...life can be translucent


Vaginal I Ching by Dr. Franklin R. Kegan, Psy. D.


Aug 31, 2007
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In my first publication, I Ching Primer ( in Mexican Spanglish slang, Ching is an obscene word) I introduced my new Flux Tome Perspective and the Oracle Blank to allow all Yi Oracles to be written and analyzed on a pre-printed form. Rather than having different graphic lines for the Oracle line values of six, seven, eight, and nine, assigned to static or moving, Yang line or Yin line; my novel idea was to interpret Yang and Yin as Figure and Ground of Gestalt.

Thus all Oracles take form in a standard Matrix of six broken lines like Hexagram Two Homeland. What makes the difference between the hexagram Two form or matrix and the Oracle Blank to record any and all I Ching Oracles is what is marked in the space between the two broken lines at each level.

A line value of 6 which is a moving Yin line is marked with an X showing material being absorbed from the Environment to fill in this open Yin space and change it into a Yang line.

A line value of 7 which is a static Yang line is marked by filling in this space to make a single solid or Yang line.

A line value of 8 is an Open Yin space that is left blank to form a static Yin Line.

A line value of 9 is marked with a line filling the gap between the two pieces of the form matrix and with a circle indicating this Yang line is moving, expressing and exhausting itself, diffusing out into the Environment which will change this line eventually into an Open Yin space.

This use of six broken lines as Matrix for the graphic representation of any and all I Ching Oracles results in an alternative view of Hex 2 Homeland:

Thus all Oracles take form in a standard Matrix of six broken lines like Hexagram Two Homeland. This Matrix of the Great Mother Planet Earth with the six broken lines represents the six categories of elevation in Planet Earth Topography from Sea Level to High Mountains Top.

The first level and the first line is the Sea Level and the entirety of the World’s Oceans with their primal source of life and oxygen and abundance of sea food.

Level Two is the elevation of rivers, streams, and ground water.

Level Three is that of the rains that fall and the runoff from fields and villages into the streams and rivers.

This completes the Lower Trigram of the Water Cycle.

The upper trigram is the three elevations of the Land. Fourth level is the valley floors where crops are easily grown in flat fields with good drainage.

The fifth level is that of the world of human habitation and development, the general topography and geography of the various nations and their land mass.

The top or six level is the high mountains that represent the sacred heights and panoramic scenery of those special mountain ranges that create the character and exalted beauty of our environment.

In my description of this active graphic marking of the line values in this column or channel between the ends of the set of six broken lines (Hex Two) I referred to this as the Birth Canal of the I Ching Oracle.

Women friends of mine who had given birth objected saying that nothing happens in the birth canal, all development takes place in the uterus. I was aware that birth complications and problems like Kaiser Wilhelm II terrible forceps delivery tragedy generally occur in this passage through the birth canal from the uterus to independent air breathing as a living baby with its own breath or soul and thus horoscope.
So I am now using the technical terms currently in medical use:

While your baby travels through the birth canal, his body begins to produce two hormones: adrenaline and noradrenalin. Your baby will never again produce such high amounts of these two chemicals. Both chemicals help to make your baby's trip a successful one. The adrenaline aids your baby in adjusting to the air environment he will soon encounter. This chemical opens up his lungs and dries out his bronchi, preparing him to breathe. The noradrenalin works to slow your baby's heartbeat. This helps him to go without oxygen for a prolonged period as he works his way out of the birth canal.

In general, your baby shouldn't have too much trouble making his way into the world. His body should pass easily through the birth canal. His head, however, may be a different story. This is actually the most troublesome part of your baby to make its way out of the birth canal. Luckily, the skull isn't completely hardened at birth, allowing your baby's head to be gently altered in order to help it pass through.
During birth, the vagina is often referred to as the birth canal.

Now I am in the process of expanding my original remarks, published in 64 numbered pages and VI pages of introduction in my I Ching Primer into a complete Flux Tome Perspective I Ching explanation of each of the 64 hexagrams and their 6 component lines.

