...life can be translucent


Hex 33-40 What is Daddy saying?


Feb 19, 1971
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Hello Fellow Seekers,

My father has been dead a long time (1982) but I still dream of him during momentous times in my life (lately it has only been connected to events on my spiritual path where I benefit others). Had he been here I think he would have approved of my boyfriend who's brilliant, spiritual and devoted despite the distance and time between us (although he is half my age!). I would have loved Daddy to have met my boyfriend.

Yesterday I asked Guruji what did it mean when they say that filial piety is the basis of a 100 good deeds and I dreamed of him last night.

In my dream my boyfriend was writing a letter to my father saying that he wanted to meet him and my father was telling me that my boyfriend is indeed a very beautiful man. I woke up feeling very glad that he has given me his approval.

But when I cast for the meaning of the dream, I got hex 33 lines 2,3 and 6 changing to 40. Doesn't that mean don't advance but stay where you are instead of going abroad to join him? (And continue with my association with the Temple?)

Puzzled, for the dream seemed to say otherwise, I asked what my father wanted to tell me through the dream and got hex 39 lines 3,4, 6 changing to 12. Once again this is about going and coming but who's coming and going? My boyfriend or me? I know he's coming back in a couple of months after his degree. Please help me solve this puzzle.

Best for your Quest

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May I ask, what was Guruji's answer?

I've read and thought but can not come up with an answer which is not inside yourself. This would include the symbolism of your father and your young man. Your father being an inner image of your Great Man, and your young man being an image of youth and its inexperience. The elder approves of the young man, approves of your spirit of adventure.

I'm not suggesting the man in your dream wasn't actually your father (how could I say such a thing?), but that his appearance has greater inner significance or symbolism as it relates to the upcoming journey.

All I get from your reading is, to be delivered from the fears that are pressing you, to rise above them in a retreat fashion. In this way the inner resistance, obstruction and standstill are overcome.
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May 10, 1971
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But when I cast for the meaning of the dream, I got hex 33 lines 2,3 and 6 changing to 40. Doesn't that mean don't advance but stay where you are instead of going abroad to join him? (And continue with my association with the Temple?)

There is protection in retreat, you may not immediately grasp the meaning of things. The lines of hexagram 33 merely represent the stages of retreat-the first line, closest to the danger, has the most difficulty in initiating the retreat.
If you retreat in a timely manner you will be delivered. That's pretty easy to understand.

Darn! Here we were hoping from a dream that could be easily understood. Darn, again!

This is what I do-the ancient method was to alternately ask the question in a positive and negative manner:
Q. I propose to join my boyfriend abroad and start a new life.
Q. I propose NOT to joing my boyfriend abroad and start a new life. See what happens.

Darn again!



May 10, 1971
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I asked what my father wanted to tell me through the dream and got hex 39 lines 3,4, 6 changing to 12.

I think it would be better to ask the meaning of the dream without reference to your father. Just an observation but this muddles things up.

Hexagram 39 is rather easy in that means 'this path is obstructed; take another path that is not obstructed. By changing directions you respond correctly to the situation. I point only to the 5th line, you absolutely must respond to this with positive energy and the Universe will respond in kind. A diffult time, success is still possible.


May 10, 1971
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Honestly, Anita after writing here I kept thinking of you in a gompa making offerings to the Laughing Buddha and then I see you have written about this Buddha on another part of the list! amazing! I don't know where you temple is but there is beautiful gompa to Laughing Buddha in Berkley, all white and wonderful.

You know it might work to figure out which Buddha can help you the most and meditate and so forth with this Buddha-maybe Tara.


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Feb 19, 1971
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Hi Candid,

Thanks for your help. What Guruji said to my going abroad? She said if I went there without my divine mission in mind I would fail. And without a temple where I go, carrying out that mission becomes very difficult -- a challenge. It is to make the ceremony available to people wherever I am and if I can, help establish a temple there. Of course not as a guru myself! I don't think I'll ever be one, although I know I will always be an ardent devotee.

It is this challenge that makes me get all anxious about going forward or staying back. She says I'm more suited to practice than to marriage... but I want to blend the two. Love calls and to me even after more than a year of separation, there seems like no other love is possible but he.

You are right, I must overcome my fears and just go ahead.

Tara, by the way, graces our altar too. She is the sister and helper of Maitreya and has been so in all his incarnations. A very compassionate goddess.

I shall definitely try asking the way you suggested Sun.

Best for your Quest

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Feb 19, 1971
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By the way, I know Sun,what I will get if I say I propose not to join my boyfriend abroad -- this is the best way, the shortest way to enlightenment and I know the closer I am to the Temple, the better it is for me and the better I can serve it. But call it human frailty -- love! If I were a Bodhisattva I would not even think twice about allowings things like love to distract me! Well, maybe it'll take me a bit longer this way, but I know I'll get there because of my utter devotion to the Path.



