...life can be translucent


Perfume hex 2.4,6 > 35


Dec 28, 2012
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An odd request perhaps, but any ideas please?
every now and thenI get a beautiful perfume, sometimes in the car, while driving, sometimes in my home. The other night, in the early hours I was awakened by the lovely perfume in my bedroom. I asked 'Y' "who is sending the perfume to me" 'Y' answered Hex 2.4,6 > 35. There are no plants in my bedroom nor any perfumed ones outside the window which is closed at night anyway. I am intrigued. Should I just say thankyou and accept without query? Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you all for all the guidance you so happily and freely give.


As strange as it may sound, and this has nothing to do with your reading, our family believes my aunt visits us. At times we randomly smell the perfume she wore. No one else wears the same, at least not family. At times we smell burned hair, or a cigarette. She would often curl her hair right after spraying perfume and leaving a slight burning smell. Distinct smells of her and random little events from her. When it happens my grandmother says " hello ______" so everyone sort of started doing the same. Pretty funny little mischievous events. I haven't a clue how to integrate your reading with a possible answer.


Dec 28, 2012
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Thank you Blue Angel, I hoped you would reply.
Maybe I will just say hello and perhaps ask who it is. Also I frequently hear 3 knocks, sometimes it seems to come from the wall, sometimes from a door and occasionally from a window. It even wakes me occasionally. Sometimes if I'm busy or reading the knocks startle me, they are quite loud. One son is a bit psychic, he tells me just to ask who it is but never invite it in.
I don't remember any of my deceased relatives wearing perfume but I suppose they might have done.
Thank you again, I wonder if any-one else has any ideas.:bows:


Feb 7, 1970
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Who is sending the perfume to me?
2.4.6 > 35

The casting suggests a mother-child relationship, especially the earliest days of your life. I think the answer is your mother. Line 4 "A tied-up sack" suggests the bundling of babies. Line 6 "Dragons fight in the meadow" suggests your early experiences in a stroller (baby carriage). Maybe you were taken to smell the flowers, but maybe you are remembering the perfume your mother wore or her body fragrance or the fragrance of baby products.


Our olfactory system is complex. Receptors (2) can be influenced by a number of different stimuli, some chemical, emotional, neurological and even purely mental imagining (1). This may be what Yi is representing in this engagement in line 6, the stimuli in the empty sack of line 4 (nucleus amygdalæ) between stimuli and receptors, or mind and body. Smelling your own thoughts, moods, imagination, yet it seems as real as smelling an apple pie fresh from the oven.

I'm not suggesting there can be no metaphysics involved here, in fact it may be through these combined senses that a spirit is able to succeed in being sensed. But that's all speculative or based on belief, as is my entire thesis. I really don't know, I'm just thinking aloud.

Using the trigrams of 35, fire in the brain. Sort of like the intended joke, when someone says "I've been thinking," and someone responds, "I thought I smelled something burning."


Who is sending the perfume to me?
2.4.6 > 35

The casting suggests a mother-child relationship, especially the earliest days of your life. I think the answer is your mother. Line 4 "A tied-up sack" suggests the bundling of babies. Line 6 "Dragons fight in the meadow" suggests your early experiences in a stroller (baby carriage). Maybe you were taken to smell the flowers, but maybe you are remembering the perfume your mother wore or her body fragrance or the fragrance of baby products.

Great example of a powerful stimuli.


Love this thread and the answers you received from Pocossin and Sooo. "I thought I smelled something burning" :D

What you asked is "who" though and it seems you also want to know what to do about it. I'm curious what Yi's answer would be. Do you care to ask? Then again maybe the answer is already given, both the idea of who and what to do.


Just read through the reading, I think your son is correct on the "what to do". Interesting


Dec 28, 2012
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This all takes some thinking about! The only time I can remember smelling my mother was when she was combing my hair (de-lousing) she wasn't demonstrative and I wasn't her favourite child (she was too overworked bless her) Perhaps she is now saying "sorry" That could be. she never wore perfume tho' But, the aroma that I smell is not ordinary perfume its indescribable.
Yes blue angel I will ask 'Y' what I should do about it, sensible suggestion, thankyou.
Thankyou poccossin for suggesting my mother - we were never the best of friends unfortunately, I was the third child too and, I have heard, the most troublesome. I was rebellious too so the saying is probably correct.
More on the subject when I've had another chat with 'Y':):hugs:


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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An odd request perhaps, but any ideas please?
every now and thenI get a beautiful perfume, sometimes in the car, while driving, sometimes in my home. The other night, in the early hours I was awakened by the lovely perfume in my bedroom. I asked 'Y' "who is sending the perfume to me" 'Y' answered Hex 2.4,6 > 35. There are no plants in my bedroom nor any perfumed ones outside the window which is closed at night anyway. I am intrigued. Should I just say thankyou and accept without query? Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you all for all the guidance you so happily and freely give.

