...life can be translucent


Your Experiences With Unchanging Castings -- Hexagram 2


Jul 21, 2018
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I was in a complicated relationship. I developed deep affections but we couldn't take it to the next level because he is married. One day he found out from friends that I was not doing ok emotionally. Texted me to see me and have a proper discussion face to face. The day came, and he couldn't talk. Kept saying that it i was his fault for everything..So I asked what do you want? He answered " What ever you want, I will follow"

I know what I wanted would kill his relationship with his wife (i wanted to have an affair without expecting him to leave her) and instead I told him. let us be friends. I will be ok and asked him not to worry about me. "I will not come in between you and your wife. She will be your number one. I will always be here, as your dear friend."

So when i asked Yi what are his thoughts and feelings about me i drew Hex 2 unchanging. I drew the same Hex several times for same question. Once I drew a different hex 31 3.4.5 >2. So he is receptive all right. What ever I decide, he follows. It is all up to me.


Jul 28, 2018
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Recently I have received Hexagram 2 A LOT, unchanging or relating , always about serious relationships. Being receptive isn't my strong point. Lets wait and see what happens, though I'm not sure if I ever can follow such an advice.


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May 29, 2006
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Recently I have received Hexagram 2 A LOT, unchanging or relating , always about serious relationships. Being receptive isn't my strong point. Lets wait and see what happens, though I'm not sure if I ever can follow such an advice.

Well there's a lot more that 2 might be saying other than an instruction to 'be receptive'. It can be descriptive of conditions, that there is a fertile supporting environment which offers no resistance to your plans. 2 as earth, always supporting us, open to us to make of what we will.

I have seen this many times with 2uc. A relative asked about his forthcoming trip to India and got 2uc and on that journey he met nothing to hinder him, was free to travel where he wanted. A simple answer of the earth being open, possibilities being open.

I had it as a daily reading recently and I knew the day would be mine to do with as I wished with no interfering factors. So the day was the fertile earth, the ground onto which or into which I could 'grow' what I wished.

So don't get too fixed on the idea this is an instruction to be receptive, it is also a descriptor of conditions such as an open journey, an open day' to plant as one wishes. Within this you may be guided by your own impulses or desires and there is nothing to hinder those.

2uc can be very much like 'it is as it is plant what you will'. Not always, we don't want to get into formula but I think you could think of 2 in a much wider sense. Think of lying in the grass on a summer day. Heaven above you earth below you, that sense of being carried and of being free to get up and walk where you want to.


Nov 16, 2017
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Recently I got hex 2 when asking "How can I be a better mother?".
It helped me a lot to read this thread and the reaffirmation of the importance of generosity and to be of service.
To gain a Master: to look for references, the guidance from older mothers, or the divine inspiration.
My precious child is disabled and I, though usually know what to do to accomplish good things for him, tend to, once in a while, become confused and ask the I Ching for insight.
The Master telling me to keep checking with the Master herself... I thought it was a wise advice.


Hello everyone. This morning my cat didn’t appear for breakfast which was only slightly unusual. I went out into the street to see if he was about and asked yi if he was safe. 2 unchanging. I came back into the house and through the patio doors saw a fox in the back garden, sitting in the flowerbed scratching, looking at the house. Then it turned tail and disappeared through the hole in the fence where my cat goes through. It was strange because I’ve never seen a fox like that in the garden in broad daylight. I started to feel uneasy and remembered I’d had a missed call the night before from an unknown local number. I was putting pieces together in my mind, checked the number and found it was the local vets.

this all took place within 5-10 minutes. I was trying to call the vets and get dressed and run down the road to the vets all at the same time, and was halfway down the road when the vet finally came on the line and told me that my cat had been killed by a car.

I’m pretty much devastated. I suppose the 2 unchanging said that he was safe, in a way, gone to earth, received back to spirit, and at the local vets where people cared for him. They are keeping him for me while I figure out what to do next.

I just wanted to share that as it was such an immediate resolution to my question. I’m not sure where the fox fits in but all I can say is seeing the fox made me realise something was amiss, as if it had come to tell me something, give me a sign, or maybe even *was* my cat at some weird level. Reminded now of the book ‘gone to earth’ by Mary Webb... where the main character has a pet fox who is killed at the end by hunters, and the book ends with the cry ‘gone to earth!’

he was a wild spirit, ginger, like a fox.


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May 29, 2006
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Very sorry to hear of this, I can see why you'd feel the fox was connected.

2uc is often baffling and the usual stuff often just doesn't fit. I had it several times recently in relation to difficulties where I saw it as all 'absorbed' by the earth. Whatever is wrong with a little baby crying and thrashing and screaming on his mother's lap it all drains away and is absorbed into her lap as if it never were.

