...life can be translucent


Hexagrams 9 and 10


Feb 27, 1972
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Hexagrams 9, The Taming Power of the Small, and Hexagram 10, Treading (Conduct), both deal with the relation of the great with the small. As always there are a multitude of levels, from the literal to the natural, to the spiritual. It is my view that studying the I Ching is mainly a spiritual journey, and taking the spiritual meaning from the references can not be far afield.

In hex 9, the Higher Self is at its beginning stages. It is undeniably there and active, yet it is without the strength and influence to have a clear effect. Note that the Higher Self is not simply Yin or Yang.
Here it is the Yin line that represents our spiritual awakening. This awakening has the promise of success, but needs to be developed through strength inwardly and gentleness outwardly.

In hex 10, we are told that though our Higher Self is still at the beginning stages, if we express it in the correct way, even God will not be offended. It is a question of our honest appraisal of where we are in the spiritual journey which makes all the difference. If we are humble and reverent, then success. If we are pretentious then we are at a disadvantage.

We are at the stage in our lives when we are feeling pretty good about ourselves. Our minds and bodies are young, strong, and quite alert. We know that we are making progress. But it is up to us to realize that we have just started on our journey. ?We have miles to go before we sleep.?

Much care is given to the proper way to act toward God and our spiritual awakening within. We are advised to neither make too much of it, but still to give it the respect and attention that it deserves. Humbleness, sincerity, modesty, gentleness, and reverence are extolled. Superiority, force, pretence, self deception, and prejudgment are warned against. We do not need to jump up and down and point to ourselves for others to notice us. If we simply do what is right because it is right, then the message will amplify itself.

In hex 9, nine at the bottom advises us to stay to the path of our Higher Power. This will not avoid all problems and resistance. But if our attitude is correct, we will always have a way to deal with the problems that arise. One situation may call for pushing forward, another might call for retreat, but if we act from what is right we will know which course will aid in our journey. We are further advised not to try to obtain anything by force. This concept is linked to hex 57, The Gentle Penetrating Wind. Here again we see that change in ourselves and in others is brought about by consistent gentle actions and not by brute force.

Nine in the second place refers a time of obstacles. It is not necessary to press forward when the time is not right. Sometimes when we have a problem that we can not seem to solve, it is just necessary to let it go, and come back to it later. Sometimes simply giving the problem a rest somehow mysteriously dissolves it. This is especially true with our relation with the Cosmic. If we press forward (Yang) we lose our proper attitude, which is being Receptive (Yin). This is linked to hex 37, Family, whose judgment is ?The perseverance of the woman furthers?. This is the position that we take to God, being Receptive. In this way we receive the answer we are seeking.

Nine in the third place talks of an error in judgment. We have failed to heed the warnings and have ill-advised pressed forward. We find our lower selves bickering and laying blame. We are unwilling to accept responsibility for our shortcomings. We may even blame Fate for our difficulties. There is nothing to be done outwardly. There is an answer though which is the link to hex 61, Inner Truth. Here we see the only way out of our dilemma. But we are warned that the power of Inner Truth must be great indeed to have a positive force on ?pigs and fishes?, or our childish self.

Six in the fourth place speaks of the disinterested truth which is greater than all obstacles. If we can lay aside our wants and desires, and our urge to ?win? over obstinate forces, then even dangerous situations can be resolved equitably. This is linked to hex 1, the Creative. The Creative has power to heal all wounds.

Nine in the fifth place speaks of the virtues of loyalty. This is true of our relation with the Cosmic and our relation to other people. It does not matter what the position of each is, all benefit from the loyalty within a relationship. This is linked with hex 26, The Taming Power of the Great, where the one weak line in hex 9 is joined in loyalty by another weak line (the prince) and has more than doubled the possible influence. So great is the increase in power when right and like minded people unite.

