...life can be translucent


How to access specific 'information' in the unconscious


Jun 23, 2009
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Hey everyone. My query below assumes some very new-agey 'axioms' - specifically about our "reality" being a manifestation of our unconscious / subconscious beliefs etc. In case you're not a believer - lets not debate the issue here. I've seen it 'work' way too many times to debate it anymore.

I also assume that while talking to the Yi - we are simply interacting with our unconscious. Close to the explanation Jung gives. Read his foreword for Wilhelms translation for details.

I tried "What is the most important negative or limiting belief that I need to clear out as of now". I received the answer 36->39. I simply could not connect with it. It might - and I repeat might - be describing my current 'condition', but its not what I want to know. I've spent weeks staring at this one - no clue. Check and see if I am missing something.

My intent is simple - interacting with the Yi to find out the specific belief holding me back (on our own this could take weeks and months of psycho-detective work and even then you may not be able to find out what it is) - then simply clear it out from the subconscious / unconscious using EFT/AIT etc. Voila!!! Issue resolved.

For example - assuming the validity of the new-agey beliefs - I don't have a job (my query has nothing to do with a job, so please don't start interpreting it like so, its just an example). There has to be a specific negative or limiting thought / belief held by me (subconsciously / unconsciously) that 'creates' this condition. "jobs are tough to find", "I don't deserve a good job", "I will always be unemployed" etc etc etc. I want to know what it is - without all of the detective work.

My query is very simple. How do I frame such a question to the Yi? Can the Yi help me with this??

Has anyone ever tried anything like this? I have incredible success with the Yi when it comes to asking about an overview of a situation at hand, asking for 'outcomes' of specific choices, advice on specific issues and even "predictions". But this one has me stumped.

Look forward to your comments.


Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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I do believe in these axioms and about the subconscious thing.
In matter of fact, I don't have a real job because I cherish my freedom more than money, that is my limiting thought. I will only trade my freedom for joy and money :)

36.1.5 -> 39

I think the anchor that is holding you, is an attitude that people don't believe in you and you feel a lack of support, and you can't progress without this support.
We all know how hard it is go against the masses, take Giordano Bruno for example,
Wikipedia: "he proposed that the Sun was just another star moving in space, and claimed as well that the universe contained an infinite number of inhabited worlds populated by other intelligent beings. The Roman Inquisition found him guilty of heresy, and he was burned at the stake."
Wow, didn't know about intelligent beings part.

After I switched to my radical diet, my parents were tough on me, and it took me 3 years to calm my grandma, although she still tries to make me eat 'normal' stuff. And I just needed their support so much!

Legge, 36.1:
Wherever he goes, the people there may speak (derisively of him).

Wilhelm, 36.5:
Prince Chi was a relative of the tyrant and could not withdraw from the court; therefore he concealed his true sentiments and feigned insanity. Although he was held a slave, he did not allow external misery to deflect him from his convictions.

Wilhelm, 39
Water on the mountain: the image of obstruction. Thus the noble turns to himself and forms his character.

But you don't need them!
Internal hex: 40.6(Deliverance/freedom) -> 64 (not yet)
Wilhelm: The prince shoots at a hawk on a high wall. He kills it. Everything is advantageous.

You are almost there, shoot this 'Internal Council of Everyone' that is thwarting your every move.
'Everyone thinks that I can't do it', 'Everyone says i'll fail', 'Everyone says I have anchors in my head'
Who is everyone? name 5 people. You can? alright name 20!
Then try to imagine them saying that yes you can! And if you can't, just replace them with people who are more loyal to your cause. (The idea of 'Everyone Council' is mentioned in 'Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to By Martha Beck' book).

My query is very simple. How do I frame such a question to the Yi? Can the Yi help me with this??
I think it is possible, as any question is possible. You will have to look at the answer and just have your intuition point to the words and ideas that are important to you. Don't know what else to say.


Jun 23, 2009
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Thanks for your answer Ashteroid.

First, at the risk of sounding ignorant - "Internal Hex"? What is that? The "Mutual Gua"? How did you come up with that?? Never used it. Please shed some light on that.

You on Paleo or something?? The Radical Diet.

Everyday you learn something new :)

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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Internal/inner/nuclear hexagram is composed of 6 lines, 2.3.4 and 3.4.5 of the original hexagram.

There is a button at the top, '>>' it will show you how it works.

Not paleo :) you can call it 'fructorian' , it's very simple, only raw/fresh untreated fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds if you want to. Meat is ok but only if you yourself kill the animal and eat it right away. No salads, no mixing is permitted. And you don't need mixing anything, it's delicious on its own.


Jun 23, 2009
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Yeh. Thats the "mutual gua" - as Huang Calls it.

My God!! I had been doing it wrong all along....I never accounted for the changing line....that is why this technique never made too much sense to me :)

Everyday you learn something new...


Dec 28, 2012
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Thank you mokruma for your interesting question and ashteroid for your answer.
First let me say that I am no expert on Yching but I am an elderly, widely read and thoughtful person and would suggest that a better question for you to ask would be What is the best way for me to communicate with my subconcious?
I believe that our subconcious knows exactly what is good for us but we invariably ignore it. One good way is to notice how we FEEL when we have a decision to make, if we feel good then do it, if we feel bad or unsure, find some other way . "When in doubt - don't'. I think IChing is telling you to 'hide your light under a bushel' people generally do not take kindly to the truth. Or what they don't want to hear.
I wonder too if you are an Aquarian - "What the Aquarian thinks today, the world will think in 50 years time."

