...life can be translucent


64 to 2, 19 to 4



My grandfather just passed away. He was 90 yrs old and it was very sudden. But it has reminded me again of how alone I am. It's just one more thing I have to deal with by myself, no spouse or boyfriend to lean on, no one to accompany me to the funeral, no one to hold me while I grieve.

Based on something I found in the answers archives I asked what are the prospects for me and Thomas, 64 to 2. I actually took that as pretty auspicious until I read some old posts. I also asked what I should do regarding him, 19 to 4. I have never gotten these lines for 19 before and I am a bit confused as to how they apply to my question. And I have never had a good understanding of 4. Of course I guess its possible my being upset is muddling the answers, but I have had 64 a couple of times recently so I don't think so.

The whole thing just makes me wish even more that we were together. It was bad enough with the holidays coming. You would think I'd be used to it. My family hated my husband, so for most of the last 8 years I have been attending family things by myself, when I went at all. Well, I've rambled on enough. Would appreciate any thoughts anyone has.


May 31, 1972
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For what it's worth...

And you should fully expect that, in time, your circumstances will change. It's only natural.

- Jeff


Thanks. So, is that your interpretation of my reading or just a general observation. I've been having such a bad time lately, so many things happening at once, that I thought I should like to be prepared for anything else. I asked what the rest of the year will bring and got 32. I must be having a brain dead day because I am again stumped. I will probably have one of those forehead slapping moments in a few days, but for now could use any help offered. 32 is perseverance, continuing the same direction, not sure if that is advice that I should persevere and things will get better or if it is making a comment that things will continue as is, not changing.


May 31, 1972
Reaction score
It was general sympathy. 32 in your case might mean both that things won't change that much for a while AND that you must perservere through the tough times right now to get to the better ones ahead.

- Jeff


Dec 31, 1972
Reaction score
Hi Seeker,

Hang in there, girlie :-D. I know how it feels like to be in love with someone who does not respond the way you want to in the time you desires... I've been receiving Hexagram 5 sometimes lately regarding my 'thing' with my collegue, and even when the times are though sometimes I became calm about it and are doing some other stuff while waiting, as there is a trust things will be alright... Right now I think we will be doing OK, even if we stay friends and nothing more, as there's always a bigger percentage of chance that she would have turned around, which she did not. We only mail and talk sometimes between breaks of work, and she is fully back with her boyfriend, and our 'commitment' towards each other is low profile, but on a friendly basis... The last answer I received from the Yi about this matter is still hexagram 5... (Particular line 3, and a warning not to go to far right now, as there is still a chance when I do things carefully, CARE....Fully... So.. I wait alright... :-D)

As in your 'case' with Thomas I think that the Yi with the answer on hexagram 32 means that you are going to be in a situation, no matter what, which will be good for the future. You probably can not see this in a much objective manner, which is excused, but the Yi is telling you that things are growing more towards a better basis for the future then you think. In the meanwhile you could think about a future relationship in your life (Thomas), regardless of the emotions involved, but more in the sense of practical matters... Can you realy handle a new relationship? Do you realy, realy want to, or do you want to, because it's apropriate to have one? Do you want one, because we all have one (I don't :-D!)?, etc...
Think in a more sober rational way about this, and love yourself more then you should do when you had a relationship.

"If you can't love the one you want; love the one you're with" :-D...

Hexagram 64 means that you still should have a little patience, as the little fox (image of temptation) is almost there,,, But he gets his tail wet, so the jump was not calculated at best... The change towards 2 could tell you to accept in first the situation as it is, plain and simple, and interact (as you do here :-D).. 64 means also that you could go on the road you have been traveling for a while now, as 64 is also about going for the new, with the positive and negative experiences of the past in your thoughts and feelings.

While you are waiting your time (which will come, but that depends on your feelings about YOURSELF first :-D) the best thing to do could already have been said in the second line, as lines 2,4 & 6 are changing towards 2... When line 2 changes you get Hexagram 35... Progress... In Chinese line 2 of 64 says: Ye Qi Lun Zhen Ji...
Ye Qi Lun... 'Drags His Wheels...' So SLOW DOWN :-D... Zhen Yi... 'Believing this brings fortune...'

Line 2 is an 'Earth / Human' line, so 'taking action into your own feelings'... Slow those down dear and try to do things for your own benefit first. Do not give up on Thomas, but do take care of your own things first!

19 to 4 makes changes to lines 1 & 6, right?
19 is about aproaching and not waiting to long with that.. 4 means a warning from the Yi that you already know this :-D! YOU already know HOW you should do regarding him...

I hope this is making some sense, and please, do not give up... You have my sympathy, and I know what it is to wait... Have fun with your own things to, as in ANY relationship you can't hang everything, pleasures, things to do, feeling great all the time, etc, on the other one, as you haven't tasted it within yourself first...

As my father says: "How can you tell where to tickle someone, if you can't even tell your own tickle-spot :-D"...

Hang in there, dear!



Thanks to you both. I am doing better today. So looks like I still have a ways to go. I'd just like for things to even out a bit. Between my impending divorce, the break up with Thomas, the hurricane and termite damage to my house, the problems at work and now my grandfather dieing, I would really like something good to happen for a change. Barring that, how about nothing happening, yeah, that would work. I was kind of hoping thats what 32 indicated, perseverance through the fallout of the things that already happened, nothing wonderful, but nothing more earth-shattering either. Guess I should look on the bright side, I am happier without my husband, the damage to the house isn't major (still have my roof), I didn't get fired and my grandfather passed away before his prostate cancer could develope far enough to cause him real pain.

As for what I am ready for, I am ready to be with someone, to have a real relationship based on mutual trust, passion and understanding. Although my husband and I physically separated only a few months ago, he left me a few years ago. You can be in a crowded room and still be alone, and thats what I was. I'm sure there is a reason why I have to go through this, but I can;t see it now. Actually, I read a translation for one of the hexes I had received, 64 maybe??? that said you feel like everything is falling apart when in fact things are moving towards good fortune. Sure hope that is true. Thanks again for your support. Oh goody, I sound like an old Bartles and James commercial

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