...life can be translucent




Hi all,

I need to understand Line 7.3. Any experience with that line ?



Mar 22, 1971
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Hi Maria
As with all the lines 7.3 can mean loads of things. Here's what I think it might mean today.
Hex 7 can be about getting your act together in all sorts of ways and at all sorts of levels and line 7.3 can be about carrying something with you that is a dead weight and perhaps holding you back from feeling what it is you really need to be feeling.

Be Well


allow me to do this first :brickwall: :duh: :brickwall:

Thanks Mike !! i couldn't make that conection. Actually the pitfall and the image of this line was pretty awful, and I could only thing of bad things, but what you say here is the what i was hoping .

so the message of the line could be get rid of what obstructs the movement ?


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May 29, 2006
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allow me to do this first :brickwall: :duh: :brickwall:

Thanks Mike !! i couldn't make that conection. Actually the pitfall and the image of this line was pretty awful, and I could only thing of bad things, but what you say here is the what i was hoping .

so the message of the line could be get rid of what obstructs the movement ?

I think with 7.3 its often old stuff you yourself carry thats not so easy just to lay down at will. I have the sense with 7.3 that its not exactly wrong to carry the corpse...we all carry dead things for a while, even old aspects of self. Kids often hold onto childish ploys or toys past the stage they really have need for them. I mean they may carry their teddy bear some time past the where they get real comfort or pleasure from it but its a habit that fades slowly.

Why would anyone carry a corpse ? I read somewhere the corpse was carried to battle as a kind of talisman...the dead persons power staying with the army....but i may have got that completely wrong....but anyway why do we ever go on carrying dead things ? I think usually becasue we think we need them for a little while longer. For some reason i feel theres heavy emotional feel to the line...and i am sure someone somewhere entitled hex 7 'grief'.

So I tend to feel with 7.3 its not a case of brutally getting rid of things but a case of letting something go thats died...when the time is right. I feel with 7.3 its not great to be carrying the corpse but the misfortune in the line is the loss we still carry but we can't rush it...we will inevitably lay it down at some point though

When we are bereaved we would not want to let go of all our loved ones possessions straight away..we let them go in our own time

What obstructs the movement might be an emotional attachment...we can't just hack them off, they fall off, in their own time

However on a more practical note I also think it can often refer to incompetence of others in your life....dead weight, but even here I find you are stuck with the dead weight for its allotted time.

I guess i don't feel 7.3 always tells you to directly get rid' of stuff, its more of an acknowlegement that there is dead stuff being carried...being aware of whats truly dead will help you put it down.

simon ian

Jul 19, 2010
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I too had this a couple of days back.

I took it to mean accumulated baggage, literally carry dead experiences and events.

Legge goes further. In his translation, I think there is mention of corpses being carried actually IN the baggage train! Two intertwining metaphors.


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May 30, 2006
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That's just from the friendly, practice fire. You're just not ready for battle.


Oct 20, 2009
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I've usually taken it to indicate a negative misconception. In a situation requiring a degree of self-discipline and firm resolve I have lapsed into a defeatist view. Wilhelm points to true leadership having been usurped by wrong elements; on an internal level this runs with the undue influence of negative thoughts - corpses.

The zhi gua points to the need to maintain focus on the eventual goal, the fan yao is even more specific - the difficulty I am anticipating will prove to be "an empty city", there is no reason to hesitate. The inverted line-text, qian yao, is urging me to manifest my belief/determination externally, in actual events.
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thank you all for your input.I appreciate it a lot !!!:)
I need to let it sink for a while .



Maria, Brad tells more of the the story in his commentary on the line.

If I may attempt to interpret his interpretation. 7, at least in Brad's estimation, is not a standing army, such as we're accustomed to today. It is a militia, made up of farmers, mill workers, working men and their sons. I think Brad is saying that this community has not prepared well for a call to arms, and there's probably some useless bodies taking up needed space within the ranks. Or there is poor planning and coordination. For now, they're either just sleeping or playing wounded. Obviously, in a real battle, this would bode misfortune. This gang needs to toughen up and train, and they need to find and/or develop experienced leadership.


continuing elaboration..

this changes to, or is related to 46, with the Fan Yao being "advancing on an empty town".

This entire picture seems lazy and ill-prepared to accomplish an ascension effectively.


just came across this re an unrelated matter..

"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once." from the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare.


Ethical armies do not leave their dead on the battlefield to be collected as trophies by the enemy.

Tell that to the soldiers who fought at Normandy. First of all, they would, and have, if their lives and the success of the mission depends on it. Secondly, how would you apply this to 7.3?

simon ian

Jul 19, 2010
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isnt this quite biographical of the I Ching itself?
I must learn all this. Wasnt the I Ching bound up with a (successful) armed struggle to remove a pretty rotten dynasty? This is the army of the winners, the army of the grouping who fostered I Ching? That there were some who still had the older ways, still held on to some of the discredited stuff, even within this army?
Its endlessly fascinating.


Feb 7, 1970
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Tell that to the soldiers who fought at Normandy. First of all, they would, and have, if their lives and the success of the mission depends on it. Secondly, how would you apply this to 7.3?

They don't need to be told. Any one who has served in the military knows. No army abandons it dead. It is destructive of morale.


The Illiad is contemporary with the Yi, and one of the themes of the Illiad is the effort to recover the dead. I understand 7.3 as an army dealing with its responsibility to the dead.


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May 30, 2006
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I think it's important not to soften the word shi, "corpses" or fatalities with new age and feel-good interpretations. At least in the metaphor, someone's gonna die here if they don't pull their act together. And with this kind of incompetence they will be accidently killing each other. I'm not sure if the problem is in the ranks, either. Maybe the wrong people are being promoted fro the wrong reasons.