One way you can Know your subconcious is working is to tell it - just befor sleeping, that you will wake up at a specific time in the morning - with the proviso (unless I NEED to wake for anything else before that time) The proviso is in case the house burns down:) You will discover that you will wake up at that specific time.

Incidently, it does not matter what other people think or whether you are supported so long as you are sincere in your heart. Maybe 'Y' is saying there is no specific thing or just your self belief or even your courage. Like ashteroid said "he feind madness or drunkeness to avoid speaking out against the tyrant' but wasn't he successful in the end?
I would say too, relax and love yourself.:bows:

P.S. The last answer you gave to me ashteroid "that my friend had something to attend to before he could attend to me) - your intuition - was exactly right. As well as his financial problems he was also ill. Thank you.:)

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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meigga said:
I believe that our subconcious knows exactly what is good for us but we invariably ignore it. One good way is to notice how we FEEL when we have a decision to make, if we feel good then do it, if we feel bad or unsure, find some other way . "When in doubt - don't'.

That's exactly what Martha Beck writes about!

Anne’s job search was not going well. When I met her, she’d just blown big corporate
interviews, not with one company but with several. It was same thing every time: Anne
would go into the interview process smiling and gracious, like a Miss America
contestant, and pass the first screening with flying colors. As she moved on to the next
round of interviews, Anne would start feeling a bit irritable. This grumpiness got worse
and worse until, in each of her top-level interviews, Anne found herself barking
inappropriate answers to the simplest questions.

“In my last interview,” she told me, “this vice president asked me why I wanted to be
in banking, and I said, ‘I don’t.’ Just like that—‘I don’t!’ It sort of popped out, like a
burp. Have you ever heard anything so stupid in your entire life?”
“Depends,” I said. “Do you want to work for a bank?”
Anne recoiled visibly, as though I’d tossed her a snake. “Of course not,” she said. “But
it’s good money.”

In other words, Anne’s social self (with lots of input from the “three P’s”: peers,
parents, and professors) had decided that she should go into a field her essential self
loathed. She told me she was “sabotaging” herself, and indeed she was—not by flunking
her interviews, but by trying to get a job in a bank. Every time she came close to sealing
this pact with Satan, her essential self managed to struggle out of its restraints and save
the day. It was sabotaging her interviews, but it wasn’t sabotaging Anne.
This is the dynamic at work in most of the people who tell me they’re chronic self-
saboteurs. James said he was ruining his life by “flaking out” every time he got his
career on track and straightened out his relationship with his parents. His pattern was
to start showing up late—or worse, forgetting to show up at all—for office meetings or
social events with his family. Dorrie’s problem was that her mind “froze” whenever she
had to give presentations, an important part of her job.

Most essential-self guidance, however, isn’t so obvious. Because it takes enormous
energy to shove the social self out of its command center in the rational, verbal part of
your brain, the essential self usually “speaks” through parts of your being that aren’t
under conscious control. These are commanded by the deeper, more primitive layers of
the brain, the parts that manage your emotional responses and basic body-maintenance
functions like respiration, sleep and waking, and sexual desire.
When you leave your true path and start heading away from your North Star, your
essential self will use any or all of its skills and tools to stop you. If your social self
won’t pay attention to mild warnings, the essential self has to get more and more
dramatic. As a last resort, your core self will simply hijack the controls you use to direct
your own behavior. You may be blithely oblivious to your own discontent until the very
moment you find yourself weeping at a business luncheon, or punching your son’s first-
grade teacher. Fortunately, you can avoid such unpleasant situations if you learn just
one “word” in your essential self’s nonverbal lexicon: NO.

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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"My query below assumes some very new-age. 'axioms'"

First things first. I beg to differ about your first sentence.
No, I do not think it does.
You are sensing something inside you that is leading you to ask this perfectly logical and self aware question. You are sensing a blind spot in your self awareness. You sense something that is not yet in your complete comprehension, something that is clouded / darkened, but that you sense nonetheless and is holding you back in some way (an inner tyrant).

Like 36 the Sun (Clarity) obscured by the Earth (Eclipse /Hiding One's Light/ Clouded Perception)
Something that is holding you back:
39 an Impasse or Obstruction within you.

"What is the most important negative or limiting belief that I need to clear out as of now". I received the answer 36- >39"
(36- *1* 5 -39)
I once asked a very similar question about myself "what is the most important flaw within myself, hidden from me, that I need to work on?" And the answer was Bellicose/Beligerance. Spot on for me!

In your reading, line one tells the story of: a person in flight from danger, to escape persecution from the evil tyrant King Zhou, who with complete conviction/dedication to the task even neglects eating to accomplish the escape.
How does this resonate with you?

39 says to see the great man (seek aid from an expert in this field) and to turn ones attention to oneself in order to cultivate ones virtue.

