...life can be translucent


Meeting a fellow thinker, 11.1.4 > 32


May 31, 2014
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Hello friends,

I wonder what can be a meaning of this cast as an answer about meeting a like-minded person. Can it be so that fellow thinkers are already in my surrounding, but I do not see them?

The cast seems quite positive to me, but the line 4 is not clear enough.

Thank you for your thoughts.


Many ways to interpret this, depending on how one thinks of it.
If you mean others who think as you do, you need to go where they grow.
It's not as exciting as it sounds, unless you wish to grow as one rather than as an individual.
If you grow individually, your group will attempt to weed you out.
It is difficult for a dynamic friendship to endure -
when you polarize, your differences will separate you
as surely as you were joined, as 11 changes to 12,
though while it lasts it is heaven on earth.



11.1 speaks of growing among the sod, which means collective thought. While it's nice to feel you have somewhere safe where you belong, to stand apart is not welcomed among the sod. A neatly organized congregation is what is sought. An aggressive growing blade is mowed down to size with the rest or is uprooted and rejected.


As contradictory as it may sound, I think 38 provides the best stimulus for challenging thought and productive personal growth. To find thinkers among such a diverse fellowship is unlikely to stagnate, therefore most likely to endure, but that would take strong individuals, not a clump of sod nor the faint of heart, nor pouters, nor those who can not separate their thoughts from themselves.


May 31, 2014
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Thank you very much, Sooo, for your input. It's full of valuable ideas, but I still do not understand the following:

1) the groups I currently contact are my family and colleagues. Both are friendly :) I cannot realize that my inner growth may cause contradictions which, in their turn, may be the reason of uprooting. Moreover, I do not understand the role of any groups here at all, sorry.
2) you mentioned the hex 38. How does it correlate with the cast?


1) the groups I currently contact are my family and colleagues. Both are friendly :) I cannot realize that my inner growth may cause contradictions which, in their turn, may be the reason of uprooting. Moreover, I do not understand the role of any groups here at all, sorry.
2) you mentioned the hex 38. How does it correlate with the cast?

Do the groups you currently contact, friendly as they may be, meet your criteria as fellow thinkers? The bond of family and colleagues are quite different from what I think of as fellow thinkers.

The group is from line 1, where all are attached by their roots. I likened this to seeking those who think alike, which is what we usually think of when seeking fellow thinkers.

I offered 38 as an alternative to this collective mind set or congregation only as a thought. Though each doesn't think alike, their opposing ideas present more vitality, more food for thought, and are more likely to endure as a group of thinkers, rather than as a big clique or patch of sod.

If you are more interested in one fellow thinker, I think the principles are pretty similar. Opposites attract, until they polarize. But the same is true for even those with same interests, same personality type and disposition.

I think line 4 of 11 is perhaps the most valuable advice, because connection is at the heart level and not rooted in pride or simply what is shared in common with oneself.


May 31, 2014
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Exhaustive reply, thanks a lot!

People often associate roots with family, relatives, ancestors and so on. In the first line we have roots entangled which have to follow each other due to uprooting. To tell the truth, I still have no idea how it can correspond to my question...

But you see, even the same family often includes members who can be hardly named fellow thinkers. Being colleagues does not imply being fellow thinkers, colleagues are people who just work side by side, and their unity is often formal.

When asking the question I meant the connection at the heart level - sharing the inner values. And people who are attractive to each other because of them.


And these were exactly my points, Juliah. We're essentially saying the same thing. My comments were reflecting Yi's answer, r.e. lines 1 and 4, as they pertain to your question, albeit my interpretation (only). 38 was an afterthought regarding fellow thinkers that endure, though it is more challenging than communicating only with those who agree. One can find such group-think in most religious or political groups.

As for exhaustive response, chuckle, I hurried through it to meet a deadline on a practical chore.


I think one distinction which would be helpful is, do you consider a like-minded person to be the same as a fellow thinker?


May 31, 2014
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Sooo, I thank you again for your thoughts.

I took the both terms as synonyms but now I have caught the difference you mean.

Communication cannot be only smooth and peaceful in either case. Conflict means development. That's why I do not make difference between a like-minded person and a fellow thinker. The hex 38 often means that there is common ground between people but currently they look opposite directions. How long this "currently" will last and how contradictions can be solved are another problem.

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