You asked if the cat was safe and the answer was pretty hard to interpret for sure, you could take it any number of ways. Being reabsorbed back into the mother, I mean the cast doesn't scream 'danger injury' or anything like that it's very settled and calm and accepting. And was the answer about the cat or advice to you ? And what of the fox ? I think the fox visited you to 'tell' you so how did the fox know ? Perhaps the spirit of the cat is all of the same stuff as the spirit of the fox, they share a field of being for a time at least. That field of being is 2.

I may have told this story before, even on this thread but anyway father in law at the time had lost his wife to cancer and shortly after he lost the 2 dogs also to age and illness, they were black labs. One day on his wife's birthday an unknown black lab came to the gate and left an apple there and went off. So the animal that came must surely have been sharing a field of being with his dogs or his wife, I don't know. If you see this story elsewhere details may be different having trouble recalling but that was the gist, the dog bought the apple on her birthday, the same kind of dog that he had lost.

For me cats used to herald people, they'd tell me about people coming. Now I'm on the 3rd floor that's not quite so much the case.

BTW I was listening to something on reincarnation the other day and someone asked if animals, well dogs and cats/pets reincarnated into people. The reply was animals progress in that direction through loving humans. There's a lot going on in animal connections, they come to share our field of being in not only the physical realm.
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Thanks Trojina for the lovely response. The funny thing is that this cat suddenly appeared 4 years ago after I lost my previous two cats in quick succession. I was so distraught I said I’d never have another cat but within weeks this handsome ginger fellow (he isn’t young, he’s about 12 now) had appeared at my door and has been with me ever since. I mentioned this story somewhere on this forum a while back and I think you said it was as if the ‘spirit of Cat’ came to me (or that’s what I took from your words!).

Thanks again for the comforting words - I am always trying to make sense of this strange world we inhabit.


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May 29, 2006
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Yes I remember that conversation and looked for it but I only found this one here and I didn't respond there so it must have been in the middle of another thread or something but I do remember I'm sure the arrival of the ginger fellow.

he was a wild spirit, ginger, like a fox.

I had a ginger tom cat and some time ago I'd been thinking of him and then woke up with what appeared to be a ginger cat hair in my bed. Really, it wasn't a human hair and I am not ginger and nor had any ginger being been in my bed. Presumably I'd carried it in from somewhere but it did seem rather magical given he'd been on my thoughts.

Ginger Toms are The Best. I have the idea all ginger cats are male, ah googled 80% are male.


I’ve got a bit more to add on this. after all this happened with my Ginger Tom, I remembered I’d had another 2 unchanging right back at the start of Trump’s term in office when I remember being so horrified that this election result had happened and thinking (seriously) the world would end. I asked yi then something like ‘what can we do, how can we stop this’ and got 2 uc- which threw me at the time, although I rationalised it as best I could! now I feel like the message is ‘it is what it is, accept it’ - and there is strength in that. I think even if the acceptance is simply in the moment, rather than extrapolating and catastrophising, then the situation improves by virtue of my attitude. In fact you could say that my attitude is the only problem.

Back to my Ginger, I kept thinking about the fox showing up in the garden immediately after consulting the yi and getting 2uc - it all took place in the same few minutes (and I’ve not seen a fox here since) and of course there is a fox in the yi, the little fox crossing the water. It then occurred to me that the little fox crossing the water was very like the cat crossing the road - and not quite making it. Of course, when I asked yi if Ginger was safe, I got 2uc - not 64.1.

when I try to put it all into words I can’t quite make it sound coherent, but somehow the fox was bound up meaningfully in it all. As you say Trojina, the fox came to ‘tell’ me - but in a way the message was also yi’s, ‘not quite across’.

3 weeks later and I can honestly say that recollecting the fox really has helped me accept and come to terms with it. Whenever I remember the fox it’s as if it’s reassuring me that all is well, and I suppose that feels like the essence of 2uc in this instance at least.
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Aug 17, 2020
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Received line 2uc when asking about the prospect of getting a job I was interviewing for. I was turned down for the job. Confusing since I've received line 1uc also when asking about the outcome for a job interview in which I did not get the job. I think that rules out that they are a 'yes/no' pair when unchanging but it could also be possible they both mean 'no' when unchanging, or it has to do with the nature of unchanging hexagrams. (Maybe 11/12 could be considered the only yes/no pair?)


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May 29, 2006
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Personally I wouldn't go the route of thinking of either of them being yes or no. They are so much more than that. Nor 11/12 either after all if you wanted only a yes or no you could toss a coin. There isn't a yes/no hexagram or hexagram pair. An answer might amount to yes or no but also which will depend on the context and so on.

