...life can be translucent

Happy Chinese New Year


Happy New Year!

May you be happy and prosperous!

2 responses to Happy Chinese New Year

  1. Dear Hilary, My husband has a couple of pet snakes (red corn and either a black rat or maybe king snake?) and went to a pet store to pick up some feeder mice. He came home with 5 baby rats (I think they’re wild caught, not typical lab rats). Having had ratters as pets, I was not happy but tried to ignore the situation as not my business. Then they started talking to me and I had to abandon neutrality status and adopt them. My husband wasn’t happy, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. So for the Year of the Brown Earth Rat, My living room now prominently features *!+brown earth rats+!* Hopefully, this is auspicious, as last year definitely was NOT (for my household, anyway). Also, I asked Yi , about the upcoming presidential election (live in U.S., in case you haven’t figured it out yet). Specific question was “Will the new president and others elected in 2008 be beneficial and healing to the Earth and all her children? I got (don’t know proper notation for this, yet) Hexagram 64 changing to Hexagram 19. I used S. Karcher’s layout with the mutual (63), change pattern (48), opposing (63) and steps of change (38,4,40). Looks like lots of work with a new direction (Right on!)

  2. Ah well, if the rats are talking to you, what can you do?

    (The rabbit on our lawn says, ‘Pass another carrot,’ and ‘You’re kidding, right?’ whenever I try to catch it.)

    Maybe if you share your reading at the I Ching Community, people will have intelligent things to say about it. I’m pretty much on the rabbit’s wavelength this evening…

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