...life can be translucent


Overcoming Obstacles by Splitting Apart - but what is the obstruction & how to split?


May 21, 2009
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Overcoming Obstacles by Splitting Apart - but what is the obstruction & how to split?

Hi there
It has been a long while since I have read the IChing and also been on this website.
I have been trying to read the IChing for 25 years now and I have only usually attempted one reading at a time. However, I feel that time is starting to run out for me (want a family - clock is ticking) so have continued to keep digging the IChing for answers with this particular challenge in my life.

I would very much like to find a way forward for myself and would be so very grateful for any tips or further insights into my current predicament.

My first questions was:
What is your advise to me to aid me moving forward from being single into a healthy relationship?
A: 23 Splitting Apart
My interpretation of this was to think perhaps Iching is urging me to detach from my current way of thinking. That I should try and concentrate on what is going on in my life right now and use that as my focus.

Q: Can you be more specific in terms of splitting apart, from what?
A: 39 Obstruction - changes 6 in the top line to 53 Development
I have usually received obstruction and this frustrates me so much as I find it such a difficult hex to read. I usually come to the conclusion that I am the obstruction. My own mind and how I perceive/react to situations. But then is that me unnecessarily thinking badly about myself and putting myself down - or is there something in it? So instead of pondering on this any longer I decided to bite the bullet and ask very directly...

Q: What is the obstruction?
A: 1, 39 .... again?? arrrgghhhh!!
It would seem that this is going to keep raising its ugly head.
So I thought back along my life and remembered that the last time I kept receiving this I went away and travelled. It really was the best thing I could have done. I found Yoga - and peace for my mind.

So I ask it again...

Q: Would returning to my travels help clear the obstruction?
A: 21, 2,5,6: 58
Biting through extremely energetically with a happy ending?
Although I am highly confused about the changing lines. I also wonder here if me going away is related to my first initial question and the response being "Splitting apart" - perhaps that is what the Iching origionally meant for me to do... split apart from where I am now and go and find the 'great man'. A chance for me to really get back to me again.

So does anyone think I have gone full circle with this multitude of readings? Am I on the right track?
Or any other insights to offer would be amazing.

Om Om Om


Dec 2, 2008
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From Cleary: "When stripping away, it is not advantageous to go anywhere."

The time of stripping away is a time of weakness. Five yin lines but the solitary yang line above remains firm. Stay put and wait for things to change.


May 21, 2009
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Hi Ginnie - thanks for your insight :)
Yes I did think about that angle at the time. However, if putting this in context to the question I first asked, when it says to remain firm and not to go anywhere - I interpreted this as not taking any action in terms of finding a partner. Ie - getting myself more sociable or trying internet dating. I didn't interpret this as physically staying still. Or do you think that there are ample other hex's I could have been given if that was what IChing meant?

And I guess that if this is the way I am interpreting it - then this answers my 2nd question - 'what am I splitting apart from' would mean my focus of even thinking about being in a relationship with someone (a fairly draining pastime!). And then that would also answer my question about 'Obstruction'. That IS my obstruction. My continual fear of NOT being in a relationship. And if I could put all that energy into being me and focusing on my new business then that could help me tenfold.

Although, unfortunately with these things it is generally a lot easier to say these things out loud than it is to actually make that change. Especially when it is engrained into my brain so heavily. I need to make a massive concerted effort to change my thought patterns I feel.

Ahh - is this an eureka moment!? If it is then it certainly helps to share. more heads are better than one :)

Anyway - this is obv my interpretation. And the reason I am here is because I am unsure of my POV. If anyone else can illuminate with their perspective that would be very helpful indeed.



May 21, 2009
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Just an update on this reading.
I used imagery to change my thought patterns. And the realisation that every time I had a wasteful thought... That energy could be being used for shaping my new biz and life. Just imagine what I could accomplish with all that woeful energy! Turn it around and wow!
The imagery was a big gold baton/bat. Every time I had a 'woe is me' or 'why am I single' thought... I would take the big gold bat and bash the thought, which smashed into a gazzilion gold pieces. And replaced the thought with something I wanted to do that day. It's basically CBT method but using my own imagery.

So what are the results? I moved house to a place with lots of trees 2 months later. And met a man who lived opposite me. We becane good friends first. But because I was so focussed on my 'life' and what I was planning to do instead of the woeful thoughts... It all just clicked into place. We moved in together 6 months later. He is a lovely man. I feel so lucky and grateful to have met him. And he adores me. We aren't perfect by any stretch and still have to work at the relationship. But we are happy together. It is working. Yay!
Hope this helps others out there.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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I think h23 meant that You were splitting apart. Your mind was wandering about, thinking all kinds of thoughts, and you tried to split apart from some parts of yourself that you didn't like, fragmenting your identity.

The only yang line is in the place of our inner being where we are not accepting all the free flow of the other lines.
Our inner being is standing apart, separated from outer experience.
Outer identification is not accepted.

All is freely flowing ( K'un ), until we reach our inner being where Ken shows silence and meditation on events, not participation.

It is not favourable to have objectives when identity is divided from the inner self because all the directions that can attract us involve us more in the separate outer reality which is not being accepted by the whole personal self; any identification we make causes us to split further.

There are however important chances of change and discoveries to be made in this tao about the way we are identifying.

When inner reality forsakes all outer activity we contemplate in solitude.

Very good advice indeed, so you have used a form of meditation, raising your awareness and witnessing of negative thoughts, which have helped you to merge your identity (and mind) back into one piece.

39.6 elaborates on h23:
The obstruction in this tao is about our not being able to be still nor to act. Here our inner being becomes still, which is helpful.

Remaining is also keeping still and to see the great man is to see widely, not narrowing our view by choice; this is the good fortune.

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