Line 5 refers mainly to the extraordinary courage of spirit and caution that Count Chi mustered to survive his situation (feigning insanity so as not to be killed or be an agent of the evil kings actions)
How does this resonate with you?

So, who are the 39's 'great men' or experts in the area of inner development, overcoming psychological blocks (blindspots)? (Which your question was about)
Counselors, Psychologists.
Even in conversing with a perceptive caring friend, the other can see what we cannot. It takes great courage to examine oneself, honestly look at our own 'flaws' and seek help. Many people never do.
Am I saying this is the only way to get this answer? No. You could also have one of those long conversations with yi, asking 10 more clarifying questions over a week or month.

Sometimes Yi gives us a simple answer to understand about a problem (example: Retreat!) Sometimes instead it tells us how to go about accomplishing something, see the great man.

Ok, one last thing I want to point out in this conversation is the importance to differentiate between an individual persons subconscious (things in their own personhood they aren't aware of), and of the 'super consciousness' or 'higher intelligence' that consulting with the yi is all about. If we do not differentiate, then we risk assuming that everything within us is wise and correct and blindly follow it.



Jun 23, 2009
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Moss Elk. Thank you for your time and the wonderful notes made by you.

1. I do differentiate between the two. If you note - I always write "subconscious / unconscious" whenever referring to the same. There is great confusion about the use of those terms. When I say "subconscious" it is the individual thing you were talking about. I NEVER take guidance from that - that's exactly where some of our most negative and limiting thoughts or belief are "held". By "unconscious" I think I mean what you call the "superconsciousness" . So I understand that this is the space that we access through the Yi. Anyhow, this is not the fourm for this subject :)

2. Now lets come to your interpretation of my reading. Excellent. Very, very perceptive. BUT - that still just describes my current 'situation'. I already suspected that - spoke of it in my original post too. Not that you can make 'demands' from the Yi, but that is not what I really wanted to know. I want to know if there is a way - a specific way to consult the Yi - wherein I can access this specific information in my unconscious (in this case a negative or limiting belief).

3. One interesting thing is Ashteroid's idea about using the Mutual Gua / Neuclear Hexagram. In this reading, it describes "shooting down a Hawk perched on a high wall". As luck would have it - I did a massive "clearing" (I use AIT - in case you are into the whole EFT / Energy Psychology thing - something to do with my Ex-Wife) just a day before I did this reading. Maybe I already hit the Bulls Eye. But then I have never used the Mutual Gua before. So I might just be 'forcing' this.

4. Your experiences with the Mutual Gua / Neuclear Hexagram please....


Dec 28, 2012
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My opinion - for what it's worth - is that the specific anchor holding you back is that your subconcious - your spirit - does not want the jobs you are chasing after.
I wonder if you have heard of Edgar Cayce - a famous spiritual healer. I man was brought to him with continual illnesses of all kinds. Edgar Cayce went into his usual trance state and told the man and his family that in a previous life the sick man had been a farmer and that is what he should be doing now. The man himself now said that he had always wanted to work on the land but had become an accountant because of the wish of his parents. He afterwards gave up his accountancy to work on a farm - voila no more illness.

Why not ask your subconcious/Yching what you would be happy/fulfilled doing.

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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I've no experience/ study of the mutual gua / nuclear hex other than noticing that I get dizzy , bored, and wonder when it will be over, when people talk about them. Like when I'm at a party and certain people who I won't name (joel, dave) go on and on and on. :]

And a suspicion that most of our problems (or their solutions at least) in life are way simpler than we sometimes feel they are. And that all of our problems cannot be solved by over intellectualizing them (I used to have a bad habit of this) . The belly needs food.
And sometimes 'intellectualizing' is a defense mechanism. (I'll contain this problem in a 'word cage' keeping me safe from it)

Well, bless my britches!
I just noticed upon rereading your question:
Yi described it to you.
As if you had a ball in your backyard and asked what it was, and yi answered, "it's a ball, duh"
I forgot that It does that sometimes.

••Now try asking something like
"what can I do about It"

I once had a series of 15-20 questions about a subject over a three week period until I got the answer that really nailed it for me. The 14 answers prior were leading answers, to lead me to ask the right question. (and along the way telling me many things I sorely needed to hear)
If you decide to do this, do not rush it!

Good luck!

(I mean no disrepect to people that have knowledge of interpretation that I do not. I was mostly having a bit of fun)


Feb 7, 1970
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How to access specific 'information' in the unconscious?
36.1.5 > 39

By darkening the light and struggling to see. Wakeful consciousness conceals the dimmer lights of the unconscious as the sun conceals the stars.


I think you're pushing on a string, buckling the very straight line of reasoning you're seeking.

I see Yi's answer to your question being straight forward; all you need do is pull it rather than push it.

However, since you seem rather clear and persistent about not augmenting your established perspective, the light of Yi's answer remains hidden beneath the earth, or within your unconscious, if you prefer (36). To "access specific 'information' in the unconscious" requires opening your mind, not sealing it shut or blocking it with determined preconceptions (39).


