...life can be translucent


30 to 55


May 27, 1970
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Hello to everyone out there-
It is always a pleasure to read all the interpretations dispensed to all those who request help and I find it also very interesting the way they vary from reader to reader. Lovely, indeed!
I am here to ask for some opinions again.
I cast the coins for an issue regarding a sentimental evolution. I got a 30 with a 9 at the top, that becomes 55. I read the book and got my share of ideas. I was wondering if anyone had some time to spare and give me their ideas too.
Thanks again,


Apr 8, 1970
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Hello Elisabetta!

Could you possibly give us a little more information? Some background would be helpful - and most of all, what your question was! Without that it's hard to do anything except just quote the books.

Let us know, and I'm sure some readings will be forthcoming!


May 27, 1970
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Thanks Hilary, I suppose I was sort of criptic, you are right!
Ok, it's about a man to whome I declared my love recently, after keeping it for 4 years to myself...it took me a while but I finally did it.
He told me he never realized anything and was sort of happily shocked by the entire happening. I cast the coins in order to have an idea of what might happen between us after my confession to him. That's what's behind my 30 to 55 response.
Any ideas? They would be so helpful!
Thanks again,


Jun 22, 1970
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Greetings To All...

Lafragolina, This is a very big reading here. This hexagram talks about the proper, natural realtionships. All things must be done in the light of day. Honesty will be very important here. Beginning things on a proper foundation, with the proper support will be important here. This will be about True Love. The Love that is unconditional. The ability to give seeking nothing in return, will be important here. You both need to be clear about the goal of your relationship. Clarity will be make or break for you. I suspect that both of you have had trouble in these areas before? Normally a double trigram is an indication that something has been learned but not mastered. Success of your pledge to one another will depend on the both of you manifesting these principles. Have you both been clear and truthful with each other thus far? There is a much larger issue here. your ability to see the whole picture is a requirement with this hexagram.


May 27, 1970
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Dear Supanatural,
Thanks for taking the time, really! Clarity, clarity...so true. This far, I was the one being clear, very clear. I declared my love to him, word by word, sentence by sentence. I needed to do it. And I did. It's up to him now. I so do hope he will express something, just to give me a sign. This is like nothing I have ever felt before, ever. I think you are right when you mention True Love. What should I do now? Should I wait, should I push? I do not know, I just feel I should stand-by for a while, and try and see the bigger picture as you say.
Thanks again,


Jun 22, 1970
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Greetings To All...

Lafragolina, If you have already expressed yourself, the onus belongs on him now. The 30th Hexagram becoming 55, is saying to fear not, either way, you will benefit. All external situations in life that appear to be what we call ordeals, are to make us go within and manifest a virtue or a spiritual skill of some sort. No matter if he comes to you faithfully, or exhibits hypocrisy, you are suppose to Love him just the same. If it's the latter, you may not want to be in a Romantic Relationship with him, but you still have to recognize the larger picture here, which is that you and him are inter related with each other. You have expressed your Love for him, so weather he expresses it back doesnt matter, because Love is unconditional. If you say you Love him, on the condition that he says it back, that's not what true Love is, that's Tit for Tat, that's T'ui, not Li. I don't think he will lie to you, that's under the trigram K'an, but he may be hypocritcal, by pretending to be honest and sincere. So the oracle is giving you a chance to see what True Love is all about, and the larger issue to view, would be before you express your Love to another, make sure that it's True Love, or Romantic Love, or T'ui Love. Love is not something that you can fall in and out of, that again would be under T'ui. True Love is a principle that stands the test of time. It transcends emotions. What Li builds will last. This is what the Oracle is calling your attention to. The energy of the 30th Hexagram, exhibits itself around this time of the year, between March-April. if you are in tune with it, you will be able to Clearly See your answer here.
Hilary would be able to comment further and indepth to be able to assist you with this situation. I hope this helps you.


Hi Lafragolina,

I would relate 30 as, you clinging to what you know is true and right, and perpetuating this time of clarity and brightness over this other person and the relationship. It indicates to me that, indeed, you where "perfectly clear" in expressing how you felt. The timing of it seems to be correct. I read, that you have done the right thing in expressing your feelings toward him, and that you've expressed yourself well.

You've expressed that he was "sort of happily shocked by the entire happening." I suspect that this shock is what brought about the change in the 6th place. That is, your straight forwardness has given him cause to do much reflecting, sorting and probing into his self and his current conditions. There's some danger that he may try to irradiate certain negative influences too severely. There's also a danger that you may proceed to right the wrongs of the past with an inappropriate ruthlessness. Clarity, is still the goal and object of the reading.

The change line, combined with 55, says that your time either has come (by this time) or is yet to come. But the time will come when you will be able to see the situation with perfect clarity, and will be able to decisively judge the situation, as it really is. Again, be reminded that you may have to tolerate some of the obstructions present in the details of the relationship. Change what you can, but you will have to accept certain limitations. Nevertheless, the time is favorable to act, to speak and to make your influence felt. This is in harmony with Tao and with fate.

Since the time of Abundance, 55, is brief, more changes are certain to follow. To meet these changes successfully, it would behoove you to stay in touch with the changing demands of the time.

Hope this helps.


May 27, 1970
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Supanatural, Candid: thank you so very much. You both have been most helpful, really. True Love? Who knows exactly what it is? I just know I love this man deeply and I suppose this is the only thing that really matters. As for the outcome, I will wait and come what may. I love him anyway. I sometimes have a hard time deciding what to do and then I suddenly realize I have already done my share and I should wait and give it a little time. I'll do my best and wait for clarity.
Thanks again,


Apr 8, 1970
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Hello all,

Ye gods, things happen fast here! One minute I?m saying ??someone will do a reading? and the next minute the page is full of them! (Thank you!) I don?t have much to say, really - just an extra bit to tack on the end of Candid's excellent comments on the moving line (

Hexagram 30 is indeed what you?ve been doing, spreading light and holding firmly to what is important and sustaining for you. Now the focus is on line 6, at the very extreme of that, where it intersects with Abundance. #55 (I think) is about refusing to get lost in regrets, coming through the darkness to a decision to make things happen. Some people can get weighed down in #55 with the sense of how much is involved, and how far they have to go outside what is ?normal? in order to move on. The best approach, though, is decisive, taking the power in your own hands, ending the debate, taking what comes as a result.

All that also sounds very much like what you have done, and I do admire you for it! But then? you did ask the I Ching about what comes next, and that makes me wonder whether there isn?t something about that here. Taking light to the furthest corners means tackling darkness directly, which is what the king is doing in the top line - sorting out the forces that threaten peace and harmony. I?d be surprised if there wasn?t some tension and awkwardness after your declaration: this line says you can deal with this, triumphantly, with the same qualities of clarity and honesty that have got you this far. The king tempers resolution with moderate good sense: he kills the chief (beheads him, in fact!) but deals more leniently with the rest - not getting caught up in negativity himself.

In other words, if you find yourself in this kind of situation, with tension or darkness to dispel, you need to tackle it with determination (the king doesn?t retreat and think ?well, might as well let this be and see how it turns out??!), but only deal with the absolutely essential, not try to sort out every last detail. It can?t be done - and even if it seems as if you need to, you don?t.

So that?s my feeling - that by courageously bringing things into the open, you?ve created a space for more change, ending one phase of the relationship and beginning another. It could be that there is still some hard work to come - but you most definitely have what it takes to make a success of it.

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