The link to these new web pages on my website is:


Dr. Frank R. Kegan, Psy. D.
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Aug 31, 2007
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The human genitalia as the substratum of the Symbolism of Vaginal I Ching...

Nope, that's incorrect. "Ching" is perfectly fine. The I Ching is as well known in Spanish as it is in English and some of the best students of it are actually Mexican.

The slang you have in mind, commonly used in Mexico, is the verb "ch*ngar," as in the common insult of "ch*nga tu madre!" or the outburst "a la ch*ngada!"

Hi Luis,

I was well along in posting a recognition of and replacement to this place where my thread took off on a tangent about the Royal Academy in Madrid and the difference in the Evolution of the Noosphere between formal languages such as Spanish and the living experiment of bilingual American Hispanics called Spanglish.

Neither the metaphysics of Teilhard's Phenomenon of Man with its definition of the new reality of global mind, he called the Noosphere-- as the radio broadcasts brought human thought through the atmosphere, as bacteria had been found to extend the biosphere as an actual layer of life around the Earth and the air;

Or the technical quibbles about Creole languages and slang Spanglish really are relevant to this thread about a new, simple, revolutionary and universally accessible interpretation of the Chou I Ching and the King Wen Sequence that can be related to eternal human verities: The Water Cycle, Agriculture, Appreciation for the Divine in human Life or Justice/Karma/ natural consequences of any and all actions for the first section of 30 hexagrams.

The other secret to understanding ancient metaphysics and traditional Occult divination is to realize these were the stories of the simple folk, the kitchen gossip of the servants of the great houses. The children were invisible in the kitchen with the servants who observed everything, but only understood in their own terms. If the master read a book of poetry which caused him to weep, this was magic to the servants. They could not read, and no matter how much they looked at the pages of the book, it would not speak to them and tell them exciting adventure and sad stories.

The children of the elite families remembered the stories they heard from the servants, but as they grew up, this became a whispered rumor of magical books that did so much more powerful things than the boring texts they had to read in school. This is the source of the sacred mysteries of the Occult and divination. The interplay of various Piaget stages of intellectual and cognitive development then translated into new concepts to account for the differences in epistemology.

In any event, some references are eternal. The basics of the water cycle, agriculture, human seeking the Divine through sacrifice and ritual are some. The human experience of the male and female genitalia and sexual intercourse, pregnancy, childbirth and the awareness of the continuity and cycle of life by the time one becomes a grandparent.

It is a universal experience of those over 40, the traditional age to begin study of the I Ching, that when you see your children doing with your grandchildren the same exact things you still remember doing with them--it is a great insight that these things are not just personal history, but the eternal cycles and realities of child rearing.

These universals and my unique explanation of them from the simplest of first principles is the essence of my Flux Tome (I Ching or Book of Changes) perspective and the heart of the Vaginal I Ching. How to refer to the male or Yang component of this Vaginal I Ching. It must be some sort of Phallic symbolism. How do the male genitalia relate to each and all the symbolic stages from infant boys squirting their mothers trying to diaper them (hex 4 Meng1) to young boys like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn who are quite able to deal with the natural world, though they find their elders clearly crazed by their sexuality which does not yet exist for them (hex 25). Then on to puberty and the passions that they begin to feel (hex 61) until they finally learn the lesson of monogamous love as the secret to making the family work and produce food and raise more kids (hex 31 to 40).

The key to making family life and work successful is to accept the spouse as your true love, regardless of how you came to the formal marriage. From there the ultimate secret (hex 39 and 40) is that the spouses must separate and involve themselves with their chores all day, becoming more and more sexually aroused and looking forward to returning home and after all their household and child rearing chores are done retiring to their marriage bed to make it all worthwhile in marital relations with the ultimately satisfying orgasm of hex 40.

That is the background (Yin) to my Vaginal I Ching as pennant or bright flag shining in the sunshine (Yang).

Best As Ever,


Aug 31, 2007
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Vaginal I Ching as the wave of the future and friend to all Youth...