We should be very careful in pushing or pulling information directly from the unconscious, as the chances are very high that they are hidden from us for a very good reason, and we are not prepared to receive, much less accept and absorb, the dangerous contents that's withheld within our unconscious. That's why artistic images of temples and sanctuaries of our innermost psyche, such as those found in Buddhist temples, are typically guarded by temple dogs, dragons or frightful deities, to ward off all but the few who have developed to the point of transcending the frightful and seriously threatening innermost thoughts, urges and images that exist within our deepest recesses of our psyche or unconscious mind. Those who dare to 'intrude' upon these grounds can be placing themselves in serious physical and mental danger. These fierce images are indeed obstructing our access to what we are not yet ready to deal with head on. Reverence and caution are called for, even from the masters.

Dragon statue at the entrance of the Cambodian Buddhist Temple

Image of statue of emerald dragon in buddhist temple, Thailand

Temple deities and dragons
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Jun 23, 2009
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Dear Sooo. Thank you for your very enlightening answers.

Well, as far as accessing information from my unconscious is concerned - I am pretty adept with 'clearing' (as effortlessly and painlessly as it can be) any uncomfortable stuff I encounter.

One way or the other - you simply can't let it stay repressed there. It handicaps us. Its all that handicaps us - this way and that.

And I don't think we can ever accidentally access more than we can handle cause you need the adequate amount of self realization et al to even reach those corners - so it kind of has a self protection mechanism.

But then maybe all you're trying to very, very politely tell me that I may not be as ready as I think I am. Then, sometimes, the stupidest - the silliest, of negative or limiting beliefs or thoughts can hold you back for months, for years. Till you have that aha moment - after which its just a few minutes to clear. That could just be karma too....

Hmmm...so no straightforward 'mechanical' way to access these beliefs/thouhgts through the Yi - is there.....I just thought if there was a specific way to query the Yi. Seemed like genius when I thought of it :)


Seemed like genius when I thought of it :)

chuckle.. don't we all.

I'm not suggesting that the Yi can't reveal hidden treasures from within us, bringing self-knowledge to the surface of our consciousness. I think that's perhaps one of its most important functions. But it is like marriage, and is in fact often referred to as such, or at least a courtship between what we see on the outside and what lies beneath (36) the surface of our conscious mind. But I think you'll agree that it must be approached with a degree of caution and reverence, and the deeper we seek to penetrate (57), the more unprepared we may be to handle or comprehend those penetrating answers, which explains some of the disturbing change lines in 57, including calling upon priests and magicians in great numbers. It explains too why we are often turned back (39) from impetuous movement forward or plunging recklessly into those darker hidden recesses, which are symbolically like the temple dragons and deities.

Study of the Tibetan Book of the Dead is enlightening in these regards, when one enters fully the unconscious upon their bodily departure and into the Bardo, which is really their unfettered unconscious mind, with all it's shocking and frightening images. Fading away or fainting are terms used for encounters with those shocking images which the traveler is not ready to understand. There has been only subtle hints, and practices to prepare them for these encounters and to interpret them not as external frightening deities, but manifestations of our own creative unconscious mind or soul.

These same images can be seen in their mandalas: the dragons and fierce deities, protecting or guarding the entrances (usually four, like the four winds referred to in the Yi) to the innermost and hidden secrets of our unconscious or the collective unconscious mind, which can rightfully be called the mind of God, or supreme consciousness or being, or Buddha-mind.


Note the darkness which surrounds the image, and the guardians (or obstructions - 39) which one must pass through to enter into the center of being or complete, all encompassing consciousness, or Buddha. Some of these images, rather than fearsome, appear as peaceful and benevolent, yet according to the doctrine, these are more misleading and dangerous than the fearsome images because they seduce the traveler into states of false security and knowledge, which we see in our conscious life, and are referred to as our personal deities, which common psychology could refer to as our Superego, godself, or some such notions: the image from making the divine in our image rather making us in God's image, which in circular thinking are really the same - uniting with God or the unconscious mind. This seduction leads the traveler back to rebirth. If at first you don't succeed...

Note this theme repeated throughout the Tibetan Buddhist mandalas https://www.google.com/search?q=tib...ACw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1036&bih=523&dpr=1.62

It's also not for no reason that these sand mandalas, after they are meticulously and reverently constructed are then swept up and destroyed, denoting the temporal natural of all things. They are typically then sacrificed or dedicated to sacred bodies of water, symbolizing what we refer to as the Tao, or the eternally changing universe.

Happy trails. :bows:


Jan 14, 2013
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dragon soup for the soul

Most excellent, sooo. I particularly like the last picture, "Temple deities and dragons." The scales on the snakes/dragons say to me that we have the many layers of self to look under and uncoil before we approach Buddhahood.

We torque ourselves around unmercifully, perhaps, as you say, to protect ourselves from truths we're not ready to handle; perhaps we're over-protective.

Pathfinder, basically the Yi according to a businessman, says of 36.5: "As long as you remain wary of the danger, you can cautiously proceed against your opposition." Pretty straightforward, methinks. When isn't there opposition?




Wait... you didn't ask "how to access specific information in the unconscious" did you? It seems yes, that's the title and the subject, but you actually asked " what is the most limiting belief or most important negative belief I have that is holding me back?" Right? So you got 36.1.5>39. My idea is to just help you brainstorm what the Iching may be saying. So here are the possible things I see.