I've seen 2 as advice for interview as to answer only what you asked, be led, stick to the course laid out for you. That isn't obviously what 2 will always mean as an answer, a lot also depends on how it strikes you at the time. I've also seen 2uc as 'you are free to roam the earth' for a traveller. You roam, wander, are guided. 2uc as an advice for interview I don't think one would want to break out in any spectacular way. It could also mean here that all possibilities were open, Yi doesn't 'know' yet...it could also mean that it is preferable for you stay on paths you know.

It all depends on how the answer strikes you.
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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I think even Hilary has allowed that 12 can act more-or-less as a straightforward "no" sometimes, but it's not good to think of it like that, any more than anything else. 24.6 is pretty no-ish, but I've never heard anyone suggest it's literally a synonym for "no" like people want to say about 12.

Good article to read about 12: https://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/answers/2020/03/26/the-need-for-hexagram-12/


Feb 29, 2008
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Hope you are all ok people.

Finally, i can put in my two cents into what i believe hexagram 2 from the great oracle is attempting to explain to my mere mortal mind. That's the thing, I no longer find this answer as complicated as I have for 20 years.

If i could put it simply, "go with the flow"
However, the problem is go, with what flow, to me I am be advised to relax and take in all the elements of change. This could mean some casual meeting, war, jail or a picnic, you should assess the situation and in some cases do as the Romans do whilst in Rome.

Countless times i have made cast's seeking answers only to have hexagram 2 as the resulting hexagram. Many times on the forum it has tried to be explained to me. Still, i could not grasp what i was being advised.

To me now, I understand the advice as being you are who you always were. For me, this is the ultimate correct path at least that's what my ego assumed or still currently assumes. I always thought hexagram 35 or 40 were where I should strive. On the contrary my dear Watson, there are constant changes so therefore, nothing is perfect. Also, nothing ever will be completely perfect and if it is it won't last forever.

If we take the mare as our personification, lets say your mare was waiting outside while you were drinking in a bar. She, then slowly walks home and you wake up at home not remembering much. In fact, you both dealt with a situation and went :with the flow" of the universe at that time. ( you may want to say thank you to your amazing horse and give her an apple for her fine work.) Where is in hexagram 1 you might be dealing with a frisky stallion?

Anyway, hexagram 2 to me is your true peaceful correct path taking all that you know in your stride and doing your best. Accordingly, I received these insights after having a terrible fever last Monday.

If anyone has experienced any penny drop moments regarding this amazing hexagram, I would be really interested to read them.




Hope you are all ok people.

Finally, i can put in my two cents into what i believe hexagram 2 from the great oracle is attempting to explain to my mere mortal mind. That's the thing, I no longer find this answer as complicated as I have for 20 years.

If i could put it simply, "go with the flow"
However, the problem is go, with what flow, to me I am be advised to relax and take in all the elements of change. This could mean some casual meeting, war, jail or a picnic, you should assess the situation and in some cases do as the Romans do whilst in Rome.

Countless times i have made cast's seeking answers only to have hexagram 2 as the resulting hexagram. Many times on the forum it has tried to be explained to me. Still, i could not grasp what i was being advised.

To me now, I understand the advice as being you are who you always were. For me, this is the ultimate correct path at least that's what my ego assumed or still currently assumes. I always thought hexagram 35 or 40 were where I should strive. On the contrary my dear Watson, there are constant changes so therefore, nothing is perfect. Also, nothing ever will be completely perfect and if it is it won't last forever.

If we take the mare as our personification, lets say your mare was waiting outside while you were drinking in a bar. She, then slowly walks home and you wake up at home not remembering much. In fact, you both dealt with a situation and went :with the flow" of the universe at that time. ( you may want to say thank you to your amazing horse and give her an apple for her fine work.) Where is in hexagram 1 you might be dealing with a frisky stallion?

Anyway, hexagram 2 to me is your true peaceful correct path taking all that you know in your stride and doing your best. Accordingly, I received these insights after having a terrible fever last Monday.

If anyone has experienced any penny drop moments regarding this amazing hexagram, I would be really interested to read them.

This is great, thanks Steve! Makes perfect sense and resonates with some half sensed intuitions about the symbolism of horses that are on my mind of late…


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May 29, 2006
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Here's a lovely 2uc answer Azul got on thanking Yi



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Aug 30, 2023
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I own a small business that relies on orders coming through during specific times and our website’s host provider went down today. I waited for two hours to chat with support, then finally asked ‘What will happen with this situation?”

2 uc

Then within 15 minutes, I was chatting with a young woman (she called herself ‘just a girl’ who was just helping out the support team on a Sunday and didn’t know when the site would come back up) and told her my terrible situation (I’m a single mom who’s relying on this for my livelihood, etc etc). She said ‘I feel ya, I really do’ then tried a thing and, voila, my website was back up. Just like that.