2.4 indicates you won't know and it's perfectly okay that you can't know....it's a secret, not for scrutiny.

35 as relating I think indicates you receiving attention...A lovely perfume seems a lovely way to get you to notice....so enjoy and relax :)

I mean it may be your mother who knows...but 2.4 indicates something well hidden from view. The yin change pattern is hex 5 which suggests to me again you really relax about this and enjoy without needing to seek to be certain of who or what it is. 2.6 might indicate being caught up in a state of wanting to know or feeling unsure of it.

Anyway I think it's a mystery to enjoy and hold within you.

Oh I just noticed you thought you needed to know what to do about it ? Nothing....you already have your answer. Just relax.

I think at certain times in one's life this kind of thing can make itself felt to bring support and awareness for some reason. 35 shows it's your time to receive a blessing, and it looks like a rather mysterious blessing. If you relax and ask images may come to mind butin general I see the answer as about you being open and receptive (hex 2) to the blessing of attention (35) .

I think often adults who knew us as children who were fond of us still pay us attention after their passing. Thinking of it, today I saw my little great nephews aged 1 and 4. When they are full grown men they may have hazy memories of me after I die. It is said we have slighter greater perspective from the spirit realm....and I like to think I might drop by to see them now and then so to speak to see how they are doing. How can I let them know it's me....and will they know. Doesn't matter......

On a more prosaic note that 35, the reading in general looks like it may indicate an opportunity (hex 35) you can't quite fully appreciate yet (2.4) and it may be you are too eager for 'result'...or you are dismissing this opportunity, feeling torn about it (2.6) or not quite seeing it and maybe this presence is acting as a kind of reminder for you to pay attention to this opportunity. That's my sense of it anyway.

The perfume gets your attention......a wild guess is can you think of anyone you knew as a young person who has died who would be interested in you following up an opportunity ? Maybe not even family, a teacher or neighbour. Anyone who nurtured a talent of yours who had similar interests to you. You see they may not be at the forefront of your mind but they might be giving you a nudge.

Now all you need to do is think of if there is anything you are really undecided about doing re your life direction. I say that because of the 2.6 and the look of the reading in general.

I'm aware I may have contradicted self in saying just relax initially...well yes relax but have a think about where that 2.6 conflict might be as the visitation of the perfume may be tied up with your dilemma or sense of being torn about some other issue. The advice generally in 2.6 is not to procrastinate for ever, make a choice. Hex 2 a field of possibilities..but we cannot leave choices all open indefinitely at line 6.

If none of that makes any sense please ignore.....it was a bit of a ramble !
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Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Interesting. I was sitting at my desk a few months ago tapping away at the keyboard and there was this beautiful scent of roses wafting in my direction. No flowers around or anything remotely connected to roses was in the vicinity; no windows open and nothing I could see that could be responsible for the fragrance. I put it down to a ghostly echo. In some occult circles smell is the one of the most direct forms of clairsentience/clairvoyance and as a child it was always the smell that transported me back into the past - just glimpses of different times long since gone. I lost that ability as I got older unfortunately. Derelict houses and mothballs often used to send my eyeballs rolling lol.

Anyway, olfactory sense is highly underated ... all hail the nose and its smelly mysteries.


Aug 5, 2010
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Line 4 "A tied-up sack" suggests the bundling of babies. Line 6 "Dragons fight in the meadow" suggests your early experiences in a stroller (baby carriage).

the stimuli in the empty sack of line 4 (nucleus amygdalæ) between stimuli and receptors, or mind and body.

but 2.4 indicates something well hidden from view.

you are into something ;)

Amygdala are fully fetched at the time of birth so we have "memories" but cant retrieve then because hippocampus is not fully developed (infantile amnesia)

( I'm a limbic system nerd :bag: )