(39)- is just to point out you have an obstruction (limited belief ect)

So perhaps line 1- is saying one of the following possibilities - you feel you must accomplish so much in a limited time that you don't even
take the time to nourish yourself, or you feel you have the burdens of
the world on your shoulders attitude, or you try to please everyone else
forgetting yourself.

Line 5 possibilities- perhaps you take too personally what others say about you or what their opinions are, and/or break off relationships or ideas without giving them a chance to grow?

36- perhaps you are always fearing someone is out to hurt you so you hide your light (feelings or ideas) when infact you at times need to let them show/voice them?

In both lines I see one possible thing in common (hastiness).

Does any of that ring true for you as something holding you back?The reason I see the possibility of the lines saying these things, is because you asked what is it that's holding you back, what negative belief. So if the man in line 1- goes for 3 days without eating and his wings hang
down ect, maybe this is the very thing you are doing that is holding you
back. So as normally we ask a question and the lines would tell us what
we should do, the way you asked the question, maybe the lines are
showing you what you do, that you shouldn't. Does that make sense?

Sooo- I can read some of your writing all day, why is it that I find it so
much more interesting than the books themselves. Makes me excited
to learn /think. Exercise for my mind. Thanks

Best wishes,

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Pathfinder, basically the Yi according to a businessman, says of 36.5: "As long as you remain wary of the danger, you can cautiously proceed against your opposition." Pretty straightforward, methinks. When isn't there opposition?


Hi Poised,

I completely agree. It's my belief and philosophy that life is a course in resistance training. Without countervailing forces there is no resistance. Without resistance, we atrophy. We ask, why do good people suffer? It is through resistance that we experience, and through experience that we learn, it is through learning that we grow, it is through growing that we encounter the next stage of resistance, and so forth. The line that most directly reminds me of this is 19.3: sweet or comfortable approach; no ground for harvest. Though it changes to 11, without the discomforts, resistance or bitterness in life, growth stagnates, falls apart, atrophies. No pain, no gain, as the saying goes. Feel the burn from a good resistance workout!

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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Some info on working with subconscious directly (Dolores Cannon - Legacy from the stars):

Weight loss is a very common reason for requesting past-life therapy. Often the cause can be traced to starvation in other lifetimes.
In one of my cases the woman subject was the male leader of a powerful clan in Scotland.
The responsibilities were great, and they did not cease upon the death of the individual.
While the man lay dying his subconscious said: "I will never be rid of the weight of my responsibilities."
The subconscious is very literal and responds to what it is told to do.

It does not understand the concept of time, and carries out unconscious instructions, no matter which body the person is wearing at the time.
In its primary job as protector it feels it is required to guard the body, no matter what the insignificant conscious mind wills it to do.
This is why it is so important to recognize the subconscious's power and to deal directly with the subconscious in therapy.

The subject in this unusual case was Mona, a young dark haired divorced woman in her thirties.
Her life was full and interesting, and her only complaint was that she had been trying to lose weight.
She was having no success although she had tried several methods. She was looking for the answer in a possible past life that might be influencing this.

Mona came to the Earth in a spaceship many lives ago, and was so light that to prevent her from floating above the ground the natives gave her a thick coat to wear.

At the end of the session with Mona, her subconscious didn't want to end the session:
This was unusual. Normally by this stage of the regression the subject does not talk.

M: Because you don't understand. It's not gone!
D: All right. But I still want it to recede into the background, into the subconscious. (A deep sigh.)
Would I be allowed to ask your subconscious some questions? (Yes)

D: Did this life that she was exploring have anything to do with her weight problem she's been worried about? Is there any connection with that life?

M: She doesn't want to float away.
D: Oh! She's afraid of that?
M: Of being different.
D: I see. She's making her body denser and heavier. She's afraid if she loses weight that she will float away like the other little being? Is that correct?
M: (Sigh) She's different.
D: But she's a good person. She's happy in this body. The problem is she wants to take off some of that extra weight. She doesn't need it anymore now, does she?
M: Well, no.
D: Can you make her realize that in this lifetime, in this body, she doesn't need to have that extra weight?
M: Well, we don't think so, maybe. (Big sigh) We'll have to see.
D: Do you think you can work with her and make her understand that was a different body altogether? She
doesn't have to be afraid now, and she doesn't need that extra weight anymore.
M: She can take off the coat.
D: Yes, she can take off that fur coat. Within the next six months of our time, she would like to shed that coat. She would like to take off about fifty, sixty pounds, and look very nice. Do you think you could help her realize that this is a human body like all the other humans, and it is attached to the ground with gravity. This body won't float away.
M: Well, the problem seems to be that ... (big sigh) the consciousness is not that of the human, but of the being.

The subconscious continued to argue with me using its own unique form of logic.
I continued to attempt to persuade it by appealing to its concern for Mona's body, and its protective monitoring of its systems.

M: So we will rebuild the body. It would make her very happy. But I must say that the picture is thus: when the coat is removed, the body floats.
D: Yes, but not in this life. It won't, because it is attached to the ground by gravity. It really is.
M: The picture won't go away.
D: I see. Well, maybe you can help her work on that picture.
M: Well ... we'll try boots instead.
D: Boots? Have her wear boots?
M: (Very satisfied.) Yes. That's best. That's much better. We can also work on the body, make it lighter. This can be done, yes, it can be. Molting. Yes, this can be done.