May 10, 1971
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Dear Anita: Not so fast,not being a Buddha you may not know the will of heaven - perhaps something is there for you abroad. Even if no temple is around you can still find many gompas today in Germany and England in particular. Your spiritual family may not have to be on the Zen path. In the past, many adepts left one teacher to study with another, in a different lineage and tradition. I wonder, I wonder...sometimes the Yi tells me I try too hard, set standards that are too high..this could be true as well. Come one now, ask the questions...


Feb 19, 1971
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Hi Sun,

I asked like you suggested (and with the yarrow):

I said I will join my boyfriend abroad and start a new life:

Hex. 10 with lines 1 and 4 moving to 59!

Just missed getting bitten by the tiger because of correct conduct. Good fortune in the end.

And its change to 59 is very goosebumpy - the King goes to the temple!

And I next said that I will not join my boyfriend abroad and drew 17 with lines 3 and 4 changing to 63. Of course I'll lose the boy when I stick with the responsible man - but I can can attain glory and brightness 17.4. And there will be success for me at least spiritually - 63.

Is that correct? Any insights here Sun?

Because it mentioned the Temple - 59, I asked what are my chances of helping establish the Temple abroad - and received 16 line 4 changing to hex. 2. Da Lui says that 16 is particularly good for spiritual/religious undertakings. The line says - the source of happiness. One receives great gain without hesiation - I think this speaks of getting help from friends in my undertaking. 2 of course i ssurrender to the Path as I see it.

Dear Sun, I am very sure about my spiritual path toady. I'm almost 47 and have triedmany different ways and now have finally found the True Way.

Let me know what you think of the answers I received.

Best for your Quest


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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I hope you don't mind me throwing my two cents into the mix. I find that 16 is very much about things spiritual as well.

And line 4 sounds like you will do well to set up a temple abroad. People will join you. "Just as a clasp draws the hair together and holds it, so he draws men together by the support he gives them."

And 2 is the earth receptive to heaven....

Tah dah!

It certainly all sounds very encouraging to me. It sounds more than encouraging actually. Since line 4 augurs success. And it really doesn't require reading the lines to see why. The enthusiasm and love you expressed for your spiritual path to Sun is all you need to be successful in your quest. Great!




May 10, 1971
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Hex. 10 with lines 1 and 4 moving to 59! Join boyfriend and start a new life
17 with lines 3 and 4 changing to 63 does NOT join boyfriend abroad.
16 line 4 changing to hex. 2. On establishing a temple abroad

Dear Anita: I am thinking, thinking...hold on, I need some time for this one!


May 10, 1971
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10: 1, 2 = 59 I propose to join him
17: 3, 4 = 63 I propose NOT to join him'
16: 4 =2 Starting a Temple abroad

Dear Anita: Thanks for trusting me and asking the question in the negative and positive, and with yarrow yet!

Val is right on with Hexagram 16: 4 an excelent sign, I am a fan of Dai Lu as well. You will be a source of harmony and comfort and a fellowship is formed. Through their support one's goals are achieved easily.
17: 3, 4 = 63 I propose NOT to join him' This reading revolves around the sangha. There is conflict where a person is attempting to surpass the leader. Stay where you are, you are way to spiritually achieved to become involved in this. Hexagram 63 - your life goes on as before

10: 1, 2 = 59 I propose to join him - The Yi is being literal here. Hexagram 10 represents the government or administrative body that will allow for you to leave and enter another country. (You may want to read Karcher's explanation of the Hexagram under the thread "I need help re a job. He suggests an ancient dance or mating with a tiger. You are probably advanced enough to see if it has meaning for you.

Hexagram 59 - A boat (wood) over water passes over difficult waters. For the most part positive, it is suitable to go far away. The trigram of Kan indicates some challenges. Be upright and the universe will respond in kind. And yes, the temple idea is very much a part of this hexagram.

This reading shows me that you actually have not yet decided and it could go either way. Best, best of luck,



May 10, 1971
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Ok Anita, I have been thinking about this AM. I don't meet, never, an advanced Buddhist practitioner, also knowledgeable about the Yi. Besides divination you have the ability to make petitions directly to the Holy Beings through meditation and mantra.

For an a non-advanced, western and secular person this will seem to be quite strange. So I speak directly to you.

Do you see that the Yi has certain flatness when answering your questions? I find that we especially spiritually advanced person, the Yi is less likely to put forth moral ideals...In the discussion as you have so far presented it, the Yi has faithfully reflected probably what you already know... but, you see, you have the extra dimension of being able to focus your consciousness into the Invisible Realm. I wonder in this event and having this ability, should one try to change a romantic outcome that is perhaps as it now stands questionable? Many stories tell of petitions by people seeking to change the Will of Heaven. I wonder if in this event, your quest is worthy of such a petition (only you can decide).

Thank you, is always an honor to read for the truly achieved, and I remain,

Yours in Tao,


PS Of course one knows that there is great merit in bringing the Dharma to ones who hunger for it.


May 3, 1971
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I do not have an I Ching book with me right now, but I do want to say, as I have been reading your posts for a long time...Dear Anita. The conflict is within you. The I Ching will not help until you resolve the inner conflict. You need to find out why you have this conflict. Yes, you are torn between the Temple, and going abroad, but I am not so sure there is not a deeper and more subtle, more unrecognizable conflict within.