Dec 28, 2012
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I love you trogina, so much goodwill and help, you made me cry. Funny you mentioned a Teacher, there was a teacher, a very strict one but she really cared about me, every one was scared of her but I thought the world of her, I had been thinking and talking about her only recently. So it could be her but you are right, I will just relax and enjoy. Curiosity killed the cat didn't it.
I'll have to re-read you answer, memory getting a bit lax.:hug: Is there a way to save these answers?
I would like to keep and re-read at leisure.:bows:


Dec 28, 2012
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Thankyou Topal. There is a story (a true one) A school was being frequently trashed every couple of weeks and every holiday; a new head mistress was appointed just before holiday break-up time; she put a photograph of Padre Pio in her desk and asked that he protect the school while the school was closed. On her return the cleaner told her that there had been a lovely perfume in the room while she was cleaning but no flowers anywhere near. For the first time in years no damage was done to the school during the holiday. In case you are interested Padre Pio is known for finding lost items - whenever I lose my keys - frequently- I ask him to help me find them. witin minutes they've been found. He must get fed up finding my keys for me.:)


For some reason this thread and these images/thoughts are still with me. Like Trojina's ear worm thread. So perhaps this will be of some help, may be meant to be shared, if not disregard...

The first image that came to mind was a potpourri sachet (tied up bag), maybe with lavender inside or yellow mimosa. (purple and yellow dragons blood). The next thought after that image was maybe a tea bag with jasmine, rose, or hibiscus.

While reading hexagram 2, one can almost see the smell of spring flowers flowing on a breeze over the fields.

Line 2 of 2- you gave no recognition or response to the three knocks or smells of flowers in that moment, which is fine, so no blame, no praise. 2.2 changes to 7, Army? Forces joining together, was anyone affected by war time? If so, perhaps the tied up bag is the bag they carry/carried. If not, perhaps you are gathering with these forces within and without.

Line 6 of 2- (dragons) representing heavenly spirits, (they clash and bleed), possibly meaning "blood ties or family blood". (Fighting in the meadow), possibly meaning heavenly spirit trying to make its presence known on earth. Also known as black and yellow blood, rather than purple and yellow. In that case, possibly meaning the dark comes to the light. 2.6 changes to 23, someone that was attached to you, comes in peace. Something or someone that has decayed but you are a seed from. Like "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" or it is the seed from the apple that falls to the earth, that causes another tree to grow. Symbolically purple in the chakras stands for higher conscious and spiritual awareness. Yellow stands for how we feel about ourselves or how we feel others perceive us. Also the ability to be receptive, have clarity, understanding.

35- spiritual gifts, these gifts you receive internally, help you externally as well. Perhaps gifts of higher conscious awareness, like a 3rd eye. Speaking of 3, you heard 3 knocks and Wilhelm says of 35 "granted 3 audiences in a day", Legge says "Advance of consciousness", "The dawning of a new day" or "You're getting the idea".

3 symbolically = to manifest in the physical realm, unity, growth, and can be birth, life, and death, or beginning, middle, and end. 3 is considered to be a yang number. Other symbols considered, Chinese horse or Chinese Dragon for birth year. Elements of earth and fire. And lets not forget you were the third child.

The last strange thought that comes to mind, is an unconscious thought of a time remembered of your father bringing your mother flowers. But it doesn't sit well for some reason.

Although our teachers can be what I consider to be "earth angels". They come to give nourishment and guidance that is more often than not, lacking in the home. They help us to grow. At times we feel special and really cared for in their presence, loved even.

But I would not disregard the possibility of the presence of your mother. The very fact that you felt not favored by her in life, may be the very cause she favors you now. She may very well be giving you attention now, since she lacked the time then. I highly doubt Padre Pio is fed up with you. Most likely he adores you and doesn't mind finding the keys or he would stop helping. Same with your mother. Where you thought and learned you were troublesome or rebellious. Perhaps your way was also seen as curious, adventurous, courageous, and adorable. Even though, this was not what was said or shown. Not shown, because mother is often over worked, tired, and overfilled with worry for her children. She may come across as cold and cross, but that is most likely not what's in the core of the heart.

I see this and have come to understand this in the painful history of our many mothers. Mothers stuck in survival mode, trying to prevent the next pain, bitter from the last, strong, and hard. Is it because they feel they have to be or they are afraid to be vulnerable enough for a second, to show their gentle, loving side. Perhaps they've been strong for so long, they convinced themselves that side doesn't even exist. And in that, they create the very pain they wished to prevent.