What a wonderfully unique and novel idea. This is one that I would have never thought of to suggest as a solution for weight loss. Since it was supplied directly from the subconscious it would work, no matter how strange it seemed. This was the picture the subconscious needed, so it would have something to work with. The extra weight was being equated to the heavy coat.
In the other lifetime the coat kept the being from floating, and also hid his glowing appearance. The subconscious felt that if the coat (the excess weight) was removed the body would float, and people would once again see she was different, and thus fear her. What strange logic? The substitution of the boots would give her something else to hold her to the ground, and it would not affect her health as much as obesity. The subconscious had supplied the perfect solution that would protect the body. How clever!

M: We will use this until she feels safe without the boots.
D: That's a good idea. That way she'll know she's not going to float, because they will hold her to the ground.
M: We will also take the time to expand the brain. Yes. We have started molting already.

D: And you realize I have her welfare at heart.
M: Well, we do too.
D: We always want what's best for her.
M: She is very stubborn. (chuckle)
D: She is stubborn, isn't she? That's why I am glad you were able to talk to me so we could work it out. Thank you.
M: No, thank you.

I don't believe that you should be afraid to dig deep, there is some scary stuff hiding there for sure, but when the time comes you will be allowed access to that info. It's not dangerous to look, all depends on the attitude and openness of mind.

Have you tried asking Yi directly:
What is holding me back?
What can I do to reach my full potential?

"What can I do to apply myself to enhance my financial situation?"
"What am I doing to hinder/stay in the way of my financial advancement?"
these types of pair questions.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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If you find it interesting, try reading the whole book and then the other ones :)

Here's an example of how conscious mind is afraid of the hidden knowledge.

Fred was a college student at the University, yet because of spending time in the Army he was older than the majority of his classmates. His main ambition was to become a psychologist and practice it from the metaphysical angle. But he had so many emotional and physical problems he was having a hard time even
completing a semester. Every time he would get close to finishing and getting credits he would get sick. It was usually his stomach that gave him trouble, but he had been known to pass out in class.
He would often be unable to eat for many days at a time. He had difficulty finding a doctor that was sympathetic to his problems.

He was interested in metaphysics and wanted to explore that route, hoping to find the solution in past life regression. He doubted that he could be hypnotized, and was even more skeptical that he could be
regressed. He said whenever he tried meditation all he would see was what he called his "cartoon show", a series of cartoon characters or sketched scenes with no life or substance behind them. When I asked if there was anything specific he wanted to look for, he said he was interested in possible past life reasons for his physical troubles.

When I began my induction it was obvious Fred was fighting me and resisting relaxing and letting go. After much work I was able to put him into a comfortable depth of trance, and I began to ask questions. In response he saw many varieties of cartoon type figures.

This was what he had referred to as his cartoon channel. This has happened on rare occasions, and always indicates to me that the conscious mind is causing the resistance. It tries to convince the subject that the entire situation is silly, and should be stopped, usually because it is afraid of information being revealed that it cannot handle.

By only allowing preposterous scenes to come through, it assumes that the subject will stop the session, or wake up voluntarily. When this interference occurs, I try to distract the subject by ignoring the protests and proceeding with the questioning until something significant comes through. Normally, with persistence, at this point the cartoons will change to identifiable scenes.

Fred said normally his "channel" would move very fast from one frame to another, and not allow him to
slow it down in order to focus on one creature or scene. This time there was a difference. For the first time it was slowing down, and pausing at one scene or a single frame (preposterous though that
frame might seem), and allowing him to look at it. He saw a cartoon mouse dressed in a medieval Robin Hood style costume. Then a cartoon mule with a rainbow face.

He said, "They usually flip by so fast. It's interesting to really see them." I switched techniques to create different visualization effects, and his conscious mind kept fighting me by interjecting cartoon scenes. But now it was changing again. He said he had two channels running simultaneously. He was able to look through the cartoon state to the other scenes.

He said, "I am a cartoon person in this thing, and I am also perceiving the actual thing. My cartoon person is looking at a butterfly. But I am perceiving the butterfly in the physical way. Like looking through the cartoon with ESP. There is a triangular tunnel now, and I see the Earth at the end of it."
It was evident now that the cartoon interference was beginning to melt away as Fred drifted into a deeper state. He walked through the unusual tunnel, and saw just open space when he came to the other end.

F:Just open space, very few stars. I don't see any constellation or anything familiar. I think it's outer space.
D: Well, you know you're free to go anywhere you want and to see anything you want.

F: It's a cartoon world also. Somebody is standing there. His face is like a cloak. I'm trying to see his face. (Softly) It's changed already. It is a holy person. A cartoon holy person.
He said he is my guide.
He said, "It's all right. You can trust her. Relax. Don't try."
He's telling me it is all right to be in outer space. I usually am afraid of outer space.