By the way, I know you Birthday is not yet, but it is soon, and since I am not always at a computer, happy birthday coming up.



Feb 19, 1971
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Dear Sun, Val and Gene,

I thank The Source for friends like you who help me understand/confirm my divinations.

Sun, are you saying that a mere relationship with my boyfriend is not a worthy goal to seek for smeone like me? Alas, I don't think I've reached that level yet when I can give up on such relationships!

However, my Temple friend yesterday told me that all the gurus have been highly impressed with the way I passed my divine exam recently. Took me three months to realise my faults and correct them, but I did it. She says I'm the first one to have been given that test in India and it is pretty common with sincere practitioners in Japan. She herself underwent it and to a tougher degree since she's a sanyasin.

I don't think I could ever be a sanyasin!

I think maybe the Divine has sent in my boyfriend as a stepping stone to introducing people abroad to the Way. I believe I'm only a tool for the divine. But I'm also crazy about my boyfriend.

Thank you sun for your kind words. I do have a way to go to that level of enlightenment which is every human being's birthright.

Anyway, the reading is promising, isn't it?

Val, thanks much for your reading. And please feel free to comment on any of my posts.

Gene, thanks buddy. Do you think my conflict is over being a sanyasin or getting married? I know I could never be a sanyasin. Or over the fact that he's half my age? That doesn't bother me coz I look half my age anyway!

It's really over whether my cultivation will suffer if I go abroad. And the Yi seems to say it won't. Which of course will take tremendous effort. And I'm willing. Funny how enduring my relationship with my boyfriend is despite the fact that we speak to each other just once a month.


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May 10, 1971
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Hello Anita: I was trying to say, a little mysteriously-since changing the Will of Heaven is advanced practice-that you might try to do so, especially petions on the Winter Solstice are heard. I did not want to give the impression that I thought this was an especially worthy idea but that it could be done-it was up to you. I can't stand in your spiritual shoes. Hence there is no judgment on may part at all.

In thinking further about this I have concluded that the Yi has not been forthcoming about this boy-girl thing. I think this goes back to your thinking in tandem-for example you couple a dream with your father and now in tandem, inquire about you divine mission AND your potential life patner.

If you would divide the dream and the divine mission together and the father and boyfriend also in tandem, it would be interesting. I for one would at least separate the divine mission and the boyfriend. yes?

As Ever,


Change your thinking; change your life. Or as Buddha S. says "we are what we think; with our thoughts we make the world."


Feb 19, 1971
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Dear Sun,

In fact I did separate my divine mission from my boyfriend when I asked - as you suggested- that I join him and start a new life abroad - and you know the answer - 10-59. My observation is that when I ask about him, it's always somehow tied to the temple or my practice in some way - as you can see that it is in the answer I got.
Perhaps this is because he is initiated too and loves and follows the path as best as he can.

In another thread I'd posted an answer I'd received for the same question - will I go abroad with him and had received 24. And the same hex again when asking about my mission abroad.

Thanks so much Sun. I get to learn new things every time you write to me. Winter solstice is September 26, right?

Best for your Quest



Feb 19, 1971
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Sun,by the way,

I didn't say in the other thread that I'd received 24 for going abroad with him too. But I did. Also, there is no way that I will go abroad if it were not to join him. So these two factors are always tied together.

Yesterday when I asked again,whether I'd move abroad, the yarrow gave me
Hex 39, line 1 to 63. LiSe says this is about leaving the past behind and going forward. My books say I must wait to move till the time is right. In fact, only when I meet him next will we discuss this in detail.

Best for your Quest



May 10, 1971
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Dear Anita: It sounds like you have the situation well in hand. Isn't that nice? I wish you the best. I don't see how you could go far wrong with another one who is sincere about the dharma...This pesky little 39 problem you will alter the course that you take to get there but after changing the course, or making some adjustments, the way is clear, open, and immediate! Nice adventure, people who want to learn from you and join their lives with yours-can there be any problem with this?

I will be on full retreat early in January to help the light return with my spiritual family. Of the three jewels, the sangha has always been considered the highest...

As ever,



Feb 19, 1971
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Dear Sun,

You are mysterious I know, but do you belong to a sangha? I know hardly anything about texts and scriptures, and so I can only guess. To me my spiritual family is really my true family that has cultivated with me through different lives and that's the temple for me. After all, the spiritual connection is thee one that transcends attachment and so is eternal. Thanks Sun and I wish you the best in bringing in the light.

Best for your Quest



Apr 26, 1970
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To whoever is looking at this thread after years of my.posting. I did go to him but everything fell apart due to his depression. My spiritual path today is still flourishing with the Maitreya Temple and I also became a Buddhist and took Bodhisattva vows from The Dalai Lama. I also practise Vajrayana. However since covid came in my focus has been the Laughing Buddha Temple where I am a sort of.lay priestess because it's just across the road from me.

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