...life can be translucent

The words and the magic

The words and the magic

The Yi is an oracle; it speaks. (The word ‘oracle’ has its roots in the Latin orare, to speak, and oraculum, the name of the priest/ess who gave voice to the god.) Other oracles people use now, like tarot, have interpreters to speak their meanings, but Yi is unique: it has its own words and… Continue Reading

An outsider seeking nourishment

An outsider seeking nourishment

Here’s the 30th episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast – a short one, this time, with a reading of my own. I asked for an auspice or advice for joining a new orchestra, and received Hexagram 38, Opposing, changing at lines 2 and 4 to 27, Nourishment: changing to Here are some reflections… Continue Reading

35 as relating hexagram

35 as relating hexagram
This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Relating hexagrams

Make hay while the sun shines Hexagram 35 is one of the sunniest in the Yijing: ‘Advancing, Prince Kang used a gift of horses to breed a multitude.In the course of a day, he mated them three times.’ Look, it says, you are recognised, you have wonderful gifts, and now you can make the most… Continue Reading

A relationship without anxiety?

A relationship without anxiety?

Here’s a new episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast for you, with a listener’s reading about a relationship problem that a lot of people will be able to relate to. Danielle’s reading was Hexagram 41, Decreasing, changing to 42, Increasing: changing to Seven minutes or so into the episode, I pause to talk… Continue Reading

Yes/no questions

Yes/no questions

As you might know, I’m very keen on keeping things as simple as possible – not least the questions we ask the Yijing. But this can cause some bafflement when I advise against asking questions that are looking for a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ answer. What could be simpler than ‘yes’ or ‘no’? If you… Continue Reading

Changes of heart

Changes of heart

At the very end of Hexagram 16, Enthusiasm, in its final line, ‘results bring a change of heart’: ‘Enthusiasm in the dark.Results bring a change of heart,No mistake.’ And then at the very beginning of Hexagram 17, Following, its first line begins with an official’s change of heart: ‘An official has a change of heart.Constancy,… Continue Reading

First steps into a reading

First steps into a reading

A couple of things I’ve noticed at the I Ching Community… There’s a natural tendency to jump straight to the moving lines. We know those are the most direct answer to the question, and that their meaning takes precedence over the hexagram as a whole. For instance, if you receive Hexagram 54 (‘to set out… Continue Reading

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