They don't need to be told. Any one who has served in the military knows. No army abandons it dead. It is destructive of morale.


The Illiad is contemporary with the Yi, and one of the themes of the Illiad is the effort to recover the dead. I understand 7.3 as an army dealing with its responsibility to the dead.

To leave is not to abandon (you switched words on me there, Tom). You do what you have to do to survive. That's what I was taught in the military. You deal with the dead later, unless you're Forest Gump. Yeah, I know, the Special Forces' motto, leave no man behind, but that comes after surviving the battle. Let the young and inexperienced carry the corpses later, after the battle. Let the experienced lead the army.


Bradford, at your 7.3 comments you say " the highter grades of advacement are open now, but this means someone to blame"

I have some difficulties to understand it. Can you explain it ?

edit: perhaps you mean someone has to assume responsibility for the army ?
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May 30, 2006
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Bradford, at your 7.3 comments you say " the highter grades of advacement are open now, but this means someone to blame"

I have some difficulties to understand it. Can you explain it ? ?

Whoever steps up is going to be held accountable. Advancement here is not about prestige, but responsibility. There will be blame if things go badly. My references to grades or steps are Zhi Gua references to Sheng, 46.


Oct 20, 2009
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This reading came up literally just five minutes ago, anyone care to put their angle on it?

Will I face a difficult situation if X and Y resume their relationship?
Answer: 7,3 > 46


Mar 22, 1971
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Whoever steps up is going to be held accountable. Advancement here is not about prestige, but responsibility. There will be blame if things go badly. My references to grades or steps are Zhi Gua references to Sheng, 46.

At least in the metaphor, someone's gonna die here if they don't pull their act together. And with this kind of incompetence they will be accidently killing each other. I'm not sure if the problem is in the ranks, either. Maybe the wrong people are being promoted fro the wrong reasons.

Hi Brad

Your comments have intrigued me.
Line 3 works on the emotional level - top of the inner self type of area. So are you saying here that one way to look at this is taking responsibility for yourself emotionally. Even some deep seated psychological stuff - fears etc. Tackling some or one of your daemons as they seem to have got the upper hand for now and if you don't sort it out then there will more than likely be a casualty of war in our physical reality.

I'm reminded of a Paulo Coelho story about a warrior who falls into the deep and dark waters of the abyss and shrouded by darkness calls out to his Master. The Master says something like you don't drown by plunging into the waters it's only when you stay under that you drown. Having this advice the warrior then applies all his strength to escape.

Or is this a different tree I'm climbing here.......



Whoever steps up is going to be held accountable. Advancement here is not about prestige, but responsibility. There will be blame if things go badly. My references to grades or steps are Zhi Gua references to Sheng, 46.

Advancing upon an unfortified town. Wow, all the way from doing nothing to murdering the entire village is possible. Yes, a large responsibility.


This reading came up literally just five minutes ago, anyone care to put their angle on it?

Will I face a difficult situation if X and Y resume their relationship?
Answer: 7,3 > 46


join the club ;)

( we can discuss your reading too here, if you like )


Oct 20, 2009
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Peter2610 said:
This reading came up literally just five minutes ago, anyone care to put their angle on it?

Will I face a difficult situation if X and Y resume their relationship?
Answer: 7,3 > 46

Thanks Maremaria, I didn't wish to disrupt anything - but I thought it would be instructive if anyone might place an interpretation on this reading. If you'll allow it on your thread I'd be most obliged. Please feel free to discuss it - many thanks, Peter


My intetion was to comment at each input I have been offered here. Everything you said made sense but somehow something was missing to get things together.

when happens that I usually see the lines position. Line 3 here is in a wrong place, so something is wrong.

then i check the body part each line reprsents and I was surprised from the accuracy of the line given.

My query has to do with an old injury in line 3... err, i meant at my hip ;)
that injury obsure the movement and if i don't take care of it perhaps it becomes worst or at best painful.

I didn't want at the beggining to share that, (hope you can understand why,) but then what I found at line's 3 position found made me think I should share it with you. It the least i can do to say thank you for your help :)

so, my question was "what do i need to know about the surgery". and Yi said 7.3 >46

one senario it doesn't sounds good, with all those cropses and deaths etc, lol You know OMG !!!:eek:
but the positive one , taking into account hex 46 perhaps sounds promising.

Bradford said " you are not ready for that battle" and many of you talk about old baggages, efficiency , etc. Without go into details, you have made some good points. IAt the beggining i couls see only one angle but now , with your help I can see many things.

Its not clear yet what the answer IS, but there is a lot i have to think and rethink about.

oo, almost forgot, at Bradford's line position , under the title " situations and suggested approacheds, he states for line 3 " A time of complexity, details and many responibilities. Little mastery of the enviroment yet. Getting a grip or finding a right quantium of boldness"

thank you all



Thanks Maremaria, I didn't wish to disrupt anything - but I thought it would be instructive if anyone might place an interpretation on this reading. If you'll allow it on your thread I'd be most obliged. Please feel free to discuss it - many thanks, Peter

I know that why I told you. I really don't mind, on the contary. I think it would be interesting to see the same line under two different situation.

I'll write my thoughts but first I need a break from that line.;) It concerns me for almost a week or more . will be back :)


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May 30, 2006
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Advancing upon an unfortified town. Wow, all the way from doing nothing to murdering the entire village is possible. Yes, a large responsibility.

The town in the Fan Yao is empty, vacant, abandoned, not unfortified. Where did you get "unfortified" for xu1? But it is there for the taking. The only obstacles are your own doubts.

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