39 is an example, where, when we are in the line of duty, we must be willing to place ourselves in danger. At least we must not shirk from the danger. When it is not a matter of duty however, then it is foolyhearty to press on in spite of circumstances.

As I recall, some commentators on the I Ching say of line six that it is no one's fault but our own. Quite a difference. Which interpretation is correct? I don't know. I would like to get more information on it. I do know that the last, and I think only time I received this line, I found myself in a very shocking and disastrous situation the next morning. Rocked me to the core. I did make innocent statements to some people that night that were taken in a very wrong way, and a very wrong context, that led to the trouble. I thought back about how I had unwittingly set myself up for a very serious situation, unconscious self sabotage. Well, it all worked itself out eventually. And I don't think this has anything to do with Leonard's situation, but thought I would bring it up about the line.

As a side note, the Beattles spent some time in I believe India where they worked with some of the Buddhists, and when they came back their songs reflected the philosophy they had learned. I believe it was George Harrison, and I could be wrong, but believe it was him that had a serious tendency to be hungry for spiritual enlightenment, the other Beattles just went along, and it didn't mean nearly so much to them. When I was in navy bootcamp in 1966, one of our fellowbootcampers identified himself as a Buddhist, at which time several other of the bootcampers began to make fun of him, at least behind his back, because, after all, this was the West, if you weren't an atheist, you were a Christian. Well, the Beattles were partly responsible for not only the British invasion, but the Buddhist invasion also. Of course, the martial arts invasion from Japan and China did that a lot too. Anyway, I am pretty sure, the song, "I am the Walrus" was a result of their Buddhist training, and related to the idea, that "all is one." And, after the influence from the Beattles, Eastern relgions and philosophy have become more and more prominent in the West.



Hi Gene,

I believe the Beatles followed Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was Hindu not Buddhist. Harrison?s My Sweet Lord chanted Hari Krishna, an ancient Hindu deity. The Beatles released Magical Mystery Tour after returning from their initial stay in India, which ticked allot of their followers off because while Sergeant Pepper?s promoted psychedelic drug use Mystery Tour renounced it in favor of meditation. While Harrison became the only true devotee the others were influenced and incorporated the teaching into their own individual lifestyle.

I actually did get to meet John Lennon once at Electric Ladyland studios in New York where we shared a joint and talked of life. I was moved by the man aside from his fame. I?d been involved with Yi and eastern thought for around 4 years at the time, and it was easy to see his powerfully peaceful aura. To me, he was a living example of 15, not only in his quite and unassuming mannerism either. After the session break was over, he went into the studio room and spoke with one of the street band?s guitar players. (He was producing the band and session.) I followed their conversation closely. He explained to the lad that if he played a particular rhythm in reverse, it would make it sound ?different?. The lad tried playing it as John described along with the music track, but he just didn?t get it. John gently asked to borrow his guitar and had the track played back again. I about fell over! Suddenly, as though by magic, the simple chord progression became signature John Lennon. Of course the young guitar player never did manage to accurately emulate ?the master?, but I?m certain he learned a lesson beyond musical context. I know I did. In order to be modest, we must have something to be modest about. Modesty isn?t inaction, its action acting of its own. It speaks for itself and needs no accolade or self promotion. It wasn?t only John?s understated personality that made him truly modest, it was his genius.



Jan 18, 1971
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Dear Gene,

Thank you very much for your input regarding line 6. I plan on being as cautious as possible on this trip. I don't take 6 lightly at all, I have had too much past experience with cl's such as this which turned out to be spot-on accurate. Forewarned is forearmed so to speak; I'm no longer fixated/conflicted by/on it, but I am aware of the 'potentiality' of danger.

Candid, great story about your meeting with John Lennon. For a moment there I thought you were going to throw a kicker in at the end disclosing yourself as the novice guitarist.

Definitely one for your memoirs! Will be going offline for about a week in a few hours. Should I get in the vicinity of Golden Valley will give you a call.



Leonard - Nah.. if I was the guitar player I'd have nailed the part. Not exactly being modest though. haha!

Have a safe trip with inner peace and resolve, Bro. I'll email my phone number to you. Its unlikely you'd ever find the address here though. Somewhere between the Indian head and St. Bernard rock formations in the Black Mountain's foothills.




