...life can be translucent


Could someone please help me with interpetation on crisis situation?


Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score

I work in a corporate environment and a manager there has been tyrannizing me for years. It's gotten to the point where the situation is intolerable. I approached the main store manager for help(the big honcho), and the result was not good-I got upset and so did he. He supported her entirely.

I asked the I ching whether I should go to corporate further, about this situation, and the answer I got was 62 (preponderance of the small), with the bottom, the fourth, and the fifth lines changing.

Could someone help me with this interpretation of this hexagram in relation to my situation? It seems to be mixed, both 'yes,' (help in small matters) and no (peril, danger...)

I particularly don't understand the idea of the 'small bird descending is better rather than ascending,' and would like help with understanding that.

As I said, the situation is critical, and if someone could help me, I'd be most grateful.

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Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
If some wise people could give me advice as soon as possible, I would be most grateful; I have to make a decision really soon.

Thanks again.


Clarity Supporter
Feb 1, 2012
Reaction score
I'm contemplating this, but I feel that I need to understand more. What do you mean by "going to corporate further?"

You asked a "yes" or "no" question, and that is generally not recommended. I am thinking that Yi is answering as if you had asked, "What about going further?"

and I am considering.....

more later


Clarity Supporter
Feb 1, 2012
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My understanding of "small bird descending is better than ascending" : It is a situation in which you are not the hunter --- but you are the hunted. So you don't want to make too big of a show of things or yourself. You are a "flying bird", you have somewhere to go, but you need to do it quietly and carefully.

The first changing line may speak about what has already happened. You spoke up and were seen --- but there was a pitfall in that. The other person "yelled" back.

62.4 in Wikiwing is translated as "No mistake, Not crossing over, meeting it. Going on is dangerous, must be on guard. Don't use ever flowing constancy."

It sounds as though there is a situation that needs to be "met". You need changes in an intolerable situation. So it is "no mistake" to want to address it. But there are dangers and so you need to be careful.

What are the dangers? Can you make a list of what could be a harmful outcome in this situation that you want to avoid? That may help you go know how to approach things more carefully.

62.5 Wikiwing translations: "Dark clouds. no rain from our Western Suburbs. Prince with a string arrow gets one dwelling in a cave."

This line makes me wonder if there is someone that you can reach out to who can help you in this situation. Perhaps "no rain from our Western Suburbs" indicates what already happened. You didn't get help from the person you approached. Who would be the "one dwelling in a cave"? Could there be someone in the system--- not above you --- but equal to you or "under you" -- who could help you in this situation? Is there someone who could be on your side?
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Jul 8, 2012
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Thank you so much for responding! To clarify the situation, I work in a retail store, in Florida, part-time as a cashier and sales associate on the floor. I have been there seven years and have been an exemplary employee, really terrific.

However, in general management thinks the total opposite: I am not very good, or very quick, or very competant. This is absolutely not true. but I am 55, and I believe that they are discriminating against me because of age. The store is entirely composed of young people, 19 to 24, with some middle-aged managers, who really like the young people who work there, i.e., not me.

There is one manager in general who has made my life hell. She chastises me in front of the other employees constantly, has cut my hours when I am desperate for money and I have had to beg for hours. I have been very meek and tried to be as docile as possible (per a former I ching reading), but today I kind of lost it. The woman, is like a viper and feeds on her own anger. I have never met someone who is able to be so constantly angry! She is almost possessed. But she is a very hard worker and gets away with the other stuff, because of it.

The situation is very dangerous, because if I make the big manager (her boss, also my boss) angry at me, I have no one on my side. He recently went to her, after I begged him for more hours, and had her up me a few more hours.

However, it's gotten to the point to where if I DON"T go over his head for help, because things have become so bad, that management will feel they can do what they want, whenever they want. She has spoken to every other manager in the store about me.

Going to corporate means writing to Human Resources, in another city, having them come down here, and mediate between me, the assistant manger (who has had other employees complain about her also!) and the main manager. It could go either way, it could protect me-or go against me. They obviously really wouldn't give a damn, and would just be concerned about legal liability, no matter what they said to me.