D: Well, that would be natural. What feels right to you?
F: To feel free while I am floating in outer space. Because in past dreams I've felt fear in floating. I have to go out to the planet or whatever and come back quickly. He says, "Don't be afraid."
D: Is there somewhere you would like to see?
F: Yes. I'm going already before you ... it's always that I know what you're saying ahead of time. I see a sun to the left. And I'm going through its corona.
D: Is your guide going with you?
F: He's off at a distance to the right. He's not entering the corona. It's a blue corona, with an orange glow down near the base of the flame. I'm flying sideways through the upper atmosphere, being totally encased in the flame. I'm flying sideways as a stiff board.
D: Where are you going? Do you know?
F: Going down. Closer to the surface.
D: And nothing can harm you at all, mentally or physically. You are protected and you can tell what you see.
F: I see a person looking at me. He has on ... almost like a rainbow. It looks like the hood of a viper, or a hood of a snake. Or maybe he is the deity in that area. He is an angel like an angel in the sun. His eyes are yellow. They're glowing. I'm looking directly into them. I feel to go into them.

D: Is it a good feeling? (Yes) We want you to be comfortable at all times. Tell me about it.
F: It's almost like the cartoon. It wanted to change to a negative thing. And I said, "Now this was negative." But it's ancient, not negative. I feel like I was that person. The lord of this area. I had the rule over this section of this solar sphere.

This statement did not shock me or surprise me, because I had encountered a similar situation in my book Keepers of the Garden. In that book Phil saw himself as a sovereign over an entire solar system before a serious mistake in judgment caused his fall to our physical planet Earth. Thus I knew a spirit or soul
can experience any number of incarnations which we might assume are impossible.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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It is always a strange phenomenon to actually contact and speak to a person's subconscious. The pattern is always the same and this is unusual enough. The subconscious speaks about the person in the third person, as though it is separate from the subject and his problems. Quite often it will analyze the situation, supply
the answers to the problems, and explain how they can be worked out. Other times its attitude is childish. But it is always wise to listen to what the subconscious suggests, because no therapy can be accomplished without its help. It has complete control over the body.

D: I would like to speak to Fred's subconscious for a few moments. Would your subconscious have any advice or any kind of a message that it would like for you to know?
F: To be more determined, to stick with things more. (Emphatic) Don't give up, even in the face of adversity.
Don't give up. Be determined. Stick with things more. Especially in what he was doing, who he was dealing with.
It's a long term project. Don't, don't be afraid of what is being thrown up temporarily as a front. Tell him to be very determined.

D: But will the subconscious help Fred with these problems in his life?
F: Maybe. The subconscious is ... we feel very negative sometimes because ... we're not given enough recognition. He yells at us a lot.

D: (Laugh) That's why I like to recognize the subconscious and try to work with it, whenever possible. The main thing is to help the person. So I would appreciate it if the subconscious would help in every way it can.
F: (Childish) I will if he will.
D: He's going to have to learn to recognize you're there, and that you're there to help him.
F: Oh, he knows I'm here. But he doesn't ... love me.
D: Well, we'll have to tell him. That's what you really need is self-love. That's the answer to a lot of problems. We'll tell him about it. And we'll try to get him to work with you.
F: He knows. You just remind him of those things said here.
D: Okay. That's why I wanted to get a message. But the main thing is we want him to be healthy and happy, and live a full life. And we want your cooperation in any way you can give it.
F: I will give it now.
D: That's very important. And help take care of his health, too, because you must have a healthy body to carry out the job that we're sent here for.
F: Yes. I'm no longer angry.
D: Oh, I'm glad. I really am.
F: Because I was furious ... because of .... Let's say, I was able to control the first part of life, and then intellect came in. And it has been trying to stifle me. So I don't give. It's been ... it was a war until a few years ago. And then I first became the friend. And now I want it as much as he wants, I guess, enlightenment.
D: That's very good, because we do want you to be friends.
And I'm very happy that you're going to work with him.

During the next session the following week we were able to track down the most recent cause of his stomach and intestinal problems.

D: I would like to speak to Fred's subconscious before he awakens.
F: Yes. I am here.
D: All right. I would like to ask you why he is experiencing these physical problems. Do you know?
F: Hate.
D: Hmmm, that's a strong word.
F: It's a strong feeling.
D: What does he hate?
F: His mother.
D: Does he know this?
F: Yes, but he denies the core of it.
D: Then do you think it would be important for him to acknowledge this feeling? And come to terms with it?
F: Come to the core of it. The reason for hating her.
D: Then when he comes face to face with it and tries to understand it, then he ....
F: He will throw it out of himself. It's something to do with ...
I keep coming back to telling him of ... the mother had a phrase, "You make me sick to my stomach." It's something to do also with the mother having a similar problem. Being very empathic. I see a line between her problem in the astral and his problem.

D: And he's identifying with this.
F: His stomach and everything is functioning a lot better now that we're saying this.
He keeps having dreams of throwing this up. Throwing up the words. The mother always said, "You make me throw up... because I do not like you." He wants to throw up the reason, and get rid of it totally.

This is a superb example of how literally the subconscious interprets what is going on in the subject's life. It fits perfectly with the saying that your body believes everything you say. If you desire to be sick, then the subconscious is obligated to fulfill your wish, no matter how nonchalantly that wish was expressed. It is thus very important to listen to what we say in idle conversation, especially about our bodies. The subconscious never sleeps and is always paying attention to our remarks.