Assorted intervening posts moved here.

Hi Hilary,

And good riddance to them on my intellectual thread of the simple access to the Chou I Ching for high school students. I have just realized that is what I am trying to achieve:

How does a regular, run of the mill high school student access the benefits of the Book of Changes (I Ching, Yijing, Flux Tome, etc) to deal with the changes that they are still learning to accept and deal with in their tumultuous lives that none of the adults realize are so tumultuous.

Where do they find a cool grandparent that will guide them and play with them and help them do everything that they want to do. Encourage them when they are down, correct them gently (or not so gently if they need it), inspire them to tackle the difficult things they would love to succeed at, help them with the obligations they have and need to find a way to do better at, etc. etc?

That was my first introduction to the Yi Oracle Spirit when it was shown how to cast and interpret the Wilhelm. I owe this to the youth of NOW who must face a very difficult world that it is their obligation to fix enough so they can survive long enough to produce another generation of kids to help them mature and through parenthood become the elders their society will need.

So, like Liberty leading the People, it is time to take up our pennies and cast out the stogy old thinkers and enjoy the loving interaction between Father Sunshine and Mother Earth that is the core of all reasonable natural religion and the basis of the Chou I Ching and its King Wen Sequence of the 64 hexagrams that describe everything humans can perceive of their situation, circumstances, changes and potentials.



Aug 31, 2007
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Vaginal I Ching web page published online but still Under Construction...

Hi All,

I have completed at least the general outline of my entire work and it is all up on my website on the page:


Amazing how much work still remains to be done. Gia-Fu's Taoist Translation and my Correspondence of the Yi and the Sabian Symbols for the 360 degrees of the Zodiac are not yet integrated together. A major Spreadsheet database would be a great help and is in the works.

Most of my concern now will be the issues of explaining how to interpret and analyze the Yi Oracle for young people (and the young at heart) in a way that they can develop their own sense of personal mastery of the elegant symbolism of the Yi that transcends all Time and Space.

I once did an I Ching Workshop where I put off until the second half any explanation of the traditional commentaries or hexagram meaning. Instead I explained the abstract concepts of the lines and Yang and Yin and had the class describe themselves in 6 lines.

For those who knew nothing of the Chou I Ching, it worked very well. Not quite so well for the one person who was familiar enough with the Wilhelm to choose a hexagram rather than just self-description.

So, now I will be working on access for all equally, whether they know the hexagrams and the Chinese Text intimately or they have never seen a Yi hexagram and find the notion of symbolism peculiar in any way shape or form.



Aug 31, 2007
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Vaginal I Ching as the penultimate resolution of Freudian view of Yang and Yin...

One of the more vexing questions in the tug of war over Western and Chinese views of the I Ching focuses upon the relationship of the concepts of Yang and Yin with the hexagram line symbolism of the broken and unbroken lines.

The reflex Freudian view is that since Yang is associated with male and Yin with female that the unbroken line must be phallic and the broken line symbolize the female vulva.

Confucian Chinese commentary has always objected saying the Confucian notion of Yang and Yin were dominant or masculine and submissive or feminine roles equally represented as the King and his ministers as by husband and wife. That is certainly the literary consensus in Chinese text sources from the Confucian era (he died in the 5th century BCE) forward.

However, the ancient Chinese ideograms suggest there was a more direct, concrete understanding involved in the development of concept based ideograms to express the Mandarin centralized written form of the Chinese language to Imperial official throughout the land.

In some ways the male development of artistic and symbolic creations as their alternative to the totally female capacity to bear children would suggest that there ought to be some more concrete genital substrate upon which the graphical development of the Yang and Yin symbolism arose.

The development of the copper smelter from the original pottery kiln seems to indicate a direct line of descent from the female form such as the original use of pottery for Venus figures to the construction of the new technology of copper smelting as a way for males to give birth to the generation of new metal. Was there a parallel evolution in symbolism from observed genitalia to Yang and Yin lines?