I did a I Ching reading after I started this thread, about what woul happen if I DIDN't go to corporate, and did NOT go above the the big boss's head, and I got:

Hsu (waiting), Hexagram 5. "With sincerity, there will be success." The fifth line was changing, was undivided, and showed its subject waiting amidst the appliances of a feast. Through his firmness and correctness there will be good fortune.

And finally:

"The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the upper trigram K'an (Water), which is transforming into K'un (Earth). As part of this process, danger and the unknown are giving way to docility and receptivity.

The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the lower trigram Chi'en (Heaven), which represents strength and creativity."

It's such a positive trigram (actually, it's the most positive I've ever gotten), that it's very obvious that the universe wants me to solve it without taking it over the store manager's head.

So I was thinking about it, and maybe if there is progress in small matters, that I will write my perceptions down (very respectfully!) to the big boss, and also, start out by apologizing for raising my voice! That would kind of be like good fortune in descending (being humble)?

Also, in the first (mixed/good/ dangerous hexagram 5), it DID say that "the things least apparant, those below and behind, are embodied by the lower trigram Chi'en (Heaven), which represents strength and creativity."

So I think thats the solution, to write a very respectful letter, that documents how I feel and what she is doing. It feels right to me.

Do you agree?

I have been a terrrific employee, even if they don't see it, and hopefully, my good karma wil help here. But you never know, karma is very complicated.

The only reason I am still there after seven years is i was diagnosed with a tumor shortly after I started working there. It took three years to resolve, and literally three months later, I fell twice and herniated three or four discs.

Thank you again for your responses. I am still studying them after this post.


long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
The six line layout of your hexagram

性别:女 起卦方式:直接指定
神煞:天乙—子申 福星—未 日禄—午 羊刃—巳 驿马—亥 桃花—午 华盖—丑
干支:壬辰年 丙午月 己巳日 乙丑时
旬空:午未  寅卯  戌亥  戌亥

六神  伏神    兑宫:雷山小过(游魂)    坎宫:水火既济
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
勾陈       ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母庚戌土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙戊子水 应
朱雀       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟庚申金  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母戊戌土  
青龙 子孙丁亥水 ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼庚午火 世○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊申金  
玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟丙申金     ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙己亥水 世
白虎 妻财丁卯木 ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼丙午火     ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母己丑土  
滕蛇       ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母丙辰土 应×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财己卯木  

Line 4 = you. At present, you have a strong voice and chi to push things.
Line 1 = your company
Line 4: info communicate to another person (manager)
Line 5: that person (manager) communicates to the company.

By Aug 4, your chi is weak and theirs are strong.
Not much will be done about it. No change will happen until after Oct 6 2012.
In addition, you ruin your job situation by doing so.

The basis of a business is to make profit, and not to deal with disagreement among workers, worker and manager, store manager etc.

In retail, they really do not care about their workers. It is not a matter of going or not going to corporate. The company will not do much about this. In retail, management tenure is like revolving door.

Do not expect too much on the outcome.


Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
I have a friend who didn't get any help from the higher ups in a similar situation. She finally got a lawyer and sued because she wasn't getting her proper breaks and other stuff. She won. Perhaps a lawyer would be your prince the I Ching refers to.

I wouldn't put anything in writing, particularly an apology.



Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
I'd cast for something like: Yi, please give me the solution to my problem. See what the Yi would suggest. Sorry to hear about this. How rotten. Especially in the USA, partime employees have so few rights. That's why companies there sometimes predominate in hiring partime people -- management owes them so little. It's a scam over there, sanctioned by the Dept of Labor, and makes me angry to hear about it, having worked at a corporate level quite a while in the US before moving to Europe. I can remember executives taking advantage of dedicated people they wouldn't award a fulltime job because they might ask for some kind of benefits. It's a disgrace America. And we just had the Fourth of July -- what does it mean anyway?
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May 15, 2013
Reaction score
I think the batter way is to file for that by consulting with the legal person in your area.Or try some private law firm for filing that.Because may be the lawyer in your organization give favour to the management.Because that's the only way you can adopt to fight for your right.

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