...life can be translucent

A fresh start for the I Ching Community

The I Ching Community is closing today, and will re-open soon.

This is a new start.


The I Ching Community is a warm and open place for free, wide-ranging exploration of the I Ching. It’s a place to learn about and from this oracle, through experience, one reading at a time. We respect the desire to learn, and honour the potential for growth in not knowing.

I asked Yi what the highest potential of this community is. It replied with Hexagram 4, Not Knowing, changing at the fifth line to Hexagram 59, Dispersing.

Welcome to the Community of Not Knowing!

The rule

As befits such a place, there are not many rules.

A huge diversity of ideas is welcomed and encouraged here, and so is vigorous debate about them all. In all this, please respect other members as individuals, and don’t post personal abuse, flaming, belittling, ‘diagnoses’ of their character flaws, etc.

A suggestion

If something about the way you do readings is unfamiliar to most members (eg the method, the text), please edit your signature to include a link to an explanation. (You can always write this yourself in Exploring Divination.)

How you can help

Use the new ‘thanks’ button!

If you post a reading for comment, please return to post feedback on how things worked out.

If you see a post that seems to you to break the rule, you could…

  • report the post to me by clicking the little red triangle icon above it, and/or
  • respond to the person who posted it yourself

But please remember that discussing other members’ behaviour is off-topic for the main forums. Don’t post a retort on the same thread. If there’s something you want to say, start a thread in the “Moderation” forum and say it there; then return to the original thread and post nothing but a link to your “Moderation” thread.

How post reporting works (what to expect)

The report is emailed to me with the message from the ‘reporter’. No-one else sees that the report has been made (and I don’t tell anyone who made it).

I visit the thread, read it through and consider what to do next.

I almost certainly won’t delete the reported post outright (because this is a conversation between adults). I may move it to the “Moderation” sub-forum in Open Space, where anyone who’s interested can reply.

I may also contact the original poster with an explanation and/or warning. If someone persistently makes posts that break the rule, they’ll be suspended from the forum for a ‘cooling off’ period of a week or more, or until any apologies needed are made.

A note about deleting posts (because sometimes people ask me to delete their posts after the ‘editing’ period on them has expired)

You own the copyright in what you post here, and you grant Clarity a license to publish it here on the website. This means I have the final say on whether or not messages are deleted or moved once they’re posted here.


I think that’s all for now. (Comments? Questions?)

The forum should re-open today or tomorrow, if all the upgrades go smoothly.

21 responses to A fresh start for the I Ching Community

  1. I wish you the best of luck with the new start (!). Running a forum isn’t easy. I don’t post but I do read and enjoy. Thanks for having the site.
    Yours, T.H. Rudisill

  2. Don’t you just love a new day? 🙂
    namaste and thank you for all you do (and have time to do lol)


  3. Good luck on the upgrade. I am a moderator/editor on another website and I applaud your approach to moderation on this website. Thanks, Hilary.

  4. HAHAH.I just posted a long and thought out reply to someone I’d not met before. chose her’s of all the new requests…and after an hour or more of thinking through, and commenting on her hexagrams etc, I receive the “not open, new start” message! LOL.
    Well, talk about acceptance and humility! 😉

    In all seriousness however Hilary, I really wish you the best, and I think this eclipse, a time of cutting away the old for good and preparing for the new, bodes well for this time of retreat.and then renewal, :-).

  5. It was of the essence to stop, take a new breath and start again from a higher level of coherence and respect for the Yi Jing dignity.

    All the very best !!!

  6. Just to say that I really appreciate the site being here, and Hilary’s input in particular, having had some excellent readings done by her, for me privately.
    Also, just a comment about posts. Sometimes it is not so much the point people want to get across when they advise others about interpretations etc, but the way things are said that is most significant and valuable. I have very much valued people’s opinions, and sometimes it is important to be unambiguous in giving guidance to others; however, sometimes too, it is very important to think about any possible adverse impact of a particular way of communicating a point. In all areas of life, people as a rule, tend to respond better when things are said kindly.
    I-Ching is a fantastic resource. Thank you everyone for your contributions.

  7. I think …a concious ,positive and natural response.and I agree very much with Wisewoman,Gentle and Kind responses encourage our learning,where as ,being battered like a straw dog,is familliar ,but unneccessary.
    Good luck and thank you for all your work Hilary,in creating such a lovely place to be.

  8. Thank you for all the good wishes. Much needed just now, as WikiWing produced a fatal error message in mid-upgrade, so now all I can do is wait and hope the nice tech support people rescue me.

    (Sorry about your post, Prosperpine!)

  9. I can hardly convey how much I agree with the Vision: the Community of Not Knowing, that’s where I really do belong!
    If it sounds like a pun it’s so much better, but it’s true, I not only think it, I also feel it.
    Good luck with the upgrade!

  10. Hilary ~

    Thank you for the wonderful forum. There was a big eclipse of the sun last night (depending on where you live in the Universe) and I don’t think it’s any accident that you start anew at this time.

    We are all going through changes, including every blade of grass and it is good to have a community. Thank you.

    In Lak’ech
    I Am Another Yourself

    13 Moons of Peace to ALL

  11. Lynne – I’m thinking of you and your father, wishing you both good things. Take care of yourself especially, won’t you?

    The nice tech support people have almost completely rescued me – there’s just a tweak or two left to do, but if I attempt them this late at night nothing good will come of it. I’ll re-open the forums tomorrow morning.

    Thank you for so much encouragement!

  12. Best of luck and know that I do appreciate the information and comments even though I haven’t posted – as yet. Look foreward to the new site.

  13. I had a big turning point july 23.The coincidence of the eclipse was a catalyst for me maybe because I was reading Marshalls ‘Mandate’.The two partial lunar eclipses 15 days before & after seem to highlight the turning point – defining moment, aspect.
    Been reading your work for years as a nonmember.Best wishes for the new start & the new year.

  14. Just a bit of fine tuning of previous.
    The two lunar eclipes are not partial but penumbral which i gather means a darkening of the light rather than blocking. As eclipses go, theyre quite minor. What makes them interesting is their positioning ornamenting the solar eclipse.
    Theyre also interesting as planetary conjunctions or alignments.

    Eclipses are a bit worrying as an omen. Like a double edged sword they have a bright & dark side.The black sun looks dire but i like the diamond ring effect just after totality.

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