And when that symbolic evolution is carried further to the connection between the human quest to connect to the Divine Source we get the I Ching Oracle being born in the space between the broken lines of hexagram Two Or
Vaginal I Ching by Dr. Frank R. Kegan, Psy.D​



Aug 31, 2007
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The Six Stages of Vaginal I Ching by Frank R. Kegan, Psy.D.

I. The Chou I Ching Oracle is an universal symbolism of the natural growth process or Flux in all things. It begins from a growing root or seed in the first line toward its ultimate flower and seed pod in the final or sixth line. Moving lines and auxiliary hexagrams offer further embellishment to this fundamental process of Flux itself.

II. Yi Oracles arise from graphical illustration of the mathematical line values of Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine.

III. The traditional or concrete perspective believes that even numbers are Yin Lines and odd numbers are Yang Lines. Therefore, drawing a Yi Oracle must be done upon blank paper to allow for the 4 different possible lines.

IV. My new Vaginal I Ching perspective is based upon the insight that the ancients observed and clearly understood the concept of Gestalt controlling human perception. This is an alternative to the foolish Western notion that since Gestalt principles were only entered Western thought in the 20th century; other cultures such as the Chinese could not possibly know about such concepts until it had been explained by Western Academics and translated into say Chinese.

V. In my Vaginal I Ching perspective, Hexagram Two, composed of Six Open Yin line spaces represents a universal template for all Yi Oracles. The lines of Hex. Two indicate the 6 elevations of our Planet Earth topography from sea level at the first line to the high mountain peaks at the sixth line.
As with all geographical markings upon symbolic structures such as maps or hexagrams, these elevation or topographical indications are not real entities; but only symbolic lines such as national boundaries or contour lines (cf: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contour_line ). Yi Oracles form in the open space between to two broken line figures for each of the six lines of Hexagram Two as Template.
Stable Yin (8) remains unmarked as part of the overall background. Moving Yin (6) is marked by an X in the open space of its line place indicating that it is absorbing from its environment and developing a clear focus. Stable Yang (7) is marked upon the Yi Oracle template by filling in the complete single bar at that line stage. Moving Yang (9) is marked by a line across the open space at that line stage with a circle in it showing its focus is expressing and exhausting itself to move towards returning into the general background.

1)Why the name Vaginal I Ching?

2)Why is Junzi now called The Total Prick?

3)Why now in this perspective is The Great Man called The Total Package?

4)Why is the focus of Yi Oracle Interpretation changed to a completely simple structural analysis of line place sequence and line values intelligible by 13-year olds?

5)Symbolism is either grounded in concrete observable reality or in imaginative speculation. Nothing is more concrete, objective or fundamental than the sexuality of the teenager.

6)The Oracle of the Chou I Ching is a gift from the Divine through the Chou sages to all living humanity universally. Extending and expanding the reach and comprehension of the I Ching Oracle is the duty of all who love and use this form of sacred divination.

Feb 19, 2010
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When we first reach our answer, we do not want it to be lost. We must give birth to it correctly.


Aug 31, 2007
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When we first reach our answer, we do not want it to be lost. We must give birth to it correctly.

OK, how does one know what is correct in a Yi Oracle Answer? And how would an Oracle be lost?

I have always been amazed how well the Oracle keeps up with us each and all no matter what we might do.

Feb 19, 2010
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Not wanting the answer in a Caesarean manner. Grabbing at only the things that comfort us within the reading like a quick knife cut to the answer could possibly create a more surface answer when something deeper lies within the canal that could get lost.

When I said "correct" I had the idea of a natural birth in my mind. Going thru all the steps that nature intended and not rushing things like a pill but rather searching for things thru deep meaning. (Also some people will skim hexagram's for answers and then "cast" again unsatisfied) And this isn't wrong for those that do. I am sure they get from the answer what the Yi intended. I myself would prefer not to skim and ask again.

As I was reading your thread my initial post came to mind and I figured I would share my little vision of how vagina's and the I Ching are juxtaposed in my mind.