In times of reflection though, perhaps while having a cup of tea, or smelling the flowers. What warms the heart, is the images of that adventurous and curious child. The girl that had the courage and the opportunity to take risks, living life to the fullest, with a freedom a mother often only dreams of. The girl that grew into a successful and self sufficient woman and a mother herself.

I have been holding back, this seems like one of those threads that bring people together. I almost couldn't wait to hear what the next person would share. One of those times where there is a meeting of many different minds. Like energetic forces sending out signals. I felt some healing would come through all of this for you and still do.

Just a bunch of sporadic and random thoughts and images. But when put together they seem to fit like puzzles.
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Mar 17, 2010
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the trigrams suggests a woman that was a mother.. so it could be also one of your grandmothers.
the moving lines turns the upper trigram into fire... and it describe a woman that is intellectual, someone able of guidance.. the upper trigram represent the spiritual part, while the lower trigram the material sphere of life.
i suppose it's one of the women of your family that became your guardian angel
to know which one from all the woman is.. you should remember when and where you felt this scent in your life, if it's bound to a situation with a woman of your family.


Dec 28, 2012
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Blue Angel

Thankyou so much but what a lot to think about. You are such lovely people on this site, I'm so glad I found it. You were right about my father "not sitting right" I told him what I thought about him before he died and I am not a bit sorry for it. He deserved it.
You seem very spiritual blue angel, is that why you chose that name? I believ there are angels on the earth, temporarily when they are needed most.
i'm leaving now so that I can read all your thoughts again - and try to digest them.
Love to you all, meigga


Dec 28, 2012
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By the way blue angel, my mother also did some lovely things too. One time I had somewhere to go from work and had nothing to wear - she came to my work (12 miles on the bus) to bring me a lovely Torquoise dress. Wasn't that a beautiful thing to do.
All this is making me very tearful.:bows:



Agreed, possible guardian angel through a family mother.


Sorry, yes quite a bit to think on. The name, well blue is my favorite color. Ranging from royal blue to turquoise. I see blue as a spiritual color. And angel, well that's another story. I hadn't really thought of myself as spiritual, although I have been on a spiritual journey for some time.

Yes... that is very heart warming and beautiful, visualizing your mother making a special trip to bring you that turquoise dress, I am happy you remembered, anf thank you for sharing.

I have some of my own stories about experiences with guardian angels but I think it may belong on another thread. Perhaps in open space, when I feel brave enough to open it up.

I too feel very thankful for this site, the people that share, and this thread you started Meigga.
"Tearing up", you say, I feel our tears nourish our souls the way rain nourishes the earth.
Rain and tears both seem to wash away the old and when the rain or tears have stopped, the
sun begins to shine, everything looks clearer than before, and there seems to be some fresh,
new growth. I hope you come back and share if pieces start showing themselves to you. If you start to see your own bigger story and insight into this small miracle, please share, I would love to hear. :)
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Dec 28, 2012
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well hidden

I'm just re-reading your post anemos "something hidden from view" I'll do some thinking about that. I'm afraid I've forgotten what Amygdala is. I was a nurse so should know. Thank you for your helpful post.


Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Hello again blue angel
re horse and dragon I am a metal horse (Aquarian) and my son (the psychic one) is A Dragon (Pisces).
We frequently come to blows - well not quite blows !
Thank you all so much for your help. I will come back with any interesting enlightenment/results.
P.S. I think you and lots of others on this site are indeed Earth Angels.:bows:


Thankyou Topal. There is a story (a true one) A school was being frequently trashed every couple of weeks and every holiday; a new head mistress was appointed just before holiday break-up time; she put a photograph of Padre Pio in her desk and asked that he protect the school while the school was closed. On her return the cleaner told her that there had been a lovely perfume in the room while she was cleaning but no flowers anywhere near. For the first time in years no damage was done to the school during the holiday. In case you are interested Padre Pio is known for finding lost items - whenever I lose my keys - frequently- I ask him to help me find them. witin minutes they've been found. He must get fed up finding my keys for me.:)

2.4.6 - 35 Padre Pio and healing memories
Padre Pio wearing gloves is an iconic image. He had stigmata on both hands which oozed blood. I seem to remember reading somewhere that the wounds were exceptionally fragrant.
Years ago I was visiting a relative in hospital and a monk showed up bearing one of the gloves to bless the patient.The patient was terminally unconscious but responded to the glove almost sitting up. Some months later I thought I saw her in a crowded cathedral. The resemblance was striking and I kept turning around for another look. Whoever I saw looked very fit and well in the prime of life and that's the memory that stuck.

