...life can be translucent


Should I have long patient with my short tempered bf


Apr 19, 2016
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Hi please help me to analyze my reading
am a newbie here


Your reading resulted in the following hexagrams:

changing to
12 23
Hexagram 12, Blocked

Key Questions

What work can you do when nothing is working?
Who are you when no-one is noticing?


‘Blocking it, non-people.
Noble one’s constancy bears no fruit.
Great goes, small comes.’

Nothing moves or grows, communication doesn’t happen, everything is negated and blocked – and this is because of ‘non-people’. That may mean that some people are a consistently, exclusively and pathologically negative influence and sabotage all attempts at progress. It can also refer to perceiving someone as not quite a real person, explaining their behaviour with labels and stereotypes rather than seeking to understand. In both cases, there is a complete failure of empathy. This means that your very best and strongest efforts come to nothing. You can have a soaring imaginative concept of the creative possibilities here; you can have the will to be true to that concept and carry it through. You’re not doing anything wrong; the problem is that these creative possibilities are just not available when things are Blocked. Small concerns dominate. The adaptive response is not to strive constantly to rise to a higher level, but to focus your attention on the small details – the immediate, uninspiring reality.


‘Heaven and earth do not interact: Blocked.
A noble one uses his strengths sparingly to avoid hardship.
He does not allow himself honours and payment.’


Blocked follows from Hexagram 11, Flow:
‘Things cannot end with flowing together, and so Blocked follows.’

Changing Lines

Line 4

‘There is a mandate, no mistake.
Work with clarity, fulfilment.’

Line 5

‘Resting when blocked.
Great person, good fortune.
It is lost, it is lost!
Tie it to the bushy mulberry tree.’

Hexagram 23, Stripping Away

Key Questions

What has worn out?
Is there a less painful way to let this go?
What is underneath the surface?


‘Stripping away.
Fruitless to have a direction to go.’

The surfaces are cut and sliced away; the old and unviable is stripped back to expose the living core. This inevitable, natural process often feels like a flaying: the more you have invested of yourself in these old things, the more painful it will be.

It’s no good, at such times, to imagine the future and make plans. You need to bring your energy back to the centre and honour the process: this is a time to be transformed, not to act. Moreover, until the old is so utterly stripped from you that you have no choice but to think in new ways, you will only be able to re-create the old patterns.


‘Mountain rests on the earth: Stripping Away.
The heights are generous, and there are tranquil homes below.’


Stripping Away follows from Hexagram 22, Beauty:
‘Involved in brightening the appearance; this means success will be truly exhausted, and so Stripping Away follows.’


Stripping Away forms a pair with Hexagram 24, Returning:
‘Stripping away: rotten. Returning: turnaround.’


Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
Hi and welcome to the forum and the I Ching. First you probably don't need to paste and copy all the text from your reading, we usually just need the "primary hexagram"-- 12 in this example and the "relating hexagram"-- 23 in the same example. And if you are kind you will add which lines have changed in the primary hexagram (example 12.4.5) :) Apart from that... the IC (I Ching) usually doesn't do yes/no questions very well, so either it is giving you advice or just telling you your situation at hand. Focusing on hexagram 12 first we can see that it might be a situation regarding stagnation-- something you believe is not letting you grow/move/expand (maybe in the relationship or yourself). 12 can also mean not getting well with someone, maybe you are at the receiving end and it stops you from saying anything to him, or he has the bigger character and you are at the background of things when he looses his temper. Well, there are lots of ways of looking at it, you have to chose how it relates to you. Hexagram 23 can mean how to deal with it, or where it is all going. 23 can mean removing something, decay, stripping away, falling apart. Focusing on the lines first though... line 4 probably means dealing with the situation on a higher level, so yes maybe having patience, but also lots of other thing could help, praying for him/meditating for you/counseling for him. Line 5 is good, because whatever stagnation you are feeling will dissipate, so just have confidence and faith. So I think hexagram 23 is advising of removal, stripping away at whatever if not working for you. So it is probably not only of having 'long patience' with your bf-- it's about a higher way of dealing with it and even stripping/removing old habits that aren't working, and having faith of course :) Good luck.

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