Aug 31, 2007
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Yi Oracle Interpretation through Oracle Blank. Vaginal I Ching, as new Oracle reality

Hi answeredquestions,

Interesting view. C-sections tend to be their own separate issue, the baby is removed from the womb. If medical intervention is applied to a vaginal birth it is, I believe, more likely to be with forceps.

However, the development of a Yi Oracle doesn't usually have such concrete or literal correspondence to obstetrics. The fundamental choice is whether to use a standard Matrix of Hexagram Two as the template for marking in the various line values (6,7,8,9) or to make a significant distinction between Yin lines and Yang lines that does not allow for any Oracle Template.

Getting the Yi Oracle Answer in terms of interpretation of the hexagrams, lines etc is actually in my perspective an entire separate symbolism involving The Oracle Blank:


Vaginal I Ching is about an alternative concept of what the Yi Oracle is all about in terms of being a process of tapping into the Mystical Source to bring forth a concrete bit of process to answer your question.

Ultimately, the idea is to form an entire new way to conceptualize the Yi Oracle and what it has to say to an individual that does not involve reading any Chinese or translated text. Rather it runs upon the line sequences from first to sixth and those place that are focus and which blend together as only background.

Cf: http://www.stars-n-dice.com/fluxtome.html

Grabbing at only the things that comfort us within the reading like a quick knife cut to the answer could possibly create a more surface answer when something deeper lies within the canal that could get lost.
This describes very well the problems of looking at Yi Oracle interpretation in terms of the words in some text. Especially those with fortune telling slogans which could be grabbed to indicate the support or quick agreement too often sought when asking about relationship questions such as: Will X who I spoke to briefly fall in love with me soon so I don't have to bother actually working at relating to this person...

Sometimes when a traditional system tends to be clogged with ancient debris building a new one is easier than trying to dredge the old channels yet again...

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Feb 19, 2010
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However, the development of a Yi Oracle doesn't usually have such concrete or literal correspondence to obstetrics. The fundamental choice is whether to use a standard Matrix of Hexagram Two as the template for marking in the various line values (6,7,8,9) or to make a significant distinction between Yin lines and Yang lines that does not allow for any Oracle Template.

Ultimately, the idea is to form an entire new way to conceptualize the Yi Oracle and what it has to say to an individual that does not involve reading any Chinese or translated text. Rather it runs upon the line sequences from first to sixth and those place that are focus and which blend together as only background.

I saw your template with hex. 2 for where you make the markings. To me this is an easy way to document and study an answer. (Good job)

Do you have an example though, of how you mean to arrive at an answer without all of the translations and added text? I don't quite understand how you'd do that. Does it all become numbers? or maybe all symbolic of the trigrams? Are you simply line looking? If you have a visual example or something, that would help me a great deal to understand.


Aug 31, 2007
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I saw your template with hex. 2 for where you make the markings. To me this is an easy way to document and study an answer. (Good job)

Do you have an example though, of how you mean to arrive at an answer without all of the translations and added text? I don't quite understand how you'd do that. Does it all become numbers? or maybe all symbolic of the trigrams? Are you simply line looking? If you have a visual example or something, that would help me a great deal to understand.

Hi aq,

Thank you for the appreciation. My flux tome web page goes through that, and I have done a number of Oracle interpretations from my perspective of the lines. For example, Hex 3 is 4 open Yin spaces with only two Yang lines of focus in the first and 5th places. It is the Hexagram of beginning a creative work, like a sculptor with his plan in his head (line 5) and his chisel against the marble about to begin. That is all there is to that timing or situation, everything else is just background.

Just the line places with Yang lines in them is sufficient to explain the meaning of the hexagram

Does that help? If not give me an example of an Oracle you would like explained and I will use that.

Feb 19, 2010
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Honestly I don't understand completely. It's a bit blurry. My first post to this site was in Shared Readings was:

my Question was:
Should I eat sushi?

my Answer was:
50 (with nine in the 4th place) changing to 18

Could you explain it through that?

