...life can be translucent

Hexagram 38 > 6


Oct 31, 2010
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Hi all,

I asked I Ching about my intention to offer a business offer to a guy who I know. I want to make partnership with this man because he knows more people then I know (in the field of my profession) and I was hoping to make a better progress in my business through this "would - be" collaboration.

But I was not sure about how favorable this would be for me, so I asked I Ching:
"Would it be favorable for me to offer a collaboration to this man?".

I Ching gave me Hexagram 38: Opposition (Wilhelm's translation).
I have John Blofeld's translation on serbian language, which has the title: "Allienated Opposites" (I translate from Serbian roughly)

So this suggests to me that I and he are two different poles, and the collaboration would not be brilliant.
OPPOSITION (Allienated - Blofeld). In small matters, good fortune.

Does this suggest that I can gain a little profit with or through him but not to expect more?

Line 1 and 5 are movable.

Line 1:
Remorse disappears.
If you lose your horse, do not run after it;
It will come back of its own accord.
When you see evil people,
Guard yourself against mistakes.

This is brilliant how the line explains my situation.
You see, I was alienated from the clients in my business (private business) and for a while was isolated (therefore I needed this kind of collaboration which I want to offer to the guy). But something in me tells me that all things would come in their own time I do not need to rush them; but some other part of me is frustrated for the slow progress and I have a conflict (hexagram 6) of interests inside.

If you lose your horse, do not run after it;
I haven't seen this guy for a long time and today I call him and propose to him a meeting in a few days. We are really opposites and that is why we always has a distance kind of relationship. But at the moment he seemed to me the only possible way for making out of this situation of mine (isolation).

When you see evil people,
Guard yourself against mistakes

This is exactly the position at which I am: I'm guarding myself from mistakes of offering my products (non-patented) to a people (in a small country as mine) where they can steal them.

Remorse disappears.
The companion bits his way through the wrappings.
If one goes to him,
How could it be a mistake?

Does this suggests to meet the guy and offer him my busineess partnership?
Wilhellm says: it is one's duty to go to meet him and to work with him.
Is it possible the first line to describe my past situation of meeting with bad and evil people, and line 5 suggests me to meet this guy and promise me good relationship?

What about the second hexagram, number 6 - Conflict?
CONFLICT. You are sincere
And are being obstructed.
A cautious halt halfway brings good fortune.
Going through to the end brings misfortune.
It furthers one to see the great man.
It does not further one to cross the great water.

Is this hexagram showing me an outcome and advise to stop, to pause and do nothing with this intention of mine?
I'm in confusion between this hexagram and line 5 from the previous one.

Any thoughts?

Last edited:


Mar 20, 2012
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I've been toying around with the idea that the "potential hexagram", in this case 6, is not a picture of the future, but an aspect which applies to the original hexagram. I mean, I've read in a lot of places that the I Ching is not "divinatory" but based around the present and how its changing, so I've been applying the second hexagram to the first in a way. blah blah blah, so basically, I'd see the situation as Opposition with Conflict, but according to the lines, one that can be remedied.

Both lines say "Remorse disappears", right off the bat, which is really good.

I think you're pretty spot-on with the interpretation, between

If you lose your horse, do not run after it;
It will come back of its own accord.
The companion bites his way through the wrappings.
If one goes to him,
How could it be a mistake?

It looks like you have to make the initiating move, which is inferred already through your question, and not to push the collaboration on him (the "do not run after it" part). Also, there's an idea of "he's going to have a lot of problems with your ideas, but in a way that can possibly help" through the whole Opposition with Conflict, and especially "the companion bites his way through the wrappings", which indicates a painful verbal interaction that'll clear the air.

Best of luck!


Oct 31, 2010
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Thanks for the answer mryou1.
I'm curious what others who hold the opinion that the second hexagram shows the outcome of the matter has to say. I'm to inclined to believe that the second hexagram is not the represent of the outcome per se, but I've seen many who think this to be so.

What is your opinion on the lines of the first hexagram, is the first movable earlier in time then the second movable?


Oct 20, 2011
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I am a novice, so please take what I say as the words of an inexperienced person.

LiSe says about the 5th changing line in Hex 38

Often it is scary to take the first step towards people. Most people don’t even conceive the idea, they see differences as obstacles instead of appreciating them. Once the contact has been made, the reward is usually great. But the greatest profit is having the guts to do it. These guts will shape your entire life differently, because everybody is always waiting for the one who initiates the contact.

However, the backdrop Hex is 6 which talks of contention. It may be the difference of opinion which is natural when two people who are different work together. However, the Hex also hints that such a difference is right and should not end. It may mean that the differing views which you both bring to the table can be productive if dealt with in the right way.

Do you trust this person ? If so, then the Yi might be suggesting that a collaboration wit this person could be fruitful.


Oct 31, 2010
Reaction score
I am a novice, so please take what I say as the words of an inexperienced person.

LiSe says about the 5th changing line in Hex 38

Often it is scary to take the first step towards people. Most people don’t even conceive the idea, they see differences as obstacles instead of appreciating them. Once the contact has been made, the reward is usually great. But the greatest profit is having the guts to do it. These guts will shape your entire life differently, because everybody is always waiting for the one who initiates the contact.

However, the backdrop Hex is 6 which talks of contention. It may be the difference of opinion which is natural when two people who are different work together. However, the Hex also hints that such a difference is right and should not end. It may mean that the differing views which you both bring to the table can be productive if dealt with in the right way.

Do you trust this person ? If so, then the Yi might be suggesting that a collaboration wit this person could be fruitful.

Hi Ragini,
Thank you for your reply!

Yes, I have a trust that this person would not harm me in any way. But, the problem is as you said, different of opinions. I think that we have different natures and maybe I feel somewhat that I would give more to the collaboration and we will split the benefit in two halves. But I should be aware of the fact that "partnership" requires this, it is somehow imposable for the two halves always to give the same amount of input. And if I need a partnership (and I need) than I should;d make compromises.

I'm glad that I have two answers which are in accordance with my feeling that I should offer the partnership to this man.

Thank you a lot! :)

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