Karcher & Ritsema: ' The calm feudatory avails of bestowing horses (vigour? blessing?) to multiply the multitudes. Day time sun three times reflected.'
Reflect: literally hand and concubine: receive and pass on through natural not legal (official sanction?) ways.
I hear the glove is still doing the rounds.

If you get 35.0 your eyes or thoughts might well stray to 35.2 where there is a reference to woven protective covering.
K & R:''Prospering. Apprehensive. The divination good fortune. Acquiesce-in closely woven chain-mail blessing.Tending towards one's Kingly mother.''
Wu Jing nuan:''Receive this great armour and blessing from one's grandmother'' 'In Chinese tradition when you call on your ancestral spirits they will answer and help you.'
Liu Ming:''You are healed and guided by your matrilineal ancestors.''

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Dec 28, 2012
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Thankyou all. I have just been re-reading all of this post and I'm crying all over again.


The encounter in the cathedral I put down to a family tradition of seeing deceased mothers and grandmothers as if they were still in the flesh. That 'Memories can be healed' is a quote from a famous Irish healing nun.

Shades of 2.4 ? :
I had forgotten all about the monk and the glove until I read the thread.
I said to the monk 'You are fortunate to have such a relic'.
I half expected him to say something like 'one sincere prayer is of greater value than a thousand relics'.
But he said 'Not really. I get calls from all over the country'.
I said 'Do they provide transport' ?
He said 'No. I walk'.
But he did accept lifts from random strangers he met on the way.


Dec 28, 2012
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Thankyou for your last post and apologies for delay in responding.
I didn't realise that Padre Pio's gloves were doing the rounds. He was a wonderful man I understand and apparently was reporting the goings on of paedofiles all that time ago. and of course was ignored or punished because of it.


Dec 28, 2012
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Forgot to say Thankyou

Just re-reading all your kind responses and noting that i ommitted my thankyous; very sorry I do thank you all for all your kind observations and helpful remarks. This is a wonderful site with a wonderful group of really good, kind people. Thankyou all.
Haven't heard knocks or smelled perfume recently !! :bows:


Gloves fit 2.4 for me and since the previous writing I had a doorstep visit from Mormon missionaries asking uncomfortable questions and one of them had his hands clasped in front of him in an odd way. He was wearing fingerless gloves.

Meigga might like this take on 2.4 by the Takashima Ekidan : '' Negative four tightens the mouth of the purse and is free from blame, although she does not (thereby) get honours..This means that if she is cautious (in transactions) she will be exempted from injuries.''
2.4 changes to 16 and he reads 16.4 as ''an emblem of opening the purse'' : 'All others enjoy through the medium of positive four..He is very successful and able to carry out his wishes.' For Takashima it meant a literal 'get out of jail' line.

About the pedophilia thing and the decline of the priesthood, it seems to me that the world has a want of understanding of the nature of Spiritual Power and what it can do. The ray of influence of evil is mind based psychic power (which is vast but no match for soul based spiritual power) because they are not permitted spiritual power. Spiritual Power is very rare in this world, so full of turmoil. But Priests have it by virtue of ordination and a direct link with the Spiritual Priesthood. How else could they forgive sins and transfer grace through the Mass. I see a case of hysterically throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
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Dec 28, 2012
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Hi peterg

Thankyou peter I'm afraid though that I don't fully understand what you are saying. Also I don't think that I can accept that even if a priest has been ordained and supposedly given this spiritual power; if he is not a good man God will deny him the spiritual power that he believes he has been given. God aint so stupid and, He is The Boss. I'm afraid priests are not my favourite people and I used to be a 'good' Catholic. "Don't do as I do, do as I say" seems to be their bible.
Meigga :bows:


Only the Spiritual Priesthood is incorrupt. All the flaws of the general population will be reflected in the human priesthood. But there is so much hysteria around the issue of pedophilia that its threatening to bring to an end the entire priesthood and that will have a cost attached to it. The fate of the Church and the fate of the World are synonomous concepts. Its a sign, just as the Holocaust was a sign for humanity. The companion religious orders are already in a state of dissolution.
A similar process has happened in politics where hysterical sexual and financial McCarthyism helped clear the field of able leaders and open the way for stooges installed by very dark players with extreme agendas.
A stooge is a clown used by others to get what they want.

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