May 3, 1971
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Hi, Candid

Hindu, okay. It must have been quite an experience to meet John Lennon. Was it John Lennon who wrote, "Imagine there's no heaven?" Even though Harrison was the only true devotee, it must have had quite an effect on Lennon too. At least I would think so. When the Beattles first started, they appeared to just have a popular beat that attracted everyone, even though on at least one occasion I recall, they were out of tune, but boy did they evolve. Sargeant Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band came out when I was on a tour of Vietnam, (off the coast on an Aircraft carrier), and when I first heard it upon arrival back in the states, I didn't like it. But it kind of grew on me. The songs were more philosophical in a way than the love songs I heard when I was in High School and pre navy college. "Lucy in the sky with diamonds is a good example, in my opinion, of the promotion of drugs. Anyway, quite a story with that group. The only group of the sixties I got to listen to in concert was "Jefferson Starship." I remember the song, "One pill makes you happy, another makes you sad, etc." That is the one I remember specifically.


I certainly didn't mean to scare you or anything. I 've had some bad changing lines before, and they did come to pass, but then, I remembered the saying, "This too shall pass." I think, since you had two other changing lines, the sixth is not that significant, since the other two are central, but then, I won't speculate on it. Sounds like others have given good advice on it.

I suppose those who do not use the I Ching, or other divination devices so to speak, might make the argument. If you can use the I Ching, or Tarot or whatever, why do these bad things happen to you? Often I have heard it said, "If psychics are truly psychic, why haven't they won the lottery?
Seems like using divination doesn't save us from every sad event that comes into life, however, it has given me forewarnings often.



Hi! I agree with you, Gene. Those who are regular usuers of their specific divinations might get forewarnings of sad or negative events, but because they are still human, they will probably have to tackle them like everyone else. I don't think divination makes them immune; divinaion is especially a form of guidance that makes their users a little more "inspired/aware" concerning certain situations and so are able enter into them with open minds.



Jul 10, 1971
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I wouldnt mind the contradictory lines, since I think theyre mostly there to point #56, which is obviously on your mind. As to #28, you might consider the Image derived from the two trigrams: "Thus the superior man, when he stands alone, Is unconcerned, And if he has to renounce the world, He's undaunted.", which also seems to apply to your situation


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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I wrote to Leonard: ?I would not bother too much about the lines being good or bad, after all they were necessary to give you these two very apt hexagrams?, but I have been thinking about it.

Hex.28, crossing the big pass, can change to many different hexagrams, always along certain lines, always the same lines to the same relating hexagram.
So 28 changing to 43, making the crossing thanks to (or with result) great vigor, is always along line 1, and 43.1 is its FanYao, its ?reverse line?. In the same way 28 to 56 has as (a complicated) fanyao: the lines 28/2,5,6 and 56/2,5,6. They cannot be separated I think, but should be seen as a bunch together.

If you cross the big pass (28) by hitting the road (56), you have to take care about special things. Like getting good shoes, or fixing your car.
Lines 2 and 5 have to do with people: contacts, exchange. Line 6 with the spirit. Obviously for the Yi the shoes and car are not the most essential things. And maybe he is not talking about the road, but about the new country you go to and the people you will meet, and about the spirit with which you make the move or enter the new life.

28/2,5,6. Consider what human things you miss and supplement them. Find the creativity of your spirit and go to the utmost to realize it.
56/2,5,6. Seek rest and respect, and take extra care in foreign parts.

The moving lines are always the connection between the two hexagrams, the part which needs careful attention. The unmoving lines are young yin or yang, they are strong. But the old yin and yang are vulnerable, they are not strong, they can change in an unexpected way. They can give you the positive side of the relating hexagram: a safe trip, or finding your place in a new country. Or the negative side: accidents, or being rejected as an unwanted stranger.



Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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Ha, you arrived safely in California, without drowning anywhere.


Jan 18, 1971
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Hi Lise,

There certainly was a connection as it turns out with Line 6 and the water. When I arrived mid-Kansas on the trip west I had to stop and stay for two days to await a 'storm of the century' that was inundating the Denver area to the west of me with as much as 8 feet of snow. I almost decided to take the southern route(I could have visited Candid) but in the end I chanced going north after two days and things worked out fairly fine. Thank you so much for your clarification in the thread. I may have to publish a book someday, LiSe, what with all the wisdom and insight I have on my hard drive derived from your posts. Thank you again for the help.


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