Nine at the top is both joyful and cautious. Through gentleness and perseverance we have made progress. The rain that we have sought has arrived. There is release. There is peace. Yet this is just a momentary respite. We should neither take ourselves too seriously nor rest on our laurels. Self-congratulation only leads to conflict and standstill. We should honor what has worked, but not get caught up in the results. His is linked to hex 5, Waiting or Nourishment which tells us that there is no point in worrying or anticipating the future. If we wait in the proper attitude, Fate will unfold as it is meant to be.

In hex 10, nine at the top has to do with a proper attitude toward achievement. If we want to accomplish something for what we might gain, whether it is material or spiritual, then once we have gained it, it will never satisfy our need to attain. This is why material wealth, political power, and superior knowledge can not be sated. No matter how much one attains, it can not be enough. If on the other hand one accomplishes something for its own sake, the joy of accomplishment, then it is fulfilling and we have the proper attitude toward our next goal. This is linked to hex 6, Conflict, which talks of not pressing through to the end simply because one can. It is our attitude which in the long run will provide the success.

Nine in the second place talks of the path of a lonely sage. He follows his own path and does not become involved in the concerns of the outer world. This is linked to hex 25, Innocence which talks of the devotion to the divine spirit within which brings him innocence which leads him to do right.

Six in the third place speaks of an honest appraisal of one?s power. To act as if one has more power than one actually has is dangerous and leads to disaster. Only when it is absolutely necessary is the risk worth the danger. In all other situations it is wise to be prudent. This is linked to hex 1, The Creative, in which we are reminded that only God is all powerful. We must accept that we are not.

Nine in the fourth place refers to a different approach to danger. Here one has sufficient skill and energy to achieve the goal, and with the proper attitude, caution and circumspection, success is within reach. This is linked to hex 61, Inner Truth, which speaks of the power exerted by a right thinking man?s deeds and words.

Nine in the fifth place talks of the two sides of resoluteness. On the one hand resoluteness is a sign of strength and progress. On the other hand resoluteness can become obstinacy and unreasoned opinion. If we keep ourselves aware of the dangers involved, resoluteness can serve us well. But if we become attached to our path, as we would a possession, we can easily get stuck. This is linked to hex 38, Opposition, which talks of the way to deal with differing opinions. If we become entrenched in our own opinions, then differences become obstacles. If on the other hand we seek to find the common ground in differing opinions, instead of opposition we find consensus.
Nine at the top speaks of the fruits of our conduct as the indicator of whether we have conducted ourselves properly. I heard a pediatrician say once, ?If you do not like your kids, look in the mirror.? In a way this is harsh, yet it is true nevertheless. In the big picture, we can look at the wake of our path, what is left behind to see whether it has been effective. We do not have to be harsh. We all have detours and mistakes. But if we want to check out our attitude, simply look at other?s response to it. This is linked to hex 58, The Joyful Lake, which talks of the need for truth and justice to dwell in the heart and gentleness to be the outward reach. The question is whether our actions bring joy to those around us. If we do, then our conduct has been good.


May 3, 1971
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I tried to respond to this a few minutes ago, and as I did, some pop up ad came up, and in trying to get rid of it, ended up destroying my whole response. Will try a shortened version.

In terms of hexagram 9 and the higher self, the hexagram can show that the time is not quite right yet for the higher self to manifest the desires that we inwardly have. According to the Polynesian system of the Kahunas, it is necessary to send up manna, or chi, to the higher self. In receiving manna, or chi, the higher self can create the circumstances desired. however, it cannot do this until the circumstances are right. In terms of quantum physics, there are certain strings of time in which the new circumstances can come about. When it comes time for the new circumstances, "the rain comes and there is rest."
Line four can be a useful restraint, that holds us back until the proper time is achieved. When line 5 changes, we arrive at hexagram 26, which tells us how to build up energy or chi, or manna, until it is strong enough to break all restraints. When line 6 changes, the energy has built up finally enough to breakthrough, and the "rain comes." When this line changes, we have hexagram 5, the hexagram of nourishment, in which the sixth line says, "honor them, and there will be good fortune." When the rain comes, the growth of springtime becomes apparent, and all things prosper and flourish. (the sunshine necessary for growth is inherent in the nuclear trigram li.)


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