Because I sort of get the sculpture and his mind and chisel. But I cannot relate it to other hexagrams. I only get that one. I am afraid that even when/if you explain this one, I will only get that hexagram too, and not the concept. Thanks for explaining what you already have though.


Aug 31, 2007
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Hex 50.4 >> 18 make sure the Sushi is fresh and without parasites...

Honestly I don't understand completely. It's a bit blurry. My first post to this site was in Shared Readings was:

my Question was:
Should I eat sushi?

my Answer was:
50 (with nine in the 4th place) changing to 18

Could you explain it through that?

Because I sort of get the sculpture and his mind and chisel. But I cannot relate it to other hexagrams. I only get that one. I am afraid that even when/if you explain this one, I will only get that hexagram too, and not the concept. Thanks for explaining what you already have though.

Hi AQ,

I am glad you are able to follow me in terms of the specifics of hex 3. That is at least a beginning. In terms of a more general understanding, that requires first stepping back a bit.

My insights into Vaginal I Ching began from the Google Search String of that name. It arises from typing Vaginal Itching but hitting the space bar instead of the 't' so it is not so much about exploring the Vagina itself as about dealing with issues raised by seeking to scratch a personal itch in unsuccessful ways. Which seems an interesting way of describing many of the less interesting of the relationship questions that appear in Shared Readings: "This is trying to use the Yi Oracle to scratch your itch instead of cure it" might be a useful comment to many there.

Moving On to the question of understanding my notion of Vaginal I Ching without any hint of vaginitis...

The fundamental insight is that only the Yang lines are the focus of a Yi oracle. The so-called Yin lines are actually background to the overall gestalt and not really lines at all in terms of the Yi Oracle. It is a later Confucian notion to make Yin and Yang into feminine and masculine.

However, there is a universal mystery of the development of an Oracle from the Ultimate to our visible lines. That is the miracle of the universal Vaginal I Ching which brings the Yi Oracle message out into the light of day for all to see and appreciate.

OK, moving on to your Oracle about eating Sushi Hex 50.4 >>18.

I assume it is a general question about Sushi, not some specific package in question, it is about the safety of Sushi in locations such as Akron. Overall, the Yi Oracle is a lovely one. Hexagram 50 The Ting is about the ancient ceremonial serving dish for religious offerings at formal family dinner. In our culture it would be like the Thanksgiving serving platter to present the turkey to be carved.

So overall the Yi suggests that you take an attitude toward your sushi of religious awe and make its possible toxicity a matter of religious piety, eating such as ritual in the clear acceptance that the Divine might call you home... Line 4 is generally a bad line and Hex 18 is all about cleaning up decay. So clearly this Oracle is about getting a better, fresher Sushi source before considering eating the stuff.

However, let me illustrate my perspective with this Oracle. Hex 50 has four Yang lines that would blend together to make this a hexagram about process rather than situation. The two open Yin spaces are in the first and fifth places, so this process is Open in terms of its roots and overall organization. As a note, this is the opposite of Hex 3 which is the situation of focusing solely upon those same two line places.

Thus a religious process taking place here-and-now, moving along through the highlighted Next (line 6) without any overall human plan involved to interfere with the Divine. That forms Hex 50 the Ting as religious object of daily use bringing an awareness of Sacred Process to formal family dinner.

The only moving line is the Yang line 4, the place of the heart and soul or image, feelings and goals which are part of the overall process though right now they are expressing and exhausting themselves. Your sacred dinning process is being highlighted by your feelings local sushi may be unhealthy to eat. This oracle is moving toward the resultant hex 18 which is all about cleaning up spoiled food. Sometimes the Yi is obvious and there is no need to over think it.

I hope this helps you in your understanding of my Vaginal I Ching insights.
BTW I am unable to recognize the image within your NOT symbol, so I don't understand your avatar.

All Best,

Feb 19, 2010
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Oh, that's SUPER MAN in my avatar. Just a reminder for me to not slip towards heroism. Plus I sort of hate the guy.