(That is one step in Buddha's 8-step program (the right speech).)

D: Will you help him to understand what's going on?
F: We have been. We must go and tell the mother not to bother us. We have told him this, but he is still running away from her. We must confront her. He knows that it's coming. He is scared of it.
D: But once it's over with, then he'll be finished with it, won't he? And his physical problems will ease up.
F: We see it as not as simple as that. It's a little bit more complicated.
D: But it's a beginning, isn't it?
F: Yes. Because when the connection is broken between him and her, when the karma is dissolved, then he will ... the stomach is working a lot better now.
D: Oh, that's really good, just because he's beginning to realize this.
F: There is karma between him and her.
D: Well, once he confronts her and works this out, then he will be free to go on and do what he really wants to do.
F: The chain will be taken off. We all are trying to help him.

When Fred awakened he said he felt hungry and for the first time in weeks he thought he would be able to eat something and keep it down. It was a beginning, because it showed that the subconscious was going to cooperate in the therapy.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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We had about four sessions after this, but we did not explore the early lifetimes again. We discovered in all four of these sessions that he had set up a pattern that kept repeating and had followed him into his present lifetime, because the subconscious has no concept of time. It does not always realize that the person is residing in a different body.
In the other lifetimes the deaths had all been traumatic and had centered on the stomach and intestinal area of his body:
  • a sword through the stomach,
  • a fall from a cliff,
  • being run over by a carriage and horses,
  • and a wartime shell blast.
  • Not to mention the crocodile sinking its teeth into his mid-section.
It was no wonder that in times of stress this most vulnerable part of his body reacted. His problems in early childhood with his mother, who had never wanted him and refused to show him any love, only multiplied the physical condition with her subconscious insinuations.

Fred left our area a few months after our work was completed. At last contact things were working much better for him, and he was functioning normally in a college in another state. I never found out whether or not he gained the courage to confront his mother, but his subconscious said that would have to be done
before he would be completely free.

Try to work things out, be persistent enough and you will get the answer.
And drop all your pre-conceptions.
Are you ready to admit that the first life you had was a Sun?
And the second you were a filtering element of the atmosphere?
Then a fairy, then an animal, then a primal human living in a cave, unable to talk and think.
Or that you came from another dimension, where there was no concept of food, or strong emotions and fear.
If you are open enough, the knowledge will manifest itself.

Your subconscious is always listening, and if it doesn't answer directly, it will arrange the external circumstances to make it happen through someone else.
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Jun 23, 2009
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"Your subconscious is always listening, and if it doesn't answer directly, it will arrange the external circumstances to make it happen through someone else."

Completely agree!!! You just have to keep your eyes and ears open....


Maybe I'm being too technical, but I think mokumra also pointed out early in this thread the distinction between subconscious and unconscious, and collective unconscious, as coined by Jung. I've been addressing mainly the collective unconscious with some reference to ones own unconscious, just as the The Tao and my Tao are related but are not identical. Everything I'm reading from ashteroid addresses the subconscious. These are two entirely different concepts that are being homogenized into one in this thread.

One can access their subconscious in many ways, and indeed we should, if we're to know and understand the underpinnings of our conscious mind. Pulling specific information from the collective unconscious, however, is another matter entirely. I'm saying they're related, but they're not the same in depth or content. It's like comparing a glass of water to the ocean.


Feb 7, 1970
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Thoreau on accessing the unconscious:

2.14 . . . The morning, which is the most memorable season of the day, is the awakening hour. Then there is least somnolence in us; and for an hour, at least, some part of us awakes which slumbers all the rest of the day and night. Little is to be expected of that day, if it can be called a day, to which we are not awakened by our Genius, but by the mechanical nudgings of some servitor, are not awakened by our own newly acquired force and aspirations from within, accompanied by the undulations of celestial music, instead of factory bells, and a fragrance filling the air -- to a higher life than we fell asleep from; and thus the darkness bear its fruit, and prove itself to be good, no less than the light. That man who does not believe that each day contains an earlier, more sacred, and auroral hour than he has yet profaned, has despaired of life, and is pursuing a descending and darkening way. After a partial cessation of his sensuous life, the soul of man, or its organs rather, are reinvigorated each day, and his Genius tries again what noble life it can make. All memorable events, I should say, transpire in morning time and in a morning atmosphere. The Vedas say, "All intelligences awake with the morning." Poetry and art, and the fairest and most memorable of the actions of men, date from such an hour. All poets and heroes, like Memnon, are the children of Aurora, and emit their music at sunrise. To him whose elastic and vigorous thought keeps pace with the sun, the day is a perpetual morning. It matters not what the clocks say or the attitudes and labors of men. Morning is when I am awake and there is a dawn in me. Moral reform is the effort to throw off sleep. Why is it that men give so poor an account of their day if they have not been slumbering? They are not such poor calculators. If they had not been overcome with drowsiness, they would have performed something. The millions are awake enough for physical labor; but only one in a million is awake enough for effective intellectual exertion, only one in a hundred millions to a poetic or divine life. To be awake is to be alive. I have never yet met a man who was quite awake. How could I have looked him in the face?


Sep 18, 2013
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And what do we do if/when we realize that the unconscious is conscious and vice versa?

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