I thought this fit with the themes of ‘sit tight and wait’ and women centered support that I’ve read so far on this thread.


Feb 29, 2008
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I own a small business that relies on orders coming through during specific times and our website’s host provider went down today. I waited for two hours to chat with support, then finally asked ‘What will happen with this situation?”

2 uc

Then within 15 minutes, I was chatting with a young woman (she called herself ‘just a girl’ who was just helping out the support team on a Sunday and didn’t know when the site would come back up) and told her my terrible situation (I’m a single mom who’s relying on this for my livelihood, etc etc). She said ‘I feel ya, I really do’ then tried a thing and, voila, my website was back up. Just like that.

I thought this fit with the themes of ‘sit tight and wait’ and women centered support that I’ve read so far on this thread.
Yes in business I have found it to mean that you are on path even though you may not know it. I always get the feeling or image of riding a horse at night. The horse knows more than you.


Aug 16, 2021
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I have been really needing body work lately and asked the Yi about making a last minute appointment with the colleague of my my on-medical-leave massage therapist in this area when I went into the city for day business. I got 2 unchanging. It was mildly perplexing, but I interpreted it that I should "receive" the massage rather than using that time to try to be productive (besides the necessary intended day business).

I ended up going to the wrong business location first, an error which was rectified, but took the time I would have been in the massage. I then had made arrangements to meet someone near where my bus back home was. There was no way a massage back on the other side of town was going to happen, for my own personal energy expenditure, stress of so many movements, and the sheer "only so many hours in a day" factor.

And so, like I mare, I continue on until I can gracefully receive the gift of massage in an even more passive way, one that does not require me to move appointments around, stress out about timing, or walk to the other end of the city and back.
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May 29, 2006
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I generally like to leave additions to these thread as they stand, but I had a thought whilst reading your post connected to this

asked the Yi about making a last minute appointment

I ended up going to the wrong business location first,

I just wonder if Yi was being more immediately practical as in it is talking about directions and describes the situation of what actually happened to you perfectly

Creating success from the source, harvest in the constancy of a mare.
A noble one has a direction to go.
At first: confusion. Later: gains a lord.

Fruitful in the southwest, gaining partners.
In the northeast, losing partners.
Peaceful constancy brings good fortune.'

The mare needs direction for things to be achieved, there needs to be guidance if we want her to go somewhere. Perhaps you needed to check directions, look for guidance before setting off?

It's quite an interesting one because I have seen it quite the other way too in regard to journeying as I wrote above

I have seen this many times with 2uc. A relative asked about his forthcoming trip to India and got 2uc and on that journey he met nothing to hinder him, was free to travel where he wanted. A simple answer of the earth being open, possibilities being open.
If one is taking a trip for pleasure, without a particular agenda, a day out to see where the road takes you then roaming freely is good, nothing to interrupt it. If there is a goal however some guidance is needed one cannot just set off. You may well have well have checked the location etc anyway but something in the guidance/directions you received was off. So 2 could have been not only talking about the treatment but the logistics of not really having sufficient guidance in place to make it.

If the mare is set free she can go wherever she wants, good. But if there's a destination she needs a rider, a satnav or a plan.


Feb 29, 2008
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Yes in business I have found it to mean that you are on path even though you may not know it. I always get the feeling or image of riding a horse at night. The horse knows more than you.
I struggled with the feeling or the meaning of hexagram 2, perhaps that was the whole point. To be honest i struggled with all of them. I still have no idea what Hexagram 4 is trying to tell me. I mean the lines in Hexagram 4. The first hexagram i understood was 39 then 29 etc etc.
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I struggled with the feeling or the meaning of hexagram 2, perhaps that was the whole point. To be honest i struggled with all of them. I still have no idea what Hexagram 4 is trying to tell me. I mean the lines in Hexagram 4. The first hexagram i understood was 39 then 29 etc etc.
This made me laugh for some reason, the honesty of it

"To be honest I struggled with all of them"

I consider it normal not to understand at least 30% of one's answers. It's important to normalise the fact some of them just don't make sense otherwise it looks like all these other people knew what their answers meant and you didn't.

Anyway I always thought this was a striking image you conjured

I always get the feeling or image of riding a horse at night. The horse knows more than you.


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Nov 17, 2022
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I just received Hexagram 2 uc today for my fotd (fortune of the day) so I am spending this afternoon just studying this hexagram, as I really only have a couple of things I need to get done today. A lot of really interesting ideas here that I will try to mull over as best as my tiny mind can.

But this from millionsoftrees:

"I have been really needing body work lately..."

Hello, millionsoftrees, not sure where you are in the world, but do you know of a place where I can get, not just body work, but a full teardown and rebuild?

Sorry, couldn't resist :D

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