I am starting to see more clearly what you mean in terms of the lines. I see that it could be seen as the yin lines are simply empty or not there. I don't know where you actually get your ideas. If they are from yourself deep within or if you have read books about this sort of philosophical way of looking at the I Ching. I think it is so funny about the vaginal itch thing. I used to call the "I Ching" the .. "EYE Ching" .. and I was asking someone about it that was of chinese descent and they corrected me by saying "EE Ching". I thought that was funny because it sounds like itching. But I would have never thought of correlating it with vaginal itching. Would only a man do so that easy? or just the opposite and you are a funny exception? Either way, I do believe that even something as powerful and great as the I Ching can use some humor and lightness to it. Vaginal I Ching is pretty good for that.

So Huummm. I didn't mean to pick an "opposite" hexagram. 3 IS opposite of 50. Very interesting. haha. So your view is ruffly: it is all about the strong yang lines and where they are at. (??)

Thanks again for the explaination. I think I am getting it, but it is just then when perhaps something could show me that I am doing just the opposite.
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Aug 31, 2007
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what is your "flux tome" website?

Hi AQ,

http://www.stars-n-dice.com/fluxtome.html is my Flux Tome page within

http://www.stars-n-dice.com/ website.

Flux Tome is my American equivalent for the Chinese terms I Ching from the ancient Chinese ideograms. I or Yi is generally rendered as Easy or chameleon lizard or the sun and moon celestial dynamics. All those meanings are also applied to Flux which can be limestone in metal smelting that fluxes or eases the flowing away of slag from the newly reduced metal; the process of change, etc.
Ching refers to a classic book or Tome of antique lore so Yi Ching becomes Flux Tome.

Stars-and-Dice refers to my insight that the dot patterns on the dice cube explain all of astrology: signs, planets, houses, etc. Also that the dice cube is a 3D version of the Yi hexagram.

Your avatar image eluded me, I am used to Superman being identified with the big S upon his chest. Here is the image I remember from my childhood: http://www.collidemagazine.com/images/articles/superman.jpg

I got my ideas about Yang and Yin from the Jesuit text on Chinese Characters http://www.amazon.com/Chinese-Chara...=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1271004341&sr=1-5

The ideograms for Yang and Yin both are based upon elements for a mountain. Yang adds an element for a pennant waving in the sun. Yin that for a dark valley. To me that is clearly the figure and ground of Gestalt. Simple enough...

Either way, I do believe that even something as powerful and great as the I Ching can use some humor and lightness to it. Vaginal I Ching is pretty good for that.

As a man, I have no way to know Vaginal itching as funny. In the Google Search statistics they list all Search strings associated with a key word. To the key word I Ching there is a significant number of searches for Vaginal I Ching and a set of web responses spelled that way also (cf: about 74,400 for Vaginal I Ching most of which are just thoroughly consistent misspelling of Itching). This creates a niche of Google search traffic with an opportunity to fill it with non-medical websites.

Thus, the philosophical issue what would Vaginal I Ching mean in terms of the Book of Changes. I happened to have used the metaphor of "Birth Canal" to describe my (1979) Oracle Blank form with its Hexagram Two universal Yi Oracle Template. The leap from Birth Canal to Vagina was a small and straightforward one. A bit more difficult was my effort to include a Yang imagery of a similar kind. Apparently, at least some men have a reaction that is not one of humor.

I now limit myself to just noting that what Wilhelm notes as The Great Man would in Vaginal I Ching terms become: The Total Package. Trying to think of the Philosophical implications of this line of inquiry, I have found the relevant image to be: http://www-tc.pbs.org/wgbh/cultureshock/flashpoints/visualarts/images/david_big.jpg Or Michelangelo's David.

The insight of Esalen Institute (which Gia-fu Feng co-founded) and of the 1960's was that it really makes no difference what costume one wears, Orwellian party overalls, business suits or your birthday suit. The Superior Man or The Great Man would be just the same dressed or nude...

Opposites, synonyms they are all related...

All Best,

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