...life can be translucent


Message from deceased for son Hex 58


Jan 26, 2007
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This is a little different but then again, maybe it is very common. I don't know?

I had a dream and it was one of those dreams that you aren't sure if you are asleep or not and my ex husband was in in and he told me that he was ok and that he had a message for our son. The message was hex 58 no moving lines.

I take this as him telling son to find happiness and joy within and not to look to outside sources for happiness.

Any thoughts about this one?


Feb 7, 1970
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The Image

Lakes resting one on the other:
The image of the Joyous.
Thus the superior man joins with his friends
For discussion and practice.

It could be advice to your son to improve his social life.


Jun 15, 2010
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Generally speaking, it is delightfully good fortune to have 58 in a reading. If the lad is older and not young, advise him to speak with any females in his life very carefully or else he will cause distress and trouble with them.


Jun 3, 2006
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I see it as the father saying hello to his son.

The superior man (the father) joins with his friends (you and his son)
For discussion (greetings) and practice (practicing communicating this way?).



HEXAGRAM 58 in your situation the message is: Your son needs encouragement to built self confidence. Come out into the open and express your ideas and feelings with him. He needs the encouragement from you.


When my father died in late years, I dreamed he visited me. He was in his early 30's, and had a head of thick wavy black hair, which he used to have while living as a young man, and which he was positively ecstatic about in the dream. His joy bubbled over, delighting in his subtle spirit body. My dad was a serious guy, never talked much about his feelings, and carried a lot on his shoulders, but in this dream, he was completely free of all that. He was more like a child, overjoyed with his renewal.

I once channeled a recently deceased son, on behalf of his mother. The 30-something year old man died from a heart attack, no doubt related to his obesity. In this "dream", he was dancing in circles, making fun, and he wasn't heavy, though he still carried the vague appearance of a portly carriage: the cause of his joy which made him dance, as though showing off to his mother. His mother laughed and said that's some he would do. He seemed quite obviously effeminate. He was also annoyed at his mother for a couple of small things, which they could sort out now. Like a rose tattoo she had recently gotten (he was against her having any tattoo). Before he died he planted a small rose garden for her birthday. It, all together, created a deeper kind of joy.

Both occasions were expressions of 58. But, there was not only the joy, there was also the comparative melancholy. The sadness of departure, and an even stranger sadness that their joy was based on restoration of physical facilities: weight, agility, and hair? Sounds so petty, and yet where better to find joy than in the generation of a son or daughter?

To me, it seems pretty natural for a departed one to return in spirit in a dream or vision, exuberantly joyful, especially for the first year or so, and especially if there is a strong bond and connection to a kindred spirit, such as a son or grandchild.


Jun 3, 2006
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I have often heard of loved ones who have passed on appearing in their prime in dreams and to channelers, so Bruce's experience and interpretation is very interesting. I had an experience last year where my late Grandmother came to me in a dream and amazed me with her sophisticated dress including a fur collar. My sister later confirmed that Grandma had been quite the style setter and then produced the fur collar -two minks with the heads still attached, yikes!


Both occasions were expressions of 58. But, there was not only the joy, there was also the comparative melancholy. The sadness of departure, and an even stranger sadness that their joy was based on restoration of physical facilities: weight, agility, and hair? Sounds so petty, and yet where better to find joy than in the generation of a son or daughter?

Thanks, Rosada. I recall reading or hearing Joseph Campbell say, only half in jest, that it's a fact: we will all be 32 when we die.

I want to jump back to what I said, because I noticed quite a leap from a departed being joyful of their renewed 'spirit' or subtle body, and their connection to current decedents living in this organic plain.

I believe in a Bardo-like afterlife experience, only in place of facing traditional Tibetan wrathful and benevolent deities, we face our own, and those of the culture which is the fabric we're woven into. Therefore, the time of visitations is usually very limited, or else one makes a commitment to remain as guardian over a living/organic being, to see them through their life's passage when called upon for help. I know this help personally.

The hour before my father died, he was already conversing out loud with his mother, father, brother and sisters, whom, he said, were all gathered at his bedside. The hour before my grandfather died, while in an ambulance, from a heart attack, he said to my grandmother, "Look, Marie, angels!" He was a religious man, she was a skeptic, and she told him he was hallucinating. Yet, in spite of those differences, they both stood at my father's bedside, with their other children, to welcome him.

58 is a complex hexagram, often interpreted as meaning only joy. I think that's just half the meaning. In ddj terms: say joy and melancholy is born. One learns to live with both, and those wetlands of emotion can get boggy as well.


Jun 3, 2006
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This discussion has me looking at the sequence of the hexagrams and what they say about the end of life on earth and what happens to the soul then. Interesting that 58. seems to describe a joyous communication between friends then 59. says it furthers one to cross the great river.

55. Climax, completion, end of the episode.
56. Moving on...
57. And on and on.
58. Now calling back home, maybe even a final farewell..
59. And now really dispersing, leaving all earthly connections behind.
60. Judgement Day?
61. All that remains is the Inner Truth.
62. What would Preponderance of the small mean in the souls journey?


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